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从世界各国情况看,对执法司法权的制约监督,往往是权力监督的关键环节,也是权力监督理论的重点议题.在中国政法体制下,中国共产党的权力监督哲学是认知、思考和解决执法司法权制约监督问题的认识论和方法论.近年来,在中国共产党新的权力监督哲学的引领下,中国政法界深入推进执法司法体制改革,加快构建系统完备、权威高效的执法司法制约监...  相似文献   

The sustainable development integrity, national development goals, and legislative status quo have determined that the Green and Low-Carbon Development Part must be designed and incorporated into the China's Environmental Code (Code). The theoretical evolution in the action field, system composition, value function, and operation mechanism of the Environmental Law, as well as the practice development of the Environmental Protection Law legislation, enforcement, and judicial practices have laid a solid theoretical and practical foundation for the incorporation of green and lowcarbon development into the Code. The institutional layout of green and low-carbon development should respect and highlight its own traits. Furthermore, it is important to stress communication and coordination with other parts of the Code, follow the laws of energy development and utilization, and satisfy the inherent requirements of raw material reduction, reuse, and recycle. The layout method should abide by the general principle of general first, specific second; domestic first, international second; defined first, undefined second with decomposition goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality as an exception. The layout effect of the flexibility first, rigidity second is pursued. The chapters of General Provisions, Cleaner Production Green Circulation, Green Consumption, Support and Supervision, and International Cooperation, and Climate Change Response, are specifically designed. Efforts are made to improve new systems, such as strategies and standards for green and low-carbon development, green logistics, energy performance contracting, green finance, carbon emissions trading, and energy early warning.  相似文献   

论公众共用物的法律保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公众共用物系指不特定多数人的可以非排他性使用的共用物,例如大气、水流、海洋、森林和荒地等环境和自然资源。公众共用物既不属于我国法律规定的私有物,也不属于我国法律上规定的国家所有即全民所有财产。公众共用物是公众自由活动、相互交往以及与自然交往的地域、空间和舞台,是满足人们物质需求和精神需求的食粮,是激发和促进人的思想、理想、情操、美感和艺术的渊源,是人之所以为人、人之所以为生态人社会人、人之所以得以全面发展的物质基础和基本条件,是人类、社会、经济和生态得以可持续发展的物质源泉和基本资源。目前我国公众共用物因受到来自各方面和各种形式的污染、破坏、损害、侵犯而面临着退化、萎缩的危机,急需加强法律保护。公众共用物使用权是指不特定多数人非排他性使用公众共用物的资格、自由和力量。作为公众中一员的每一个人都有公众共用物使用权。对公众共用物的保护和法律调整,不能仅仅依靠单一的政府那只"看得见的手"或"市场那只看不见的手"或"另一只看不见的手",而应该根据具体情况综合利用政府那只"看得见的手"、"市场那只看不见的手"和"另一只看不见的手"这三只手;不能仅仅依靠单一的政府调整、市场调整和社会调整,而应该从实际出发综合采用政府调整、市场调整和社会调整这三种调整机制;不能仅仅依靠单一的中央集权、自由竞争、公有制和私有化手段,而应该根据现实需要适度地进行集权、分权、自治和实行公有、私有、共用措施。我国的法律应该充分发挥公众、政府和市场各自的优势和特点,逐步建立有关公众共用物的综合调整机制、善治机制,避免"公地悲剧"、"反公地悲剧"和埃利诺.奥斯特罗姆所谓的"双重陷阱",通过建立健全公众共用物的法律调整机制,保障公众共用物的健康和可持续存在,保持和维护私用财产、公务财产和共用物的合理比例、综合平衡和协调发展。提出建立健全如下公众共用物的法律规范和法律制度:非排他性使用公众共用物的法律措施和法律制度;保护、改善和治理现有公众共用物的法律措施和法律制度;防止不当减少现有公众共用物数量和规模,保障基本公众共用物供给的法律措施和法律制度;增加公众共用物的法律措施和法律制度;有关公众共用物的法律责任制度和救济制度;有关公众共用物的管理体制以及规划、统计、信息公开等管理制度。这些法律规范和法律制度将确保公众共用物与私人财产、政府财产的比例适当和协调发展,满足公众对公众共用物的需要。  相似文献   

