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The increased reliance on community-based correctional programs has been influenced by rising offender populations and the need for states to lessen prison crowding. The ability of community-based corrections to provide rehabilitation, punishment, reintegration, and counseling services has been an issue among both researchers and administrators. Some researchers have asserted that community-based correctional programs have multiple or competing functions. This study examines 1992 legal codes for all fifty states to determine the legally prescribed goals as mandated by state legislatures. The findings suggest that rehabilitation is the primary legislatively mandated goal, and that most states have multiple purposes for handling offenders in the community. Suggestions for future research in the area of community-based corrections goals are made.  相似文献   

The empirical evidence on the process-based model of self-regulation shows that procedural justice evaluations and the perceived legitimacy of authorities impact law-abiding behavior. However, few studies analyze this theory from the perspective of adolescent legal socialization. The present study aims to examine the process-based model and other socializing agents such as family, school and peers that may have an effect on it. The sample comprised 2041 youths residing in Spain, aged between 13 and 18 years. The data form part of the Third International Self-Report Delinquency Study (ISRD-3). Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to predict police legitimacy and juvenile delinquency. The results reveal that police legitimacy perceptions are not only influenced by procedural justice, but also by parental monitoring, school attachment, and delinquent peers. Moreover, perceptions of police legitimacy, parental monitoring, and delinquent peers predict juvenile delinquency. These findings complement and add new explanatory factors to the process-based model.  相似文献   

The past two decades have seen major transformations in the way police departments conduct business. These transformations have impacted all aspects of policing from evidence collection to how officers perform their duties while on patrol. One aspect of policing that is still in the throes of transformation is the role of the police psychologist. Picice psychologists have moved from a beginning of counseling police officers involved in critical incidents (see Kurke & Scrivner, 1995) to a broad range of law enforcement related activities. The traditional aspects of their jobs such as providing assistance to crisis negotiation teams, conducting counseling sessions for officers, and developing and presenting in-service and cadet training are part of an ever-changing picture of the police psychologist. Today's police psychologists operate at all levels of police department. Some of the newer roles to emerge in recent years are organizational and management consulting, counseling crime victims, and coordinating community involvement. This paper provides a framework for looking at both new and old roles of police psychologist and to argue for an expanded and better defined role within the policing profession.  相似文献   

Conclusion Current research on the level of police resources, patrol and investigation strategies, community policing, and the likely impact of changes in the legal framework confirms the simple truth that the police capacity to influence crime has always been vastly overstated. Unfortunately, the preventive police forces that emerged in Anglo-American jurisdictions in the wake of Sir Robert Peel's new police were linked directly and for the first time to the crime rate. While there was little that they could actually do about the crime rate per se, questions of police effectiveness, resource allocation, and the adequacy of police powers have tended to be answered on the basis of such data ever since. The need now is to find different ways of measuring and evaluating police work. It may be that the major contribution of community policing is to highlight precisely this issue by shifting the focus of policing away from the crime rate and by forcing police departments, politicians, and academics to confront the real capabilities of the police and to devise methods of evaluating them and promoting them to an increasingly skeptical world.This is a revised version of a paper given at the third conference of the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia, March 19–23, 1989.LL.M., University of London 1968; LL.B., University of London 1967.  相似文献   

The legal aid movement started from the notion of social action. Today, legal aid constitutes a highly commodified field that continues to be dominated by jurists and lawyers. For this reason, the kind of critical reflection that already exists in social work is also required in relation to the notion of legal aid as envisaged by the legal aid movement. Justiciable problems necessarily manifest themselves in a social context. An evolving community, faced with increasingly complex issues, demands a multidisciplinary approach, as it becomes clear that the traditionally deterministic view of professions ought to be abandoned. A ‘socially responsible legal aid system’ therefore presupposes that various disciplines should mutually influence one another. Hence, the jurist and the social worker should not only work side by side, but they should also collaborate and mutually enhance one another's activities and approaches. There is a need for an overarching holistic approach that can reassert the legitimacy of legal aid. Looking at legal aid services in Belgium, one may conclude that a critical reflexive attitude on the part of current legal aid providers is crucial for attaining an effective socially responsible legal aid practice that stretches across the boundaries of different professional groups.  相似文献   

