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陈金钊教授最近提出了一种与西方法律修辞学不同的"把法律作为修辞"理论,该理论因其独特的涵义界定、价值立场和修辞方法而受到不少学者的质疑和批判。"把法律作为修辞"理论并非作者自由的学术创造,该理论几乎所有的构成元素都可以根据法治理论、法教义学、法律话语、分析修辞学、最新的法律修辞学理论等获得相应的理论证成。因此,在某种意义上可以说,"把法律作为修辞"更是对西方法律修辞学的一种学术改造和重构。  相似文献   

“以人为本”刍议   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
人与物的关系问题是价值论的基本问题,根据这个问题的回答,形成人本主义与物本主义。人本主义和物本主义分歧的焦点在于:人的价值是否决定于他所拥有的物的价值?人的命运是否应当由物来控制和决定?人本主义主张以人为本,强调一切为了人,一切依靠人。人类的经济活动是一把双刃剑,它本来是为人的,但它又会导致人性的扭曲。在人本主义经济中,经济活动中的“非人性”因素将受到有效的抑制,经济将进一步人性化。  相似文献   

Merrill RA 《Duke law journal》1998,47(6):1071-1094
Professor Richard Merrill contends that the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act does not grant the FDA regulatory authority over cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products. The fact that Congress did not expressly deny the FDA regulatory authority over tobacco cannot, Professor Merrill argues, be used to infer such authority. This inference is particularly inappropriate in the case of tobacco regulation, he maintains, because there is compelling evidence that Congress had no intention of delegating this authority to the FDA. He is unpersuaded that presidential approval legally sanctions the FDA's claim of authority by granting it a superficial political legitimacy. Finally, he reminds us of the FDA's own repeated denials of jurisdiction over tobacco products, and he recalls the numerous times that Congress passed legislation directed at tobacco without granting the FDA any role in its regulation. Professor Merrill's Essay, like the other pieces in this volume, was written after the United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina decided Coyne Beahm v. FDA, but before a three judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit reversed that decision in Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. v. FDA. In Coyne Beahm, the District Court held that the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act authorized the FDA to regulate tobacco products, but not tobacco advertising. The Fourth Circuit rejected the District Court's jurisdictional ruling and invalidated the FDA's regulations in their entirety. The Clinton Administration has since requested an en banc rehearing before the Fourth Circuit.  相似文献   

20 0 3年第 5期的《比较法研究》中发表了题目为《质疑“以法律为准绳”》一文 (以下简称“质疑文”)。在这篇文章中 ,作者对传统的办案原则———“以事实为依据 ,以法律为准绳”中的“以法律为准绳”提出了质疑 ,认为 :“法律”不能成为办案的准绳 ,办案的准绳应当是法律的精  相似文献   

我国刑法理论通说认为,犯罪客观要件的核心要素是危害行为.但是,危害行为说无法发挥行为概念的基本机能,在逻辑上也存在难以克服的内在矛盾.实质上,犯罪客观要件中的“行为”既不是客观上已然发生的“行为”,也不可能是真正意义上的事实性行为,而只能是行为人主观罪过中的行为的一个侧面—行为客观方面具有或应该具有的自然属性或特征,这也是它与刑法中相关行为概念的本质区别.犯罪构成各要件间的辨证关系决定了实践中对犯罪客观要件中“行为”的认定应结合犯罪主体要件、主观罪过内容和犯罪对象进行.  相似文献   

清末民初,以骈文为代表的传统文学逐渐淡出,白话文学潜滋暗长。在这样的背景下,刘师培系统提出了“骈文正宗”的文学观。“骈文正宗”观有扬州学派阮元、汪中等前人的理论和创作启发,有自六朝以来骈文发展的史料来源,更有刘师培本人独特的文论阐发,是其文学本质观的具体理论表述。“骈文正宗”观一定程度上恢复了六朝文学的文学史地位,具有文学和美学的意义,以及特定时期的思想政治意义。  相似文献   

“法律法规授权的组织”是非行政机关被推上行政诉讼被告席的惟一事由,也是法院受理田永诉北京科技大学案,为学生打开司法救济之门的前提。然而,法院在田永一案中并没有证成高等学校具有“法律法规授权的组织”资格。尽管单方面性、强制性等是行政权的属性,但并非所有具有这些属性的权力都是行政权。  相似文献   