我国《民法典》虽然已经构建了完善的民事权益体系,并已在相关条款中就权益位阶作出了规定,但并没有全面确立清晰的权益位阶。在普遍存在的权益冲突中,不同权益的价值分量并非等同,在这一背景下,建立妥善的权益位阶理论,有助于防范化解冲突,有效贯彻立法者的价值判断,并辅助裁判者进行准确的利益衡量。通过对《民法典》民事权益体系的解释,可以对民事权益的位阶进行如下排序:物质性人格权、精神性人格权、身份权、人格利益、财产权利、财产利益。民事权益位阶在司法适用中并不是机械地排序取舍,而应结合个案场景妥当地进行利益衡量。民事权益位阶主要涉及高位阶权益的优先保护、低位阶权益的妥协容忍、民事责任的限制和排除、合同的解除以及对利益受损者的适当补偿等效果。  相似文献   

This paper aims to critically analyze the evolution of six models of conceptualization, determination, and prediction of occupational disability relevant in the medico-legal context of psychological injury. The six models are the (a) biomedical, (b) forensic, (c) psychosocial, (d) ecological, (e) economic, and (f) biopsychosocial. We will discuss the key commonalities and differences among the models, including disciplinary tradition, research paradigm, recognition of person–environment interaction, key tenets, and implications for practice and research in psychological injury. The paper will highlight and discuss psychosocial issues, often underemphasized in forensic psychological practice, including: (a) balanced assessment of primary, secondary, and tertiary gains and losses, (b) self-perception, (c) disability identity, (d) beliefs and expectations, (e) coping, (f) adaptation and positive growth, (g) social stigma and social reactions to disability, including disability harassment, and (h) recognition of system-based environmental influences and demands. We will provide a special focus on the current state of the science and practice of prediction of disability, of particular interest to researchers and clinicians involved in clinical and occupational prognostication in psychological injuries. Finally, we will draw conclusions and recommendations for future research and best practices in the psychological injury area using a cross-diagnostic, dynamic, functionally based, and integrated biopsychosocial and forensic model of disability.  相似文献   

Fundamental changes in the functions of law and politics, new forms of governance, and the bases of the legitimacy of contemporary EU institutions, herald the end of 'state' monopolies. The dynamics and relations of supranational and national institutions which we are now witnessing, represent qualitatively new patterns and clusters of communications, interaction and competition. The emerging EU constitutional framework is continually being interpreted and negotiated by numerous participating parties. Functional and mutual interdependence has replaced hierarchy as the primary institutional relationship, thus enhancing further the importance of the treaties and leading to an increased politicisation of law. Sovereignty has dissolved into multiple paths of procedures and combinations of institutions. Science and knowledge-based discourses have generally invaded regulation, with the result that lawyers need to pay increasing attention to transparency, freedom of information, and the establishment of structures which are relatively autonomous from both state and market. The EU is best conceived of as consisting of mutually interdependent, reflexive, destabilised and competing institutions.  相似文献   

