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徐长业 《工会论坛》2004,10(2):22-23
改革开放以来 ,我国产生了私营企业主等新的社会阶层 ,他们也是中国特色社会主义事业的建设者。无论从历史上、理论上 ,还是从现实上来看 ,党都应当把他们当中的愿意为党的事业献身的先进分子吸收到党内来 ,以此扩大党的凝聚力和社会影响力。  相似文献   

依法执政的原则   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依法执政的原则,是依法执政这个重大理论和实践问题的根本前提。通过对这个问题的探讨,本文作出对《执政法》的初步设想。  相似文献   

Studies of government at the local level tend to be focused on the municipalities. To understand the full range of institutions at this level, a broader conception of the “local state” is required. The latter refers to the state in so far as it is present in and concerned with the local community, and thus it encompasses local agencies of the central state as well as local governments. To conceive of the local state in this way allows for a critical assessment of competing theories of local government in Canada. The latter describe local institutions variously as the third order of government, agencies for special purposes, the local public economy, or local apparatuses of the state. All but the first draw attention to non-municipal agencies at the local level, but none give an adequate account of the structure and functions of the local state as a whole. What is required is a theory that takes the pressure for local self-government seriously, and is sensitive to both geographical variation and historical change.  相似文献   

从科学发展观看公有制的地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗寒 《理论前沿》2004,(16):13-14
胡锦涛同志最近多次强调要用科学发展观和政绩观指导我们的社会主义现代化建设事业。他一再强调,一定要注重统筹兼顾,以人为本,着力解决经济社会发展中的突出矛盾和关系人民切身利益的突出问题,推动社会经济全面、协调、可持续发展。这十分重要,也十分及时。当前我国社会主义经  相似文献   

政治教育:从灌输走向对话   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
政治教育是教育者根据统治阶级和受教育者的需要,有目的、有计划地传递政治文化以形成和发展受教育者的政治素质,进而促进政治文明的社会实践活动。灌输是传统和现实政治教育的典型实践形态。随着社会的发展,灌输已越来越不适应现代公民政治教育的需要,政治教育的实践形态应实现从灌输向对话的转变。  相似文献   

We examine the socially optimal pricing strategy for the legal cannabis industry that faces significant competition from an illicit market. We explore the impact of different preferences for legal and illicit cannabis using a constant elasticity of substitution utility function. We find that under a range of policy objectives and other circumstances, the socially optimal pricing strategy is for the legal market price to be dramatically lower than the illicit market price. This contradicts the approach taken across Canada in the year since legalization. These findings suggest that governments should adopt policies to reduce the price of legal cannabis.  相似文献   

Abstract: Focus on results and accountability in public performance management is now firmly entrenched. Governments around the world, at all levels, have invested significant time and resources into measuring and reporting performance, with very mixed results. In 2000, Ontario became the first state or province in North America to mandate a municipal performance measurement program for all municipalities. One measure of the system's effectiveness is the documentation produced to show citizens how their government is doing – in this case, an annual performance report. Although the legislation is clear in terms of measurements and some reporting standards, there are clear differences in the overall quality of the annual reports produced by each of the 445 municipalities. This article will focus on the reports as the primary communication tool between the municipalities and citizens. The primary question that frames this research is the current quality of municipal performance reports in Ontario.  相似文献   

现在对“改革开放以来”这组词几乎人人都耳熟能详 ,多数人也都知道它在时间概念上几乎与“十一届三中全会以来”同义。但是 ,在对外开放的起点问题上意见并不总是一致的 ,有人认为新中国成立后对外开放很快就开始了。这表面上看只涉及到对对外开放的准确认识 ,其实最重要的是涉及到对邓小平理论和有中国特色社会主义的认识和评价问题。因此 ,对对外开放的起点作进一步的厘清 ,今天看起来仍然十分必要。一、十一届三中全会前的国际国内形势和党的认识水平决定中国很难实行真正的对外开放新中国的成立 ,结束了中国长期动乱和一盘散沙的状态 ,…  相似文献   

