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The Fox and the Hunters: How IC Technologies Change the Crime Race   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The article deals with the impact of new technologies on crime. Specifically, the analysis develops two aspects: an analysis of how new technologies are reshaping criminal typologies, dynamics and trends; and an analysis of the most important challenges that legislation, law enforcement and science have to face in order to prevent and combat Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)-related crime. From the methodological perspective, each section opens with a specific question and develops by trying to find a suitable answer. The paper starts by analysing what impact new technologies have on society and crime. It continues by examining how criminal patterns are changing (How does ICT facilitate the commission of new and traditional crimes?) and who these criminals are (Are criminals really going cyber?). It ends by focusing on the other side, on how crime is prevented and combated (How are technologies reshaping the approach and the fight against crime at legal, law enforcement and scientific levels?). The analysis and the results achieved show that new technologies are valuable means in the hand of both criminals and institutions involved in the fight against crime. There is thus an urgent need to improve knowledge about the phenomena, and develop new paradigms and theories together with best practices.  相似文献   

李松梅 《政法学刊》2011,28(5):89-92
随着近年来跨境犯罪的增加,粤港澳警方的刑事警务执法合作体系的构建也越来越趋于成熟,刑事警务执法合作的内容与机制已经初具模型,对中国区际刑事执法合作的研究具有示范性意义。司法实践主体在代为调查取证、送达法律文书、情报交流、缉捕遣送通缉犯、追缴和移交赃款赃物、刑事案件管辖移交、学术交流等合作内容的基础上逐步构建了完整的粤港澳合作机制。  相似文献   

德国刑事政策的任务、原则及司法实践   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
德国是刑事政策理论的发祥地 ,也是刑事政策思想学说最为深刻、系统的国家。它将刑事政策的任务定位于 :基于不同时期的社会状况和犯罪态势指导包括刑法、刑事诉讼法和刑罚执行法律在内的刑事法律的制定、执行及变革 ,指出与犯罪作斗争的有效途径和方法。人道、法治和公正三大原则贯穿于刑事政策的始终 ,使得现代德国刑事政策的进程表现出整体上犯罪网趋宽、刑罚网疏缓 ,而对特定犯罪轻中有重、重势增强的特征  相似文献   

老年人犯罪是指60岁以上的老年人所实施犯罪行为的总称。老年人犯罪呈现以下特点:犯罪率低,犯罪年龄集中,文化程度低,男性居多,犯罪地域相对集中,累犯、前科少,共同犯罪较多,犯罪客体比较集中,诉前羁押率低,判处刑罚较轻。老年人犯罪从宽处罚,是周全弱势群体刑法保护的需要,是适应老年人刑事责任能力的需要,也是契合刑法谦抑性、人道性以及刑罚经济性、刑罚目的的需要.并且,中国立法史上历来存在“矜老”传统,而国外相关立法也值得借鉴。建议在实体法上,规定封老年犯罪人原则上从宽处罚,限制死刑、无期徒刑的适用,限制有期徒刑的最高期限,明确不构成累犯,放宽缓刑、减刑、假释的适用条件;在程序法上,规定对老年犯罪人慎捕慎诉,规定讯问审判时亲属在场权,完善指定辩护权,对刑罚执行予以特别关照。  相似文献   

郑厚勇 《河北法学》2005,23(4):140-143
以刑法第28条作为胁从犯的存在依据,实属牵强附会,刑法第28条是关于主犯和从犯的补充规定;按作用分类法的理论,胁从犯是不存在的,刑法中只有主要作用和次要作用、辅助作用的规定,一些论者关于胁从犯的"较小作用"、"作用小于从犯"、"作用最小"的观点没有刑法依据.以毛泽东同志关于"首恶必办、胁从不问、立功受奖"的论述作为胁从犯的政策依据,也值得推敲,毛泽东选集中的"胁从"之说在当时主要是指听从"首恶"指挥跟从"首恶"国民党官兵,是今天刑法中"从犯"的立法依据,而不是胁从犯的政策渊源.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the implications of introducing imperfect information on the optimal law enforcement literature. We assume that individuals can be imperfectly informed about the probability of apprehension and about the sanction.Imperfect information about the probability and the sanction might pose a problem to criminal deterrence. If that is the case, there are clear incentives to disseminate information about law enforcement (probability and severity of sanction). However, note that individuals also have incentives to buy information about law enforcement: they may erroneously decide to become criminals (because they have underestimated the expected sanction) or they may erroneously decide not to become criminals (because they have overestimated the expected sanction).This paper proposed that it is optimal to complement criminal punishment with some disclosure of information.  相似文献   

