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Historical and legal evidence proves China’s indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea At the foreign ministers’ meeting of the ASEAN Regional Forum in Viet Nam on July 23, U.S.Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the UnitedState Hillary Clinton said the United States has a national interest in the South China Sea, hinting that Washington may interfere in the territorial disputes in the area. Her remarks caused a strong reaction from China.  相似文献   

<正>Hillary Clinton's road to the presidency will be a rocky one,to say the least As U.S.presidential campaigns prepare to kick into high gear over the coming19 months,a number of candidates are emerging into the spotlight Among those who have declared their bids for the White House,Hillary Clinton,the only female presidential candidate,has shaken up the voting pool.She has inhabited many  相似文献   

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visits Asia on her first overseas trip, showing Asia's growing importance in American foreign policy Traditionally, the U.S. secretary of state heads to Europe first, but on her first foreign trip Hillary Clinton flew across the Pacific to visit four Asian countries: Japan, Indonesia, South  相似文献   

Mission Unlikely     
There is hardly any possibility for Myanmar to obtain its own nuclear weapons in the near future Recently, as rumors of Myanmar's "nuclear plan" began to swirl in the Western media, even U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton voiced  相似文献   

The Race Goes On     
Drama in the U.S.presidential election drags on and will ultimately put China-U.S.relations to the test It is being dubbed as one of the most ef- fusive presidential primaries in a long time and one that will surely go clown in political chronicles.U.S.Democratic presidential nominees Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack H.Obama have gone toe-to-toe for four grueling months since the primaries began at the Iowa caucus on January 3,with no quarter asked or given. The most recent results of the Pennsylvania  相似文献   

"When they go low,we go high,"Michelle Obama,the former U.S.first lady,fa mously said while expressing her support to Hillary Clinton’s2016 presidential bid against current President Donald Trump.While the world is currently under the threat of the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19)pandemic and nearly all nations have rallied to help contain the virus,we are witnessing a historical low of the U.S.leadership.  相似文献   

正Business ties contribute to the development of a new type of Sino-U.S.great-power relationship By Patrick Mendis U.S.President Barack Obama’s vision for better relations with China is based on a time-tested commercial foundation.To enhance his Asia"pivot"strategy and the TransPacific Partnership(TPP)plan,then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton officially launched the"100,000 Strong"educational exchange initiative for American students to study in China.  相似文献   

正If Trump follows a pragmatic approach,the United States can build up a beneficial partnership with China By Shen Dingli Though Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was supported by most of the elite and predicted by most opinion polls to set an unprecedented record as the United States’first female president,she has lost her second,and probably last,presidential campaign.Instead,  相似文献   

China and U.S. Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo would meet with U.S.Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in south China’s Hainan Province,China’s Foreign Ministry said on October 27.  相似文献   

正It became commonplace during former U.S. President Donald Trump's tenure to hear the Communist Party of China(CPC) maligned in Cold War-style rhetoric, with the emphasis on "communist" and Marxist as the dirtiest of words, which were then stretched into alarmist fantasies alleging China's efforts to impose a communist vision globally.  相似文献   

I.The second round of China-U.S.Strategic and Economic Dialogue(SED)was held in Beijing from May 24 to 25,2010.Vice Chinese Premier Wang Qishan and State Councilor Dai Bingguo who are special representatives of Chinese President Hu Jintao and U.S.Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner who are special representatives of U.S.  相似文献   

Secretary Hillary Clinton, Secretary Timothy Geithner, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, Today,after two years,a new round of the China-U.S.Strategic and Economic Dialogues (S&ED) is opened here in Beijing.During the dialogues,our two sides will discuss ways to advance China-U.S.relations under the new circumstances.I wish to extend congratulations on the opening of the Fourth Found of the S&ED and welcome to our American friends coming from afar.  相似文献   

<正>U.S. firms see their persistence pay off as Shanghai begins to rebound from the pandemic Huntsman Polyurethanes,a U.S. manufacturer of chemical products,has been gradually ramping up its production capacity in Shanghai since early May as the city has largely contained the latest resurgence of COVID-19."As of May 16,our production has returned to nearly 90 percent of pre-pandemic levels,  相似文献   

正The ongoing global financial crisis, which has its origins in the U.S. subprime debt collapse of 2008, has plunged the whole world into a deep and continuing recession.However, in spite of the extreme economic damage the crisis has caused, it has also left something positive; it serves as a lesson to poli-  相似文献   

<正>U.S.President Trump’s adversarial media relations look set to continueU.S.presidents have vented their frustration at the media for just about as long as the nation has existed."Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper,"Thomas Jefferson,the third president and chief author of the U.S.Declaration of Independence,wrote in a letter to an editor in 1807.President  相似文献   

正The new U.S.ambassador has deep connections butlittle experience in managing Sino-U.S.relations On February 21,the day of former U.S.Senator Max Baucus’swearing in as the country’s new ambassador to China,U.S.President Barack Obama caused a ruckus by meeting with the Dalai Lama,a move that Beijing said caused damage to bilateral relations.Although most Chinese analysts on U.S.studies have a positive view of the senior U.S.politician,the complicated Sino-U.S.relationship may mean that the latest incarnation of his political life will not be an easy one.  相似文献   

正Cutting carbon emissions has emerged as a key area of Sino-U.S.cooperation There are many topics on which China and the United States differ,but the need to reduce carbon emissions has become a shining example of bilateral cooperation and the future of the relationship between the world’s two largest economies.U.S.President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping on November 12 announced their strongest  相似文献   

A Happy Return     
AFTER spending half of her life in the U.S., Liu Weiyun has returned to China and made her home in Beijing. She has, as she puts it, completed a circle of happiness.  相似文献   

<正>A look at China’s changing image as reflected in the annual U.S.presidential address U.S.President Barack Obama’s 2015 State of the Union Address set off a firestorm of controversy in the Chinese media after asserting that the United States,rather than China,should write the rules for the AsiaPacific—the world’s fastest-growing region.The annual policy address has a significant role in U.S.  相似文献   

Playing Defense     
With the U.S. financial system still reeling and recession looming on Europe's doorstep, the world is looking to China as a calm port in the storm. But China has its own set of woes as clouds gather over its economy as a result of the domino effect from the overseas economic downturn and lingering inflationary fears. On October 26, Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of the People's Bank of China, delivered a report on the country's current economic situation and the safeguards that the government has put in place to fend off economic risks. Excerpts follow.  相似文献   

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