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The concept of comprehensive national power (CNP) is proposed and developed by several Chinese scholars and academic institutions. Many material capabilities, for example, economic growth and military might, are incorporated into the concept to measure China's national power vis-h-vis other major powers, especially the U.S. This paper, however, contends that understanding China's CNP through material capabilities is only part of the story. Yet, China's political stability is by no means assured and fully incorporated into the concept. China has undoubtedly faced many threats and challenges to its political stability. Apart from the Two Ts' problem (Taiwan and Tibet), the conflict in Xinjiang not only threatens China's political stability since the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949, but also affects its CNP as a whole. This paper concludes that measuring the genuine CNP should be based on the factors from which a country would earn or benefit, and also on those of which it would have to pay a price. Needless to say, the conflict and political instability in Xinjiang are an example of the price which China has to pay.  相似文献   

In reflecting on the case of the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia), one of the most popular perspectives is its lack of a common identity. The main argument is that it is a culturally diverse region with old-fashioned, ethnically exclusive nationalism. From this point of view, the process of the formation of a European identity in the region acquires particular importance. A European identity could act as a catalyst for bringing the region together. This identity could be considered as based on much more than just political orientation but fundamentally grounded in common values. This comprehensive integration in the South Caucasus can be achieved through the formulation and acceptance of a common political identity based on the political orientations of the South Caucasian States and their citizens. The main question that this study tries to answer is how people in the South Caucasian countries identify themselves in terms of a European identity. A suitable analysis is increasingly important at both the micro and the macro levels. The author examines the people's attitudes in the three South Caucasian states toward Western culture, states, and organizations, drawing on opinion polls conducted by the Caucasus Research Resources Center (CRRC). The author seeks to analyze attitudes toward the West in the South Caucasus on a macro as well as on a micro level. The author seeks also to provide a much-needed analysis for decision making, based on empirical data that help understand public opinion toward the European Union (EU) in the countries of the South Caucasus, and that can contribute to the refinement of integration strategies.  相似文献   

The paper's objective is to analyze and outline the key challenges and perspectives in achieving a modern type of governance and a well functioning and transparent administrative system, capable to apply the best European practices and policies. The study summarizes the main results, achievements and shortcomings of the reform process and reveals that the progress has been slower and more limited than expected despite all efforts of the government. The conclusion made is that Bulgaria needs to not only substantially enhance its administrative and judicial capacity, but also drastically intensify its reforms to improve the management of EU funds and achieve concrete results in the fight against corruption. All this requires strong political will and determination.  相似文献   

Traditionally, security is understood as merely "national defense". During an on-going process of globalization, economic, political and cultural interdependence between individuals, nations and regions have changed the traditional ideas of national security to broader dimensions. The notion of incorporating economic security, environmental security and human security, with national security into a single whole, formulate the idea of comprehensive security (CS). This paper tries to explore the origin, components, and significance of comprehensive security. In case studies, the rise of China in the twenty-first century is not an assumption any more, but a reality already. In this research, the author focuses on China, a country which not only experiences comprehensive development, but also faces comprehensive security challenges in the age of globalization. The author discusses China's security challenge from a comprehensive perspective and argues that understanding them and finding the solution will not only benefit China itself, but also benefit other nations as a whole in the age of globalization.  相似文献   

The theoretical and empirical debate on the effects of corruption on economic development is unclear. Available cross-country evidence suggests that the impact of corruption on economic development may be either positive or negative. It is widely assumed that the struggle against corruption is essential for economic growth. However, corruption is clearly a multidimensional concept, encompassing a variety of discrete components. The author reviews the theory underlying these different causal mechanisms linking corruption to economic growth, and provides an introduction to some outstanding measurement issues. This paper takes a critical look at the effect of corruption on economic development in West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA). The major results of the investigation indicate that all UEMOA countries are corrupt according to the variables of the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI). UEMOA countries have a deficiency to control corruption, so they need to improve their system of control. As a result, the fight against corruption is still a necessary job for all of UEMOA people.  相似文献   