吕玉赞 《河北法学》2015,33(3):2-16
陈金钊教授提出的“把法律作为修辞”理论根据当代西方法律修辞学虽可获得相应的证成,但这种法律修辞理论也有自己无法克服的多种局限和限度:游移于分析性修辞学和法律论辩理论之间,理论进路混乱;合法性、可接受性和合理性三种价值立场因无法在法律修辞的语境下兼容而始终充满张力;构造的“法律修辞方法”无法满足法律方法论的要求,并非一种真正的法律修辞方法;勾勒的法律修辞“谋篇布局”过于模糊、残缺不全且充满内在缺陷.这四种缺陷注定了“把法律作为修辞”理论难以作为完整的或真正的法律修辞理论.  相似文献   

Vaginal "fisting" as a cause of death   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe the death of a young girl that resulted from the insertion of a clenched hand and forearm into her vagina during heterosexual activity. (The male homosexual practice of rectal fist insertion has been described previously.) We believe this death to be the first reported case of a "fisting" death due to vaginal fist insertion during heterosexual activity. This death is reported to alert forensic pathologists, medicolegal death investigators, and coroners aware of the role of aberrant sexual activity and its potential to cause death.  相似文献   

In American jurisprudence, two justifications have traditionally been put forth to support the government's social control of persons with mental illness: police power and parens patriae. As public mental hospitals became less available as loci in which to exercise these functions, governments sought alternative means to achieve the same ends. One prominent but quite controversial means is involuntary outpatient treatment (IOT). While the concerns about IOT have been myriad, one often alluded to but never documented is that of "net-widening." That is, once IOT became available, it would be applied to an ever greater number of individuals, progressively expanding the margins of the designated population to whom it is applied, despite the formal standard for its application remaining constant. We tested the net-widening belief in a naturalistic experiment in Massachusetts. We found that net-widening did not occur, despite an environment strongly conducive to that expansion. At this time, whatever the arguments against IOT might be, net-widening should not be one of them.  相似文献   

论“未预见的发展“作为启动保障措施的条件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
保障措施作为一种进口紧急措施,具有严格的实施要件.由于GATT第19条的"未预见的发展"在<保障措施协议>中并没有规定,因此,就保障措施的实施条件形成了"肯定说"和"否定说"两种主张.在近年的案例里,WTO趋向采取"肯定说".但"未预见的发展"作为主观要件不仅自身存在缺陷,而且从国际法、国内法、判例法三个角度来看,也应不再作为启动保障措施的条件.它的适用不仅和WTO<保障措施协议>的发展方向相悖,而且也会给WTO的稳定性带来更大的隐患.  相似文献   

The authors analyze the content of anti-Russian rhetoric in the European Union (EU) as it pertains to Russian economic strategy, domestic policy, and foreign policy. They explain its causes mainly in terms of divergent economic interests and the EU's internal needs for identity and consolidation.  相似文献   

论"以人为本"的宪法涵义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱孔武 《河北法学》2005,23(2):68-70
现行宪法的第四次修改体现了"以人为本"的修宪观,以人为本不仅禁止国家权力侵犯人的尊严,而且要求国家积极保障个人有尊严地生存、发展的条件.从历史上考察,以人为本的思想在当代有着崭新的内涵,与传统的人本思想有着本质的区别,亦涵盖了西方宪政史中"人的尊严"的理念,其核心意义在于明确国家和人民之间的关系,确立国家最高价值在于人权保障的观念.  相似文献   

Potassium permanganate is used for the production of cocaine and methylcathinone. The third convention of the UN against narcotic drugs (1988) contains a list of so-called precursors, substances commonly used for the production of narcotic drugs. The control of the precursors can be a very important step to prevent the illicit production of narcotic substances. A chemical characterization of a seized product may contribute to determine the origin of the producing company and the trade channels and to prevent further illicit deliveries. 31 samples of permanganate (19 authentic and 12 seized samples) have been analyzed for 9 metallic elements. Detailed procedures for the emission spectrography and ICP-analysis are given and the range of concentrations is tabulated. It was surprising that no significant concentrations of metals like chromium, nickel or cobalt were present. Nor was the difference between the technical and analytically pure products sufficient to make a differentiation according to origin. This is probably attributable to the technical manufacture of permanganate by electrolysis. All the statistical analyses of the results performed on the available data do not allow conclusions as to the country of origin or manufacturer, as production batches of one and the same manufacturer may also show differences. Only the morphology of the product (crystals, powder or "free flowing") allows a certain characterization. Nevertheless it seems necessary to analyze all seized samples for impurities and to establish a table of "impurity profiling" in the future in order to receive more information and to find correlations in selected cases.  相似文献   

