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Informed by the admissibility requirements of the broad and narrow Frye tests as well as Daubert's general acceptance factor, the present study elicited the views of a homogeneous group of forensic document examiners and a heterogeneous group of handwriting scientists regarding the degree to which a set of principles relating to the nature of handwriting and its identification were generally accepted within the respondents' fields. Among forensic document examiners, the greatest agreement was found concerning the process of examination, and somewhat less agreement on other matters. Forensic document examiners and handwriting scientists appear not to agree on the acceptability of most of the propositions.  相似文献   

Alcohol intoxication produces abnormal handwriting with manifestations that are thoroughly described in the literature of forensic science. A less known phenomenon is the peculiar handwriting changes found in alcoholics, especially individuals in the later stages of the disease. In addition to the two handwriting states of non-alcoholic drinkers (normal/sober and intoxicated) the alcoholic writer has a third state, handwriting done in withdrawal. Withdrawal is a state of tension resulting in handwriting characterized by irregularity, ataxia and tremor. This type of abnormal handwriting creates special problems of authentication requiring detailed background history and appropriate comparison specimens, but it can also be used to judge the writer's state of sobriety.  相似文献   

Advances in robotic handwriting technology create new challenges for forensic document examiners. In the past, devices such as the autopen were used to replicate signatures of government officials and corporate companies. In today's technology, companies such as Bond utilize robots to create written documents, which mimic natural patterns of handwriting. They generate customizable written samples by simulating pen movements and letter formations. Four forensic document examiners were given various reproduced questioned documents and utilized a modified ACE‐V (analysis, comparison, evaluation, verification) methodology to determine their genuineness. Examiners were able to make a distinction between the human writing samples and the skilled robotic equivalents. Several distinct features that are not seen in natural handwriting, such as even pen pressure and the superimposition of letterforms were observed in the robotic samples. Careful examination of identifying features of the Bond produced documents resulted in an opinion of nongenuineness.  相似文献   

There has been debate in both the judicial and forensic fields concerning the admissibility and reliability of the so-called forensic comparison sciences such as handwriting, tool mark analyses, and hair analysis. In particular, there has been increasing controversy over the use and interpretation of hair comparison evidence and it has been held partly responsible for miscarriages of justice. There has also been a perceived devaluation of the worth of microscopic human hair analysis particularly since the advent of DNA profiling. This article will attempt to initiate discussion on the past, current and future role of forensic human hair analysis and comparison.  相似文献   

签名笔迹鉴定是司法鉴定实务中的重点和难点问题。实践中,签名笔迹重新鉴定遇到许多鉴定失误和诸多疑难问题,有必要对此进行系统研究。通过采取实证分析的方法,从理论和程序操作的角度分析鉴定失误的原因,结合对疑难签名笔迹鉴定的种类和特点的讨论,总结同类疑难签名笔迹鉴定的方法要点和重新鉴定中的程序审查要求。  相似文献   

Motivated by several rulings in United States courts concerning expert testimony in general, and handwriting testimony in particular, we undertook a study to objectively validate the hypothesis that handwriting is individual. Handwriting samples of 1,500 individuals, representative of the U.S. population with respect to gender, age, ethnic groups, etc., were obtained. Analyzing differences in handwriting was done by using computer algorithms for extracting features from scanned images of handwriting. Attributes characteristic of the handwriting were obtained, e.g., line separation, slant, character shapes, etc. These attributes, which are a subset of attributes used by forensic document examiners (FDEs), were used to quantitatively establish individuality by using machine learning approaches. Using global attributes of handwriting and very few characters in the writing, the ability to determine the writer with a high degree of confidence was established. The work is a step towards providing scientific support for admitting handwriting evidence in court. The mathematical approach and the resulting software also have the promise of aiding the FDE.  相似文献   

B. Found  D.K. Rogers   《Science & justice》2005,45(4):199-206
Many forensic document examiners are hesitant to express authorship opinions on photocopied handwriting as the photocopying process results in less feature information than original writing. This study aimed to test the accuracy of 15 examiners' opinions regarding whether photocopied questioned signatures were genuine or simulated. Each examiner received the same set of original signature exemplars, from one individual, and a set of eighty questioned photocopied signatures comprising of genuine and simulated signatures. The overall misleading (error) rate for the grouped examiners' opinions was 0.9% providing strong evidence that examiners can make accurate observations regarding the authorship of non-original handwriting.  相似文献   