Economic greed and the possibility of large profits are very powerful incentives for many criminals. This is especially true in the areas of international money laundering and drug related crimes. There are always criminals who are interested in certain activities as long as the financial rewards of these crimes are larger than the possible risks involved. The efforts and tactics which have been used so far to combat international economic crimes were not successful at all and we need to consider new options, even if some of these options seem controversial at first. Doing nothing would have catastrophic consequences for the economic well‐being of our society. Concerted and deliberate action plans are needed to prevent and to discourage criminals, and their facilitators and cohorts, from these types of illegal activities. Governments and citizens need to agree on methods to eliminate the profit motive of these economic crimes. Only after that will we have a chance to prevent the unfair enrichment of small numbers of criminal elements in our society, at the cost of law abiding citizens.  相似文献   

Many law enforcement agencies are currently responding to the problem of online crime by establishing proactive investigative units that track criminals on the Internet. Not only do these specialized teams face problems in the area of emerging technology, they are also faced with handling emerging legal issues. The current research examined the issue of the entrapment defense, and how previously established physical realm doctrine could be applied to the investigation of online crimes such as child pornography. Relying on previous case law it would appear that entrapment claims related to online sting operations involve consideration of: a) did the law enforcement officer continuously contact the suspect with the intention of trying to convince the individual to engage in a particular type of behavior, b) how long was the relationship between the undercover officer and the suspect, and c) how much, if any, reluctance to commit the criminal act did the suspect provide evidence of?  相似文献   

石经海 《现代法学》2011,33(3):113-123
重庆的典型案件表明,当前涉黑犯罪仍以追求巨额经济利益为终极目标,并以合法公司掩护下的非法经营活动为主要获利途径,以文化素质较低的无业青壮年为主要涉案人员,以感情联络、"家规"和公司制度为对内约束、控制成员的主要方式,以暴力、"保护伞"和群体事件为对外形成非法控制或重大影响的主要手段,严重动摇了当地的经济、政治和社会生活基础。究其原因,主要有:价值观、利益观的扭曲和满足需求方式的异化,基层行政执法和行业治理的不力,社会帮扶制度的不完善,亚文化的不良影响,国家工作人员的非法保护,法律制度的不完善和治理对策的不科学。  相似文献   

我国知识产权犯罪的定罪标准呈逐渐下降的趋势,相应的刑罚制度严厉程度也处于世界前列,然而侵犯知识产权的犯罪活动仍比较猖獗,犯罪化程度较高。这种现象表明,仅依靠严刑重罚的方式难以实现防治侵犯知识产权犯罪行为的目的。完善我国知识产权刑法保护,应从协调统一民刑法不同法律之间关于知识产权的规定,完善知识产权犯罪刑罚结构以及保持知识产权犯罪行政打击的常态化、高压态势,完善行政执法与刑事司法衔接机制等方面入手。  相似文献   


Predictive policing is the newest innovation in the field of law enforcement. Predictive policing programs use algorithms to analyze existing crime data in an attempt to make predictions about future crimes: What crimes are likely to be committed, where crimes are likely to be committed, and a list of potential victims and offenders. Proponents of predictive policing champion the practice as an effective, proactive form of law enforcement that is free from bias due to its data-driven nature. However, as a matter of justice policy, predictive policing is just as discriminatory as traditional police practices, such as stop and frisk: Both are relatively ineffective; both have the potential to disproportionately target minorities; both are challenging forms of surveillance that create several important ethical and legal issues; and both are presented as objective, impartial, and equitable. This article has three primary goals: Highlight the potential and problematic similarities between stop and frisk and predictive policing; present the problems associated with predictive policing, including its questionable effectiveness, biased foundation, and faulty legal and ethical footing; and discuss the ways in which discriminatory criminal justice programs, such as stop and frisk and predictive policing, are presented to the public as objective, non-discriminatory policies.


