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毛泽东同志历来十分关注工人阶级、工人运动和工会工作 ,在这方面有一系列重要论述和指示。本文论述了他领导工人运动的光辉实践 ,概括了他对工人阶级和工会理论的主要贡献。  相似文献   

斗转星移,抹不去历史的记忆。风荡雨涤,磨不损伟人的业绩。江西,这块浸透革命烈士鲜血的红土地,曾是世纪伟人刘少奇战斗和生活过的地方。在纪念刘少奇同志百年华诞之际,我们怀着对他的由衷敬仰和爱戴之情,深切回忆他在江西走过的光辉足迹,缅怀其丰功伟绩。建党初期...  相似文献   

刘少奇是我党第一代领导集体的重要成员,他关于中国革命和建设的一系列光辉论断,是毛泽东思想的重要组成部分。在刘少奇的重大理论贡献中,非常突出和重要的是他对毛泽东“发展生产、繁荣经济、公私兼顾、劳资两利”思想的进一步丰富和发展。由于刘少奇的努力,毛泽东提...  相似文献   

邓中夏是我国现代史上首批现代工会运动的拓荒者,也是我国早期研究和传播马克思主义的风云领军人物。在中国新民主主义革命初期,他一直站在中国革命尤其是工人和工会运动的前列,直至土地革命战争初期英勇就义。在其短暂、光辉的革命生涯中,他对中国革命做出了卓越贡献,尤其是对工人与工会运动的理论建树与实践做出了不同凡响的伟绩。  相似文献   

邓中夏是我国现代史上首批现代工会运动的拓荒者,也是我国早期研究和传播马克思主义的风云领军人物。在中国新民主义主义革命初期,他一直站在中国革命尤其是工人和工会运动的前列,直至土地革命战争初期英勇就义。在其短暂、光辉的革命生涯中,他对中国革命做出了卓越贡献,尤其是对工人与工会运动的理论建树与实践做出了不同凡响的伟绩。  相似文献   

本文以翔实的史料综述海南各族人民在中共琼崖特委和独立队领导下,根据党中央的指示,结合海南实际情况,创建以五指山脉为中心的抗日根据地的艰苦斗争的历程.作者依据史实,归纳了琼崖根据地的特点,提出自己的见解.海南二十三年红旗不倒,在中共党史上写下了光辉的一页.  相似文献   

赵延臣 《时代风采》2011,(15):21-21
1982年7月,赵家和毕业于昭通师范学校,来到大关县一中当了一名数学老师,至今扎根讲坛已有29年。 29年的时间,他学习不止,耕耘不断,诲人不倦。他用心教书、用爱育人、用情做事,把学生的需求定位为自己的追求,用他的人格魅力与道德风范铸就了高尚的师魂,走过了“太阳底下最光辉事业”的一段精彩旅程。  相似文献   

1963年3月5日,毛泽东主席亲笔题词,号召全国人民"向雷锋同志学习"。雷锋,一位平凡而伟大的共产主义战士,他那闪耀着共产主义思想光辉的崇高精神不但在中国家喻户晓、长留人间,焕发出勃勃生机与活力,而且还超出了国界,成为中国的文化名片,  相似文献   

初勤 《福建工运》2000,(4):12-12
江泽民同志指出:“要迎接科学技术突飞猛进和知识经济迅速兴起的挑战,最重要的是坚持创新”。当前一个以技术创新为核心的企业全面创新的趋势悄然到来,思想政治工作创新显得滞后,有的企业思想政治工作仍然存在“思路不明,内容不新,措施不力,效果不佳”的状况,究其原因:一是传统框架没有突破,习惯于以往的老经验、老做法,缺乏新意和活力;二是依附思想没有改变,一切唯书、唯上,按上级指令办事,思想政治工作缺乏主动性、创造性;三是脱离实际问题没有解决,政治工作与经济工作相脱离,“两张皮”的现象仍然存在;四是运行机制不适应,没有根据现代企业制度的要求,构建思想政治工作运行机制,不能适应市场经济的要求。要解决上述问题,出路在于创新,要积极探索新形势下思想政治工作的新思路、新内容、新形式、新机制。  相似文献   

肖珂 《时代风采》2011,(16):4-5
7月26日,云南省总工会第十届常务委员会第八次全体会议在昆明召开。云南省人大常委会副主任、省总工会主席江巴吉才在会上作重要讲话。他指出:7月1日,胡锦涛总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立90周年大会上发表了重要谢舌。讲话站在时代发展和战略全局的高度,全面回顾和总结了我们党90年的光辉历史、丰功伟绩和重要经验  相似文献   