文件鉴定技术标准刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文件鉴定技术标准不是新课题,上世纪50年代就开始规范程序和方法。进入21世纪以来,一批刑事技术和司法鉴定机构,通过了中国合格评定国家认可委员会的国家实验室认可,大大推动了文件鉴定技术标准化的进程。制定文件鉴定技术标准化的意义、条件、标准的内容及相关问题,是对标准制定者有启发和指导作用的。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(1):10-20
Parkinsonism is a neurodegenerative syndrome that causes impairment of motor skills in affected persons. Thus, adverse effects may be produced in the handwriting of persons suffering from Parkinsonism. Medication used for the treatment of Parkinsonism is known to subside certain motor defects for specific time intervals, showing slight differences or improvement in certain handwriting characteristics during those intervals on the same day as compared to the ones executed before medication. Certain handwriting characteristics affected due to Parkinsonism may be mistaken as forged features due to poor line quality, which can cause suspicion upon the authenticity of important legal documents. The present research work has been carried out to determine the effects of Parkinsonism and medication used for its treatment on handwriting. Handwriting/signature samples executed before and after the onset of Parkinsonism (both pre- and post-medication) have been randomly collected from 70 participants. These handwritings have been evaluated separately and compared inter-se for various handwriting characteristics with qualitative and statistical approach. The results have demonstrated significant changes in most of the characteristics in both affected writings of majority of participants as compared to their corresponding earlier writings. Thus, forensic document experts should be aware of the detrimental effects of Parkinsonism on handwriting in pre- and post-medication conditions of this ailment.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(3):272-283
What drives public beliefs about the credibility of a scientific field? This question is increasingly important, with recent discussion of a “reproducibility crisis” affecting many fields. Such discussions are vital in forensic science, a discipline that has experienced severe scrutiny from both the media and large oversight bodies. In this paper, we make three contributions to this discussion. First, we bring together and compare several studies in which laypeople were asked about the reliability of forensic science practices. This review suggests that forensic practices do not enjoy uniformly high reliability ratings from the public and these ratings are not calibrated with the scientific consensus. We then review three empirically-tested ways that other fields are dealing with their own crises, all centred around transparency and openness. Finally, we make recommendations for how forensic science can leverage transparency and openness to improve and maintain its long-term credibility. As part of these recommendations, we find that empirical research supports the Houston Forensic Science Center’s recent claims that it has improved its credibility through openness and transparency.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, the importance of technical and scientific evidence for the criminal justice system has been steadily increasing. Unfortunately, the weight of forensic evidence is not always easy for the trier of fact to assess, as appears from a brief discussion of some recent cases in which the weight of expert evidence was either grossly over- or understated. Also, in recent years, questions surrounding the value of forensic evidence have played a major role in the appeal and revision stages of a number of highly publicized criminal cases in several countries, including the UK and the Netherlands. Some of the present confusion is caused by the different ways in which conclusions are formulated by experts working within the traditional approach to forensic identification, as exemplified by (1) dactyloscopy and (2) the other traditional forensic identification disciplines like handwriting analysis, firearms analysis and fibre analysis, as opposed to those working within the modern scientific approach used in forensic DNA analysis. Though most clearly expressed in the way conclusions are formulated within the diverse fields, these differences essentially reflect the scientific paradigms underlying the various identification disciplines. The types of conclusions typically formulated by practitioners of the traditional identification disciplines are seen to be directly related to the two major principles underpinning traditional identification science, i.e. the uniqueness assumption and the individualization principle. The latter of these is shown to be particularly problematic, especially when carried to its extreme, as embodied in the positivity doctrine, which is almost universally embraced by the dactyloscopy profession and allows categorical identification only. Apart from issues arising out of the interpretation of otherwise valid expert evidence there is growing concern over the validity and reliability of the expert evidence submitted to courts. While in various countries including the USA, Canada and the Netherlands criteria have been introduced which may be used as a form of input or output control on expert evidence, in England and Wales expert evidence is much less likely to be subject to forms of admissibility or reliability testing. Finally, a number of measures are proposed which may go some way to address some of the present concerns over the evaluation of technical and scientific evidence.  相似文献   

对一份文件最早制成时间的检验一直以来都是全世界文检界的难题之一。核实可疑文件的制成时间没有统一的方法,目前主要通过对纸张、墨迹、打字机、复印机、打印机、传真机、印刷品,以及笔迹和签名等因素的检验来确定一份文件的制成时间。文件检验人员需要充分利用他们手中的文件的内容及文件周边信息所反映出来的条件和材料,进而得出结论。  相似文献   

