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An exhibition on human rights in China was held in the Cultural Palace of Ethnic Groups, Beijing, November 17-26,2006, jointly by the Information Office of the State Council, China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) and China Human Rights Development Fund. The exhibition attracted more than 10,000 visitors from in and outside the country and aroused much media attention. Following is an interview by our reporter with Prof. Dong Yunhu, vice-president and secretary-general of the CSHRS, on the exhibition.  相似文献   

Human fights has always been a concept that evolves with the development of globalization. To clarify their relations, Human Rights made an interview with Xu Tiebing, an associate researcher on international studies with the Communication University of China. Xu has recently translated the French book Atlas de la Mondialisation into Chinese.  相似文献   

The issue relating to human rights safeguards in criminal procedure has of late attracted extensive attention.A Human Rights reporter recently interviewed Prof.Fan Chongyi of China University of Political Science and Law on the issue.Following are excerpts of the interview.  相似文献   

You xueyun 《人权》2006,5(5):9-12
EDITOR'S NOTE: The Draft Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China has been completed and was published for soliciting comments on March 20. In a short period of one month, 191,849 pieces of comments and opinions were received. Prior to the promulgation of the law, this reporter interviewed Mr. Guan Huai, a noted Chinese expert in labor law, professor of the Law School of the Renmin University of China and law advisor to the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.  相似文献   

Farmer workers are a new powerful workforce that has sprung up amid China's reform and door opening and in the process of the country's industrialization and urbanization. They have made great contributions to urban prosperity, rural development and their country's modernization. At present, however, fanner workers face numerous difficulties and problems in income, work safety, social security, vocational training, the schooling of their children and living conditions. To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmer workers, the State Council in March 2006 issued Ideas of the State Council on Solving Farmer Workers-related Problems. In the document, the State Council promises to  相似文献   

On the advent of the "International Human Rights Day" on Dec. 10, 2007, our staff reporter Interviewed Research Fellow Mo Jihong of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on how the international human rights conventions are implemented in China.
Born in May 1965, Mo Jihong is a native of Jingjiang, Jiangsu Province. He is a research fellow at the Law Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social sciences and a tutor for Ph.D candidates in the International Human Rights Law. He also serves as an executive member of the Society for International Constitution Studies and vice-president of the Constitution Chapter of the China Society of Law. He was a visiting scholar at the Human Rights Institute of Norway, and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. His principal works include International Human Rights Convention and China (2005), Principles of Constitutional Sciences in Practice (2007) and In Defense of Legislation (2007). He was elected as one of the ten most outstanding young jurists in China.
The following is the full text of the interview:  相似文献   

Question: On March 17, 2004, theSecond Session of the Tenth NationalPeople's Congress, China's highest leg-islature, approved the revision of Chi-na's Constitution to include a newclause reading "the state shall respectand protect human rights." This causedwidespread repercussions in China andabroad. We'd like to have your com-ment on it. Answer: I have to note that before thenew constitutional clause was adopted,human rights had already been protectedunder China's Constitution and laws.…  相似文献   

The first time I have learnt the name Wu Qing was in a host show, "Close-Up" on CCTV-4. She is a professor of Beijing Foreign Studies Univer-sity, and moreover she is the daughter of one of Chinese literary giants, Ms. Bing Xin. I was immediately fascinated not  相似文献   

SUN SHIYAN 《人权》2006,5(1):28-30
Teaching and research onhuman rights law are notpurely academic,in that aftergraduation law students areexpected to be judges,prose-cutors,lawyers and government officialswho,in one way or another,will be oblig-ed to respect human rights.2Chinese universi…  相似文献   

XIONG QIUHONG 《人权》2010,(1):26-28
I. A Review of China's Judicial Protection for Human Rights
To effectively protect human rights, a country needs to specify in its laws a complete series of basic rights its citizens shall enjoy. Meanwhile, the legal rights for an individual citizen would be meaningless even though such rights are prescribed in laws if, when the person's rights are infringed upon, he or she has no access to judicial relief. Administration of justice is the last resort, in fact the most effective, means.  相似文献   

Following is an interview by the staff reporter of Human Rights magazine with Wang Shengjun, president of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China:  相似文献   

In order to build a harmonious society, the basic human rights of citizens must be fully ensured. In the field of human rights protection, China has got considerable achievements. With continuous development in China's prison system reform,  相似文献   

ZHANG JUN 《人权》2006,5(2):2-3
In recent years, China has madeeye-catching achievements inimproving its legal system,including its legislation on pro-tection of human rights, thanks toimplementation of the state strategy ofrunning the country in accordance withthe law. The people's cou…  相似文献   

ZHANG AINING 《人权》2008,(2):33-35
Power balance is a systematic frame- work that facilitates the forming and existence of rule of law and is also a direct precondition for the forming and existence of rule of law. It is designed for restriction of the State power, and it is also for those who have the administrative power to use their power for safe- guarding the social justice. The lawyers' right to practice is an important part of social balance mechanism and is also an internationally accepted form.  相似文献   

<正>The letters and visits system is a kind of system for hu-man rights protection with Chinese characteristics.The system has made tremendous achievements in promoting and safeguarding human rights and ac-cumulated rich experience in the protection of human rights.in the future,it will continuously play a unique role in China’s human rights protection.I.China’s Letters and Visits System Is a System for Human Rights Protection Since the United nations General assembly passed the Universal  相似文献   

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