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Book reviews     

Book reviews     
This article explores intelligence collaboration between British Intelligence and the Jewish Agency during the Second World War. Most accounts of this period highlight the functional nature of this collaboration, accounts that inevitably have come to be viewed through the prism of the Holocaust, and with it the prevailing sense that Britain offered ‘too little too late to help’ in using its clandestine assets to help rescue the remnants of European Jewry. By focusing however on collaboration primarily between the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and the Jewish Agency, this article argues that intelligence liaison and collaboration at an operational level was closer and less conditioned by adherence to stated British government policy than hitherto suggested  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Radical Transitions. The Survival and Revival of Entrepreneurship in the GDR. By Andreas Pickel. Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford: Westview Press, 1992. £25.95 pb.

Europe and German Unification. By Renate Fritsch‐Bournazel. Oxford: Berg, 1992. £30 hb, £8.95 pb.

The Oder‐Neisse LineA Reappraisal under International Law. By Philip A. Bühler. Boulder: Eastern European Monographs, distributed by Columbia University Press, 1990. $32.50 hb.

Recasting the Ruhr, 1945–1958. Manpower, Economic Recovery and Labour Relations. By Mark Roseman. Oxford: Berg, 1992. £42 hb.

The US Congress and the German Bundestag: Comparisons of Democratic Processes. Edited by Uwe Thaysen, Roger H. Davidson and Robert Gerald Livingston. Boulder, San Francisco, Oxford: Westview Press, 1990. £31.50 pb.

Der verkappte Einheitsstaat. By Heidrun Abromeit. Opladen: Leske und Budrich, 1992.

Wir Kollaborateure. Der Westen und die deutschen Vergangenheiten. Edited by Cora Stephan. Reinbeck bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1992. DM9.90 pb.

Die CDU. Organisationsstrukturen, Politiken und Funktionsweisen einer Partei im Föderalismus. By josefschmid. Opladen: Leske und Budrich, 1990. DM48.

Moscow, Germany and the West from Khruschchev to Gorbachev. By Michael J. Sodaro. London: I.B. Tauris, 1991. £29.95 hb, £12.95 pb.

Deutsche Irrtümer. Schönfärberei und Helfershelfer der SED‐Diktatur im Westen. By Jens Hacker. Berlin: Ullstein, 1992. DM68 hb.

Föderalismus in der Bewährung: die deutschen Länder vor der Herausforderung fortschreitender EG‐Integration. Edited by Bernhard Vogel and Günther H. Oettinger. Köln: Deutscher Gemeindeverlag/Kohlhammer, 1992.

The Territorial Imperative: Pluralism, Corporatism, and Economic Crisis. By Jeffrey J. Anderson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. £35 hb.

The Federal Republic of Germany and NATO: 40 Years After. Edited by E.J. Kirchner and J. Sperling. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1992. £45 hb.

The Economy of United Germany: Colossus at the Crossroads. By W.R. Smyser. London: Hurst &; Co., 1992. £25 hb.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
The Partition of the Steppe. The Struggle of the Russians, Manchus, and the Zunghar Mongols for Empire in Central Asia, 1619–1758: A Study in Power Politics Fred W. Bergholz New York: Peter Lang, 1993, vi + 522 pp, hardcover

On Secret Service East of Constantinople: the plot to bring down the British Empire Peter Hopkirk London: John Murray, 1994. xvi, 431 pp. illus., £19.99

The Soviet Union and its Southern Neighbours: Iran and Afghanistan Mikhail Volodarsky London: Frank Cass Publishers, 1994, 196 pp, $37.50

Moscow's Lost Empire Michael Rywkin Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1994, 214 pp, biblio, index

Russia and the Third World in the Post‐Soviet Era Mohiaddin Mesbahi (editor) Gainesville, USA: University Press of Florida, 1994, 414 pp, $49.95 cloth, $19.95/£18 paper

Central Asia and the World: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan Michael Mandelbaum (editor) New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1994, viii, 251 pp, $16.95 paperback  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Journal of Baltic studies》2012,43(3-4):243-245

Book reviews     
Transcaucasia: ancient, recent and modern

R.G. Suny, editor. Transcaucasia: Nationalism and Social Change (Essays in the history of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia). University of Michigan in association with the Wilson Center's Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies. Michigan Slavic Publications, East European Series No. 2. 1983.

Aspects of the job situation in Uzbekistan: part two

Nancy Lubin. Labour and Nationality in Central Asia: An Uneasy Compromise. London, Macmillan, in association with St Antony's College, Oxford, 1984, xxi + 305 pp, map, tables, appendices, glossary, index. Foreword by Murray Feshbach. Cloth, £25.00. ISBN 0333 36739 1.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Daniel Pipes, Greater Syria: the History of an Ambition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990, viii, 240 pp.

