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当前对全球正义的讨论主要分为民族主义和世界主义两大阵营,民族主义者反对无上限的全球援助,世界主义者出于不同的立场对他们进行了批评。斯戴纳(Hillel Steiner)作为世界主义者,从资源的角度出发,认为富人有义务援助穷人。在他看来,民族主义者声称对领土内的自然资源有所有权是不成立的。自然资源作为一种运气并且作为一项基本人权,每个人对此都应有平等的份额。因而,资源占有超过平等份额的人应当对资源占有不足平等份额的人进行补偿,这是一种正义的义务。  相似文献   

In this paper I explore a possible response to G.A. Cohen's critique of the Rawlsian defence of inequality-generating incentives. Much of the debate on this topic has neglected the importance Rawls places on the principles that apply to individuals. I explore two possible strategies. First, to argue that self-seeking high-fliers fail to fulfil the natural duty to uphold justice; secondly, to argue that such individuals fail to fulfil the natural duty of mutual respect. These two strategies allow Rawlsians to argue that justice as fairness does require an ethos that is violated by the market behaviour of self-seeking high-fliers.  相似文献   

社会公正:政治认同的制度性资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代社会,政治认同是政权稳定的基础.要提高民众对政治系统的认同度,需要整合政治认同资源.政治认同资源主要由意识性、制度性和功绩性资源组成,其中,社会公正作为制度性资源对保持政权的持久延续具有决定性意义.因此,执政者要想长久地获得民众的政治认同,保持政权持久延续,必须以政治认同为尺度,在政治、经济、法制及教育制度建设中体现社会公正.  相似文献   

政府既是分配正义的责任主体也是廉政建设的责任主体。分配正义的实现离不开廉政建设,而廉政建设的取向是实现包含分配正义的公平正义,廉政建设与分配正义相互促进。而“应为”与“应得”既是分配正义的理论限度又是廉政建设的本质要求,承担“应为”之责,保障“应得”权益,构成了廉政文化的核心价值观念。从分配正义视角考察廉政建设,厘清政府在社会主义市场经济三次分配过程中的定位,才能更好地实现分配正义。  相似文献   

随着近年来全球范围内非传统安全问题的凸显,通过全球治理来解决非传统安全问题逐渐成为国际社会的共识。本文就以全球治理的视角来探讨中东地区的非传统安全问题,集中考察了中东地区比较突出的水资源问题,对于其现状和治理情况以及阻碍治理的障碍性因素进行了分析,意在为新治理路径的选择提供有益的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Climate change raises important questions of global distributive justice, which can be defined as the issue of how benefits and burdens should be distributed within and between generations. This article addresses two conceptual issues that underpin the relationship between climate change and the part of distributive justice concerned with the entitlements of future persons. The first is the role of reciprocity, conceived either as mutual advantage or fair play, in the allocation of distributive entitlements between generations. The second is the extent to which theories of 'justice as reciprocity' can ground duties of intergenerational justice that underpin radical policies to manage the causes and impacts of global climate change. I argue that theories of justice as fair reciprocity generate significant duties of environmental conservation, despite these duties not being owed directly to the not-yet-born.  相似文献   

论资源节约型城市化道路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏永祥 《学理论》2008,(14):35-38
城市化的真谛与目的,在于通过聚集效益,在工业化过程中节约资源。但在我国的城市化过程中,却存在着大量严重的资源浪费现象,其原因是多方面的。据此,应该按照科学发展观的要求.采取有效对策,切实走出一条资源节约型的城市化道路。  相似文献   

习近平分配正义的重要论述,深刻回答了在新的历史条件下推进我国分配正义的重大理论和实践问题。这一重要论述具有鲜明的时代价值,阐释分配正义是完善中国特色社会主义公平正义理论的内在要求,促进分配正义是新时代推动共同富裕的使命遵循。这一重要论述包含着丰富的理论意蕴,彰显了持续坚守以人民为中心的价值旨归,确立了积极遵循三大公平的基本原则,设定了与经济社会发展的远景规划相适应的阶段目标。习近平明确提出了分配正义的实践逻辑,即要夯实分配正义的物质基础,完善分配正义的制度建构,增进分配正义的民生福祉,凝聚分配正义的社会共识,规范分配正义的运行秩序。  相似文献   

关于自然资源价值理论的再认识   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对自然资源价值问题的探索进行了许多年,大量的努力堆砌在企图用经典的价值理论对自然资源价值作出合理的解释,结论各异.本文从自然资源的特性、"价值"最普遍的意义、现代生态伦理观念、环境--经济复合系统中的生产过程等多个层面、多个角度,对自然资源价值的实质、来源以及实现形式作了较为全面的透析.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国的收入分配差距不断拉大,主要表现在总体收入分配差距不断扩大和城乡之间、地区之间收入分配差距不断扩大三个层面.其对我国教育公平产生了严重的消极影响.对此,我们必须予以高度重视,进而积极探究解决这一社会问题的具体思路.  相似文献   

Doing Rawls Justice: An Experimental Study of Income Distribution Norms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Distributive justice has been the focus of political theory with the postwar rise of the social welfare state, and Rawls' A Theory of Justice (1971) is arguably the most important work of political philosophy during that period. Parallel to this theoretical literature is a body of empirical research into distributive justice. We offer a synthesis of the theoretical and empirical approaches with an experimental study of how individuals use allocation principles in making judgments concerning income distribution under conditions of strict impartiality. Our experiment is designed in part to examine the extent to which they prioritize them consistent with Rawls' theory. We find that distributive justice judgments are complex but structured, with individuals tending to use several principles simultaneously and weighing them according to predictable factors, with sex and race being particularly important. We also find that individuals use several strategies in using competing allocation principles and that a considerable minority prioritize them consistent with a Rawlsian maximin strategy.  相似文献   

目的:比较全球范围青少年近视率的地区差异,研究其成因。方法:通过文献资料法,搜集全球青少年近视的数据,比较人种、地区经济、环境等因素的差异。结果:东南亚地区国家的近视率最高,西亚、非洲、大洋洲、美洲的青少年近视率相对较低,近视率具有人种差异。结论:尽管遗传因素对近视的形成具有一定影响,但是环境因素尤其是户外活动因素对近视的形成发展具有重要影响。  相似文献   

The path of gradual commercialization of current space applications, such as launch services, satellite communication services, direct broadcasting services, satellite remote sensing and navigation services, and satellite weather monitoring services, will most likely be followed by future activities of use of space resources. Ventures, like mining the natural resources of the Moon and asteroids, are likely to become technologically feasible in the near future. The question is what would be the most appropriate approach to address the future needs of exploitation of space resources: should it remain the exclusive province of state governments; should the private sector take over such space activities; or should a public-private partnership type of venture be encouraged? As state governments are becoming constrained by budget deficits, an increased reliance on private sector involvement in space activities involving the extraction and use of space resources is to be expected. When deciding whether to invest in commercial ventures of resource use exploitation, any potential private investor will be faced with the issues of economic costs, risks, and perceived regulatory barriers. This study argues that the perceived regulatory barriers, i.e., the licensing requirement, the “common heritage of mankind” principle of international space law, and protection of intellectual property rights, are not obstacles to economic development. Governments should provide both policy and regulatory incentives for private sector participation in the area of space natural resource use by funding basic research and development and by sponsoring liability insurance for private ventures among other incentives.  相似文献   

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