This paper reports the application of computerized image analysis to a quantitative study of skin electrical injury in order to provide an objective and quantitative standard for identifying the electrical mark. The differences between antemortem and postmortem electrical injuries were also studied. In normal and electrically-injured human skin, the long/short axes ratio of nuclei were measured. The mean of epithelial basal cells was 1.4344 and 5.9325, respectively, the mean of hair follicle cells was 1.6193 and 4.5988, respectively, and the mean of capillary endothelial cells was 4.0229 and 4.3593, respectively. In rat specimens, the long/short axes ratio of nuclei of normal skin, at 15 and 5 min ante-mortem and at 5 min postmortem injury, the mean epithelial basal cells was 1.4124, 4.5417, 5.2282 and 5.0447, respectively. The mean of hair follicle cells was 1.4140, 4.4863, 4.1146 and 4.4522, respectively, while the mean of capillary endothelial cells was 2.8398, 3.7514, 3.6159 and 3.6977, respectively. The results indicate that the differences between electrical injuries and normal skin with respect to the ratios of long/short axes of the epithelial basal cell nuclei and hair follicle cell nuclei are of remarkable significance. On the other hand, no significant difference could be found between antemortem and postmortem injuries, nor between electrical injury and normal skin, concerning the long/short axes ratios of capillary endothelial cell nuclei. This result provides a preliminary objective standard for the changes of electrical skin injury.  相似文献   

民法学通常将法律事实作为引致法律关系得丧变更的具体事实。但该定位隐含着表达与所指的错位,并缺失立法视角的审视,其法律意义还容易被常识所覆盖。要修正这些不当,宜从立法视角出发,以规范为定位点,法律事实因此可一般化为与法律效果对应的构成要件,即在特定功能引导下经由专业逻辑安排而形成的格式化社会现实的规范工具,同时又能具体化为构成要件中的构造要素。它们的关系错综而有序,反映了民法的体系性。以规范面目出现的法律事实是法律理念与现实的对应与调适,在适用中还要与个案的具体事实再次对应与调适。法律事实由此充满互动的张力,同时也使民法学有了多元的知识资源。但无论如何,法律事实并非具体事实。  相似文献   

The article proposes a new site of analysis for the study of regulation: regulatory conversations, and a new theoretical approach: discourse analysis. Regulatory conversations, the communicative interactions that occur between all involved in the regulatory 'space', are an important part of most regulatory systems. Discourse analysis, the study of the use of language and communication, suggests that such interactions are constitutive of the regulatory process, that they serve important functions, that they can be the basis of co-ordinated action, and that they are important sites of conflict and contestation. The article explores five key contentions of discourse analysis, considering how each may shed light on aspects of regulatory processes. These are, first as to the meaning of language and co-ordination of social practices; second, as to the construction of identities; third, the relationship of language, thought, and knowledge; fourth, the relationship of language and power, and finally, that meaning, thought, knowledge, and power are open to contestation and change.  相似文献   

The USSR Constitution and the constitutions of union and autonomous republics are the basis of all normative material in the area of physical culture, sports, and tourism. They consider physical culture, sports, and tourism among the most important areas of state activity and define their essence, significance, content, and particulars under the conditions of developed socialism. The interconnected cultural-educational function and the social development function defined in the chapter on "Social Development and Culture" of the USSR Constitution regulate the special purpose of physical culture, sports, and tourism as components of these functions.1 The goals and tasks of physical culture and sports under present conditions are also revealed in the process of the state's realization of economic, organizational, and social service functions. Physical culture, sports, and tourism are thus components of four interconnected functions of the Soviet state that are highly relevant to general culture, health promotion, education, upbringing, economics, defense, and patriotism.  相似文献   

Since hardly a report is available on estimation of length of calcaneum and talus from a fragment of them, a fresh study was made on a present day south Indian population. A total of 110 calcanei (55 right and 55 left), and 70 tali (35 right and 35 left), all unpaired, dry, and devoid of gross pathology, were used. Maximum anteroposterior length of the bone was measured in millimeter using an anthropometric board, and linear measurements of the other bony markers were measured in millimeter using a sliding caliper. Bony markers of calcaneum were maximum anteroposterior length, maximum transverse width, length, width and depth of groove on the sustentaculum tali, and length, width, and depth of the sulcus calcanei. Bony markers of talus were maximum anteroposterior length, maximum transverse width, length and width of articular surface for the lateral malleolus, length and width of articular surface for the medial malleolus, vertical width and transverse width of articular surface of the head, width and depth of groove for tendon of the flexor hallucis longus, and length, width, and depth of the sulcus tali. Simple regression suggested that maximum length of the calcaneum regressed significantly with maximum transverse width, length, width and depth of groove on the sustentaculum tali, and length, width, and depth of the sulcus calcanei and that maximum length of the talus regressed significantly with maximum transverse width, length and width of the lateral articular surface, length of the medial articular surface, vertical and transverse diameters of the head, and depth of the sulcus tali. Maximum length of calcaneum and talus is derived from the regression values, to predict the stature of the person from available stature equations in the literature.  相似文献   