As a would-be normative power, the European Union (EU) has the willing to expand its values to the rest of the world, especially to the developing countries. However, China always adheres to sovereignty principle and cultural diversification, never accepting to be normalized by European values. This indicates that there is some ideological collision between these two global actors, which could undermine the base of their bilateral relations. The collision is reflected by the conflict of China's exceptionalism, modernity, and socialist-label with the EU's universalism, post-modernity and capitalist-label. In order to escape the ideological conflicts, both sides should concentrate on shared values, interests and global governance rather than only on the bilateral political issues.  相似文献   

What are the extent to which and the means by which Canada's Aboriginals are involved in consultation and more importantly, partnerships with other political actors to achieve indigenous-based change? This paper examines this question in the larger framework of new public management (NPM) theory. NPM postulates that consultation involving public sector engagement with citizens (community engagement/ participation) will improve the quality of decisions regarding the content and delivery of policies and programs. The degree to which the public is empowered to engage with the public sector can be measured along a public participation spectrum, developed by the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), which measures varying degrees of public participation resulting in different forms of consultations and/or partnerships (inform, consult, involve, collaborate and empower). This paper will examine the existing literature on public consultation and public participation which will help identify the level of Aboriginal involvement in the policy process. More specifically, this paper will examine the Government of Alberta's 2004 "Grades 10-12 Social Studies Consultation" and the Government of Canada's 2008 "Environment Canada's Aboriginal Consultations on Wastewater", each of which involved government initiatives to carry out consultation with various Aboriginal actors. Ultimately, this paper argues that the different levels of governments in Canada have only employed the first two stages of the public participation spectrum ("inform" and "consult") and therefore, have not empowered First Nations communities to become meaningful partners in the policy-making process and the democratic process at large.  相似文献   

The "reform order" is belief and generates a lot of regulations and laws. Among these are laws that guarantee the public in obtaining information. It is a sign that the society and the people of Indonesia have changed and entered a century of information society. The information freedom contained in openness also requires the support of public sphere. By Habermas's concept of the public sphere and its structural transformation in his early writings, it is noted how he takes up similar themes in his recent 1990s work within the context of a structural transformation of his own work in his linguistic turn. At the stake is delineating a concept of the public sphere which facilitates maximum public participation and debate over the key issues of the current conjuncture and which consequently promotes the cause of participatory democracy. From the studies conducted by reading the texts of mass media and primary literature sources that also direct observations, it is likely to find new public management model for bridging the transition after the political change in authoritarian Indonesia associated with public access to the freedom of public information transparent to strengthening citizenship.  相似文献   

Considering the financial crises, all the recent presidents have emphasized the importance of productivity improvement in government, especially in public personnel management. Though there is a general agreement on the concept of productivity, the means to achieve productivity vary with president's ideology. President Reagan championed the cause of conservatism. On one hand, despite Obama's attempt to diffuse ideological question, his actions can be regarded as liberal. This study seeks to make a comparison between Presidents Reagan and Obama on their efforts in productivity improvement in public personnel management, based on their ideological preferences. President Reagan campaigned on an anti-Washington agenda. He promoted the idea that the government is the problem rather than the solution. He popularized the idea that the people are burdened with heavy taxation as a result of the big government. Therefore, the solution to heavy taxation was to cut big government, which can be accomplished by reducing unnecessary and expensive regulations. On the other hand, when President Obama came to office, the country was faced not only with a deep recession, but two difficult wars, the collapse of the banking and the auto industries, the housing crisis, and overall capacity crisis in the government. Obama resisted ideological level in his campaign speeches to diffuse the criticisms of the conservatives.  相似文献   

The article analyses the political situation in the Near East in trial to find the formula of peace. It would guarantee a peaceful coexistence for Palestinians and Israelites. The conflict of Israel and Palestine lasts for already over 100 years and becomes a global conflict among Islam believers and Jewish-Christians. Trying to have peace Israel left the occupied Sinai Peninsula of Egypt and made considerable concessions for Palestinians as well: It agreed on Palestine self-governing rights or autonomy in 1994. The problem is that Arabs cannot accept the fact of Israel state in their psychology. Nobody can guarantee their national security when Jews retracted to the borders which existed till 1967, the Sixth Day War. What does the total retraction from Gaza Strip from where the rockets are constantly sent to the territory of Israel on the heads of civil people? Would the most real and secure way of all the solutions be a Federation of Palestinian Territories or Confederation with the Kingdom of Jordan (or with the state of Egypt)? The peace problem of Near East is global and even connected with the intentions of Iran to make an atomic bomb. International community should be more sensitive not only to the tired nation of Palestine but also the Kurds who try to establish their state in Kurdistan. People of Azerbaijan should be helped in uniting into one state in the frames of Azerbaijan. The author tried to prove the article by the facts and the regulations of international law as much as possible.  相似文献   