西方国家工会提出国际劳工标准与国际贸易"挂钩"并无实际意义.国际贸易纠纷要解决的只能是双边交易是否公平,而不是劳动权益是否得到保障的公正问题.世贸协议把企业任何"违规"行为都纳入了国家贸易的框架层面.西方国家工会为维护本国劳工利益提出"挂钩",中国工会出于同样目的支持企业用工标准与国际劳动标准"接轨",反对"挂钩".  相似文献   

针对民办高职院校工会工作现实存在的"事难办"、"人难用"、"活难干"、"钱难要"的"四难"情况和"依政策立身"、"依兼职立言"、"依活动立名"、"依维权立信"的特色工作方式及其客观存在的问题,本文提出"合理分配各职能的比重,减缓资源有限的压力"、"研究建立民办高职院校工会评估机制,将工会工作纳入党建目标管理"、"总结推广民办高职院校工会的创新做法,满足教职工的多样化需求"、"出台政策保障民办高职院校工会,提高工会干部的职业认同感和幸福感"等发展建议。  相似文献   

教代会提案工作是教代会代表依法履行职责的重要环节,是教代会制度最核心、最有特色的部分之一.通过梳理2006-2019年间北师大教代会提案工作,研究发现:年度征集提案数和立案提案数总体上均呈稳中有升的趋势,代表非常关注与学科建设、人才培养和科学研究等方面直接相关的后勤保障问题.研究认为,为更好地提高教代会提案工作水平,可...  相似文献   


Sleep Has His House, one of Anna Kavan’s most radically experimental novels, appeared in Britain in 1948, in the wake of the Second World War. An objection levied at the novel on its publication was that it bore no relationship to external ‘reality’. However, this article argues that the novel’s focus on the oneiric realm, contrary to what hostile contemporary reviews claimed, does not take place in isolation of larger society. Portraying modernist, surrealist and psychoanalytical influences, the novel is namely concerned with the representation of a nocturnal realm that emphasizes the osmotic relationship between the external world and an individual’s subjectivity. Focusing on the ways in which violent images of war infiltrate the dream world, this article suggests that Sleep Has His House can in fact be understood as reflecting and responding to the pressures of British war-torn society in the mid twentieth century.  相似文献   

Albritton finds Brenner's designation ‘agrarian capitalism’ inappropriate for early English agriculture, as the law of value and the commodification of labour are undeveloped. But Brenner is not theorising a ‘full‐blown’ capitalism. His theory traces a process of transition, by which new rules for social reproduction and a new capitalist logic unfolded gradually. Albritton's evidence, moreover, actually supports Brenner's thesis. Charges of class reductionism misconstrue Brenner's efforts to overcome the tendency to dichotomise society into political and economic spheres. Brenner's theory provides what the bourgeois paradigm does not: a logical explanation of how market dependency and capitalist classes emerged.  相似文献   

The effects of methylphenidate on hospitalized conduct-disordered (CD) adolescents were examined by using teacher ratings of behavior, a measure of classroom learning, and a test of impulsivity. Twenty-two male adolescents with CD, 12–18 years of age, participated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, within-subject (crossover) design in which each adolescent received three doses of methylphenidate (10 mg, 15 mg, and 20 mg) and a placebo in a randomly assigned, counterbalanced order. Seven of the adolescents had a comorbid diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Significant overall medication effects were shown on teacher ratings of conduct, and on number of arithmetic questions correctly completed and time spent. Within the limitations of this study, stimulant actions may be effective for some aspects of CD in the absence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, although only for specific measures.This project was supported by BRSG S 07 RR 05364 awarded to Ronald T. Brown by the Biomedical Research Support Grant Program, Division of Research Resources, National Institutes of Health, and by an award from the Emory University Research Fund.Portions of this paper were presented at the 96th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, August 1988.Received his Ph.D. from Georgia State University. His research include attention deficit disorders, psychopharmacology, and pediatric psychology.Received his M.D. from Albert Einstein School of Medicine. His research interests include adolescents and attention deficit disorder.Received his M.Ed. degree from Georgia State University. His research interests are in the area of attention deficit disorder.Received his M.D. from the University of West Virginia. His research interests include autism and attention deficit disorder.  相似文献   

