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公务员职业道德伦理探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公务员职业道德伦理是公务员在公共行政过程中必须遵守的共同的行为准则及价值理念和思维方式的总和。公务员职业道德 ,通过道德规范控制公务员的公务行为且可以检验 ;公务员职业伦理较难制定明确的规范和行为标准 ,但它是公务员在执行公务中保持共同的行为准则、共通的思维方式和共有的处理问题方法的基础。社会的发展变化 ,对公务员职业道德伦理带来了巨大的挑战 ,也使职业伦理成为公务员培训的难点  相似文献   

本文探讨的是韩国政府公共服务改革的热门话题之一:高级文官制度改革。这项新制度的实施将对政府官员的选任与委派、绩效管理、工资制度、培训方式等带来变化。  相似文献   

信息社会环境中,公务员信息素养水平的高低,直接关系到各国信息化发展战略的进程,关系到各国公民对信息服务的满意度。目前,我国公务员队伍信息素养参差不齐,能力水平令人担忧。为提高我国公务员信息素养,优化其信息行为,CKA模型创造性地将公务员应具备的信息观念、信息意识、信息道德和信息态度等综合为信息文化素养能力;CKA模型以信息文化素养、信息知识素养和信息能力素养为主干内容,并结合信息素养发展的规律和标准,为我国公务员全面提升信息素养提供了正确的参照,也为公务员在招录、培训和绩效考核等方面提升其信息行为给出了合理的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Abstract. The author starts by drawing a profile of the senior civil servant in the Quebec government at the end of the fifties and shows the development of this category of the public service on the basis of corresponding data for the years 1969 and 1975. He concludes this first part of his paper with comments on significant changes, indicative of the characteristics of the Quebec public service during the last two decades. The author then comments on the evolution of the social, political and administrative environment in which the senior official discharges his own changing responsibilities and ends this second part with comparative notes on the management of comparable public services in the United States, France and the United Kingdom. The paper concludes with some thoughts on several of the dilemmas facing the senior civil service: responsibility versus authority, neutrality versus involvement and a changing society versus bureaucratization of services.  相似文献   

Abstract: Conflict between elected officials and civil servants is not an uncommon occurrence at the city level and it may at times paralyze the organization. The purpose of this article is to determine whether certain basic personality traits among municipal politicians and public servants could explain why the two groups have differing perspectives and why they may at times have difficulty working together. While they can be a source of considerable tension, these differing traits can also be seen as complementary, in which case they might enhance the organization's performance. Sommaire: Les conflits entre les responsables élus et les fonctionnaires ne sont pas quelque chose de rare à l'échelle des villes et ils peuvent parfois paralyser l'organisme. L'objet du présent article est de déterminer si certains traits de personnalité chez les responsables politiques municipaux et les fonctionnaires pourraient expliquer pourquoi les deux groupes ont des perspectives différentes et pourquoi ils peuvent parfois avoir des difficultés à collaborer. Alors qu'ils peuvent être une source de tension considérable, ces différents traits de personnalité peuvent aussi être considérés comme complémentaires et, dans ce cas, ils pourraient renforcer la performance de l'organisme.  相似文献   

Political advisors in Canada are comparatively numerous and highly differentiated in role. Based on a recent survey, this article examines how senior ministerial policy advisors, a subset of the political staff community, perceive their support for ministers and their relationships with public servants. It finds that they increase ministers' policy capacity, encourage greater responsiveness from public servants, and generally feel that they enjoy good relations with officials and respect their role. Since much depends on advisors' personal maturity, however, the paper endorses the Trudeau government's release of a code of conduct for ministerial‐exempt staff as a means of embedding accountability more deeply within political staff culture.  相似文献   

在我国公务员管理制度中,公务员考核制度是核心。而中国古代官吏考核制度,经过秦汉两朝的发展,至唐宋明清时,已经走向了完备化,形成一套严密的组织系统、考核标准和对各类不同职务官吏提出不同需求、分类考核以及考核与奖惩相结合的方法,对奖勤罚懒、扬善排恶、激励官吏勤政廉洁,起到一定的积极作用。研究中国古代官吏考核制度,对完善我国公务员考核制度和今天的选人用人具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