裴苍龄 《法律科学》2012,(1):95-107
事实是一切学科的对象。事实不是陈述、命题、描述和断定。事实是指客观外界存在或不存在、发生或未发生的全部情况和过程。事实可分为如下类型:一、静态事实和动态事实;二、积极事实和消极事实;三、自然事实和人为事实;四、历史事实和当前事实。事实有四大功能,即认识的基础、证明的根据、检验的标准、思想的指南。事实有两重属性:一为客观性;二为关联性。证据也有两重属性。证据的客观性指的还是事实的客观性,证据的关联性指的也还是事实的关联性。可见,事实就是证据。事实有四大功能,证据自然也有四大功能。证据不限于司法工作需要,全人类都需要。因此,要把证据学打造成全人类的科学。  相似文献   

行政法基本原则是行政法规范的基础性原理、准则和基本精神,具有立法上的整合统领、执法上的行为准则和司法上的可适用性功能,是“行政法总则”不可或缺的灵魂条款。从体系化构建上看,对于基本原则的具体内容,需要采取学理和规范分析的方法,以能够反映行政法的根本价值和特殊规律为标准,从众多的行政法规范、司法裁判、政策性文件以及各种学说学理中加以提取,并对域外立法例予以分析借鉴。据此,可以将行政法基本原则分为权益保障、行政法定、行政均衡、行政正当和行政效能五大类共十二项具体的子原则。在立法技术上,对基本原则条款的设置,应当坚持罗列式及分层式表达的方式,以全面而精准地表达出各项原则的具体内容及其效力层次。  相似文献   

注重宪法和法律实施是当代法治基本内涵的普遍要求,是全面推进依法治国的时代要求,是法治建设战略转移的客观要求。我国宪法和法律的实施面临着立法粗放与执行不力的困扰、经济状况与社会转型的制约、体制不顺与机制不全的束缚、法治传统与法治精神的缺失。保障宪法和法律统一正确实施,应加强和改进宪法实施,保障和落实公民权利,坚持和完善党的领导,营造和改善法治环境。  相似文献   

The impact of scientific findings on medical, psychological, and legal concepts has led to the adoption of laws and regulations that do not easily fit into the established legal categories of medical law or mental health law. Instead, this convergence of forces has resulted in laws and regulations mandating biopsychosocial treatment guidelines, where both medical and psychological cares are integrated within the framework of a single paradigm. Laws and regulations of this type have been adopted by a number of US states and Canadian provinces, and could be considered to represent a new category, for which we offer the term “biopsychosocial law.” Biopsychosocial laws currently pertain to medical treatment guidelines for workers’ compensation, a medical treatment system noted for high costs, high levels of litigation, and psychological involvement. There are a number of examples of biopsychosocial laws, but the most noteworthy are based on guidelines developed by the Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation, the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, the Work Loss Data Institute, and The Reed Group. These guidelines differ significantly with regard to features, conditions covered, and strength of evidence basis. However, all of these guideline systems were developed with the intent of providing good care while controlling costs, are evidence based, integrate the practice of medicine and psychology, and are legally mandated in certain jurisdictions. Taken together, these guidelines represent a growing convergence of scientific evidence, professional society positions, payor policies, and legal regulations. These forces are propelling a broad societal shift away from Cartesian assumptions that the body and mind are separate, and toward a biopsychosocial paradigm for the treatment of injury and illness.  相似文献   

