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This paper investigates the threats and opportunities posed by the possibility of a Digital Copyright Exchange (DCE). On the one hand, an exchange could be implemented as a way of replacing traditional distributors such as publishers. On the other hand, it could strengthen certain publishers by making licensing of content the normal method of distribution. An exchange may, therefore, be accurately described as a facilitator of change. The Hooper Feasibility Studies of 2012 have posed a number of possible formulations of the Exchange, but it is suggested that those studies have not realised the broader implications of their proposals upon the central tenets of the copyright balancing exercise. This paper outlines possible consequences and suggests that a broader consideration of the implications should be adopted in future.  相似文献   

Digital technology facilitates the distribution and use of computer programs, graphical works, sound recordings, audio-visual works, and database products. This creates new commercial market opportunities, but ones compromised by the great ease and low cost of making and even disseminating unauthorized exact copies. Copyright generally makes such conduct unlawful, yet monitoring and enforcement costs severely limit the utility of direct enforcement. Content producers therefore seek adjunctive protection through laws regulating circumvention of producers' technological safeguards and enforcing contract restrictions on copy use and transfer. They also promote enactment of strong criminal penalties for copyright infringement and violation of new digital work protection laws. This increasingly has made copyright less the object of protection than a talisman in promoting and framing new protections that accord digital works substantially greater 'property-like' stature and legal protection than that created by copyright.  相似文献   

Economic efficiency has been the dominant justification for copyright protection in the United States. Challenging that narrow perspective, this study argues that cultural democracy provides a broader, more encompassing framework for reforming copyright laws in support of users’ access to and use of creative works. The study demonstrates how the normative values promoted by cultural democracy are synonymous with the socially beneficial effects of the first sale doctrine. Additionally, the study contextualizes and further elaborates the notion of cultural democracy by providing more concrete examples of how cultural democracy plays out in practice. In doing so, this study focuses on individuals’ use of ebooks and the role of public libraries in the digital age.  相似文献   

Title II of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 limits liability for copyright infringement for online service providers if they remove from their services material posted by users that copyright holders allege infringes on their rights. This article argues that the Title provides too much incentive to OSPs to remove the material, creating an imbalance in the "fair-use" tradition of copyright law and threatening freedom of speech. The article suggests that the law be amended to require that copyright holders prove infringement before OSPs are made liable for infringement.  相似文献   

网络环境下的版权法规则,尤其是针对网络中介服务提供者的侵权责任规则,传统的功利主义并无法完全解读,也无法对未来作出准确预判.本文主张网络时代下的版权问题需引入新的功利主义去解读:相较于传统的功利主义所平衡的版权人与社会公众的二元利益,网络时代的功利主义还须平衡网络中介服务提供者的利益,故为三元功利主义.质言之,在网络环境下的版权直接侵权和合理使用的问题上,可以沿用传统的二元功利主义去解读;而网络中介服务提供者的版权共同侵权立法与司法规则,则应引入三元功利主义去解读.  相似文献   

版权法发端于印刷术,之后不断随着新的作品表达形式和传播技术的出现而发展.在这方面,版权法经历了从印刷技术、广播技术再到数字技术的演进.数字通信区别于传统的印刷和广播技术,它不再是模拟复制传播,而是脱离载体的信息传送.这样的转变改变了传统版权法的生态环境,原来的作品复制件交易演变成为无需载体的"内容"交易.于是,建立在依赖复制件控制基础上的版权法律制度遇到前所未有的挑战.为应对数字技术挑战,版权法有可能出现三个方面的发展趋势:一是重构版权法哲学基础,寻找适合数字时代的保护范畴;二是使版权法脱离版权决定一切的局面,走向对作品(内容)传播秩序规制阶段;第三,网络传播将成为作品的主要传播方式,网络传播权也成为版权的核心.如何深度地理解、研究数字技术引发的挑战,把握这一趋势是我国著作权法第三次修改的重要任务.  相似文献   

近年来中国互联网司法发展取得了显著成效,为建设一种全新的法院样态——"全域数字法院"提供了可能。与既往的法院信息化建设不同,"全域数字法院"是一场重塑性的制度革命,它以线上线下深度融合、内网外网共享协同、有线无线互联互通为基本要求,更加注重系统集成与数字赋能,更加注重流程再造与制度重塑,更加注重全面数字化与高度智能化,运用"技术+制度"为实现更高水平的公平正义注入新效能。建设"全域数字法院",主要路径是通过"平台化建设""无纸化转型""智能化赋能"三阶段,打造全生命周期的司法平台,提供全时空在线的司法服务,构建全流域智能的司法模式,驱动司法制度的全方位变革,并最终实现司法领域从数字赋能到制度重塑的革命性变革。  相似文献   

数字出版产业版权困境解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海量作品的海量授权问题已成为制约数字出版发展的瓶颈,积聚成巨大的产业法律风险更是悬在数字商头顶的达摩克利斯之剑。面对数字网络技术的挑战,只有通过立法途径才能解决版权卧境。建议拓宽准法定许可的适用范围,建立数字公告出版模式,以破解数字出版产业的版权困境。  相似文献   

