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This article examines the relationship between local government economic development policy and multilevel governance, and investigates whether multilevel governance can be effectively implemented in key sectors, using two case studies of the aerospace and fashion sectors. This article seeks to answer the following questions: What inhibits the formation of multilevel collaborative governance institutions in these sectors? What implications does this have for urban economic development policy for the City of Toronto, and by extension, other cities across Canada? The case study evidence suggests that these institutions are forming in other cities such as Montreal and contributing to their success. So why is Toronto different?  相似文献   

Abstract: Despite a rich and well‐developed literature on Canadian federalism, multilevel governance, and aboriginal–settler relations, scholars have tended to ignore the variety of inter‐governmental agreements that have emerged between aboriginal and municipal governments in Canada. This article examines ninety‐three such agreements to construct a typology of aboriginal–municipal inter‐governmental partnerships in British Columbia. It finds that over time there has been a shift from mundane, service‐provision agreements towards more collaborative, cooperative and sometimes decolonizing, horizontal and multilevel governance partnerships. As a result, the authors suggest that scholars study these agreements to further explain and understand the evolution of aboriginal–settler relations and multilevel governance in Canada.  相似文献   

Building on in‐depth case studies and extensive theory‐building by Canadian multilevel governance scholars, this article identifies and describes multilevel policy involvement by federal, provincial, municipal, private, and NGO actors in three policy phases and eighteen policy domains that specifically involve local governments in Canada. Drawing from an original pan‐Canadian survey of municipal mayors and councillors, we show that municipal politicians see multilevel policy involvement as remarkably prevalent across many policy domains. Using an original measure of multilevel policy involvement, we identify the policy domains in which policy involvement is most concentrated or fragmented and then describe the correlates of this measure. Multilevel policy involvement, we argue, is more clearly associated with policy phase and policy domain than with municipal population or region. We conclude with a discussion of implications for future research.  相似文献   

This article compares how the role and place of civil society groups in multilevel governance have evolved in Canada and the European Union (EU). It argues that, while the scope for engagement of organizations in the EU has broadened, it has been increasingly narrowed in Canada, to the extent that the policy process may be undermined. The article concludes with some insights from the EU experience in order to revive policy coordination in Canada as a governance technique.  相似文献   

Government policy‐making affecting Indigenous communities in Canada has often been met with stiff resistance from Indigenous leadership. We examine multilevel governance as an alternate model for Aboriginal policy‐making by examining a particular case study: the process leading up to the 2005 Kelowna Accord. We find that although multilevel governance may have the potential to produce highly desirable outcomes, its emergence seems to depend heavily on political agency. Meaningful and enduring change to Aboriginal policy‐making will therefore likely require significant institutional adjustments to the Canadian federation.  相似文献   

Urban sustainability is a priority for cities, challenging public administrators to coordinate action on environmental policy, economic development and social policy. Multilevel governance is now a popular theoretical framework but research must illuminate the constraints on local administrators. This case study reviews efforts of public administrators in the City of Ottawa and Canada's national capital region to implement sustainability policies with collaborative governance, but new governance relationships are constrained by traditional intergovernmental relations. Case study research illuminates the challenges of multilevel governance for local governments and provides insights on the pursuit of sustainability with environmental programs, land use, and urban and development by Crown corporations.  相似文献   

Following surges of spending and staff hiring to address the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trudeau government announced a strategic policy review in the 2022 Budget to secure savings of $6 billion. There has been little apparent progress by May 2023 and opaque communications. This is surprising because Canada was once considered an international exemplar for spending reviews, needs to learn from the pandemic experience, has a worrisome medium-to-long-term federal spending trajectory, and the governance and economic context has rapidly evolved. This article identifies different kinds of spending reviews and design considerations, reviews Canada's experience with reviews since the early 1980s, considers recent OECD experience and exemplars, and argues that its spending reviews have become increasingly selective and closed. We suggest the Canadian government should institutionalize annual spending reviews, which can be scaled up or down, and that this points to more fundamental issues for reform and building a new governance culture.  相似文献   

