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本文通过内容分析的研究方法,对依据“可获得性”原则搜集到的47所高等学校教师聘任制度样本,从13个方面比较了具体内容的异同,对我国目前各地高校教师聘任制度改革的整体状况进行了统计分析和说明。研究发现,各地高校在政策制定上都与国家相关规定的基本精神保持了高度一致,相互之间不存在显著差异,这些都充分反映了我国高等教育高度行政化、高度集权化的特点。现阶段,我国高校教师聘任制度建设已初步形成体系,并发挥了一定作用,但是仍然存在各个方面的具体问题,需要进一步深化和落实聘任制度改革。  相似文献   

西方国家宏观经济调控的主要手段是财政政策和货币政策 ,借鉴其实施这两种政策的实践经验 ,结合我国国情 ,我国在制定和实施政策时须注意以下几个方面 :一、从长期和战略的角度看 ,应坚持“中性”的货币政策和财政政策。二、从短期来看 ,应采取相机抉择的财政和货币政策。三、货币政策和财政政策是一把双刃剑 ,既可能优化资源配置 ,又可能强化所有制结构和产业结构的扭曲 ,降低资源配置效率。四、把需求管理政策与人力政策相配合方能有效治理我国的失业问题。  相似文献   

公共政策作为公共部门向社会提供的一种公共物品具有无可置疑的公共性。但现实表明,由于政策主体的单一性、缺乏多元化的利益表达和政策参与,公共政策时常会表现出与公共性相违背的一面。所以如何保证政策的公共性是我国政府必须关注的。从政治文明视角来看,当前我国政策过程中公众参与有诸多阻碍因素,推动公众参与对我国政治文明建设有重要意义。促进公众参与实现的途径一是培育参与型的政治文化,创造良好的政策参与氛围,并逐步培养公民政治素质、提高参与技能;二是加快公众参与的法律化、制度化、组织化建设,逐步建立健全公众参与的“通道”,保障公众参与的广度与深度。  相似文献   

发展与公共政策中人的问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人的问题是公共政策的核心问题,而人的问题的解决必须依靠人的自由全面发展。然而,人类政策活动的结果却是离人越来越远。今天我们在公共政策的价值导向上强调“以人为本”,就是要正确处理发展与人的关系,最终实现人的终级关怀。  相似文献   

近年来,幼儿教育得到了长远的发展,但是幼儿园"小学化"现象却呈现出了愈演愈烈的趋势,这对幼儿知识、情感以及能力的培养,以及对全面发展的高素质人才的需求都将产生不利的影响。应试教育的弊端、幼儿教育课程内容不合理以及国家政策、财政的缺失等是造成这一现象的重要原因。随着相关法律法规的颁布执行,家长、幼儿园和社会的教育观念的更新,使三者形成合力,可以更好的解决当前幼儿教育面临的困境。  相似文献   

Since the publication of the Brundtland Report in 1987, governments at all levels have been struggling with the concept of sustainable development and its translation into public policy. In some federal countries, subnational governments have presented themselves as pioneers in sustainable development governance. This article critically analyses and compares the sustainable development policies in Quebec and Flanders – self‐declared leaders in the field – and seeks to identify lessons for the broader area of sustainable development governance. The analysis reveals some similarities in the policies and several problems. While certain investments are made at the administrative level, the policies are characterized by symbolic politics, devoid of political significance and not moving beyond cosmetic, rhetorical engagement. A renewed political commitment for sustainable development, as set out by the recent Rio+20 Summit, is urgently needed.  相似文献   

This article compares how the role and place of civil society groups in multilevel governance have evolved in Canada and the European Union (EU). It argues that, while the scope for engagement of organizations in the EU has broadened, it has been increasingly narrowed in Canada, to the extent that the policy process may be undermined. The article concludes with some insights from the EU experience in order to revive policy coordination in Canada as a governance technique.  相似文献   

Governments are increasingly using public‐private partnerships (P3s) to draw the private sector into more active participation in infrastructure development. Climate action initiatives have not typically yielded profitable results for the private sector, and might therefore constrain the placing of conditions by governments on P3 arrangements. This article investigates a major P3 infrastructure project in British Columbia – the Canada Line extension to Vancouver's urban rail transit network – and concludes that the P3 organization did not constrain the government's capacity to pursue policy objectives for climate action. This counterintuitive result occurred because public sector leadership enabled an effective engagement with environmental policy priorities.  相似文献   

新时期六次党代会报告对台湾问题的阐述集中反映了各个时期中共对台政策的凝结和创新。通过对六次党代会报告的具体考察发现,三十年来中共在对台政策上实现了"一个中国"原则由传统表述向新内涵阐释,由突出"和平统一"的目的性到突出"两岸关系和平发展主题"的过程性,以及由"两个寄希望于"到构建"命运共同体"的三次重要转变。坚持原则性与灵活性相结合,实事求是制定各项政策;坚持目的性与过程性相结合,重视目的性,突出过程性;坚持务虚性与务实性相结合,重视务虚性,突出务实性是新时期对台政策的重要经验。  相似文献   