Roger Zetter (Ed.), The Odyssey of the Pontic Greeks. Oxford University Press/Refugee Studies Programme, Oxford, 1991, 111 pp., Illus. Maps.

Nikki R. Keddie and Beth Baron (Eds), Women in Middle Eastern History. Shifting Boundaries in Sex and Gender. Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1991, 343 pp., $35/£19.95.

John L. Esposito, Islam: the Straight Path. Oxford University Press, New York, 1991, xvi + 251 pp., $21.95.

Joyce N. Wiley, The Islamic Movement of Iraqi Shias. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder and London 1922. ix + 193 pp., N.P.

Joel Gordon, Nasser's Blessed Movement: Egypt's Free Officers and the July Revolution, Oxford University Press: New York and Oxford, 1992, vii + 254.

Jo‐Ann Gross (Ed.), Muslims in Central Asia: Expressions of Identity and Change, Duke University Press: Durham, 1992, xiv, 224 pp, $39.95, PB $18.95.

Louise L'Estrange Fawcett, Iran and the Cold War: the Azerbaijan Crisis of 1946, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1922, XII, 227 pp., $34.95.

Mark J. Gasiorowski, U.S. Foreign Policy and the Shah: Building a Client State in Iran, Cornell University Press: Ithaca, N.Y 1992, xvi, 242 pp. $35.00.

Robert A. Lewis (Ed.), Geographic Perspectives on Soviet Central Asia, Routledge: London, 1992, XVIII, 323 pp., $69.50 U.S., $87.50 Canada.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Caspian Gas. Ottar Skagen. London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1997, xii, 95 pp, £12.50

Ethnic Conflict in the Post‐Soviet World: Case Studies and Analysis. Leokadia Drobizheva, Rose Gottemoeller, Catherine McArdle Kelleher, Lee Walker (editors). Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1996, xv, 366 pp, $59.95 hardback, $24.95 paperback

Contested Borders in the Caucasus. Bruno Coppieters (editor). Brussels: VUB University Press, 1996, 204 pp

The Republic of Armenia, From London to Sevres to London, February‐August 1920, Vol. III. Richard G. Hovannisian. Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press, 1996, xx + 534, preface, illus, notes, maps, glossary, biblio, index, hardcover, £35

The Republic of Armenia, Between Crescent and Sickle: Partition and Sovietization, Vol. IV. Richard G. Hovannisian Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press, 1996, xii + 496, illus, notes, maps, glossary, biblio, index, hardcover, £35

Historical Dictionary of Afghanistan, Second edition. Ludwig W. Adamec. Lanham, MD, USA and London, UK: The Scarecrow Press, 1997, 499 pp, chronology, bibliography, $58 hardcover

State and Tribe in Nineteenth‐Century Afghanistan. The Reign of Amir Dost Muhammad Khan (1826–1863), Christine Noelle, Curzon Press, Richmond, Surrey, 1997, 439 pp

The Hazaras of Afghanistan: An Historical, Cultural, Economic and Political Study, Sayed Askar Mousavi, Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 1995, 270 pp. ISBN 0–7007–630–5

A History of Ottoman Architecture. Geoffrey Goodwin. London: Thames & Hudson, 1997, 511 pp, illus, plans, biblio, glossary, index, £27.50

Tribal Rugs. Treasures of the Black Tent. Brian W. MacDonald. >Woodbridge, Suffolk: Antique Collectors’ Club, 302 pp, illus, index, £35

Jewish Carpets. A History and Guide. Anton Felton. Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Antique Collectors Club, 1997, 199 pp, illus, biblio, index, £35

Cobalt and Lustre. The First Centuries of Islamic Pottery, Emst Grube, London and Oxford: The Nour Foundation in association with Azimuth Editions and Oxford University Press, 1996, 348 pp, illus, biblio, index, £135

China. The Silk Routes. Peter Neville‐Hadley. London and Connecticut: Cadogan Books, UK, and The Globe Pequot Press, USA, 1997, 544 pp, maps, index, £15.99/$21.95, paperback  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Bo  Zhiyue  Bosco  Joseph  Li  Nan 《East Asia》2004,21(3):78-84

Book reviews     
Nations and Politics in the Soviet Successor States Ian Bremmer and Ray Taras, (editors) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993, 577 pp, £35

Central Asia in World History S. A. M. Adshead London: Macmillan Press, 1993, 291 pp, £40

Turkey and the West: Changing Political and Cultural Identities Metin Heper, Ayse Oncu and Heinz Kramer (editors) London: I. B. Tauris, New York: St Martins Press, 1993, 289 pp, £39.50

