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The Industrial Extension Service of North Carolina State University's College of Engineering is in the seventh year of a unique program that promotes the use of new technologies and current best practices, demonstrates their application in industry, and offers university services for implementation. Described here are the activities and operation of this North Carolina-only program, as well as examples of cooperative applied research that are fostered by it.  相似文献   

This paper describes an empirical study of the differences in industry interaction of US tenure and tenure-track academics that are funded by civilian and military funding agencies. Significant differences in industry interaction as manifested in a range of different interaction types can be observed between academics funded by Department of Defense (DoD) resources and those enjoying other non-military means of support. The policy implications of these divergent patterns of behavior in university–industry interactions will be analyzed and discussed. Furthermore, a qualitative assessment of changes in university–industry relationships in response to more stringent DoD contracting practices reveals that several types of industry interaction will be adversely affected.   相似文献   

The author examines Saskatchewan legislation that regulated venereal disease. Although venereal disease legislation was introduced in Saskatchewan in 1919, the centrepiece of this article is The Venereal Disease Prevention Act, 1946. In an attempt to understand the nuances of and underlying rationale for these laws, the author situates the legislation within its social context. The author demonstrates that the trends and contradictions apparent in society's approach to the regulation of venereal disease were reflected in the legislation. The concept of a continuum is used to illustrate the coexistence of two approaches to the control of venereal disease. On one side of the continuum, venereal disease was a moral problem and a taboo subject. Force was the key to controlling venereal disease; involuntary examinations and intrusions into people's personal lives were the solution. On the other side of the continuum, venereal disease was a medical problem. If approached rationally and openly, control of venereal disease was possible; through education and social acceptance of venereal disease as just another illness, people would voluntarily come forward for treatment. The approaches represented at the extreme ends of the continuum did not exist in isolation; these views existed simultaneously, producing contradictory and colourful rhetoric.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes bootlegging of music, i.e. the unauthorized recording and distribution of previously unreleased music (e.g. a live concert). In particular, we investigate whether, and if so, how this illegal activity may hurt bands and record companies. Bootlegging is different from pirating, where legal releases are illegally copied and sold, because it adds to the product variety. It turns out that welfare implications of bootlegging are decisively different from those of pirating—bootlegged music does not crowd out legal sales.  相似文献   

In the thirty-five years after passage of the Bayh–Dole Act of 1980, a robust literature has documented the emergence of university technology transfer as a critical mechanism for the dissemination and commercialization of new technology stemming from federally-funded research. Missing from these investigations, however, is what this paper terms the legal perspective, an understanding of how the law and its attendant mechanisms impact university technology transfer. Specifically, the paper reviews the extant legal scholarship and provides examples of how case law, legal structures, and the unique nature of intellectual property law affects technology transfer, as well as higher education policy and management. Throughout, we propose critical questions for future investigation, which serve to form a cross-disciplinary research agenda that can contribute fresh insights to scholarly and policy discussions related to the role of universities in economic and social development.  相似文献   

The introduction of competitive funding mechanisms in higher education is found to generally increase research productivity. However, the diversity within higher education systems may lead universities to behave in substantially different ways in response to the adoption of competitive funding criteria. In particular, we argue that the legitimacy of universities, defined as their level of recognition based on the adherence to socially accepted norms and expectations, is crucial in shaping their reaction. This paper investigates the change in research productivity experienced by Italian universities following the introduction of the first Performance-based Research Funding System (PRFS) in 2003, focusing on the moderating effect of university legitimacy. Using a sample of 75 universities observed during the period 1999–2011, we find that the introduction of PRFS leads to an increase in research productivity, and this increase is significantly more pronounced among more legitimate universities.  相似文献   

On 1 December 2003, after a five-year process of consultation and planning, Nova Scotia embarked on a new HIV/AIDS strategy. It replaces the first strategy, launched a decade earlier. The renewed strategy is meant to promote collaborative action on the determinants of vulnerability to HIV infection and on the capacity of people living with HIV/AIDS to achieve optimal health and quality of life.  相似文献   

In 2013, the University of Strathclyde became the first Scottish university to receive the prestigious THES UK Entrepreneurial University of the Year award. In this article, I describe how successful technology commercialization education in this leading UK-based technological university is deeply dependent on the state of the university’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. Two case studies illustrate the relatively minor “supporting” role that conventional teaching plays in the practice of technology commercialization, and the major role that a comprehensive university entrepreneurial ecosystem can play. Lessons drawn from teaching and learning technology commercialization at the University of Strathclyde are discussed. These include “teaching by stealth” through the ecosystem, basing students’ class assignments on their own technology, and the use of local role models in class. I conclude by summarizing today’s challenges and opportunities facing Strathclyde’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.  相似文献   

A survey of online harassment at a university campus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This exploratory study of 339 students at the University of New Hampshire found that approximately 10% to 15% of students reported receiving repeated e-mail or Instant Messenger (I-M) messages that "threatened, insulted, or harassed," and more than half of the students received unwanted pornography. Approximately 7% of students reported online harassment to an authority. Messages originated from strangers, acquaintances, and significant others. No difference in online harassment was found based on demographic variables except sexual orientation. Sexual minority students were more likely to receive online harassment from strangers than were heterosexual students. Implications for further research and for policy/program development are discussed.  相似文献   

Interfirm collaboration (IFC) has been explored by organizations seeking a vehicle for the industrial modernization of small and medium-sized manufacturers. This paper offers five models of the impacts of IFC networks based on a survey of 123 case studies. The models examine the association between impacts of IFC with variables describing the origins, activities, and structures of networks. Impacts are measured through aggregate assessments of business expansion, bottom line savings, increases in projects, increases in membership, and increases in other benefits. We find that business expansion is associated most strongly with factors related to the origins of projects. Increases in membership and other benefits are most strongly associated with structural factors. Finally, bottom line savings and increases in projects are most closely associated with both origin and structural factors.  相似文献   

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