Abstract: In 1970 the Ministries and Ministers of State Act established two kinds of ministers of state: the first presides over a Ministry of State, the second is specifically assigned to assist an existing minister or ministers in carrying out their statutory duties, This article examines some of the problems associated with the use of ministers of state to assist in the Canadian federal government. It lays out the models of government organization that have evolved with the adoption and increasing use of this type of minister. It then proceeds to set out some of the problems which can arise in the relations between the relatively junior ministers of state to assist, the senior minister, the departmental officials and the client groups. The present use made of many of these ministers of state is seen in the context of attempting to have one's cake and eat it too! That is, to have the necessary bargaining, accommodation and coordination take place within the bureaucracy while at the same time seeking to increase political control. In the face of mounting temptation to employ ministers of state to assist, it is posited that more thought be given to granting them greater authority over resources through legislation. This likely would entail modifications to the Ministers of State Act. In the absence of such measures, greater attention should be paid to the mandate, location and designated clientele of these ministers; in particular, the expectations that these relatively junior ministers can be employed as effective agents of interdepartmental policy coordination should be dispensed with. Finally, it is suggested that those officials working with the minister of state to assist ought to be given the greatest amount of autonomy possible from the hierarchy of the department in order to ensure adequate accountability to the junior minister.  相似文献   

民族精神是中华民族历经磨难而生生不息的强大精神支柱.民族精神的核心是人与人之间如何共处的问题;民族精神的本质是对民族和国家前途的关心和责任;民族精神的表现是对民族和社会的无私奉献;民族精神深深地隐藏在中国文化的内部.  相似文献   

中国经济的持续高速增长,世界有目共睹,在这一巨大的变迁中,形成了全球视阈中的“中国模式”;反思中国模式,毋庸讳言,存在诸多发展性问题,中国模式软实力具有很大的提升空间;提升中国模式软实力的路径选择在于,倡导并践行科学发展观,使中国模式不断由增长模式向发展模式嬗变,并在这一更迭的进程中不断增强其软实力。  相似文献   

翻译是外语学习的重要组成部分,但是长期以来一直没有得到足够的重视。目前大学英语翻译教学中存在一些问题,应准确把握翻译能力模式,将其融入教学。建议通过采用多样化教学,促进学习者语言能力的发展;教师需要转变观念,重视翻译能力;使用合适的语言材料,增强学习者对本国文化的了解;在教学中培养跨文化意识等途径,提高学习者的翻译能力。  相似文献   

本文讨论了关系分句转换为作后置定语的 -ing分词结构、含有 -ing分词作前置定语的复合形容词结构 ,同时讨论了关系分句不能转换为作后置定语的 -ing分词结构的几种情况。  相似文献   

寻求建立一种有效激励与约束经营者的制度,不仅是现代企业理论所关注的核心问题,也是当前我国深化国有企业改革、促进国有企业健康发展所面临的一项十分重要而紧迫的任务.目前的重点应当是借鉴西方经验,形成有效的国有企业经营者激励与约束机制.  相似文献   

和谐的典籍解释、学者解读与比较分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
和谐思想在中外古已有之。对于什么是和谐、和谐社会,不仅中外有不同的典籍解释,中外学者也有丰富的解读,这些典籍解释和学者解读之间有共性但也存在差异。从中西方早期和谐思想谈起,对和谐的典籍解释和学者解读进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

经过30 年的共同努力,中欧正致力于“全面战略伙伴关系”的建设,双边关系现正处于历史上最富有成果的时期,合作的深度与广度都有新的拓展。作为欧亚大陆两股上升的力量,中欧是维护世界和平与稳定、促进共同发展的重要力量。中欧关系正是建立在共有利益的基础上,它有助于建构一个更为平衡、多元的国际新秩序。  相似文献   

近代民主主义者为探寻救国之道 ,自然地转到了马克思主义 ;为追求真正民主 ,又自然地转到了马克思主义。故从民主主义到马克思主义乃是历史的必然 ,这种转变虽也有诸多遗憾 ,但这是历史前进中必付的代价  相似文献   

国有企业改革是经济体制改革的中心环节.对国有企业实施战略改组,必须把国有企业改革同改组、改造,加强管理结合起来.只有紧紧瞄准市场目标,努力搞活企业内在机制,加大企业技术与管理的投入,不断增强企业在市场上的适应力、竞争力、创造力,激活企业内在动力,才能真正发挥国有企业在发展社会主义市场经济中的主导作用.  相似文献   

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