The transition to high school has been identified as a potentially difficult time in adolescents’ lives. Reductions in both academic and social functioning often accompany this transition. While these effects have been documented in urban youth, the move to high school has not been extensively studied in rural minority youth. Toward that end, the academic grades and substance use in ninth grade of 447 (184 male and 263 female) African-American adolescents from two rural counties in a state in the deep South were examined in relation to configurations of adaptation from sixth through eighth grade. Results indicate that individual with consistently positive patterns across middle school had higher grades and lower rates of substance use compared to individuals with persistent difficulties or those that transitioned to problem behavior. Many individuals who improved in their patterns of adaptation had relatively high grades, but also rather high rates of substance use in the ninth grade. David B. Estell is an assistant professor of educational psychology at Indiana University Bloomington. He received his PhD in Developmental Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His major research interests include peer relations and the development of aggression. Thomas W. Farmer is an associate professor of education at Pennsylvania State University and director of the National Research Center on Rural Education Support. He received his PhD in Special Education from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His major research interests include peer relations and the development of aggression in students with and without special needs. Matthew J. Irvin is a research scientist at the Center for Developmental Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He received his PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His major research interests include resilience and student engagement. Jana H. Thompson is a research associate at the Center for Developmental Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research interests include peer social relations and developmental transitions into early adolescence. Bryan C. Hutchins is a research assistant at the Center for Developmental Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is also a graduate student in the Educational Psychology, Measurement, and Evaluation Program at UNC. His research interests include child and adolescent social development and school based emotional and behavioral interventions and prevention programs. Erin M. McDonough is currently a doctoral candidate in School Psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Emory University. As a research assistant at the Center for Developmental Science, she has been able to explore her interests in student achievement as well as rural education. Another major research interest of hers is school-based mental health.  相似文献   

新形势下开展群众性合理化建议活动要充分发挥工会作用 ,从企业实际出发 ,讲求实效 ,不断提高职工素质 ,完善激励机制。  相似文献   

The emergence of schizophrenic psychoses during middle and late adolescence poses the question of how adolescence as a developmental stage is related to the emergence of severe psychopathology. This paper examines several possible explanations for adolescence as the beginning of the high-risk age, particularly for the schizophrenias. After discussing the nature of adolescence as distinguished from puberty, and then considering the nature of schizophrenia, we report some data from a long-range study of young adult psychiatric patients, both schizophrenic and nonschizophrenic. Our data support the idea that serious psychopathology—not only schizophrenia—occurs in a setting of poor competence in a variety of crucial skills which include the social, intellectual, and physical realms. The demands made on adolescents by societal expectations for independence and role establishment summon a variety of competencies. Where these competencies are dysfunctional, societal demands strain an already vulnerable youth, and potentiate disorganization.This work is supported in part by Public Health Service grants MH-05519, MH-18991, and MH-19477.This research is part of a program investigating schizophrenia which is being conducted jointly by the Psychosomatic and Psychiatric Institute of Michael Reese Hospital, the Department of Psychiatry, Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago, and the Illinois State Psychiatric Institute.Received his Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Kansas. His research has been in individual consistencies in cognition and perception, and more recently in perceptual aspects of severe psychopathology. He was for 22 years on the senior staff of the Menninger Foundation, where he performed clinical and research functions, including that of Training and Supervising Analyst in the Topeka Psychoanalytic Institute, and Director of Research Training. He currently is a recipient of a Career Scientist Award from the NIMH (K5-MH-70900).Received his medical degree from Rush Medical College in Chicago. His psychiatric and psychoanalytic training took place in Chicago, Vienna, Zurich, Hamburg, and London. His research has been in psychosomatic medicine, stress and anxiety, clinical syndromes (including schizophrenia), normal development, and psychotherapy.  相似文献   

The Evangelical reformer Hannah More hoped to change the educational practices of the British upper classes. In Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education (1799), Hints Toward Forming the Character of a Princess (1805), and Coelebs in Search of a Wife (1808), More lays out a program devised primarily for girls, but to some extent also applicable to the education of boys. All these works assert that education should focus relentlessly upon the inculcation of Christian principles and such a proposal was implicitly critical of current practices. In order to promote her program effectively, More had to suggest that it was not incompatible with the most influential eighteenth-century pedagogical theories. This rhetorical strategy was a success in practical terms, but prevented her from achieving coherence as an educational theorist  相似文献   

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