作为创意产业的重要标志,数字内容产品是数字产业和内容产业高端结合的产物,它融合了数字技术与文化内容,通过复制和信息网络以及其他形式广泛传播.  相似文献   

计算机字库产业的发展和保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、国内字库产业发展现状字体,是指文字的不同体式。为大家所熟悉的字体有诸如宋体、楷体、仿宋体等,在计算机时代,按照不同字体在计算机中的显示和存储方式1。  相似文献   

宾雪花 《河北法学》2011,29(10):166-172
美国修改《数字千年版权法》,使破解IPhone等智能手机,以便转换电信服务提供商;或者安装非IPhone应用程序都成为合法的事情。此事件在知识经济时代中对各国数字版权的保护,防止知识产权的滥用具有一定的代表性。从此事件中可看到,美国修改《数字千年版权法》,打破了原来的关于捆绑电信运营商,不允许兼容其他程序等限制性商业行为,使得以创新和竞争为特征的信息产业,具有继续向前发展的动力。美国修改《数字千年版权法》,对中国反垄断法的实施具有一定指导意义。即在网络经济时代,在保护知识产权的合法垄断权时,中国反垄断法应该禁止知识产权滥用,鼓励创新或动态效率的促进,消费者福利的保护。  相似文献   

唐艳 《知识产权》2012,(1):46-52
首次销售原则对数字化作品的适用,应依照数字化作品的不同类型以及移转、传播的不同方式来具体判断。通过网络传输的数字化作品原则上不应适用首次销售原则。在数字化作品复制件的有形占有发生移转,但伴有许可协议的情形,作品复制件的所有权是否移转,建议借鉴美国沃纳诉欧特克案确立的三步检测法来判断,只有作品复制件的所有权发生移转,才能适用首次销售原则。我国著作权法在修订之时,应将首次销售原则予以明确规定,并针对数字化作品细化适用规则。  相似文献   

版权:一种历史视野   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将版权这一概念放在历史的视野里进行考察。通过探询英、法、德、中等国历史上的版权概念及其所彰示的理念,比较了特定历史条件下的版权所反映的人们的看法。在此基础上,文章探讨了中国古代没有产生版权法的历史原因。  相似文献   

“复制”版权之反思与重构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
彭学龙 《知识产权》2005,15(2):23-29
传统版权法是建立在复制权基础之上的,一部技术发展史也是版权人所享有的复制权不断扩张的历史,数字网络技术则将这种扩张推向极至,而与之相伴的控制社会公众获得作品的后果又促使人们思考放弃传统的复制版权模式,以重构适应数字网络环境需要的新型版权制度.在数字网络环境下应以获得作品权取代复制权,而在模拟世界传统复制版权依然能够有效运行,如何协调现实和网络世界的版权保护是版权法不能回避的问题.  相似文献   

The article uses conceptual metaphor theory to analyse how the concept of “copy” in copyright law is expanding in a digital society to cover more phenomena than originally intended. For this purpose, the legally accepted model for valuing media files in the case against The Pirate Bay (TPB) is used in the analysis. When four men behind TPB were convicted in the District Court of Stockholm, Sweden, on 17 April 2009, to many, it marked a victory over online piracy for the American and Swedish media corporations. The convicted men were jointly liable for the damages of roughly EUR 3.5 million. But how do you calculate damages of file sharing? For example, what is the value of a copy? The article uses a model for valuating files in monetary numbers, suggested by the American plaintiffs and sanctioned by the District Court in the case against the BitTorrent site TPB, in order to calculate the total value of an entire, and in this anonymous other, BitTorrent site. These calculated hypothetical figures are huge—EUR 53 billion—and grow click by click which, on its face, questions some of the key assumptions in the copy-by-copy valuation that are sprung from analogue conceptions of reality, and transferred into a digital context. This signals a (legal) conceptual expansion of the meaning of “copy” in copyright that does not seem to fit with how the phenomenon is conceptualised by the younger generation of media consumers.  相似文献   

在历史的向度与法律的视角之下,数字图书馆凸显了图书馆维护知识自由的公益性质和信息传播者的角色定位。现行法对公益性质认识不足及传播者的定位缺失,造成了著作权法的制度缺陷及规制缺失。通过对合理使用制度、法定许可制度、集体管理制度、避风港条款进行探讨与重构,得出妥善解决数字图书馆与版权所有人利益冲突的结论。  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅猛发展,数字图书馆建设方兴未艾,国内涌现出许多知名的数字图书制作商(如超星数字图书馆),数字图书用户也迅速扩大,几乎所有的高校图书馆和大多数公共图书馆都成为了数字图书的用户.然而,现实中由于没有取得授权而引发的著作权侵权纠纷却屡有发生.据不完全统计,自2002年至今,在北京地区此类著作权诉讼已过百起.  相似文献   

数字图书馆作为现代信息网络技术应用于文化知识资源传播的产物在现代社会应运而生并蓬勃发展,其本身的发展运作涉及到许多法律问题。本文拟在科学界定数字图书馆概念的基础上,结合实践中我国数字图书馆建设发展的现状,具体分析数字图书馆建设中所涉及的一系列版权问题并透视著作权法的立法走向。  相似文献   

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