张波 《现代法学》2004,26(6):43-50
张明楷教授关于刑法学基本理论的观点,对通说虽有继承的一面,但更多的是反叛的一面,在理论界的影响是巨大的。其中涉及到刑法的基本理论的宏观问题是《刑法》第13条但书能否在司法中适用,如何理解一些罪名的主观方面,分则的模式是既遂犯还是犯罪成立,张明楷教授认为但书不能在司法中适用,为了确定一些争议的罪名的主观方面,提出超过的客观要素的概念,分则的模式不是既遂而是犯罪成立。对于上述观点,本文以传统观点为基础,提出不同的主张,认为但书可以直接适用于司法实践,这不违反罪刑法定主义,解决故意和过失的问题,也没有必要提出超过的客观要素,分则的规定必须以既遂犯为模式。  相似文献   

裴岩 《犯罪研究》2009,(6):39-43
社会转型对社会秩序产生深刻影响,极易出现社会失序,严重的犯罪形势即为社会失序的一个显著表现。警察刑事执法主要体现为对预防和惩治犯罪。当前,我国正处于社会转型期,面对刑事犯罪高发的局面,应当赋予公安机关更有效的打击犯罪的权力,提高警察刑事执法效率以及公平正义执法,以遏制犯罪的高发态势,维护社会秩序稳定。  相似文献   

论一般没收财产刑应予废止   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
由没收财产刑的体系地位与适用对象可以看出 ,没收财产刑是我国刑罚体系中最重的附加刑。但如果从罪刑法定原则的要求来看 ,没收财产刑如果作为一种剥夺部分财产的刑罚 ,在已经有罚金刑规定的情况 ,没有存在的必要 ;作为对危害国家安全罪和其他严重犯罪适用的判处没收财产 ,难于看出其特殊的性质 ;作为判处死刑、无期徒刑的附加刑 ,违反刑法的基本目的 ,其存在具有一定的超刑事责任范围的任意处置的违反罪刑法定原则基本精神的倾向。因此 ,笔者认为 ,一般的没收财产刑应予废止。  相似文献   

现代刑法中报复主义残迹的清算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高艳东 《现代法学》2006,28(2):92-97
以“恶”为主线的传统刑法在相当程度上具有报复色彩,报复主义起源于人性复仇本能,受到人类社会的相互性原则限制后,流变为罪刑均衡的报应论。但个人的复仇本能常被国家利用,国家权威本能更易增加新的复仇性,进而把罪犯视为社会的敌人。报复主义在解决犯罪的同时又酝酿着新的犯罪,现代刑法要特别警惕报复主义借国家权威主义哲学观发作。  相似文献   

Within the criminal justice system, confessions are an extremely powerful form of evidence. Unfortunately, innocent people sometimes falsely confess to crimes they did not actually commit. Such travesties of justice have sparked a significant degree of academic research into the false confession phenomenon. Within the existing literature, there exists a conceptual framework that the interrogative methods and actions of law enforcement officers are a key cause of false confessions with some researchers going so far as to suggest that law enforcement interrogators act as confidence men who trick criminal subjects into confessing. However, few researchers have actually questioned law enforcement officers about false confessions and even fewer have consulted with officers who specialize in interrogation. This study is a subset of a larger qualitative case study designed to explore the experiences of 13 federal law enforcement polygraph examiners who specialize in interrogation regarding their approach to criminal interrogation and their experiences with both true and false confessions. This study focused on the personal processes federal law enforcement polygraph examiners use in reviewing Miranda rights and documenting confessions. NVivo software was used to organize the data. Common themes in interview responses were then identified and revealed that participants employ an open, detailed, and straightforward approach in reviewing Miranda rights and documenting the confessions of criminal subjects. These findings contradict the premise that law enforcement interrogators inherently operate as confidence men by tricking and manipulating criminal subjects.  相似文献   