一段时间以来,国内安全事故频频见诸报端,有不少官员被依法追究行政法律责任,其影响之大被媒体形容为中国掀起"问责风暴"。这种现象应当引起我们对公务员行政法律责任完善的思考,问责应当形成常态机制,而不能是运动式的追责效果,在这方面可以借鉴香港地区的"廉政公署"制度,健全公务员行政问责机制。  相似文献   

Sommaire. L'information administrative. dans nos sociétés. sodre de failles diverses. Une recherche, faite pour le compte du Ministère des Communications du Québec, a voulu éclairer ces failles en vue de les corriger. La principale composante de la recherche a consisté en 78 entrevues de groupe conduites auprès de hauts-fonctionnaires, de fonctionnaires de contact, et de clients privilégés de différentes entités administratives. De plus, 17 experts de différentes disciplines se réunirent pendant deux jours avec des fonctionnaires du Ministère des Communications et d'autres ministères pour tenter d'interpréter et de situer dans des contextes plus larges les problèmes de l'information administrative. Après avoir défini l'information administrative d'après un schéma de la communication empruntéà Roman Jakobson, l'article fait état des principales constatations qui ont été faites lors de la recherche. Ensuite sont présentées les diverses interprétations proposées par les experts: interprétations psychologiques, interprétations en termes de techniques de la communication, interprétations micro-économiques, et interprétations en termes de pouvoir. Les forces et les faiblesses de ces interprétations sont évaluées, après quoi est esquissée une analyse structurale, où l'insistance est mise sur la capacité qu'ont les acteurs d'imposer les contacts par où passe l'information administrative. Il est montré en conclusion comment cette analyse structurale permet d'intégrer les interprétations proposées par les experts, et comment elle pourrait être améliorée dans des recherches subséquentes. Abstract. Administrative information, in our societies, suffers from various shortcomings. A research project undertaken on behalf of the Quebec Department of Communications has tried to focus on these weaknesses in order to eliminate them. The main element of the research was 78 group interviews with senior officials, ‘contact’ civil servants, and privileged clients of various administrative entities. Furthermore, 17 experts in various disciplines met for two days with officials of the Department of Communications and other departments in an attempt to interpret and place in broader contexts the problems of administrative information. Administrative information having been defined according to a communication grid borrowed from Roman Jakobson, this article states the various facts established by the research. Then, the various interpretations offered by the experts are presented: psychological interpretations, interpretations in terms of communication techniques, micro-economic interpretations, and interpretations in terms of power. Strengths and weaknesses of these interpretations are evaluated, and then a structural analysis is attempted; it focuses on the actors' ability to impose the contacts channelling administrative information. In conclusion it is shown how this structural analysis allows an integration of the interpretations proposed by the experts and how it could be improved with further research.  相似文献   

以委托—代理理论和信息经济学中的监督模型为基础,通过对政府和公务员二者在完全信息静态博弈下的混合战略分析可见,租金的高低、政府监督的成本和对寻租的公务员惩罚的力度是影响公务员寻租的三个主要因素。我们应通过健全社会舆论与群众监督机制,提高公务员的道德水平,加大对公务员寻租行为的法制惩罚力度,加大对寻租者的物质惩罚力度,健全社会主义市场经济体制,消除租源等措施来防止公务员寻租。  相似文献   

建设社会主义和谐社会是各级政府的重要战略任务之一。公务员是组成政府行政机构的主体,公务员的行为代表着政府的形象,公务员的行政能力决定着政府工作的成效,直接关系到社会主义和谐社会的构建。用和谐社会的新理念武装公务员,提高公务员的行政能力,应成为公务员培训的重要内容。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article is about building metropolitan governance capacity. Based on the case study of the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (the Montreal Metropolitan Community), the authors seek to understand how this new metropolitan institution develops its capacity to manage metropolitan issues. What factors influence metropolitan governance capacity? What are the impacts of actor behaviour, incentive structures, and political leadership on that capacity? Specifically, results focus on two of the CMM's areas of responsibility: land‐use planning, and social and affordable housing. Based on the analysis of official documents of the CMM (its act of incorporation, activity reports, budget, etc.) and thirteen interviews with elected municipal officials and public servants, the authors show that the building of metropolitan governance capacity is influenced by the interactions between those three factors, as well as by other elements specific to each context.  相似文献   