Since the reform and opening-up, especially in the new century, China's SMEs are rapidly springing up; they have become an important force of pushing China's national economic and social development. The rapid development of SMEs is playing an increasingly important role in stimulating the economy, increasing the state tax revenue, promoting the employment, pushing technological innovation and improving the people's lives. It is full of meaning for Chinese Government to provide a sound law and policy environment for SMEs, including mediating and regulating the behavior of domestic SMEs, promoting and protecting the prosperity of SMEs, if we want to pursue the economic prosperity. This article will analyze the status of the development of China's SMEs, and research on the related policies and laws.  相似文献   

The subject matter of the analysis in this paper is jus in bello and the very possibility of its existence. On the face of it, the concept that in the event of the outbreak of hostilities, the use of force against one's opponent should be somehow regulated and limited, which is stranger, and its origin is more difficult to explain, than the concept that human societies should live together in peace or that wars should only be begun on some ethical or legally acceptable grounds. It is likely that limits on the use of force, or at least pressures to keep it within a ritualized framework, are property of human beings that enabled our ancestors to live together as social animals. Something similar would have been applied for groups of such beings. Even though the tendency to regulate the use of force in war has existed in the earliest times, this is not a simple task and sets against this effort there are a number of factors that encourage the freest use of violent methods and weapons: The war is a serious business and the desire to win at all costs is very strong, the logic of war leads the combatants to employ all the forces that can be freed from elsewhere and make use of all available advantages and means, a combat is an emotional mater not only rational, etc. Against these forces, the factors that work in favor of the legal regulation of the use of force are: The existence of at least a basic common identity, a situation in which war does not have the characteristics of total war, ear of reprisals by the enemy, the principle of proportion of force used to the objectives, the existence of an approximately comparable moral code and warrior code of honor on both sides, and the need to legitimize war. The extent to which a given war will abide by legal regulation of the use of force depends on the result of the balance of the opposing factors listed above.  相似文献   

All the conceptualizations regarding to societies inevitably have been determined, or at least motivated by ideological processes, through the apparatus professionalized on the ideological reproduction of the social structure (Althusser). The core question of this paper is scrutinizing the particular ideological contexts under which the "social transformation" concept has grown. The critical conceptual archeology on social transformation will seaway to a discussion of two other related concepts: development and globalization. It is still ambiguous whether social transformation discussions will take the ex-position of the developmental approach, or instead be a critical alternative to the neo-liberal ideas in social sciences of the 21 st century. If the concept is taken literally, we can possibly never see a society which does not experience a "transformation" in "social" terms at all. Societies have always been transformed through social processes. However, as an independent concept it appeared in a particular contextual basis. This same multi-dimensional context was the driving force behind UNESCO's organization of the MOST (Management of Social Transformations) Program. This paper can be considered a theoretical framework focusing on social transformation as defined through the examination of its principal ideologies and the study of the concept's reproduction through international institutions.  相似文献   

Labor was a significant factor in Taiwanese politics. In history, some of the most important unions in Taiwan were built around a core of members resolutely loyal to a political ideology. However, with time many tenets of labor and political history have undergone a change. The alliances between trade unions broke the links with their respective political parties or groups. The centralized and traditional union structures fell short of workers' expectation amid the mounting pressures of political democratization in Taiwan, thereby giving way to "independent" union bodies. This paper examines the experiences of"independent" trade unions in Taiwan in a historical context and attempts to trace the conditions that are instrumental in the growth of such unions. The case of one "independent" union in Taiwan--the Chunghwa Telecom Workers' Union (CTWU) depicts the ways and means by which independent rank-and-file led unions have proven their collective strength time and again. The case analysis in the present paper suggests that the continuing economic liberalization in Taiwan may bring about the proliferation of "independent" unions with far greater collective voice and less monopoly effects than the current situation.  相似文献   

