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Abstract: This issue of Canadian Public Administration marks two landmarks. It is the 50th anniversary issue of the Journal, and it is the last issue to be published by the Institute of Public Administration of Canada. For this issue, we have not produced a “special issue” in the sense of commissioning particular articles. Instead, we have brought together a number of articles that were already in the “pipeline” but that the editors thought made a particular contribution to public administration in Canada. This introductory article, or editor's review, is a retrospective analysis of the content of the Journal. It would appear that while there has been a slight shift towards public policy and a greater concern with provincial and local administration, cpa has maintained an enduring interest in its core areas of administrative theory and political and legal institutions. The content is also compared with findings of the content of other journals and also other analyses of cpa . This review is followed by commentaries by former editors and associate editors on their experiences with the Journal.  相似文献   

加拿大产品责任法及其对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加拿大产品责任法虽受美国影响很大,但它在很多方面又与美国产品责任法有较大不同。它在归责理论、集团诉讼、损害赔偿等方面都有所发展,拒绝适用严格责任、允许集团诉讼、限制惩罚性赔偿、某种程度的厌讼是加拿大产品责任法的重要特征。加拿大产品责任法体系与原则的形成与其公共健康体系、产品责任保险、高昂的诉讼费以及诉讼费用承担原则有密切关系。相比之下,中国解决产品纠纷有更多依赖诉讼、过分强调严格责任的趋势,因此,加拿大产品责任法的解决机制给中国产品责任立法很大启示。  相似文献   

已有观点对票据诈骗菲犯罪客体的认识,圃于"纯刑法"或者"纯公法"的思维方式,认为本罪的主要客体是票据管理秩序,具有局限性.对此问题要从整个法律体系(刑法与其他部门法或者公法与私法的关系)的角度,并结合刑法分则的体系结构进行整体把握.本罪的主要客体应该是"票据流通秩序",而非所谓的"票据管理秩序",二者分剐代表了"讼"和"私"两种不同的法益.分则第三章第四节"破坏金融管理秩序罪"和第五节"金融诈骗罪"的同类客体是不同的前考如该节罪名所捞述的,是"金融管理秩序",而后者则是金融流通秩序.  相似文献   

关于行政主体理论的实践冲突   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政主体被学界界定为享有与实施国家行政权力权能的行政法人组织。作为行政法人 ,现有的行政主体理论不能完全适用于我国行政活动的实践。笔者从行政主体的法人结构形态及其责任能力的角度出发 ,认为行政主体具体担负组织的结构形态呈多样性 ,它们不能与行政主体的行政法人结构形态保持完全一致 ;行政主体实施国家的行政权而产生的责任 ,在现实理论的导引下将其性质界定为“自身责任”等等因素 ,都限制了行政主体的主体能力在行政管理实践中无法得到完全的实现。  相似文献   

The ability to critically appraise empirical studies of any type is a prerequisite to evidence‐informed policy making. We scanned the syllabi of all Canadian university undergraduate and graduate programs in public affairs, public administration, public policy and political science. Our findings suggest that evidence‐informed policy is not yet institutionalized in most public administration and political science training curricula. We conducted a systematic review of prospective experimental and quasi‐experimental studies examining the effect of university courses aimed at training social sciences students in critical appraisal, but did not find such a study.  相似文献   

The Canadian public sector employs around one-fifth of Canadian workers; they are responsible for policy making, stewarding public funds, and serving the public. Canadian governments struggle with job satisfaction, engagement, retention, and turnover, all of which may be associated with public service motivation (PSM). We conducted a scoping review of Canadian PSM research to synthesize what is known about these associations in the Canadian context. We identified 24 published studies and four works in progress. These demonstrate that PSM exists among Canadian public servants from the early stages of their career until later stages, and that PSM bolsters attraction to public sector work among students. No studies measured PSM among Canadian public servants using a validated instrument. Further research about the contributions of PSM to the quality of Canadian public services and how employers can nurture PSM is recommended, particularly given recent changes in work environments.  相似文献   

从一定意义上讲,没有程序正义,就没有实体正义。因此,如何保障我国反垄断法法律责任这一实体内容得到贯彻落实,应成为我国反垄断立法考虑的首要问题之一。我国应在立足国情的基础上,借鉴国外先进的立法经验,设计出一套具有中国特色的由反垄断行政执法机关与公、检、法相互协调配合的反垄断法法律责任追究程序。  相似文献   