Endurance and Endeavour. Russian History 1812–1992 J. N. Westwood Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993, 624 pp, £40

State, Religion and Society in Central Asia. A Post‐Soviet Critique Vitaly Naumkin and Sergei A. Panarin (editors) Reading: Ithaca Press, 1993, 289 pp, £35

Communism Ferdinand Mount (editor) London: Harvill, 1992, 321 pp, £9.99  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Gries  Peter Hays  Sautman  Barry 《East Asia》2005,22(3):81-84

Book reviews     
Paul B. Henze     《Central Asian Survey》1994,13(4):577-593
Muslim Resistance to the Tsar—Shamil and the Conquest of Chechnia and Daghestan Moshe Gammer London: Frank Cass, 1994, 475 pp, £45 hardback

The Resurgence of Central Asia. Islam or Nationalism? Ahmed Rashid London: Zed Books and Karachi, Oxford University Press: 278 pp, appendix, index, £14.95 paperback, £37.95 hardback

An Introduction to the History of the Turkic Peoples. Ethnogenesis and State‐Formation in Medieval and Early Eurasia and the Middle East Peter B. Golden Wiesbaden, Germany: Otto Harrassowitz, 1992, 483 pp, index bibliography, DM198 hardback

Everyday Islam: Religion and Tradition in Rural Central Asia Sergei P. Poliakov Introduction by Martha Brill Olcott, Anthony Olcott (editors) New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1992, xxvi + 156 pp, $39.95 hardback, $14.95 paperback

The end of the Soviet Empire. The Triumph of the Nations Hélène Carrère d'Encausse New York/London: Harper Collins, 1993, 292 pp, $15 paperback

Russia's Muslim Frontiers. New Directions in Cross‐Cultural Analysis Dale F. Eickelman (editor) Bloomington: Indiana University Press/Buckingham, England: Open University Press, 1993, 206 pp, £25 hardback, £11.99 paperback

Central Asia. The Practical Handbook Giles Whittell London: Cadogan Books, 1993, 330 pp, maps, index, £10.99

The Crimean Tatars Andrew Wilson London: International Alert, 1994, 38 pp, free on request

The Warriors of Islam. Iran's Revolutionary Guard Kenneth Katzman Colorado, USA/Oxford: UK: Westview Press, 1993, 192 pp, bibliography, index, £35, softcover

Mission to the Lord Sophy of Persia (1539–1542) Michele Membre (Translated by A. H. Morton) London: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1993, glossary notes bibliography, index, xxviii + 109 pp, £8

The Lost Country. Mongolia Revealed Jasper Becker London: Hodder & Stoughton (and Sceptre paperback), 1993, 325 pp, bibliography £16.99 hardback

Fundamentalisms and the State. Remaking Policies, Economies, and Militance Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby (editors) Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993, index, 665 pp  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Language Planning and National Development: The Uzbek Case William Fierman Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 1991, Contributions to the Sociology of Language No 60, XIII, 375 pp, $110.00

Azerbaijan: Ethnicity and Autonomy in Twentieth‐Century Iran Touraj Atabaki London, England: British Academic Press, 1993, pp 238

Central Asia: New Arc of Crisis Shirin Akiner London, Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies, 1993, 79 pp,appendices, £4.95

Without right and left Nursultan Nazarbaev Class Publishing, London, 1992, 171 pp, photos, pb NP

The Islamization of Central Asia. A Case Study of Uzbekistan Diloram Ibrahim Leicester: The Islamic Foundation, 1993, 32 pp, £1.50

Survival Among the Kurds. A History of the Yezidis John S. Guest London: Kegan Paul International, 1993, 324 pp, Illus., bibliography, index, £45

Samarkand compiled by Andrei Nedvetsky, 159 pp, illustrated, Bukhara compiled by Andrei Nedvetsky, 159 pp, illustrated, Khiva compiled by Andrei Nedvetsky, 127 pp, illustrated, Reading, England: Garnet Publishing, 1993, £16.95 each

My Golden Road from Samarkand Jascha Golowanjuk London: Quartet Books, £14.95, 244 pp

Turkey's New Geopolitics From the Balkans to Western China Graham E. Fuller, Ian O. Lesser, Paul D. Henze & J. F. Brown Boulder, Oxford, UK: Westview Press, A RAND Book, 1993, 197 pp, £10.50

Turkish Foreign Policy. New Prospects Clement H. Dodd (editor) Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire: The Eothen Press, 1992, 117 pp, £12.50 pb

Derwische. Gelebter Sufismus Jurgen Frembgen Koln, Germany: DuMont Buchverlag, 1993, 283 pp, illustrations

