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Adipocere: what is known after over two centuries of research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews over two centuries of research focusing on various issues relating to adipocere. Adipocere is a crumbly, soap-like postmortem product that forms from soft tissue in a variety of environments. The timing of the formation and degradation of adipocere depends largely on the environmental circumstances. Once formed, adipocere can persist for hundreds of years, acting as a preservative. In this way, some define it as a process of mummification. This type of persistence can be useful in a forensic context as it can preserve evidence. Sustained interest in adipocere prompted many investigations into the composition and conditions of formation. More recent investigations, aided by technological advances, build upon the knowledge gained from prior studies as well as delve into the chemical composition of adipocere. This in turn provides new information on detection and documentation of constituent substances.  相似文献   

The Journal of Technology Transfer - Despite the growing interest in understanding innovative activities, an important limitation of the current literature on innovation—both public and...  相似文献   

In many states, legal representation for parents of dependent children is inadequate and can be a source of delays in securing permanency for children and unnecessarily protracted court proceedings. Often, such parents also face barriers to accessing services and independent evaluators. These issues are being addressed in the state of Washington through two approaches. The first is a successful enhanced legal representation program that has substantially improved case outcomes. The second is a statewide committee using innovative means to examine systemic responses to the challenges of the Adoption and Safe Families Act.  相似文献   

To start a dialog with police and criminal psychologists concerning systems theory and policing, the authors are presenting the following paper. This paper shares their thinking about systems theory as it might apply to policing. The paper draws upon specific examples from one of the twenty largest police departments in the United States. These examples include: race relations, domestic violence legislation, financing, and developing specialized units. The authors present some of the major concepts associated with systems thinking. They selected—context, valid information, relationships, shared meaning, attractors and agents. In addition, there are recommendations for future direction of dialog and research. Authors' Note: A. Steven Dietz, Ph.D., is an Instructor with Texas State University at San Marcos in the Department of Criminal Justice. Oscar Mink, Ed.D., was Professor of Adult and Human Resources Development Leadership at the University of Texas at Austin until his death in September of 2004. He was licensed as a psychologist in both Texas and New York. He authored or co-authored 14 books and over 200 articles, monographs, and psychological assessment instruments. He founded a correctional counseling institute program at West Virginia University as a visible part of the Division of Clinical Studies that he directed. He had 14 years direct work experience in various aspects of criminal justice at the Federal, State and community level. Dr. Mink consulted with the Austin Police Department on issues related to executive coaching and organizational development.  相似文献   

There are four classes of procedural goods, each of which is an appropriate ground for answering the question: “Is this a fair procedure?” (i) It is unfair not to treat a person with dignity; the dignity goods are self-respect, personal control, and an understanding of the procedures that determine relevant outcomes. (ii) It is unfair to impose upon a person heavy (net) costs, such as overburdened cognitive capacities and high information costs, excessively painful interpersonal conflict, threats beyond those inherent in the situation, and humiliation. (iii) It is unfair to disregard (but not necessarily to violate) the person's own sense of justice, the codes of honor and practice of his own group and culture. And, of course, (iv) it is unfair to use a procedure that does not have the highest probability of achieving distributive or retributive justice. Few of the standard articles of democratic theory (e.g., liberty, equal treatment before the law, rights, and sharing of power) offer sufficient protections for the first three of these procedural goods.  相似文献   

A visionary manager will occasionally encounter a “wave-of-the-future” technology that can change the manufacturing process. Since such technologies are relatively unknown to others in the organization, its implementation can make or break its success. New Process Gear (NPG) plant, a division of New Venture Gear, Inc., has experienced this scenario with its robotics installation. This field study examines several robotics installations at NPG, starting with the earliest installation and proceeding through its latest installation of a complete robotics system. Through this experience, five areas emerged as necessary for successful new technology adoption: opportunity identification, high-quality equipment, supplier competence, training, and teamwork. By examining the robotics implementation process through various installations over time, several important lessons can be gleaned about new technology implementation that may be applicable to other technology applications.  相似文献   


This article describes how Russian law schools understand their objectives today and whether there is an ideal model of a jurist to which law schools should conform. Different qualitative methods were used in this study, including a review of the post-Soviet legal education reforms, analysis of regulations governing higher legal education, analysis of websites, and expert semi-structured interviews with heads of law schools. The results demonstrate the difficulties faced by law schools, which are forced to balance the state standards of higher education and external legal, social, economic, and political challenges. The study concludes that law schools are experiencing serious difficulties with respect to understandings of their objectives as well as the current redefinition of the normative ideal model of a jurist. The study also makes it possible to draw conclusions about the importance of legal knowledge, different ways of understanding prestige in the legal profession, and the revival of features of the Soviet model of the “ideal jurist.”  相似文献   

This article explores some of the new challenges confronting Commonwealth countries in the context of international humanitarian law (IHL). The very nature of non-international armed conflicts presents new challenges that did not exist in the context of inter-State conflicts, which were conducted in the traditional battlefield with well demarcated boundaries. The point is made that, in addressing the role of the Commonwealth in relation to contemporary IHL issues, a good starting point would be the shared commonalities between the two branches of law, HRL and IHL, notwithstanding their distinct paths of development. There are several important areas that could form the core of Commonwealth cooperation in strengthening IHL, including in the area of legislation, national mechanisms for the implementation of IHL and regional measures to strengthen IHL.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the possibility and efficacy of identifying core obligations that should apply to all States in the implementation of Economic and Social Rights (ESRs). The paper acknowledges that ESRs are largely resource dependent, require progressive realisation and that States differ in their level of economic development. However, the paper finds that while the above factors are worth considering, they do not wholly offer reasonable justification to dismiss the core obligations approach. First, the paper examines the core obligations approach. This is followed by the discussion on why this approach should apply to all States. Thereafter, the discussion turns to objections that have been levelled against the core obligations approach. The paper attempts to offer responses to such criticisms. The paper then concludes with the view that although the approach has its challenges, it offers a good conceptual starting point towards the fulfilment of ESRs in domestic jurisdictions.  相似文献   

Juveniles comprise a substantial portion of the offenders arrested for burglary in the United States each year. Using a Hierarchical Multivariate Linear Model, the current research examines juvenile burglars, by gender, utilizing a routine activities approach. This analysis was performed using data on the thirty five largest cities in Texas, between 1990 and 2004. Increased incidents of juvenile arrests for burglary, in both genders, occurred where there were high levels of poverty and low levels of female headed households. Juvenile males appeared to be arrested more for burglary in areas where there were high levels of unemployment and non-white individuals, while juvenile females were arrested for burglary in places where there were higher numbers of males between the ages of 19 and 24 years. Results suggest that the current measures of routine activities theory better explains variation in juvenile male arrests for burglary.  相似文献   

This paper isolates crime prevention policy implications which stem from a series of interrelated environmental studies of residential burglaries. A number of crime prevention strategies are developed using a systems approach. It is argued that changes made to the environments of individuals, groups, communities, organizations, and society can achieve lower risks of residential burglary victimization.  相似文献   

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