对一份文件最早制成时间的检验一直以来都是全世界文检界的难题之一。核实可疑文件的制成时间没有统一的方法,目前主要通过对纸张、墨迹、打字机、复印机、打印机、传真机、印刷品,以及笔迹和签名等因素的检验来确定一份文件的制成时间。文件检验人员需要充分利用他们手中的文件的内容及文件周边信息所反映出来的条件和材料,进而得出结论。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(3):273-283
Transferring theoretical knowledge to practical skills remains a big challenge in forensic science, especially in questioned documents. The examination of handwriting and signatures requires years of practice to develop the necessary skills. While students (and to some extent the general population) often have the impression that it is easy to differentiate handwriting from different persons, in practice, particularly when dealing with simulated signatures, there is a high risk of reaching a wrong conclusion when questioned document experts do not use a systematic approach and/or are not sufficiently experienced (see for example the famous French Dreyfus case). Thus, a novel teaching approach, based on collaborative learning, has been introduced in a theoretical handwriting class to improve the students’ theoretical knowledge, and additionally make them aware of the limitations of their practical skills and give them tools to improve them in their future practice. Through five activities, the students took the roles of victims, forgers, teachers and experts and created their own learning materials (i.e. signatures and mock casework). During those interactive activities, they learned to describe their signature’s characteristics, intra-variability and complexity, and thus evaluate their own signature’s vulnerability (as potential victims). They learned techniques to simulate signatures and detect the resulting forgeries’ characteristics (in the role of forgers). In the role of teachers, they prepared mock casework scenarios and gave feedback to their colleague’s examination of the produced material. As experts, they carried out signature examination as they would in a proficiency test and were exposed to the difficulties an actual expert may encounter in practice. The evaluation of this novel teaching scenario was very positive, as students learned more extensively the possibilities and limitations of signature comparison. They were more active and motivated in their learning experiences. The teaching team also had an improved experience. Some students complained of an increased workload and imprecise instructions. Improvements were tested and are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Many studies regarding the legal status of forensic science have relied on the U.S. Supreme Court's mandate in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc., and its progeny in order to make subsequent recommendations or rebuttals. This paper focuses on a more pragmatic approach to analyzing forensic science's immediate deficiencies by considering a qualitative analysis of actual judicial reasoning where forensic identification evidence has been excluded on reliability grounds since the Daubert precedent. Reliance on general acceptance is becoming insufficient as proof of the admissibility of forensic evidence. The citation of unfounded statistics, error rates and certainties, a failure to document the analytical process or follow standardized procedures, and the existence of observe bias represent some of the concerns that have lead to the exclusion or limitation of forensic identification evidence. Analysis of these reasons may serve to refocus forensic practitioners' testimony, resources, and research toward rectifying shortfalls in these areas.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to discuss scientific integrity, consumerism, conflicts of interest, and transparency within the context of forensic science. Forensic scientists play crucial roles within the legal system and are constantly under various pressures when performing analytical work, generating reports based on their analyses, or testifying to the content of these reports. Maintaining the scientific integrity of these actions is paramount to supporting a functional legal system and the practice of good science. Our goal is to discuss the importance of scientific integrity as well as the factors it may compromise, so that forensic practitioners may be better equipped to recognize and avoid conflicts of interest when they arise. In this discussion we define terms, concepts, and professional relationships as well as present three case studies to contextualize these ideas.  相似文献   

由于签名笔迹字数少、可摹仿性强的特点,长期以来,摹仿签名笔迹鉴定始终是笔迹鉴定的难点。笔者从不同类型的摹仿方法出发,讨论不同方法下摹仿签名笔迹的特点,总结其特征规律。同时要重视笔迹鉴定过程中了解相关案情,为识别是否存在摹仿现象提供线索。在此基础之上,对比摹仿签名笔迹特征的变化规律,并从摹仿签名笔迹特征反映构成方面系统性地进行鉴定,鉴别是否存在摹仿签名的情况。通过撰写此文,以期对摹仿签名笔迹鉴定实务具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

物证检验中,建立简便、快捷、样品前处理步骤少的质谱分析方法一直是一大挑战。纸喷雾电离技术具有快速灵敏、经济高效、操作简便的特点,可有效解决物证检验中的难题。本文综述了纸喷雾电离质谱在物证检验领域相关应用的最新进展,主要包括毒物毒品分析、药物滥用、农残检测、食品及日用品安全、文书检验及爆炸物检测,并辅以展望。  相似文献   

Chinese characters had their root some 4000 years ago and, with the growth in population, are used by over 1.3 billion people worldwide today; it is inevitable that document examiners would encounter cases involving the examination of Chinese handwriting regardless of their location. Although there are extensive studies on the examination of English handwriting in the literature, similar studies on Chinese handwriting are relatively limited. We are seeking to explore the obstacles and challenges for a document examiner who is unfamiliar with Chinese characters to apply the principles of identification and elimination of authorship described in the literature to examine Chinese handwriting, and how can these document examiners demonstrate their competency for conducting Chinese handwriting examination. This study provides a review of the literature, compares the methodology and key features in English and Chinese handwriting examination, and describes various workshops and proficiency testing programs organized to assist document examiners seeking development in Chinese handwriting and signature examination.  相似文献   

目的通过实验研究使用写字机器人伪造的签名字迹特征,减小文件检验鉴定中的错判风险。方法以真实书写字迹为模板、使用市面上主流款式的写字机器人执不同种类书写笔进行书写,通过直接观察、显微观察、反射变换成像(RTI)方法观察等方式比对手写字迹和机器人书写字迹的差异,归纳写字机器人伪造字迹的主要特征,总结出有效的检验鉴别方法。结果通过研究发现写字机器人伪造签名笔迹的特点主要有起收笔为顿压笔,笔画出现细微的抖动歪曲现象,整体笔画笔压均匀,运笔生硬无笔势等。结论目前写字机器人伪造签名字迹与真实手写字迹还有一定差异,使用反射变换成像(RTI)方法观察能达到较好的检验效果。  相似文献   

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