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目的 从叮咬人后的蚊子体内血中得到被叮咬者的DNA分型。 方法 Chelex10 0法提取叮咬人后的蚊子血DNA ,PowerPlex 16试剂盒和Identifiler试剂盒扩增DNA。 结果蚊子血中可成功检测出被叮咬人的DNA基因型。 结论 可从蚊子血中检测到被叮咬人的DNA数据 ,结果稳定性好。两种试剂盒的联合应用 ,可大大提高检测的准确率和可靠性 ,对实际检案具有很大帮助。  相似文献   

广东位于低纬度的热带与亚热带区域,大部分地区属亚热带季风气候,夏长冬暖,雨量充沛,湿度大,因此四季有蚊,尤以春、夏、秋季繁殖活跃。根据蚊子嗜吸人血的特眭,本文通过对103例不同性别、年龄,血型的个体,及其在被蚊子叮咬后蚊体与人血混合检材进行DNA-STR分型检验,获得了一致性结果,现报导如下。  相似文献   

目的对经水作用的血样本DNA分型检验结果进行分析探讨。方法全血样本分为两组,水稀释组用水将全血样本稀释5、10、20、25、30倍后制作血斑;洗涤组分为纯水手洗、肥皂弱洗、肥皂强洗、84消毒液浸洗和洗衣粉机洗等5种洗涤方式。所有样本用IQ试剂盒提取DNA,Identifiler PlusTM试剂盒扩增,并进行分型检测。结果血液稀释组中心部位检材,均无等位基因丢失,除30倍稀释样本外,峰高均衡性均大于70%;外周部位检材出现2~10个等位基因丢失,峰高均衡性均小于50%。洗涤组中除84消毒液洗涤样本未检出DNA谱带外,其余均无等位基因丢失,而峰高及均衡性以手洗和肥皂弱洗样本更好。结论经水稀释或洗涤剂清洗的血样本,即使联苯胺预实验结果为阴性,选取合适的检验部位,仍可获得DNA分型。  相似文献   

杨巍  孙宏钰 《证据科学》2004,11(1):51-53
在法医DNA检验过程中,经常会遇到多个体的混合样本,如受害人和嫌疑人的混合样品,几个嫌疑人的混合样品。荧光标记自动分析STR系统,不仅能根据位点等位基因的个数判断样品是否为混合样品,而且还能根据等位基因峰面积(谱带荧光总强度)确定混合样品中各组分的混合比例,推断混合样品中各组分的基因分型。Gill等建立了利用峰面积分析混合样品的方法。本文利用该法对一宗案件中的混合样品进行了分析,推断混合样品各组分的比例及各组分的基因分型。  相似文献   

<正>某些现场的血手印,多采用紫外反射照相显现技术提取指纹。有学者认为,血手印经紫外线的照射,尤其是短波紫外线的近距离照射后,往往会对其DNA检测结果有不同程度的影响,有些甚至因照射无  相似文献   

指甲垢中异体DNA的检验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在人体伤害案件中,受害人与案犯有近距离的接触或搏斗时,有可能抓刮到案犯皮肤,并在指甲垢里留下肉眼看不到的皮屑组织等微量生物检材,本文对11例指甲垢中异体DNA检验做了分析,以期为同类案件的鉴定提供借鉴。1材料与方法1.1样本来自本实验室日常案件中24名死者(女性20人,男性4人)的240枚指甲,直接剪取指甲板突出皮肤的边缘部分。其中机械性窒息死亡17人,失血性休克死亡4人,颅脑损伤死亡3人;死亡时间最短1h,最长7d。1.2方法试剂5%Chelex-100,蛋白酶K,AmpFISTR(Profiler Plus试剂盒(AB I公司),AmpFLSTR ProfilerIdentifilerTM试剂…  相似文献   

1案例 某年3月31日某派出所接到群众报案,称在一山洞内发现一名女子躺在地上,头面部流了很多血。且下身裸露,上衣被拉致双乳上方。公安人员迅速赶往现场,从现场提取了六个避孕套和现场血迹,但由于未能妥善保存检材、及时送检,4月5日送到我处进行DNA检测时,避孕套内的液体已腐败降解,有很浓的腥臭味。  相似文献   

1案例 某年12月12日。我市破获一起杀人、碎尸、溶尸案。据两名嫌疑人交代,10月11日23:00许,他们将一名歌舞厅服务小姐劫持到一出租屋内,威逼其说出银行卡密码后,让其喝下安眠药,然后拖入卫生间内杀害并肢解,用绞肉机将尸块绞碎,用浓硫酸将尸骨销毁一并倒入下水道。  相似文献   

在凶杀案件中,犯罪分子往往为了掩饰犯罪行为而隐藏尸体。通过尸体的体位状态可分析出犯罪分子移动尸体的方式、动作,从而对嫌疑人接触尸体的部位进行检验,得到嫌疑人的DNA。笔者在工作中遇到2起凶杀案件,均通过尸体的体位状态分析出移动尸体的动作,从而检验出嫌疑人的DNA。  相似文献   

