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The collection of gunshot residue on fabric can be an arduous task due to the microscopic size of particles (blind collection) and sheddability of some fabrics. The introduction of luminescent markers and consequent formation of luminescent gunshot residue (LGSR) can facilitate this analysis. In this study, different fabrics were analyzed in order to verify the persistence of the LGSR on them, the possibility of collecting and analyzing particles by video spectral comparator (VSC) and SEM/EDS. Also, different colored fabrics were used as targets in order to investigate influence of fabric color on LGSR visualization. Furthermore, the influence of the fabric type in the distribution of the LGSR deposited around the projectile´s hole entrance was evaluated. The fabric sheddability did not alter collection of the particles or analysis. It was possible to observe and collect LGSR on all tested fabrics, even after the fabric had been shaken, or in colored fabrics.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the efficiency of automatic fibre searching with the Maxcan fibre finder (Cox Analytical Systems, Sweden) in comparison to manual searching. The influence of some parameters (color, thickness, background noise) on the results of a fibre search was considered. Eighteen experimental tapes with different target fibres and different background noises were prepared in the laboratory. Searching of fibres was performed manually and with the Maxcan fibre finder by different operators from four European laboratories. Two laboratories have the Maxcan fibre finder system and the two instruments were used and compared in this study. The results show that searching with the Maxcan is generally as efficient as manual searching, except for very pale or very dark fibres. Note that the tapes used for these experiments were prepared in laboratory, and are not completely representative of the tape that could be obtained in real cases. To generalize the results obtained, further research on real case samples would be necessary.  相似文献   

It is a known fact that when fabric is left exposed to sunlight photodegradation occurs. However, no study has ever looked at the photodegradation that occurs to individual fibre filaments as commonly recovered from a scene of crime. To look at photodegradation of individual fibres, wool and cotton fabric were dyed using CI Acid Red 27 and CI Direct Red 80 respectively at two depths of shade, 0.25% and 2.0% owf. Pieces of fabric and individual fibre samples were then placed in a Light Fastness Q-Sun 1000 Xenon test chamber which simulated exposure to sunlight over two time periods, 64 h (equivalent to one weeks sun exposure) and 128 hrs (equivalent to two weeks sun exposure). The resulting pieces of fabric and fibres where then examined using high power comparison microscopy, as well as graded for colour fading using SDC Grey Scale for Assessing Change in Colour (including half steps). Results show that in both fibre types, photodegradation occurs in all samples, however, the degree of fading is shown to vary within a given fibre population showing it is unpredictable in nature.  相似文献   

A number of dyed cellulosic fibres were examined with plane polarized light on their dichroic behavior by microscopy and microspectrophotometry (MSP-PPL). Significant dichroic effects (mostly hypochromic effects and hypsochromic bands shifts) were reported. The effect is related to the chemical structure: some dye structures always possess dichroism (azo, stilbene, thiazole and oxazine), some dyes demonstrate sometimes dichroic effects (anthraquinoid, indigoid) while other structures never demonstrate dichroic effects (sulphur, diphenylmethanes, triarylmethanes, phthalocyanines). In some cases a different dichroic behavior was found for the same dyes applied on cotton and on viscose.  相似文献   

The transfer and persistence of automotive carpet fibres to shoe soles was investigated. It was found that fibres were transferred with the normal activity of a car passenger. Carpet type and shoe sole parameters were significant determinants in the number of fibres that transferred. The average number of fibres was between about one and 33 per sole. Fibres that had been transferred after normal activity only persisted for a few minutes after walking. A survey of the shoe soles of people about to leave their car showed that fibres were usually present. The majority of shoe soles surveyed had less than five fibres with the greatest number of fibres found being 14. The likelihood of finding a large number of fibres on such soles is rare. Fibre composition of automotive carpets showed a high degree of variation. Grey was seen to be a common colour irrespective of the colour of the vehicle body.  相似文献   

A number of dyed polyamide, wool and silk samples were examined with plane polarized light on their dichroic behavior by optical light microscopy (OLM) and microspectrophotometry with plane polarized light (MSP-PPL). It was found that most of these acid dyed peptidic fibres possess dichroism, but these are weaker than the effects previously described for polyester fibres. The small effects may be not observed, especially for wool, but these can be measured using MSP-PPL.In the three peptidic fibre classes, for the first time, a so called “inverse dichroism” is observed which appears in the absorption spectra as a hyperchromic effect.  相似文献   