Guidelines are a type of “soft law” that play an important role in contemporary public administration. Despite the propagation of guidelines in recent decades, their legal effects are often difficult to classify. Clearly, guidelines are neither legislation nor delegated or subordinate legislation, but they are nonetheless designed to influence people's behaviour. Distinguishing binding from non-binding guidelines is an important issue because the permissible scope of their use often depends on bindingness. Yet there is no analytical framework available to determine bindingness. To fill this gap in the literature, I develop an analytical framework consisting of three indicia which help to distinguish binding guidelines from non-binding guidelines: the presence or absence of imperative language, the level of detail and precision and the extent of effects on third parties. With the help of numerous examples drawn from the Canadian legal system, I explain how to distinguish binding from non-binding guidelines, bringing analytical clarity to an important area of contemporary public administration.  相似文献   

一切合法有效的治安管理活动(治安行政权力行为)都应出自适格的治安行政权主体。治安行政权主体,是指享有治安行政权,能以治安管理组织的名义实施治安管理活动,履行治安管理职责,并且能独立承担法律责任的组织和个人。确立和研究治安行政权主体的概念具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

公共政策是各国普遍采纳的一项法律制度。在对要求承认和执行的国际商事仲裁裁决进行司法审查时,公共政策成为法院拒绝承认与执行仲裁裁决的传统理由,鉴于公共政策内涵不确定性的特征,使得各国在适用公共政策时享有较大的自主权,客观上为各国滥用公共政策提供了一定的便利。  相似文献   

Several Canadian and international scholars offer commentaries on the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for governments and public service institutions, and fruitful directions for public administration research and practice. This first suite of commentaries focuses on the executive branch, variously considering: the challenge for governments to balance demands for accountability and learning while rethinking policy mixes as social solidarity and expert knowledge increasingly get challenged; how the policy-advisory systems of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and United Kingdom were structured and performed in response to the COVID-19 crisis; whether there are better ways to suspend the accountability repertoires of Parliamentary systems than the multiparty agreement struck by the minority Liberal government with several opposition parties; comparing the Canadian government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Global Financial Crisis and how each has brought the challenge of inequality to the fore; and whether the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated or disrupted digital government initiatives, reinforced traditional public administration values or more open government.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article reports on a survey of Canadian scholars of public administration that asked about the influence their academic research has had on the practice of public administration and some characteristics of their research. The scholars identified a wide range of publications as having influenced practitioners by having been read and discussed or by influencing policy, legislation or judicial decisions. Three‐quarters of the respondents had public‐sector experience early in their careers. The average age at which they did influential research was in their mid‐forties. They received research support for these projects from a wide range of sources, but the amounts were relatively modest. The article concludes with the implications of these findings for the design of a possible federal government program to enhance support for the Canadian academic community in public administration. Sommaire: Le présent article porte sur une enquête réalisée auprès de chercheurs en administration publique du Canada au sujet de l'influence qu'a joué leur recherche universitaire sur la pratique de l'administration publique, et de certaines caractéristiques de cette recherche. Les chercheurs ont mentionné tout un éventail de publications qui ont influencé les praticiens qui les avaient lues ou en avaient discuté ou qui ont influencé les décisions politiques, législatives ou judiciaires. Les trois quarts des personnes interrogées ont vécu une expérience dans le secteur public en début de carrière. C'est vers le milieu de la quarantaine que leur recherche a exercé le plus d'influence. Ils ont reçu pour ces projets un soutien d'une grande variété de sources, mais les montants étaient relativement modestes. L'article se termine sur les répercussions que ces résultats pourraient avoir sur la conception d'un programme éventuel du gouvernement fédéral pour accroître le soutien des universitaires canadiens dans le domaine de l'administration publique.  相似文献   

The belief that courts should be open to the public is a guiding principle of the Canadian legal system. This article examines the principle of open court in the digital age by analyzing policies governing live text‐based communication in Canadian courtrooms. We argue that courts have and have not responded to the changing digital landscape. While Canadian journalists have the ability to use live text‐based communication in courts, the general public does not despite new affordances provided to them by digital technologies. This article explores the tensions between administrative judicial independence, open court, and digital technology.  相似文献   