浓缩DNA法结合miniSTR分型技术检验微量DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gu LH  Dong Y  Zhang C  Xu Y  Chen RH  Hu W  Chen LK  Zhou HG 《法医学杂志》2010,26(5):361-363
目的优化低拷贝数DNA STR分型方法。方法对采用磁珠法或Chelex-100法提取DNA,Identi-filer试剂盒扩增,未获得分型结果的日常检案检材,采用物理浓缩法或过柱浓缩法浓缩DNA,采用miniFilerTM试剂盒再次扩增分型。结果 127例检材中,47例磁珠法提取DNA未获得分型的样品,分型成功率为36%;80例Chelex-100法提取DNA未获分型的样品,分型成功率为30%。结论采用浓缩法和miniFilerTM试剂盒,可以提高日常检案中低拷贝数检材的STR检验分型成功率。  相似文献   

DNA was extracted from human and non-primate dried blood stains. Human male and female specimens were readily distinguished by analysis with a Y-chromosome specific DNA probe. Human and non-primate blood stains were also readily differentiated using a repeat sequence (Alu) DNA probe. The potential power of recombinant DNA analysis in forensic science is discussed.  相似文献   

Recombinant DNA hybridizing specifically to a 300 nucleotide repeat DNA sequence (BLUR8) of human specificity and to human repeat DNA sequence (pHY10) on the Y chromosome was used for human identification and sex determination of degraded DNA samples of blood stains, dental pulp, and bone marrow. This radioactive technique enabled reliable and sensitive human and sex determination from blood stains that were more than 80 years old. Less than 1 piece of 0.5 cm length thread of blood stain was enough for both tests. DNA from relatively fresh dental pulp and bone marrow was clearly identified. The human identification test, which could recognize up to 0.3 ng DNA correctly, was 3 to 5 times more sensitive than the sex determination test.  相似文献   

本文综述了髂骨耳状面在人类学个体识别中的应用,髂骨耳状面对年龄、身高和性别的推断,具有简单、准确的特点,在人类学个体识别中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

粪便DNA提取及检验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 研究人类粪便DNA的提取和检验方法。方法  8人份粪便样本 ,磁珠法提取DNA后 ,进行STR复合扩增和mtDNAHVI区测序分析。结果 用 2种方法提取的粪便DNA ,STR复合扩增检验均未获成功 ;方法1提取的粪便DNA有 6个样本、方法 2有 7个样本获得了清晰可读的mtDNAHVI区序列 ,并与唾液对照样本DNA的序列完全一致。结论 用本文建立的方法提取粪便DNA ,不适于STR分析 ,可通过mtDNA测序分析进行检验。  相似文献   

Human and insect mitochondrial DNA analysis from maggots   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
During the course of our forensic investigations, we have encountered situations where it would have been useful to have evidence, other than direct contact between the two, for concluding that a carrion-fly maggot developed on a particular human victim. If a maggot collected during a death investigation did not develop on the victim, then its age is not relevant to estimating the postmortem interval. In this study we demonstrate that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data can be obtained from the dissected gut of a maggot that had fed on human tissue. These data can be used to identify both the human corpse upon which the maggot had been feeding and the species of the maggot itself.  相似文献   

The authors report four cases in which severely damaged human remains were identified by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing. Degraded DNA was extracted from highly adipoceratous tissues using the phenol-chloroform method and polymerase chain reaction amplified for sequencing of two hypervariable regions, hypervariable region 1 and hypervariable region 2, of mitochondrial DNA. They also sequenced these regions of blood samples that were obtained from the presumptive mother or sister of the human remains. The sequencing results were compared with each other and with the Anderson's sequence. It was concluded from the sequence data that a lower part of a body in case 1 and some organs in case 2 were from the same woman, and a human head in case 3 and a female body in case 4 were from the relative of a presumptive mother and a sister, respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Comparison of DNA profiles is often used in verifying the identification of deceased human beings when other easier, quicker, and less expensive means to identification are not possible. Fifty-five adult subjects divided into 3 groups provided a used toothbrush along with a small bloodstain control for DNA analysis and comparison. Results indicate that there is no significant difference in the quantity and quality of DNA recovered from a toothbrush that has been used for 1 month versus 3 months versus random periods. The results of this study confirm earlier conclusions that a used toothbrush is a reliable source of antemortem DNA from a putative decedent. The use of aviation snips to remove a small portion of the toothbrush head provides an easy, inexpensive method of obtaining a sample for DNA extraction. The authors recommend this method as a standardized technique for use in forensic DNA laboratories.  相似文献   

综述了纳米科技进步将对法医DNA检验产生的深远影响,对从DNA提取到基因芯片研究等多个未来研究的新方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Previous analyses of Australian samples have suggested that populations of the same broad racial group (Caucasian, Asian, Aboriginal) tend to be genetically similar across states. This suggests that a single national Australian database for each such group may be feasible, which would greatly facilitate casework. We have investigated samples drawn from each of these groups in different Australian states, and have quantified the genetic homogeneity across states within each racial group in terms of the "coancestry coefficient" F(ST). In accord with earlier results, we find that F(ST) values, as estimated from these data, are very small for Caucasians and Asians, usually <0.5%. We find that "declared" Aborigines (which includes many with partly Aboriginal genetic heritage) are also genetically similar across states, although they display some differentiation from a "pure" Aboriginal population (almost entirely of Aboriginal genetic heritage).  相似文献   

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