Both Canada and the European Union (EU) have been active in developing pension policies despite the lack of formal mandates to do so. While the Canadian government used its fiscal powers to expand its role in pension programs when pension emerged as a policy issue, the EU has been strongly limited by its lack of resources, institutional complexities, and the maturity of public pension programs in its member states. The EU experience generates interesting lessons for Canadian policy makers who are dealing with increasingly complex pension issues.  相似文献   

Abstract: Drawing the citizen back into public fora has become the issue of the day in democratic countries around the globe. On the political stage, there is growing alarm over a perceived “democratic deficit,” which has inspired a variety of innovative means of engaging citizens in public policy decisions. This plethora of engagement mechanisms invites the question of how citizens evaluate these engagement opportunities, a question that reveals a decided lacuna of studies regarding citizen assessments of these various mechanisms. This study is a report from the citizen participants on the merits of a Nova Scotia model of citizen engagement in policy development. It examines a citizen task force organized by Voluntary Planning, which conducted a citizen consultation process to create policy recommendations for heritage preservation in Nova Scotia, using its distinctive technique of citizen engagement. This study is the first evaluation of the Nova Scotia process from the perspective of citizen participants conducted to date. It concludes that the process used is highly regarded and enhances the legitimacy of such mechanisms as the “voice of the people” for citizens themselves and government decision-makers.  相似文献   

青年政策是公共政策的重要组成部分。比较中韩两国的青年政策,对于促进我国青年政策的完善与发展具有重要借鉴意义。中韩两国青年政策的相同之处主要表现为:非常重视青年政策的制定和完善;青年政策走向大体趋于一致;在青年政策执行过程中更加关注青年主体利益。不同点主要表现在:青年政策形式不同;青年政策运行机制不同;青年政策侧重点和方式不同。  相似文献   

Abstract: Joint cabinet meetings are increasingly used for inter‐governmental dialogue, at both international and sub‐state levels. Provincial governments in western Canada, in particular, have employed the joint cabinet meeting format, and, between 2003 and 2009, nine such joint cabinet meetings were held. The resulting inter‐provincial collaboration at these meetings produced over thirty inter‐provincial agreements. Using the details of these particular joint cabinet meetings as a case study, this article considers three questions: First, why do governments hold joint cabinet meetings? Second, are joint cabinet meetings effective mechanisms for inter‐governmental policy‐making? And, third, particular to the Canadian context, what are the implications of joint cabinet meetings for federalism and democracy? The author argues that joint cabinet meetings are designed to build relationships and trust between governments and to allow a “whole‐of‐government” approach for inter‐governmental policy‐making. The joint cabinet meeting model appears to facilitate expedient inter‐governmental policy‐making, but the effectiveness of the resulting policies depends on the political will of the participating governments. Furthermore, in the Canadian context, joint cabinet meetings have the potential of reinforcing regionalism and the undemocratic tendencies associated with executive federalism.  相似文献   

近年来,随着环境问题的日益突出,环境外交的重要性逐渐提升。当前在“一带一路”背景下,中国顶层设计有道、沿线国家与中国开展环境合作的愿望强烈、技术和项目等方面现实需求的存在及拥有多层次的合作机制,中国环境外交被赋予了大量契机。不过,在“一带一路”背景下推进环境外交仍存在一些困境,表现在政策的多元化、脆弱不均的环境现状及地缘政治的挑战。为此,中国可以从完善环境政策体系、深化环境合作机制、加强与沿线国家的战略对接及发挥传媒优势四个维度加以应对。  相似文献   

This article uses organization theory to examine the strengths and challenges of contractual arrangements between the federal government's Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) and the Manitoba government to jointly manage regional economic development policy over the past two decades. This experience illustrates how strategies for managing intergovernmental cooperation on policy delivery are increasingly dictated by complex environmental forces, and how the survival of these contractual arrangements seems to rest on adaptive capacity in the face of constant change.  相似文献   

我国少年司法政策之完善应遵循独立化的发展路径,并运用政策科学的研究方法。独立化路径是展开政策科学方法的基本前提,而政策科学的科学化方法则是对少年司法政策独立发展的回应。少年司法政策的完善应是以少年司法独立化定位为基础,并围绕着少年司法政策的制定、执行及评估等过程的科学化来展开。  相似文献   

青少年弱势群体在家庭、学校、工作等方面面临程度和类型不同的“社会排斥”,生存与发展状况堪忧。尽管社会政策在整合城市弱势群体方面取得了一定成绩,但目前的社会保护政策和司法保护制度还存在观念误区、“缺位”现象等问题,必须在社会政策的制定中特别重视社会公平,完善青少年法律政策,从根本上改变弱势青少年的困境。  相似文献   

政策对象对地方政府政策执行力提升的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政策对象的成员数量、组织程度、拥有的社会资源、受教育程度、价值观念和认识能力对政策执行力有明显的影响。提高地方政府对民众的政策执行责任意识和加强政策对象自身的政策素养对提升地方政府政策执行力有重要意义。  相似文献   

引进国外智力的政策选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建国以来我国引进国外智力的政策经历了从小心翼翼的单一的引智到积极对外开放灵活多途的引智的变化.面对知识经济时代的要求以及国际间日益加剧的人才竞争,必须选择恰当的引智政策,为实现我国技术跨越和社会现代化服务.  相似文献   

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