This paper develops a framework to measure parentage policy based on the legal barriers faced by intended parents, taking into account eligibility requirements, rules for genetic relationships, and surrogacy contract enforceability. It then applies this framework to the Canadian provinces. While parentage policy in Canada is undoubtedly a patchwork, policy change has moved in an increasingly permissive direction, often as a result of litigation. Moreover, this study provides an opportunity to develop broader research project for comparative scholars of parentage policy. Future studies of parentage policy, building from the framework developed here, should qualitatively examine the role of policy implementers other than legislatures and determine how policy learning and transfer affect parentage policy change. Because parentage policy can provide legal certainty for parents and prevent legal disputes, understanding the factors behind policy change is an endeavour with both theoretical and practical significance.  相似文献   

法律关系为各种法律责任的独立性提供了理论依据。因犯罪引发的法律关系的多样性不仅包括刑事责任,还包括民事责任、行政责任和国家赔偿责任;前者以制裁为目的,后者以恢复、管理等为目的。据此,探讨渎职犯罪的被害人存在的可能性和特殊性具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

保证责任与保证方式、保证期间和诉讼时效直接相关。保证方式不同,保证人承担保证责任的顺序和强度不同。保证期间届满,保证责任免除,保证债务诉讼时效问题也就不存在;保证期间终结,保证债务生效从而不再受保证期间约束,而受保证债务诉讼时效约束。主债务诉讼时效与保证债务诉讼时效之间的关系应当是:前者届满,后者也届满;前者中断,后者未必中断;后者中断,前者必定中断。保证债务诉讼时效届满,保证债务沦为自然之债,债权人丧失请求人民法院强制保证人承担保证责任的胜诉权。对担保法施行前所发生保证行为的保证责任认定,应当遵循上述法理、适用相关法律和司法解释之规定,而不能以有关通知为依据。  相似文献   

The policy and practice of public administration are caught between two seemingly incommensurate goals. Public servants are expected to be responsible to the oversight and control of democratically elected governments, yet, as the policy space becomes more complex, are forced to exercise more judgment and discretion in their responsibilities. Individual, collective, and professional conscience is motivated across this spectrum of challenges. This article explores the concepts of discretion and conscience in theory and practice in the Canadian context. It offers insights into how conscience can, and perhaps must, be both accommodated and supported more appropriately in the practice of 21st‐century public administration and service. At root, we argue that an array of strategies and approaches may help to build relational reciprocity to a broader set of norms that are necessary for efficient and effective governance.  相似文献   

多个法律文件对劳务派遣的雇主责任进行了不完全一致的规定。根据遭受损害的对象的不同,劳务派遣单位和用工单位被要求承担责任的轻重不同。此次劳动合同法修正案关于造成被派遣劳动者损害的雇主责任进行了较大的调整,原来双重雇主相互连带改为劳务派遣单位对用人单位的单方连带。当劳务派遣单位致劳动者损害时,用工单位承担连带责任与劳务派遣制度的目标相悖,而派遣单位能够充分承担对被派遣劳动者的赔偿责任。同时,还应当进一步完善劳务派遣单位的责任形式和内容。  相似文献   

Canadian Public Policy: Ideas, Structures, Process. By G. Bruce Doern and Richard W. Phidd . Toronto: Methuen. 1983. Pp. 624. $21.95. G. Bruce Doern and Richard Phidd's Canadian Public Policy: Ideas, Structures, Process is an important addition to the field of public policy studies and demands to be read in part, if not in full. Its importance lies, first, in the authors who are well known and recognized as among the leaders in the field. This volume represents an effort by the two authors to bring to paper nearly twenty years of thinking and writing about Canadian public policy. Second, the book represents an ambitious attempt to introduce a neo-institutional approach to the study of public policy, the “interplay” approach. In this regard, the book is ground-breaking, for it represents the first book-length effort in recent memory that systematically studies Canadian public policy under the rubric of a general, integrating conceptual scheme. Finally, its importance rests with its extraordinary wealth of detail and insights into public policy institutions, actors, historical trends, contemporary events, and political and public policy theory.  相似文献   

大学校园体育运动伤害事故频发,危害在校学生健康,受到社会广泛关注。针对大学校园体育伤害发生的原因和特点,应当加强校园法治建设,积极预防和妥善处理大学校园体育运动伤害纠纷,正确适用法律,确定学校责任、第三人责任以及受害人自己责任,正确平衡教育机构、受害学生和全体学生的利益,创建和谐安宁的大学校园环境,确保大学生群体的人身安全。  相似文献   

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