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现代科学技术的发展使多媒体手段在教学中得以逐步推广 ,给教学带来一场深刻的革命。能否恰当地运用多媒体辅助教学已成为检验教师教育思想、教学手段教学方法是否现代化的一个重要标志。然而 ,多媒体教学在改变传统教学模式的同时 ,也引起了一些负面效用 ,在许多方面甚至走入了误区。一、多媒体教学的误区1.忽视教师主导作用 ,把多媒体教学看得过于神圣化课堂教学是教师传递信息和学生反馈信息的双边心理活动。课堂上教师不但要使学生“学会”知识 ,更重要的是要让学生“会学”知识 ,让学生从小具备自主获取知识的能力和方法。教师的研究与…  相似文献   

法律英语在我国高等院校,尤其是法学专业开设已有较长历史,但课堂仍沿袭传统的教学方法。为了促进法律英语课堂教学方法的革新,应将外语教学方法与法律教学方法相结合,"用法律学习外语"和"用外语学习法律"两个方面结合起来。具体而言,即是将英语教学的ESA模式与法学教学的多媒体教学方法、案例教学方法及模拟法庭教学方法相结合,以美国刑事诉讼法为例设计了一套完整的法律英语课堂教学方法。  相似文献   

诊所式法律教学是对传统讲授式法学教育的一种突破和创新。教学目标上彰显“三维”性,尤其是突出能力性;教学内容上突出实践性、体验性;教学方法上突出互动性、注重过程性;教学效果上突出丰富性、开放性。这种教学方法能激发学生的主体意识和增强学习的主动性;有助于培养学生的创造性和发掘法学新知的能力以及培养法科学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

蔡婷 《法制与社会》2012,(25):225-226
我国传统的电大法学专业教学存在着重理论、轻实践的问题,忽视学生的主动性和创造性.单一的教学方法已经无法适应开放教育教学的客观需要.而产生于美国的新型“诊所式”教学模式强调从实践中学习,培养学生解决实际问题的技巧和能力,在一定程度上可以弥补我国目前传统法学教育所存在的局限.如果在我国的开放教育中也能逐步的引入这种教学模式,那么意义将是非常重大的.  相似文献   

面对全球化和信息化的浪潮 ,利用多媒体开展法律教学是我国法学教育改革的必然选择。这要求我们对传统的教学理念、模式和方法进行一场深刻的革命。作者认为 :在教学理念上要实现五变 :变“以教师为中心”为“师生共同探索” ;变“以教材为中心”为“教材和课外读物并重” ;变“以课堂为中心”为“课堂与课外并重” ;变“以传授知识为中心”为“传授知识与培养能力并重” ;变“以学会为中心”为“以会学为中心”。教师要以问题教学模式为基础 ,灵活采用情趣教学法、案例教学法、讨论教学法、角色扮演法等多种方法 ,学生要主动地采用“五I学习法” ,从而实现教与学之间的互动 ,达到教学相长的目的。这种教学模式及其多种教学方法的采用对于教师和学生来说 ,都是一场革命。  相似文献   

黄健德 《法制与社会》2012,(10):211-212
针对高职土建类《建筑法规》课程教学现状,传统的教学方式已不能满足社会对实用型人才培养的需要,在明确教学培养目标的前提下,立足学生能力培养为抓手,着力从教学内容、教学方法、教学手段和成绩考核评定等方面进行全方位的教学改革,培养学生遵守建设法律法规意识,提高分析和解决实际法律问题的能力,实现“工学结合”的教学目标.  相似文献   

多媒体教学在本科民事诉讼法学课程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多媒体教学及其效果已成为国家评价教学质量的重要指标。具体到法学本科教学,我们应当注重多媒体教学的应用,为保证和提高法学本科课程教学效果与质量建立完善的教学方法体系。我们在总结多媒体在本科民事诉讼法学课程教学中应用的理论和实践经验的基础上,探究多媒体应用于本科民事诉讼法学课程教学的方式以及应当注意的问题。  相似文献   

张新海 《政法学刊》2002,19(4):20-22
多媒体教学以其特有的魅力给现代教育带来了革命性的变化,多媒体教学手段正不断被广大教师推广应用于现代教学之中。如何运用现代教育技术培养学生创新能力,已是新世纪高等教育的当务之急,正确处理教学实践中的各种关系,是对现代教育的基本要求。  相似文献   

诊所式法学教学作为一种全新的实践性教学,其意义不仅是对传统法学教学方法的改变,而且是对传统法学教育模式的根本变革。它较好地弥补了传统法学教育中能力训练和培养的不足,为实用型法律人才培养的又一有益途径。  相似文献   

多媒体教学被证明是目前高校教学中的一种有效教学模式。本文通过对传统法学教学的学科特点和缺陷以及对多媒体特点的分析,提出了关于多媒体教学模式如何更好的在法学教学应用的思考。  相似文献   

曹佩升  费伟 《政法学刊》2004,21(4):77-79
传统的公安英语教学培养出来的学生会考不会用,会认不会写,会写不会说,不能为日后的警务工作服务。根据教育部2004年对大学本科英语教学的改革原则“突出应用、综合训练”,公安院校英语口语教学应采取如下策略:开辟与公安有关的相关话题;创设语言交际的环境;培养学生的自我效能感;改革教学模式,充分发挥多媒体教学手段的优势;注意语言文化差异,消除表达障碍;适时纠错。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,单单采用传统讲授法已经不能完全适应知识产权法学教学的要求,时代要求我们在教学方法上要有所创新,有所突破。本文认为,应对知识产权法教学进行改革,从传统讲授法走向对话式教学法。因为,对话式教学法有利于激发学生的积极性主动性;有利于培养学生清晰准确的表达能力;有利于培养学生创新思考能力和批判性思考能力;有利于大学生更好地为未来职业进行准备。  相似文献   