公共安全是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要内容。本文基于战略管理的有关思想,构建一个“环境-使命-运作”的分析框架,从战略判断、战略定位、战略部署三个维度,来研究公共安全思想的基本框架与核心观点。对重要文献的文本分析发现,习近平关于公共安全的重要论述对公共安全形势的战略判断,主要体现在严峻性、多样性、关联性三个方面;对公共安全作用的战略定位,主要体现在事关人民群众切身利益、事关经济社会发展大局、事关中国梦宏伟目标三个方面;对公共安全工作的战略部署,主要体现在全类型应对、全过程管理、全社会参与、全手段运用四个方面;作为战略统领的总体国家安全观,是习近平关于公共安全重要论述的战略指引和理论引领。  相似文献   

This article examines the alignment of different governance arrangements and alternative accountability mechanisms in international development policy making in Canada and the European Union (EU), with a particular focus on relationships between governments and non‐governmental organizations. The Canadian case illustrates an entrepreneurial mode of governance that aligns with fiscal auditing and performance management mechanisms, while the networked governance model of the EU relies more heavily on accountability instruments of public reporting and deliberation. The article concludes that the European accountability regime likely provides policy makers with more opportunities for social policy learning but would be difficult to implement in Canada given the underlying action logic of the federal government.  相似文献   

论改革开放中的文化建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设中国特色社会主义文化是一项伟大的历史任务,在社会主义改革开放中加强文化建设,则是建设先进文化的基本战略方针。这个战略方针的具体内容主要是:文化建设的基本宗旨,必须是以人为本,实现社会和人的全面协调发展;文化繁荣的基本保障,是坚持“百花齐放、百家争鸣”,保障学术自由,加强民主政治建设和社会主义法制建设;文化发展的前途,是面向世界,具有历史眼光,走人类文化发展的共同道路。只有全面贯彻这一基本战略方针,我们才能实现中华民族新的文化复兴。  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in how universities are governed, externally and internally (Austin and Jones 2016). Drawing on a comparative case study of the governance of six major Canadian universities and the literature, this article describes the impact of federal research and innovation policy and programs on universities and reflects on Ottawa's role. We suggest that the federal government participates in the external governance of universities, but in a way that differs significantly from provincial governments. Canadian federalism appears to be generally beneficial for university autonomy and examination of its operation sheds light on factors that enable universities to sustain their autonomy.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article considers a coalition model of governance as an innovative approach to public management. In general, the coalition governance model adopts key principles of new public management and inherits criticisms similar to those levelled against the new managerialism. Looking at a case study of parent child coalitions in Manitoba, this article explores some benefits and consequences of implementing and utilizing coalition governance as a model for social policy. It finds that the attempt to increase child‐centred programming across the province required innovative adjustments to the management of this social policy issue, as well as a restructuring of the overarching policy structure. Innovative public management and the implementation of a coalition governance approach helped transform early childhood development in Manitoba from a private and personal family concern to a public policy issue. It has increased citizen engagement and has also increased government access to a previously inaccessible segment of society. Although these innovations resolved some key concerns, additional criticisms remain as yet unaddressed.  相似文献   

为了探究不同技术投入产业中,纵向一体化对于专用性投资的治理效率是否存在差异,选取了2009-2011年制造业上市公司数据加以验证.研究结论表明,纵向一体化对专用性投资的治理效果存在明显的产业差异,在低技术投入的产业中,更适合采用纵向一体化模式.研究深化了交易成本理论对于治理结构选择的认识,为已深入嵌入全球价值链的我国企业进行专用性投资治理机制选择提供实践借鉴.  相似文献   

在中国公共政策研究的领域,对跨层级和跨部门的政策执行现象关注不足。多数文献从“自上而下”的角度出发,过于强调事权的划分,而忽略了中央与地方、地方与地方、各职能部门之间的复杂策略互动与权力分享,从而得出“进一步加大中央控制”的政策建议,使政府治理陷入“收权放权”的怪圈。本文以水资源保护为例,首先讨论我国流域水资源保护的制度基础与政策执行困境;其次从纵向跨层级的视角分析地方政府政策执行偏差;再次从横向跨部门的视角分析权力冲突和信息阻隔对政策执行产生的负面影响。本文认为。集权式的治理机制无法应对跨层级、跨部门的复杂政策议题,有效的政策执行还需要进行更深层的政治结构调整,形成良性沟通协作的机制。  相似文献   