徐岱  刘佩 《北方法学》2010,4(5):87-93
犯罪分层是纵向的犯罪分类,一般分为轻罪、重罪。宽严相济刑事政策是贯穿刑事立法、刑事司法和刑事执法全过程的根本性、全局性和总括性的刑事政策。宽严相济刑事政策要求犯罪分层理论的立法明确化,并要求在立法时采取以刑罚为基础的形式标准和抽象的思考方式。但就现阶段而言,我国实现犯罪分层理论的立法明确化,存在着刑法典罪刑不相应、研究不充分等立法障碍。所以,犯罪分层的立法明确化对于贯彻宽严相济的刑事政策具有重大的意义,但犯罪分层的立法实现则是一项艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

It is one thing to assert that conventional market analysis is critically useful in understanding criminal enterprise. It is more challenging to suggest that corrupt and compromised legal regulation interacts with other critical market variables to maximise market advantage for crime business in a similar manner to legitimate regulatory forces in their protection and enhancement of legitimate business enterprise. The central argument of this paper is that crime business mirrors other business forms when considered in terms of critical market variables, and that in particular regulatory forces when inverted from their original purposes can influence market conditions in the same ways desired from the legitimate regulatory form. The main research direction deriving from the analysis of regulatory influences over specific criminal enterprises is how do certain critical market forces essentially facilitate criminal enterprise as a market phenomenon. This paper suggests how through comparatively analysing nominated critical market forces in the context of lucrative and recurrent criminal enterprises, common business decision-making may be predicted and thereby controlled beyond a law enforcement paradigm. In fact, the paper argues that when perverted law enforcement regulation operates as an inter-connecting market characteristic then it can have a similar influence over illegitimate enterprise that law enforcement may provide legitimate business.By establishing a richer and more enterprise-oriented understanding of crucial market variables, it becomes possible to refine control strategies at critical entry and exit points in the operation of clandestine crime businesses. The paper will challenge a comparative theorising of what makes crime business a good business, and how normative distinctions between illegitimate markets are made less convincing when positioned against an analysis of the interaction of critical market variables.  相似文献   

论刑事政策对刑法理论的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从刑事政策定义的不同解读入手,通过对欧陆刑法学说史的研究以及对欧陆刑法学行为价值学说的辩证分析,正确阐释了刑事政策对刑法理论的影响及其相互关系。作者认为,现代欧陆刑法学说史证明了刑事政策思想决定刑法理论的走向,而不同国家坚持的不同刑事政策立场决定了一个国家主流刑法理论的选择。同时,刑法理论对刑事政策的制定和推行具有重要影响力或反制作用,我国刑事政策从偏离罪刑法定原则的"严打"刑事政策向"宽严相济"刑事政策的理性回归与转变,正好验证了"刑法是刑事政策不可逾越的藩篱"。  相似文献   

Through an analysis of a unique and understudied unit within the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Unit (HRVWCU, or “the Unit”), this article addresses the following theoretical and policy question: once someone has been admitted to the United States and granted permanent residency, or even citizenship, how does the law facilitate the reversal of that decision based on acts committed long ago and far away? We argue that the HRVWCU has created a significant new way to govern immigration through crime—specifically international crime—while simultaneously trying to ensure justice for mass atrocities through immigration law. In offering an overview of the Unit's origins and approach in blending international criminal law, domestic criminal law, and immigration law, we show how this Unit reflects an expansion of crimmigration in the United States and abroad. In order to illustrate the dilemma of internationalized crimmigration, the article focuses on the Unit's cases related to war crimes in Liberia and Bosnia, which have two very different (at least from the perspective of international criminal law) types of alleged perpetrators: those who allegedly gave orders and those who allegedly followed orders.  相似文献   

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