The world of education is shifting outside of the four walls of the traditional classroom and into the virtual world of the internet. Some view this shift with trepidation whilst others embrace it with an almost religious zeal. Neither of these extreme reactions is necessary. Web-based learning is neither the natural enemy of the traditional teacher nor the panacea to all that ails the traditional approach. It is simply an extra tool which, when used in combination with traditional methods, can result in a powerful teaching and learning experience. This paper explores the benefits and pitfalls of introducing the internet into the Law School curriculum. The experiences of the Adelaide University in the introduction and implementation of the internet provide a context for this exploration via a consideration of some of the lessons learnt.  相似文献   

在目前的法学教育和研究中,法律史的状况有些令人担忧。在教学中,有些课程,如中国法制史的课时越来越缩减;而有些课程,如中国法律思想史则为“选修”。这种学科的分野和讲授时间的匆忙,不仅很难将具有五千年传承的中国传统法较为客观地展现给学生,而且误导研究,造成了人们对传统法的片面理解,进而造成社会对传统法文化的自信阙失。本文从中国法律思想史学科的发展、学科研究方法的反思和学科所具有的意义论证珍惜传统法的重要。因为珍惜是复兴的前提,一个国家和民族的法律发展无法离开传统的平台,所以传统法的改造成功之日,就是具有中国特色的法治形成发展之时。  相似文献   

David Rigg 《The Law teacher》2013,47(3):404-420
Employability related indicators and measurements are now a fact of life for UK law schools. Despite the omnipresent spectre of the employability agenda, there has been relatively little consideration given to the relationship between assessment and employability. The traditional teaching method used at law schools relies heavily on participatory small group teaching. This lends itself to developing oral communication skills. Surveys of employers show oral communication to be one of the most highly valued employability skills. Research, however, suggests that law students do not feel that oral communication skills are given enough emphasis on law programmes. Using the example of a new approach to assessment of the European Law module at the University of Bolton, which adopts an oral assessment alongside a traditional written exam, consideration is given to the benefits and practicalities of embedding employability in assessment. The extent to which this approach can be reconciled to liberal ideals is considered alongside pedagogical rationales for the assessment. In the final section, the article goes on to analyse student feedback on their perception of different assessment methods and employability. The article concludes by suggesting that, by focusing on pre-existing features of a liberal legal education, employability can be successfully embedded in assessment.  相似文献   

Legal education is gradually moving away from the teaching of national law towards a more European, transnational, or even “global” way of teaching. This paper seeks to explain why an international legal education is to be preferred to a national curriculum and what this means for how law is taught and how law schools are ideally organised. The arguments for an international legal education lie in the increasing plurality of legal sources, the desire to attract students from a larger pool, and the need not only to give students a specialised professional training but also to prepare them for global citizenship. It is claimed students should be exposed to alternative ways of achieving justice, thus creating a dialogue with otherness. This can be done by a focus on the arguments behind the choices made by the relevant authorities and not on the doctrinal intricacies of national legal systems. This type of international curriculum, in which competing conceptions of justice are at the centre of attention, requires a specific teaching method. Two methods seem best suited to allow students to construct their own understanding of legal problems: problem-based learning (PBL) and the Socratic method. In addition, teaching law in an international setting forces us to think through the sequence in which the various jurisdictions come to the fore, the assessment of students and the use of teaching materials and language of instruction. Also discussed are the challenges for the law school as a whole, such as the relationship between teaching and research, the recruitment of faculty and the decreasing relevance of the traditional departmental structure.  相似文献   

网络教学是近年来随着信息时代的来临,我国教育领域讨论的热门话题之一。本文主要讨论了基于 Internet的外语教学对传统教学的影响。结合教学实验,在建构主义教学理论的指导下有效地利用校园网将为促进外语教学整体水平的提高带来新的契机。  相似文献   

教学模式是教学理论的具体化,也是教学经验的系统概括。传统的刑事诉讼法学教学模式教学理念滞后,教学目标与教学方法存在冲突,教学方法落后,且侧重于考核知识的记忆,直接影响了我校创新型法学人才的培养。为了培养学生发现问题和解决问题的能力,培养学生敏锐的思辨能力,必须构建刑事诉讼法学参与性教学模式。  相似文献   

In the field of crime-related education, examination of the characteristics of teaching, research, and institutional differences has recently been a concern. This study examines full-time faculty (N=929) and their patterns of entry, including academic degree held, academic major, past academic and agency experience, and type of institution; and the extent to which differing methods of access are associated with attitudes toward research, scholarship, agency practice, academic collegiality, and orientation toward crime-related study. Dual paradigms seem to exist in crime-related education: one centering on teaching, field practice, and professionalism; the other on research, scholarship, and the more traditional values of academe.  相似文献   

试论《卫生法学》课程信息化教学改革的新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代信息技术的发展,对卫生法学研究和实践的信息化成为改革的必然趋势。在《卫生法学》课程教学工作中,只有拟定科学的教学目标,规范卫生法学信息化的教学内容,采用现代化的教学方法和更合理的考评方式,才能培养出适应新形势下献身国防卫生事业的信息化管理和实践型医学人才。  相似文献   

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