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一种发现高锰酸钾涂改痕迹的化学检测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的通过检测文书可疑涂改处的化学成分,确定其涂改变造性质。方法无损复写取样方法,锰离子定性检验方法。结果可快速检测高锰酸钾涂改文书。  相似文献   

微波消解-扫描电镜联用检测脏器内硅藻   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的介绍一种微波消解-扫描电镜联用检测脏器内硅藻的新方法。方法大白兔30只,随机分为生前溺死组(n=15)和死后溺尸组(n=15)。提取兔肺、肝、肾、股骨骨髓和现场珠江水样,采用建立的微波消解-扫描电镜联用法检测脏器组织和水样中的硅藻,并与硝酸乙醇消解-扫描电镜联用的方法进行比较。结果生前溺死组的兔肺、肝、肾、股骨骨髓组织中大多数观测到与现场珠江水样一致的硅藻,微波消解-扫描电镜联用法检测脏器内硅藻的平均含量分别为:2505.2个/2g肺,18.7个/10g肝,6.5个/10g肾,6.3个/0.5g骨髓;肺与肝、肾、骨髓检出硅藻的阳性比例为86.7%,脏器硅藻检出含量和硅藻检验阳性比例均明显高于硝酸乙醇消解-扫描电镜联用法所测值。死后溺尸组的兔脏器组织均未观测到硅藻。结论微波消解-扫描电镜联用法检测脏器内硅藻,高效、安全、环保,硅藻检验灵敏度高,降低了劳动强度,提高了定性定量分析准确度,且能有效避免污染,在法医学溺死鉴定中具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

An improved method for detection of diatoms in case of drowning is reported. The sample is digested with nitric acid. In order to avoid destruction of diatoms as well as losses by centrifugation etc. the time for wet digestion was reduced and the digest solution is filtered through a membrane filter. Fatty material is removed by alternate washing the filter with 2-Propanol and Petroleum ether. Following the wet digestion of the filter, aliqutos of this digest solution are filtered and the filter is examined microscopically. As the recommended procedure is less time consuming and yields almost complete recovery of diatoms the method has great probative value in case of death by drowning.  相似文献   

The analysis of naphthenic acid revealed that they may be used for tin detection in the cadaveric material due to their high complex-forming ability. Method of extraction-atomic absorption tin determination in human organs was developed on the basis of naphthenic acid use. Modified method which differs from the common one by higher sensitivity and selectivity is presented.  相似文献   

Ethyl nitrite method is proposed as the tentative test for nitrites in studies of the blood and gastric contents. The sensitivity of the method in "pure" solutions is 17 micrograms/sample. The method is specific and its sensitivity is not inferior to routine chemical analyses of biological materials for nitrites.  相似文献   

Proposed methods for softening mummified fingers have been either unsuccessful in adequately softening the fingers or have been highly destructive. A simple technique based on an entirely new concept utilizing disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid in a detergent solution adjusted to a pH of 7.5 has been successfully used to obtain satisfactory to good fingerprints over the past ten years in every case attempted.  相似文献   

AB0 antigens can be extracted from human bone tissue into aqueous solution during boiling and then identified by absorption elution test.  相似文献   

A modified Poley's acid fuchsin-methyl green stain was used to demonstrate ligature marks in tissues taken at autopsy. This stain was compared in 30 cases with haematoxylin-eosin, Mallory's trichrome and Ogata's picro-indigocarmine stains. Using the modified Poley method, it was possible to demonstrate the compression mark in corpses even when post-mortem changes were advanced. The method was found useful in evaluating the cases when the force used was minimal or when the mark was atypical using the usual haematoxylin-eosin method.  相似文献   

A modified Poley's acid fuchsin-methyl green stain was used to demonstrate ligature marks in tissues taken at autopsy. This stain was compared in 30 cases with haematoxylin-eosin, Mallory's trichrome and Ogata's picro-indigocarmine stains. Using the modified Poley method, it was possible to demonstrate the compression mark in corpses even when post-mortem changes were advanced. The method was found useful in evaluating the cases when the force used was minimal or when the mark was atypical using the usual haematoxylin-eosin method.  相似文献   

The economics and ethics of markets for human organs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In 1984, federal legislation outlawing payment for human organs for transplantation was adopted after only cursory discussion of the underlying policy issues. More considered analysis suggests that this prohibition may be overly broad. It appears possible to design suitably regulated market-type approaches to the acquisition and allocation of cadaveric organs (and perhaps of organs from living donors as well) that will be neither unduly offensive to ethical sensibilities nor easily abused and that may yield significant improvements over the existing system of organ procurement, which presents important ethical and practical problems of its own. Moreover, whatever ultimate judgment we reach concerning the merits of markets for transplantable organs, analysis of the sources of the initial moral resistance to the commercialization that lies behind measures such as the 1984 legislation offers insights into the respective roles of market and nonmarket institutions in general.  相似文献   

The powder technique for detecting latent fingerprints involves the application of a finely divided formulation to the fingermark impression, generally with a glass-fibre or a camel hair brush. The powder gets mechanically adhered to the sweat residue defining the ridge pattern. The furrows which are devoid of the fingerprint residue, do not adhere the powder onto them. The final outcome is that the powder formulation sticks to the ridges, but is easily blown off the furrows. Since the powder is normally coloured, the ridge pattern becomes visible and the latent print is said to have developed.  相似文献   

We have used DNA amplification methods to detect common oral bacterial strains to test for the presence of saliva in forensic samples. Streptococcus salivarius and Streptococcus mutans were detected in various forms of saliva samples, whereas these streptococci were not detected in semen, urine, vaginal fluid, or on skin surfaces. Therefore, we demonstrated that these streptococci are promising new marker for the forensic identification of saliva. Our data indicated that S. salivarius is more reliable than S. mutans as an indicator of saliva presence, because the detection rates for S. salivarius and S. mutans by this method were 100% and 90%, respectively. Furthermore, S. salivarius was detected in all saliva stain samples, whereas S. mutans was only identified in 60% of the stains. Finally, using this method we were able to successfully detect S. salivarius and S. mutans in mock forensic samples. We therefore suggested that this method is useful for the identification of saliva in forensic science.  相似文献   

The powder technique for detecting latent fingerprints involves the application of a finely divided formulation to the fingermark impression, generally with a glass-fibre or a camel hair brush. The powder gets mechanically adhered to the sweat residue defining the ridge pattern. The furrows which are devoid of the fingerprint residue, do not adhere the powder onto them. The final outcome is that the powder formulation sticks to the ridges, but is easily blown off the furrows. Since the powder is normally coloured, the ridge pattern becomes visible and the latent print is said to have developed.  相似文献   

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