This presentation looks beyond the contemporary controversy over the use of race in drug courier profiling and examines the broad spectrum of rare relations affecting police operations. Racial controversy is not new to law enforcement, nor is it a recent phenomenon in American society. American police do not get enough credit for the enormous amount of positive daily interaction within minority communities. Police are pervasively present within minority communities around the clock successfully solving disputes, responding to calls for service, and addressing community concerns. It is against this backdrop that many in law enforcement are becoming increasingly frustrated by the perception, if not the reality of deteriorating race relations between police and minorities. One thing is certain: police cannot withdraw from racial conflict. Police will continue to operate within minority communities, regardless of the racial composition of either the community or the law enforcement agency. Therefore, officer and supervisory training should not only focus on how to avoid racial conflict, but also on how to ethically and legally perform in an environment where treatment of minorities is critically examined.  相似文献   

This article examines the portrayal of police psychologists in the cinema. A comparison is made between motion picture and television depiction of “cop shrinks.” Through content analysis of video segments from recent films, the case is made that a skewed picture is provided to the viewing public about the actual roles and functions of professional psychologists employed by law enforcement agencies. The value of entertainment is discussed in terms of the importance of accuracy. An argument is made for the need for professional organizations such as the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology (SPCP) to lobby film makers to more completely present the realistic contributions of psychology to law enforcement personnel and organizations. Stereotypes and type casting are revealed as media perpetuation of myth and misinformation.  相似文献   

Studies of the police have reported that much of the work patrol persons do is service-oriented. However, many of those researches relied upon citizen-initiated involvements as units of analysis. Here the distinction has been made between reactive and proactive forms of police mobilization. When activity data are analyzed in this fashion, it is found that the police initiate a larger proportion of law enforcement activities than was supposed. The implications for research are discussed.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):545-569
The President's Crime Commission (1965–1967) made recommendations in corrections favoring the then leading ideas of rehabilitation and indeterminacy, shortly before a radical reappraisal led to the eclipse of the rehabilitative model in favor of “just deserts.” In coming to its conclusions, the Commission overlooked the potential growth of prison populations, the development of prisoners' rights, and research that pointed to the failure of rehabilitation. The inability of the Commission to anticipate this great change was due in part to the dynamics of and time pressures on a Presidential commission. The change was precipitated by a social and intellectual crisis analogous to “scientific paradigm” revolutions described by Thomas Kuhn (1970). The crisis that led to a change in thinking about punishment was part of the larger crisis of the political legitimacy of liberalism.  相似文献   

卫生法律、法规与其他法律、法规相比较,有一个显著特点是与医学科学的密切相关性。这一特点表现在三个方面:一是卫生立法必须依医学科学为基础,要遵循医学规律;二是医学科学技术的不断发展为卫生立法提出了新的课题;三是医学技术鉴定在卫生法律、法规的实施中具有重要意义。对于前两个方面论述较多,在此不再论述。而对医学技术鉴定在卫生法制建设中的作用和意义,在思想认识上和实践重视程度上还不够,很有研究和强调的必要。一、医学技术鉴定的含义与特征鉴定一词的含义是辨别并确定事物的真伪、优劣。医学技术鉴定就是用专有的医学…  相似文献   

卫生法律、法规与其他法律、法规相比较,有一个显著特点是与医学科学的密切相关性.这一特点表现在三个方面:一是卫生立法必须依医学科学为基础.要遵循医学规律;二是医学科学技术的不断发展为卫生立法提出了新的课题;三是医学技术鉴定在卫生法律、法规的实施中具有重要意义.对于前两个方面论述较多,在此不再论述.而对医学技术鉴定在卫生法制建设中的作用和意义,在思想认识上和实践重视程度上还不够,很有研究和强调的必要.  相似文献   

In this short piece, I set out briefly what we know about the challenge of diversity in the legal academy from existing scholarship. That field, in the UK at least, is sparse. I then go on to present a snapshot of the legal academy using data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). I do this as the start of a much larger project on diversity and the legal academy that I plan to undertake over the next year. My argument is rather simple. The diversity of the legal academy reflects neither the diversity of our law student bodies nor the diversity of the wider population. Such diversity is vital for a number of reasons. My hope is that this piece can be the start of a dialogue on an important and largely ignored topic, and that further research will be done in this area.  相似文献   

社会动员是一种通过利益机制或政策引导调动人们的参与积极性,从而调动社会资源和整合社会力量,进而实现特定目标的工作方法[1].在2003年抗击非典型肺炎疫情中,我国的社会动员发挥了强大力量,但是以行政命令为主要推动力发挥优势的同时,也导致了一定程度的社会秩序混乱以及管理机制失调.随着社会全方位的变化发展,2019年底至今...  相似文献   

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