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正THIS article is about the new expat-executive in China.I am writing to offer my perspective on what it’s like to be the new boy(or girl)in a country that some people regard as the embodiment of culture shock itself.First I’m going to talk about two typical situations that I’ve encountered over 10years in the country,then I’m going to offer some analysis.These are just my opinions,but I hope you find them helpful.All Change!The fi rst pattern of expatbehaviour which I’ve experi-  相似文献   

本文主要讨论施叔青近年来着力的文学工程——台湾三部曲之第一部《行过洛津》。作者力求通过庶民百姓视角来建构台湾历史,与那些以帝王将相、大家族变迁的宏大叙事来建构历史的作品大有区别。本文探讨施叔青作品中众多小人物的汇聚描写象征了什么,颠覆了什么,再现了历史发展中常被史书忽略不计的那些躲在历史暗影里的真实是什么。  相似文献   

On March 26, 2003, four girls of different nationalities made a special trip to Beijing, and went straight to the Tongzhou District Care Center where they had volunteered to work with disabled orphans.Sunny Lee Yang, Karine Teon, Ashwini Rao and Arisa lizuka are from the USA, France, India and Japan respectively. They are all students at the Singapore International School. In February this year, they saw a report on the Tongzhou District Care Center on CCTV's "China Reports." They were all so deeply moved by the backgrounds of the members of this special "family." that all four girls decided to cancel their social practice in Vietnam and come to China instead.  相似文献   

The Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 officially launched on February 4,with Beijing hosting this year’s edition.With a total of 109 medal events across 15 disciplines,athletes from around the world gathered to compete in a mix of sports including bobsleigh,curling,skating,skiing and more.Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic,it proved an inspiring event,bringing hope to the many watching this year’s Games unfold as nations came together in solidarity.  相似文献   

<正>The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)drafts a blueprint for the development of the Party and the country in the future.Meanwhile,a lot of people at home and abroad might be curious about how the report addressed by Xi jinping,General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee,to the national congress came out.  相似文献   

陈宪 《探索与争鸣》2007,(10):48-50
本文通过例举公共资源效率与公平缺失的现实情形,指出中国尚不存在真正独立意义上的公共资源,这也是当下广大人民群众的公共服务需求不能得到满足的基本原因。  相似文献   

Everyone Has an ’Avatar’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Avatar woos Chinese fans and kindles audience passion for 3D US. director James Cameron has offered the planet another blockbuster after  相似文献   

ZHOU Chunyu, mayor of Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province has finally realized his long-held dream. On March 26 this year his city was officially admitted as a member of the Yangtze River Delta Economic Coordination Council (YRDECC) at the 2010 mayoral joint conference in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province.  相似文献   

I was in Beijing seven yearsago, and will never forget staying awake all night, waitingfor the IOC decision. I wasamong the thousands of disappointed Beijing people. However,I eventually realized that asBeijing would bid again, we hadgained more than we had lost,because in its efforts to win thebid, the capital would accelerateits development. The achieve-ments that have taken place inBeijing over the space of just a fewyears would normally take five orten.Many, including the Westernmedia,…  相似文献   

<正>Libya’s rebels struggle to remain united as factions vie for power When NATO jet fighters dropped the first bomb over Tripoli on March 19, no one expected Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi to doggedly resist a combined force of rebel militia and some of the world’s most  相似文献   

The signing of health care reform into law is yet another beginning in President Obama’s protracted political struggles  相似文献   

2008年,是中国改革开放30年.改革开放,想当初只是一个多么新鲜又陌生的字眼,到如今却让一个曾经千疮百孔的中国焕然一新.1978~2008,30年的时光,在历史的长河中只可谓是一瞬,但在中国人的心中却难以用平凡来概括.  相似文献   

:Partl[BasicSentences]a.你父亲身体很好0巴?Niftiqinsh6ntih6nh6oba’(Howareyourfather?)b.父亲已经去世了。/父亲c经不在了。Fhqinyiiingq0shi】e./Fhqinyiiingbdzdiie.(Myfatherhaspassedaway.)c请节哀,保重身体。Qing]i6’6i,b6ozh6ngshenti.(Pleaserestrainyourgriefandtakecareofyourself.)d.对你父亲的不幸逝世表示哀悼。Duimftiqindeb6xingshishihi6oshididdo.(Pleaseacceptmycondolencesonyourfather’sdeath.)Part2[WordsandExpressions]1父亲(n.)f6qinfather2.母亲(n.)mdqinmothqf3…  相似文献   

抢劫罪与敲诈勒索罪时有发生,当两罪都以威胁手段实施时,而容易混淆。本文就具体案例结合犯罪的构成要件,谈一下对两罪界限的理解和认定。  相似文献   

正AT the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference on September 21,1949,Mao Zedong pointed out that China had a population of 475 million.As of June30,1953,the country’s total population had surpassed 600 million.Statistics indicate that in 1970 the average number of births per Chinese couple was five and the total population had reached 830 million.Drop in Birth Rate To curb population growth,since  相似文献   

正Google’s AlphaG o computer system defeated South Korea’s Go grandmaster Lee Se Dol 4 to 1 in March,marking a historic milestone for computer programmers and artificial intelligence(AI)researchers.The match between Google’s computer software and Lee,who topped the world’s Go player ranking from2007 to 2011,attracted attention from the world as they competed for a$1-million prize.Mastery of Go,an ancient East Asian board  相似文献   

<正>Ahead of the international climate change conference in Paris,Magdy Martínez-Solimán,Assistant Administrator and Director of the Bureau for Policy and Program Support for the United Nations Development Program(UNDP),talked to Chinagate.cn about his ex-  相似文献   

DearPenPal:Itiskindofweirdtowritealettertosomeonewhenyoudon'tevenknowwhathisorhernameis.Doyouhaveanybrothersorsisters?IheardthatinChinayoucanonlyhaveonechildperfamily.DoyoubelieveinGodandJesus?Ido.Doyouhavetheinternetatyourschoolorhome?Howoldareyou?Areyouaboyoragirl?Iam10andIamaboy.IhaveadognamedMickey.Isittruethatyoueatcatsanddogs?IalsoplaysoccerWehadagamelastnight,andwewonbyonepoint.Iscoredagoal.Doyouplayanysports?ABAlien,astudentoftheCaterElementarySchool,TCmDleCity.Texas.wrotet…  相似文献   

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