"伪P2P平台"先行归集资金后借款的运作模式,使其更容易触发非法集资犯罪红线。从"正常经营"到"集资诈骗"的转换,可能存在诸多"介入因素"将平台的运营割裂成不同阶段。对于"数额犯"来说,"数额"的认定关系着行为人的入罪与出罪。在平台运营由"介入因素"分为不同阶段的情形下,"承继的共同正犯"理论不能解决后行为人对参与前的"一般行为"应否负责的问题。而以"事态的控制"作为集资诈骗"行为"的修正与补充、以"整体性思维"的推定集资诈骗行为人的主观方面,则能够解决"伪P2P平台"背景下集资诈骗的责任归属问题。对"伪P2P平台"集资诈骗行为人数额的认定应避免"无行为则无犯罪"的僵化适用,以"整体性思维"判定行为人的"入罪"数额,扣除案发前行为人已归还的数额作为"出罪口"。在多阶段的行为人非法集资犯罪中,则应以"非法占有"的事实为准厘清行为人之间的责任,避免对平台吸收资金的重复评价。  相似文献   

中国法学研究中广泛运用"国家—社会"这一分析框架具有重要的意义,中国法学界目前主要是利用这一框架进行范例研究,论者试图通过这种范例的研究对该框架的效力进行证明,并在打通市民社会两个层面的基础上,在渐进的过程中构建起中国的市民社会或者为实现现代化法治进行论证。"国家法与民间法"研究是中国法学运用"国家—社会"框架取得成果颇多的领域。法学界在运用这一框架时并未保持必要的警醒,对该框架的理论前提或预设很少质疑,而对于框架的作用和限度也没有深刻的把握。站在反思和批判的立场对中国法学研究中的"国家—社会"框架的作用和限度以及相关研究进行检视,并对这一框架背后的理念支撑进行分析,这或许是推进相关研究的一种可能的方向。  相似文献   

Analyses of deaths due to therapeutic complications (TCs) provide important quality of care information for medical providers. In New York City, 463 deaths were investigated by the Office of Chief Medical Examiner and certified with TC as the manner of death in 2003. The TC manner of death is used for fatalities due to predictable complications of appropriate medical therapy. All death certificates and select autopsy, hospital, and investigation reports were reviewed. Data concerning cause of death, contributing conditions, age, race, and sex were extracted. The types of complications and the causes of death were classified into various types of surgical and nonsurgical categories of complications. These included: postoperative infections, pulmonary emboli, and technical and medication complications. The use of TC as a manner of death has benefits and limitations. Without the TC option, one is forced to certify certain deaths (e.g., penicillin anaphylaxis) either as natural or accident. The TC option allows easy identification and tracking of medical complications for public health purposes and also allows more consistent reporting of natural and medical-accidental deaths. In general, complications that occur during emergency surgeries/procedures for natural disease, tend to be certified with a natural manner. The "but for" test may be used to distinguish natural from TC deaths. There are criteria for distinguishing TC from accidents and homicides. TCs that occur during treatment of a potentially life-threatening injury, are superseded by the manner dictated by the circumstances of the initiating injury. The certification of TC usually does not address errors of omission, clinical judgement/management, or missed diagnoses.  相似文献   

哈耶克的“自发社会秩序”观及其与马克思的分歧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哈耶克区别了自发的秩序和人造的秩序两种不同的概念 ,认为自发的秩序使社会内容更加丰富、使分散于个体的知识得到利用、使个人得以自由发展。他的这一思想源于亚当·斯密等人的古典自由主义思想及从伯克到斯宾塞、门格尔等人的进化观 ,成为哈耶克新自由主义的核心观念 ,在西方引起了很大的反响。而马克思认为自发秩序只是一种过渡性阶段 ,人类社会必须超越自发秩序 ,以获得社会和个人真正自由的发展  相似文献   

Over the past twenty years, Medicare has been transformed from a single-payer insurer into a hybrid of complementary public and private insurance arrangements. Despite creating ongoing controversy, these changes have resulted in an ironic and largely overlooked strategic potential: Medicare's evolving hybrid form makes it the most promising vehicle for overcoming the historical obstacles to universal health insurance in the United States. To make this surprising case, we first explore the distinctive political dynamics of programs that, like today's Medicare, are hybrids of public and private arrangements. We then consider how these political dynamics might circumvent past barriers to universal health insurance. Finally, we discuss the strengths and weaknesses of alternative pathways through which Medicare could be expanded to promote health security.  相似文献   

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