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Ripley A 《Time》2005,165(18):58-62

This article is an attempt to review the state of the art in state exective reorganization in three areas: (1) the value orientations emphasized in state reorganization, (2) the forms/ structures state reorganizations take, (3) the research approaches applied to state reorganiztion. After summarizing trends and patterns in each earea, projections of future developments are made. My review and speculation are based in part on a comprehensive study of 151 state executive branch reorganizations or attempts to reorganize in 48 states from 1914-1975.  相似文献   

Marshall Dimock sought and found unity of life in human values. He accepted increasingly big businesses and governments as inevitable, but he found growing bureaucratization hostile to humanity and vitality within organizations and unresponsive to customers and citizens. He looked to leadership as an antidote to bureaucracy. Dimock supported vigorous leadership by individuals in key roles, but he consistently espoused high-involvement of people in leader-ship throughout organanizations and society generally.  相似文献   

你能想象,衣着十分保守的埃及姑娘也能跳芭蕾舞吗?你能设想,宗教色彩相当浓厚的埃及社会,其民众也能欣赏得了芭蕾舞吗?我可以告诉你,埃及姑娘不仅可以跳芭蕾,而且水平相当高;埃及民众不仅能欣赏得了这门高雅的艺术,而且还有很高的欣赏水平和不俗的文明礼貌.我甚至感到,芭蕾这门艺术正悄悄地改变着埃及人的生活习惯和方式.  相似文献   

早就听说过加拿大的美丽城市蒙特利尔是个多元开放的城市,以北美"艺术之都"而闻名遐迩,多年前已与上海结成友好城市.去年春夏之交,我终于有幸来到这个艳羡已久的名城.一下飞机,我就被眼前这个碧水环绕、楼厦教堂错落多姿的美丽城市迷住了,千娇百姿的她让我如临仙境,如入诗画.  相似文献   

This article shows that resistance and a critical discourse continue in the arts, especially in visual art, in Russia under the present political conditions when free speech has been seriously circumscribed. When in May 2012 Vladimir Putin was reinstalled as president with a new authoritarian conservative agenda, it was expected that the situation for culture would change. This article addresses the question of whether a critical discourse survived in the arts under the new conditions. It presents the new political context for the arts, and provides examples of various artistic strategies of resistance/protest in Russian contemporary art by applying Jacques Ranciere’s concept of dissensus. The focus is on visual art, although references are also made to the world of theater. The first section presents the new official role given to culture and the new state cultural policy as components of a reactionary backlash against the reform policies under Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin, and describes conflicts around art and art productions that followed from the new state policy. A second section gives examples of dissensus in art today by presenting artworks by Piotr Pavlenskii, Arsenii Zhilyaev, Stas Shuripa, and Anna Titova.  相似文献   

For contemporary black British artists, history is a recurring and significant concept in their lives. This is the imperial and colonial history of the enslavement, exploitation, and oppression of non-white populations. Geography is conceptually twinned with history. European colonial enterprises necessitated the movement of people as well as goods across oceans and between continents. Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Americas were conquered, carved up, and mapped out by European powers. This geography is a legacy for those people whose ancestors and relatives were enslaved and/or displaced. It is equally important to those people directly affected by economic and political instability in their homelands, immigration, and/or racism. Artists Yinka Shonibare, Godfried Donkor, and Lubaina Himid appropriate centuries-old images and cultural as well as racial stereotypes to question accepted historical narratives with regards to black populations. Zarina Bhimji, Sonia Boyce, and Sokari Douglas Camp are more concerned with how history impinges upon them personally.  相似文献   

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