Governments have made strides in “crowdsourcing” yet the concept has not been defined as a tool in either policy‐making or in delivering services. The article identifies different forms of crowdsourcing and argues that existing taxonomies for governing instruments insufficiently account for crowdsourcing as a strategic tool in its arsenal. Focusing on the most important types of crowdsourcing drawn from the federal, provincial and municipal levels, it explores the limits of crowdsourcing and issues it raises for governance and administration. The cases reveal how crowdsourcing can help the state meet needs by activating crowds into accomplishing tasks. Using crowds is more than a procedural novelty: it opens new venues for direct contact between the state and citizens that can affect the force and direction of decision making.  相似文献   

Canada's federal political system has to reconcile differences over the balance between shared rule and self‐rule concerning two bedrock principles of the constitutional government: the rule of law and democratic oversight of the exercise of the power of the state to ensure that it is not usurped. The hallmark of the administration of multilevel security governance in Canada is horizontal and vertical differentiation of diverse territorial and non‐territorial community values, preferences, interests and values has given rise to the asymmetric decentralization. This article maps the historical and constitutional roots, and then draws on examples in a survey of its institutional structure across three levels of government. It concludes by discussing the governance challenges that shared sovereignty and mismatched jurisdictional authorities pose for the effective and efficient provision of public safety in Canada.  相似文献   

As an innovative approach of social governance mechanism under the good governance perspective, purchase of services is currently the necessary requirement of transforming government functions and constructing the new government-society relationship, and it is also the important way of stimulating the vitality of social organization and meeting the public needs. Since China’s purchase of services system is still in its infancy, how to establish a cooperative relations of independent, equality, mutual trust between government and society to promote the achievement of expected effectiveness of purchase of services policy, and it has become currently the core issues of constructing new government-society relationship. This article points out that there exist government being community, the lag of legal system and lack of mutual trust and other multiple characteristics and practical problems in the construction of government-society relationship of purchase of services; and then based on the analysis for its roots and from the perspective of good governance theory, the paper creatively introduces contract spirit and kindness system and seeks the effective ways to construct a new government-society relationship of firmness and flexibility from the structural reform, legal system construction, mutual trust mechanism and other aspects, so that making purchase of services truly become an innovation of social governance mechanism.  相似文献   

党的十六大报告首次在党的决议中提出坚持依法执政,这是我们党在转换执政方式上的重大而理性的抉择.依法执政范畴应从执政方式的概念和执政活动的过程进行综合阐释.对中国共产党选择依法执政方式必然性的解说,主要从执政合法性、执政规律经验和治国兴邦方略三个层面切入,然后分析论证选择依法执政方式符合执政发展的内在逻辑和法治演进的核心...  相似文献   

中国共产党是中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心。从公共政策层面看,地方党组织的领导既表现在宏观的政策决策上,如制定方针路线;也可体现在中微观的政策执行中,如全面引领治理过程。在制定方针路线与全面引领治理之间的行为选择中,地方党组织采取后一种行为方式的发生机制是什么?除受党的先进性、上级要求等因素影响外,通过对地方动迁政策实践的个案研究发现,由于复杂政策的"网络性"要求有效的协调制度,制度建构和运作需投入大量资源,而市场或行政机制下的执行方式存在资源投入不足和协调制度匮乏,导致地方治理陷入集体行动困境,进而催生地方党组织全面引领地方治理。基于党章党纪等初始制度,地方党组织得以动员大量资源,进而成功建构和运作内部协调制度和外部协调制度,并分别实现对政策执行主体、主客体之间和客体内部的关系协调,推动了地方善治。  相似文献   

新公共服务是关于公共行政在将公共服务、民主治理和公民参与置于中心地位的治理系统中所扮演角色的一系列思想和理论,借助此理论中的公共价值、公共责任、公民参与等理念,解释昆明市家庭服务业立法政策议题从产生形成、反复论证到被暂缓实施这一过程的原因,凸显政府公共服务精神与战略决策能力在发展民生工程、体现民主与公民权、促进公共利益实现中的重要作用。  相似文献   

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