Historical analyses and contemporary social psychological research demonstrate that prevailing systems, institutions, and practices espouse an ideology of conflict between humans and the natural world. The established paradigm of society espouses domination of and separation from the natural environment, and manifests in environmentally detrimental attitudes and practices. Ecological exploitation appears to stem from the same root socioeconomic processes as social injustice—the hierarchical arrangement of power which places some groups and the environment in a position devoid of power or rights. Accordingly, endorsement of social and environmental injustice is exacerbated by tendencies toward domination and hierarchy, such as social dominance orientation and right-wing authoritarianism. Moreover, injustice is perpetuated by motivation to uphold and justify social structures and the dominant paradigm, which stifles societal change toward intergroup fairness and equality and motivates denial and neglect in the face of environmental problems. Ideological tendencies in service of the system, including political conservatism, belief in a just world, and free market ideology, contribute toward perpetuating injustice as well as anti-environmental sentiment and behavior. Considering the shared psychological and ideological underpinnings of social and environmental injustice point to important interventions, such as cultivating interdependence through contact, fostering inclusive representations, and harnessing ideological motives toward overcoming resistance to change, and carry implications for expanding the scope of justice theory, research, and practice.  相似文献   

契约理念引入行政法的背景分析——基础与条件   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
市场经济和市场经济下的行政机关与公民的关系 ,既是行政法和契约的基础 ,也构成了二者结合的基础 ;民主为契约理念在行政法中的确立奠定了观念与制度的基础 ,也正是民主孕育着行政法的契约精神 ,而行政职能的转变及多元化行政的出现 ,为契约在行政法中的应用提供了广阔的空间 ;法治理念与契约理念有着异曲同工之妙 ,二者互为基础 ;立法对契约的规定与行政的实际运作 ,表明了契约理念的确立已具有现实的可行与必要。契约理念确立的条件 ,可从行政、行政相对人、行政关系中的利益及契约与依法行政的结合等方面来解读 :行政的开放性与文化支撑性、行政相对人的独立性和参与性、行政关系中不同利益的可交换性、契约与依法行政的相融性。  相似文献   

研究立法权应界定法的内涵与处延。法的内涵具有以下属性 :时间性、空间性、事实性和价值性 ;法的处延是习惯法、制定法和判例法。立法是一定主体确立具有普遍效力的法规范和法规则。立法权的性质有合法性、统一性和民主性。中国现行的立法体制是一元性二级立法体制。一元性立法体制和复合性立法体制各有利弊。影响我国立法体制的理论因素是 :分权限立法理论、扩大授权理论和特区理论。立法权是主权的一部分 ,主权是有限相对的。  相似文献   

对一起某中医院涉及放射诊疗许可行政处罚案的分析,从处罚的主体、相关证据、适用法律等方面进行分析。处罚的主体、相关证据、适用法律等方面与现行的国家法律、法规和标准的要求存在着差距。加强放射卫生监督员和放射诊疗机构管理人员及放射工作人员的培训,完善放射诊疗活动监管的有效模式和方法,强化医疗机构放射诊疗防护意识,落实责任,切实维护患者和医务人员的健康权益。  相似文献   

李晓明  彭文华 《现代法学》2013,35(1):109-124
犯罪论的事实判断是对外界客观行为的实然认识,价值评价是主体对客观事实的应然判断,两者应当是协调统一的。行为入罪具有客观规律性。犯罪论的事实判断包括客观事实判断与主观事实判断,具有普遍性与特殊性、恒定性与可变性。犯罪论的价值评价包括客观价值评价、主观价值评价和混合价值评价。行为入罪在价值评价上需要遵循目的有效性、手段有效性、司法有效性、效益均衡性和后果均衡性原则。大陆法系国家的犯罪论体系缺乏实质的混合价值评价要素;我国平面的犯罪论体系缺乏形式的混合价值评价要素。重构论不可行的理由是:作为其哲理根据的事实与价值二元论早已崩溃,作为其立论基础的德日阶层犯罪论体系在评判次序上并非先事实后价值。  相似文献   

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