我国《公务员法》第五十四条蕴含了公务员可以对上级说"不"这一命题,体现了法律规范条款中严密、完整的"权利·义务·责任"的结构形态,在一定程度上也体现了公务员的自主地位。但现实生活中公务员抵抗权的实现却存在疑问。抵抗权绝不能仅仅落脚于可否说"不"这一宏观理论上,还应更多地着眼于具体的前提条件、权利义务、配套细则、救济方法等方面,以便进一步增强可操作性。  相似文献   

天水市公务员心理健康调查分析及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对天水市公务员心理健康的问卷调查分析,探讨了公务员心理健康的现状,分析了影响公务员心理健康的主客观原因,并着眼于心理保健的视角提出了解决公务员心理健康问题的对策与建议。  相似文献   

我国公务员初任培训存在的问题及其对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公务员初任培训是公务员培训中的重要环节,初任培训是一种导向性培训,它对公务员今后的工作和发展具有不可轻视的作用。我国自公务员制度实施以来。公务员初任培训工作取得了很大的成就,具有组织实施机构、专门的施教机构、特定的培训内容和培训方式等。但是也存在诸如培训针对性缺失、培训实用性不强、培训效果失真等问题。为此,应该切实转变培训理念、加强师资队伍建设、建立可行性绩效评估例度和完善培训课程设计、积极探索培训方式的创新等。  相似文献   

现代国家须以制度来体现科层制,体现政治权力。在我国,国家公职人员代表国家来行使公共权力。为了对公共权力的行使进行规制,刑法对滥用职权罪进行了规定,但学界对这个罪的主体问题的认识仍然存在相当多的分歧。“国家工作人员”不宜作为一个法律概念来界定,具体到滥用职权罪更是如此。而以“国家公职人员”取代“国家工作人员”,则能体现其作为法律概念本身的确定性和科学性。但语词的改变从来不能够代替社会现实的改造,如果只是改变表述方式,其意义仍然非常有限。  相似文献   

官赌洗钱是指国家工作人员通过赌场或赌博活动,将不法财物在形式上合理化的行为。官赌洗钱的形成需要三个条件:赌场、赌徒(干部)和赌资(公款和贿款等),经过三个阶段:放置阶段、离析阶段和整合阶段。因此,对官赌洗钱的查处与预防也应从以上几个方面入手。  相似文献   

调查表明,公务员组织认同不良是政府低效率现象的影响因素之一,而强化政府组织内部的自律机制建设以促进公务员组织认同有助于降低政府低效率现象。对公务员自律性的管理包括从个体和行业两个层次激发公务员作为社会人的自觉意识或自我反思,着眼点是从对公务员激励的角度促进其行政组织认同的提升。做到这一点的重要途径就是构建自律基础上的以人为本的公务员整合机制,通过强化行政资源、文化和结构的整合作用,以相应的物质利益和组织声望吸引公务员个体,用制度化的方式对他们在行政组织中的角色地位进行安排和调整;从行政组织文化维度运用行政组织所倡导的价值与规范引导规定组织成员的价值目标追求和行为表现;在此基础上着力培养公务员的组织认同行为以提升行政组织的效率,进而促进高效服务型政府的落实。  相似文献   

增强公务员依法行政能力是全面推进依法行政、建设法治政府的迫切需要;是各级公务员的法定义务和职责;是公务员能力建设的鲜明主题。公务员作为依法行政的主体,必须适应依法治国的形势和要求,提高依法行政、依法办事的能力和水平。  相似文献   

Important changes are currently taking place within the French civil service, and civil servants now have to adapt to the performance requirements. To encourage profile diversity, the competitive entrance examinations for applicants to the French civil service have been redesigned. Furthermore, the development of new procedures for assessing civil servants has led to question the old methods used until recently. Thus, new measures for rating civil servants have now been implemented, with a focus on organizing advancement and promotion. This reform has also had an impact on the career management of civil servants, with the development of a performance‐based compensation system. Finally, civil servant mobility within the civil service, considered to be one of the levers of the government reform process, is now also being encouraged. Efforts must be focused on increasing the effectiveness of human resources management in public administrations in order to deliver high‐quality public service at the lowest possible cost.  相似文献   

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