Recently, two analytical techniques – Raman and XRF spectroscopy – have been often applied in criminalistic examinations of different kinds of trace evidences. In this paper, the application of the new combined μ-Raman and μ-XRF spectrometer in analysis of multilayer paint chips, modern inks, plastics and fibres was evaluated. It was ascertained that the apparatus possesses real advantages and could be helpful in the identification of examined materials after some modifications, i.e. by adding an extra laser and decreasing the spot size of the X-ray beam.  相似文献   

城镇化进程的全面启动与依法治国战略的全面推进使得都市社会中的法治认同成为一个重要论题。一方面,都市社会的发展消解了传统法治认同模式赖以存立的共同体,另一方面都市化的进程又塑造了一种新型的社会关系并具有独特的精神气质,进而构成了一种新型的共同体——媒介型共同体。媒介型共同体以异质性的不断生成为其正当性基础,以多重空间分配与构造为其基本特征,并且超越传统的依托于民族国家的共同体模式,形成了一种依托于都市和全球的新型共同体。都市社会中的法治认同要求利他主义的都市法律主体,立基于"都市—全球"的互动结构,以空间分配促进都市法律主体对于都市法治的认同,最终指向都市法治的实现。  相似文献   

陈永强 《行政与法》2006,(6):113-115
学界对物权行为理论的争论大多集中在该理论对保护交易安全的功能上。本文认为物权行为理论的真正功能表现在三个方面:一是利益平衡;二是统一阐释所有权的移转问题;三是意思自治功能。并指出,物权行为抽象原则正确性的基础不是交易安全论,而是平衡论。利益平衡是该理论正确性的基础和界线。在利益失去平衡的情况下,应对抽象原则的适用予以限制。  相似文献   

法律激励的理想形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
激励功能是法律制度的重要功能之一。不论是在法学理论探索还是在部门法学研究中,法律激励问题已经逐步获得关注。然而,对于法律激励的制度设计尚需要价值目标的方向性指引,唯有明确法律激励的理想形态才能有效实现激励机制设计的合理性与科学化。法律激励的理想形态最终表现为对行为主体自我激励的激励功能。这一理想形态不仅是激励理论的发展目标,也是法律激励的客观要求和理论归宿。而这一最终理想形态的实现则依赖于法律制度的能动激励与互动激励的有效实践。三种理想形态相互支撑,构成了法律制度激励功能的理想图景。  相似文献   

论死者的占有——对“占有”概念的重新解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑静洁 《时代法学》2012,10(2):67-73
死者的占有是一个争议很大的刑法问题。无论是死者占有说、死者生前占有说,还是死者生前占有延续说都有疑问。问题产生的关键是,传统刑法对占有的界定过分强调其"事实上的支配"这一要素,但在现实当中,一般的社会观念对于占有的认定更为重要。因此,认定刑法上的占有,关键在于明确占有主体对占有客体的"排他性支配",在此基础上,继承人占有说是更为妥当的主张。  相似文献   

康纪田 《时代法学》2011,9(6):36-45
现行矿业制度几乎没有安全与健康、环境污染、矿业相邻关系以及公权力行政等方面的重要法律责任,因而在矿山企业违法结果发生后则以人治取代法治而治不胜治,这主要是以“矿”为主的财产性《矿产资源法》法律渊源的局限。应制定以“业”为主的管制性《矿业法》,以矿山企业应承担的社会责任为依据设置第一性义务,不履行第一性义务则按第二性义务承担不利后果。第二性义务是以社会性矿业法律责任为主,与经济性、政治性法律责任等构成矿业法律责任体系。社会性矿业法律责任的民事侵权适用严格责任原则、无过错原则、因果关系推定以及并不以违法为条件等。  相似文献   

中国自古以来就是一个农业国家,土地历来是农民维持生计的基础,土地制度也就成为中国基本的经济制度,同时它在中国的法律制度中占有重要地位。由于种种原因,中国的农村集体土地所有权制度未能充分发挥其应有的制度效应,集体土地所有权还存在着种种弊端,直接影响了土地所有权功能的发挥。本文在分析和研究集体土地所有权的主体、主体类型及其选择的基础上,重新定位权利主体,并提出“从所有制层面上将集体土地所有权的主体确定为村农民集体;从所有权层面上将集体土地所有权的主体确定为村经济合作社”的基本观点。最後从宪法和物权法两个不同层次提出可供参考的立法建议,作为全文的归纳和总结。  相似文献   