Die Gärten des Islam Hermann Forkl, Johannes Kalter, Thomas Leisten & Margaret Pavaloi (editors) Stuttgart/London: Hansjorg Mayer, 1993, 388 pp, illustrations, £30

Birth of a Tragedy. Kashmir 1947 Alastair Lamb Hertingfordbury: Roxford Books, 1994, 177 pp, £9 pb

The Afghan Syndrome. The Soviet Union's Vietnam Major‐General Oleg Sarin & Colonel Lev Dvoretsky London: Greenhill Books, Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1993, £22.50, 195 pp, appendices, index  相似文献   

Book reviews     
National Movements and National Identity Among the Crimean Tatars (1905–16) Hakan Kirimli Leiden: EJ. Brill, 1996, 242 pp, illus., bibliog., index

Crimean Tatars: Repatriation and Conflict Prevention New York: Open Society Institute, 1996, 95 pp

Between the Slogans of Communism and the Laws of Islam Marfua Tokhtakhodjaeva Lahore: Shirkat Gah, 1995, x, 268 pp, paperback

Household Welfare in Central Asia Jane Falkingham, Jeni Klugman, Sheila Marnie and John Micklewright (editors) Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, 1997, xii, 253 pp, hardcover

The Wars of Eduard Shevarnadze Carolyn McGiffert Ekedahl and Melvin A. Goodman University Park, Pennsylvania: Penn State Press, 1997

Dictionary of Afghan Wars, Revolutions and Insurgencies Ludwig W. Adamec Lanham, MD, USA and London: The Scarecrow Press, 1996, 384 pp, maps, illus, chronology, bibliog. $48, hardback

Domestic Culture in the Middle East Jennifer Scarce National Museums of Scotland: Edinburgh and Curzon Press, Richmond, UK 1996, £12.99

Imageries Populaires en Islam Pierre Centlivres and Micheline Centlivres‐Demont Geneva, Switzerland: Georg Editeur, 1997, 106 pp, illus. FfS39

Colour and Symbolism in Islamic Architecture: Eight Centuries of the Tile‐Maker's Art Photographs by Roland and Sabrina Michaud. Text by Michael Barry London: Thames & Hudson, 1996, 315 pp, illus, map, indices, glossary, £48 hardback

Traditional Textiles of Central Asia Janet Harvey London: Thames & Hudson, 1996, 160 pp, biblio, £35

The Carpets of Afghanistan R. D. Parsons Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Antique Collectors Club, 1994, 192 pp, £29.95

The Iranian Constitutional Revolution, 1906–1911: Grassroots Democracy, Social Democracy and the Origins of Feminism Janet Afary New York: Columbia University Press, 1996, xxi + 448 pp., bibliography, glossary, index

Kochevaia tsivilizatsiia kazakhov: osnovy zhiznedeiatel'nosti nomadnogo obshchestva Nurbulat Masanov Almaty: Sotsivest, 1995  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Graham E. Fuller, The Center of the Universe. The Geopolitics of Iran, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1991, xv + 301pp., $35.00 hardback, $18.50 paperback.

Tim McDaniel, Autocracy, Modernization and Revolution in Russia and Iran, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1991, x + 235pp., $29.95.

Steven G. Marks, Road to Power: the Trans‐Siberian Railroad and the Colonization of Asian Russia, 1850–1917, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991, xxiii + 235pp., $31.95.

Cyril E. Black, Louis Dupree, Elizabeth Endicott‐West, Daniel C. Matuszewski, Eden Naby and Arthur N. Waldron, The Modernization of Inner Asia, Sharpe, Armonk, 1991, xviii + 405 pp., $49.95.

Audrey L. Altstadt, The Azerbaijani Turks: Power and Identity Under Russian Rule. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 1992, xxiv + 331 pp., $18.95

G. A. Khidoiatov, Moia rodnaia istoriia. Oqituwchi, Tashkent, 1990, 304 pp. + colour plates.

Robert L. Canfield (ed.), Turko‐Persia in Historical Perspective. A School of American Research Book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, xiv + 256 pp., $54.00.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Svetlana Alexievich, Zinky Boys. Soviet Voices from a Forgotten War. London: Chatto & Windus, 1992, 197 pp., £9.99 paperback.

Artyom Borovik, The Hidden War : a Russian Journalist's Account of the Soviet War in Afghanistan. London: Faber and Faber, £14.99. 288 pp.

Gennady Bocharov. Russian Roulette. The Afghanistan War through Russian Eyes. London, Hamish Hamilton, £13.99, 187 pp.

William Fierman (Editor), Soviet Central Asia. The Failed Transformation. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1991, xx + 328 pp.

James Critchlow. Nationalism in Uzbekistan: a Soviet Republic's Road to Sovereignty. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1991. xviii + 231 pp., $32.95.  相似文献   

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