Since the economic reforms began in the end of the 1970s, family enterprises have emerged and thrived in the People's Republic of China, and have contributed significantly to China's phenomenal growth in the last few decades. Yet, little recognition, scholarly or otherwise, was given to family enterprises in China. The author argues that such a lack of recognition of family enterprises in China has to do with various negative perceptions of family firms and entrepreneurs. Among such perceptions is the view that family enterprises are "backward" and "unscientific", and as such they need to be modernized or they will disappear. This article calls for more rigorous and ethnographic research of family businesses in China, because such research will not only afford much needed attentions to the issues unique to family businesses, but also provide a comparative case to the study of Confucian capitalism, which is believed to be an alternative to western capitalism.  相似文献   

Job stress is a pervasive problem for workers and employers in today's economy and it is a timely and important topic for organizational setting. Negative job stress may adversely affect an employee's mental and physical health. The aim of the present research is to explain why job stress in the public administrations is a theme of increasing interest and why many studies have analyzed its functioning and diffusion. The variables influencing job stress are numerous and often analyzed from different perspectives. Despite the influence of a number of different factors, job stress can be studied by looking at several aspects as physical environment or/and psychosocial environment. This preliminary study investigated the role of one psychosocial source, level of perceived work conflict, on job stress. A case study was presented. A survey instrument was used to collect information from a Regional Public Administration of South Italy. Data from 1,127 respondents, representing a 91.63% of response rate, were analyzed. Statistical correlations and hierarchical regression showed that work conflict was a predictive aspect of job stress and has the highest contribution to explain the phenomena. The present research has a multidisciplinary value, by linking business science, psychology, and social science.  相似文献   

This article consolidates the efforts of the Information Systems Research Group for the construction of a reference model for the management of agreements celebrated based on the Brazilian federal government's voluntary funds transfers. It presents the Reference Model for covenants' processes, which is the product of the third phase of this research project. This model will be used as reference in the fourth phase of this project, when it will be applied to a sample of covenants. Experience gained in this step will allow the consolidation of the Reference Model. An important contribution of this work is to facilitate the understanding of proposals, so processes analyzed can be improved and redesigned. Processes information, from organization to details of each activity, can then be disseminated to all interested parties. Results here presented are not final. They will serve as input to the next stage of the project, which is the Assessment of the Reference Model by selected Stadual and municipal governments. Each entity will contribute with its own perspective to improving the idealized model.  相似文献   

The necessary adjustment to the political architecture in Europe is considered to happen with the Treaty of Lisbon. The treaty is an attempt to make adjustments to the decision-making process, ensuring democratic legitimacy, strengthening of the institutions, and enabling political action worldwide. With the Lisbon Treaty, a change has been made in the institutional structure of the European Union (EU). The Treaty of Lisbon brings together more than a half-century history of integration, which began with the decision for establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) on April 18, 1951. The view on the whole, more than 50 years of integration, shows that the European unification process all the time is not out of the spirit of all issues related to the details of common goals and values, but goes in the direction of one political vision of: peace and prosperity, freedom and mobility, knowledge of democracy, populism and tolerant coexistence. The Treaty of Lisbon is in the way to improve the capabilities for action of the democracy in Europe.  相似文献   

Good governance and legitimacy are becoming more and more important in South African society. Increasingly there are tendencies and trends of corruption, poor service delivery, crime, violence, and xenophobia in South Africa. The lack of accountability, responsiveness, and transparency reflects negatively on governance principles. It is becoming more evident that governance in South Africa must be investigated. Government is finding it difficult to tend to public participation, maintain law and order, provide for the basic needs of citizens, and combat unemployment and strikes. There is a direct link between governance and legitimacy because good governance is one of the essential elements and a prerequisite for legitimacy. Legitimacy depends on the government's performance and the support of citizens for the ruling party.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to represent the concrete situation of urban remains regarding existing level of recycle rate, with managerial and runner's skills in this operation, funds and projects that are educe to this part and what is the perspective for the future. The methodology is based on surveys, data from the environment office and other sources. The augmentation of recycle rate is considered as an important and difficult part with a cost that exceeds the main cost of public health, which we pay today or will pay in the future. The conclusion is that this situation in Elbasan city is going to be worse.  相似文献   

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