《最高人民法院关于生态环境侵权案件适用禁止令保全措施的若干规定》对于建立健全环境保护禁止令制度具有重要意义。不过,以旨在确保本案诉讼的行为保全制度为基础的环境保护禁止令,并不能完全实现及时制止生态环境损害的目标。《民法典》第997条规定的人格权禁令兼具实体基础与程序规则的功能,具有独立性。基于环境权益具有一定的人格权属性,人格权禁令可适用于制止正在实施或即将实施的生态环境损害行为。人格权禁令制度为基础的环境保护禁止令,其保护范围宜限于物质性环境人格权,适用标准需引入环境保护法禁止性规范;在程序构建方面,有必要区分环境私益保护的一般禁令程序与环境公益保护的紧急禁令程序,同时设置裁执一体化的快速实施程序。  相似文献   

商事主体概念及范围的确定,不仅具有理论上的意义,而且在从事经营活动的行为效力规则、权利内容规则、责任内容规则以及合同法规则的专门适用等方面具有法律实务上的意义,因而明确商主体的范围是必要的。界定商事主体范围的标准涉及到存在目的标准、行为特征标准、主体存在形态标准和素质标准四个方面。在我国应采取以行为特征标准和主体存在形态标准为主,辅之以目的标准和素质标准的模式。根据这一标准,我国商事主体的范围可以概括为,具备一定行为特征或以某种形态存在或宣称以营利为目的的组织体和具备一定行为特征且以某种形态存在的个人两种类型。  相似文献   

《最高人民法院关于生态环境侵权案件适用禁止令保全措施的若干规定》对于建立健全环境保护禁止令制度具有重要意义。不过,以旨在确保本案诉讼的行为保全制度为基础的环境保护禁止令,并不能完全实现及时制止生态环境损害的目标。《民法典》第997条规定的人格权禁令兼具实体基础与程序规则的功能,具有独立性。基于环境权益具有一定的人格权属性,人格权禁令可适用于制止正在实施或即将实施的生态环境损害行为。人格权禁令制度为基础的环境保护禁止令,其保护范围宜限于物质性环境人格权,适用标准需引入环境保护法禁止性规范;在程序构建方面,有必要区分环境私益保护的一般禁令程序与环境公益保护的紧急禁令程序,同时设置裁执一体化的快速实施程序。  相似文献   

紧急状态是特定语境下的法律概念,只有在紧急状态宣布之后,行政紧急权力的行使才具有正当性。从权力特性、权利保护、法律价值、社会秩序的角度看,行政紧急权力应当法治化。通过对行政紧急权力来源正当性之赋予、运作过程性之追踪、结果有效性之考量,使其得到事前、事中、事后的法律规制,从而实现法治化。  相似文献   

从法哲学的范围与品格看部门法哲学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了避免法学主体意识及内在特性的沦丧和法哲学精神品格的迷失,我们有必要重申回归纯粹的法理学和法哲学。与基于法认识论和法方法论、侧重于法的实证层面和应用领域的法理概括与探究的法理学不同,法哲学侧重于法的本体层面和价值领域的哲理概括与探究。就其精神品格与思维方式而言,法哲学既是一种前提性反思,即审视和追问对象赖以存在的前提,对法的本源、本质和普遍原理的追问;又是一种逻辑性反思,即对法学命题和理论的逻辑起点及逻辑展开的追问;还是一种价值性反思,即对法律规范和法学命题正当性的深层追问。部门法哲学研究与法哲学原理之间的对接不是生搬硬套或者简单移植,而是要在审视与批判有关部门法研究的基础上,注意与相应的部门法学话语体系的协调性与融贯性。  相似文献   

叶姗 《政法论丛》2012,(4):3-12
民生性事权是指政府从事民生性事务的职权和职责,而民生性事权的分配则是指民生性事权在中央政府和地方政府之间以及同一级政府的不同职能部门之间的划分和配置。通过考察民生性事权在中央和地方之间分配失衡的实际情况,可以确立其在中央和地方合理分配的原则,进而进行规范上的构造。基本公共服务的事权应当尽可能由较高层级的政府承担,或者有能够与之匹配的地方财力支应,而非基本公共服务的事权则可以由较低层级的政府承担。  相似文献   

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