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吴明高 《政法学刊》2002,19(2):54-56
将国内安全保卫工作落实到派出所是新时期国内安全保卫工作改革和发展的一项重要措施。但落实这一措施却有不少问题和困难,对这些问题和困难应加以重视并逐步解决,这项基础工作才能够取得突破。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relative contributions of instrumental and normative models to the legitimacy of and cooperation with the police in Turkey. Based on a random sample of 1,800 Istanbulians, the potential contributions of perceived neighborhood characteristics also are considered. Results show that both instrumental and normative models of regulation are applicable to the highly centralized and state-serving Turkish policing context. While the instrumental model exerts relatively more influence on legitimacy than does the normative model, the two models are of equal importance in predicting legitimacy after perceived neighborhood characteristics are taken into consideration. Social cohesion and local government performance also emerged as significant predictors of police legitimacy. Public cooperation with police, on the other hand, is encouraged by increased police legitimacy, better local government performance, and higher household income. Implications for future research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

臧建国 《政法学刊》2006,23(1):119-121
社区警务是当今世界各国广泛流行的一种主流警务思潮和新一轮警务改革的探索模式。公安派出所是市、县级公安机关的派出机构。是集防范、管理、打击、服务多种职能于一体的基层综合性战斗实体。两者之间的关系为:社区警务工作包含了公安派出所工作。社区警务工作是以公安派出所为主要载体展开的。实施社区警务战略决不只是公安派出所一家的事情。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):139-169
Numerous studies have explored variation in police employment across cities, usually focusing on public choice, conflict, or organizational explanations. Yet, few consider whether the local political context affects police employment. Recent research suggests that local politics affects criminal justice outcomes. Using insights from urban politics research, I develop testable hypotheses about the effects of local political arrangements on municipal police strength. WLS regression results suggest the value of considering local political context in models of police strength. Specifically, in a sample of 945 cities with 25,000 or more residents in 1990, net of other variables, cities with unreformed political systems (mayor‐council forms of government, district‐based city councils and partisan elections) had more police employees per 1,000 residents, and this effect varied by region. Additionally, the effect of minority populations and crime rates on police strength varied across municipal political contexts. Implications for theories of police strength are discussed.  相似文献   

唐瑞民  董如军 《政法学刊》2005,22(3):100-101
警察战术是一门综合性、操作性、实战性很强的项目,搞好和实施警察战术教学与训练也是一项比较复杂的繁重任务。根据不同的警种特点,安排不同的内容,能够使在职培训的民警在短期内战术水平得以迅速提高,从而更好的提高战术训练效果。  相似文献   

香港水警警务运作模式对水上公安工作的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黎宇轩  余华 《政法学刊》2006,23(4):114-118
已有160年发展历史的香港水警无论在工作机制、警员培训、资源整合、科技意识以及预案制定上均突显出其紧密联系实战需要的工作思路。深入了解和探讨香港水警警务运作模式的特点,有利于完善和加强全国各地水警队伍水上公安工作。  相似文献   

有效的警察执法战斗方式是缉捕犯罪嫌疑人最基本的途径。要达到效果,必须由执法的主体——人民警察来实施。而战术行动方式的警察意识、战术行动目的的警察意识和战术行动规律的警察意识是警察战斗行动必须包含并具备的,否则,再好的战术方案、战斗计划都是枉然。  相似文献   

论我国警察权行使的法律规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
警察是社会文明秩序的护卫,是社会发展进步的保证,警察权的状态是一个国家法治文明的标志。在现代国家中,警察权是与公民联系最密切的公共权力之一,它以限制公民的自由为主要特征。警察权力与公民权利在一定条件下成反比例关系,即警察权的扩大意味着公民权的缩小,警察权的滥用必将严重损害公民的权利。因此,权力的行使必须接受法律的规制。警察权的特殊性,决定了警察权的行使直接涉及公民的人身自由和财产,关系到人民群众的生命安危和切身利益。为了防止警察权被滥用,规范警察行政,必须加强对警察权的全方位法律规制。  相似文献   

王儒斌  史阳 《政法学刊》2000,17(3):49-50
覆盖社会面的刑警队是刑侦改革的重要内容之一,其提高了打防效率,取得了明显成效,但在与派出所的关系上尚有一些不协调的地方,直接影响改革的成效。只有协调处理好二者关系,才能更好地推进刑侦改革。  相似文献   

许韬 《政法学刊》2007,24(3):52-57
作为国家权力之重要组成部分,警察权的法治化运作乃公民基本权利之最有力保障,然而公民基本权利也面临来自警察权滥用的威胁。被誉为西方国家公法领域之“帝王条款”的比例原则起源于德国警察法,蕴涵着丰富的控权思想,对警察权的运作具有极强的监督与控制功能,并为实现行政目的与保障人权之间的平衡和防止警察自由裁量权的滥用提供了可操作的标准。因此,为保障人权,弘扬法治,应尽快确立我国的警察比例原则,从而实现对警察权的有效规制。  相似文献   

陈菲 《政法学刊》2007,24(1):100-102
警察文化是当代人民警察在公安实践中创造的精神和物质成果的总和,是增强人民警察思想政治工作吸引力和感染力的重要载体。大力加强警察文化建设,有助于推进思想政治工作深入化,增强队伍的凝聚力,同时对于树立人民警察的良好形象、进一步密切警民关系也有着十分重要的作用。为此,我们应该提高认识,建构警察文化中的主流文化,在加强警察思想文化建设的同时,努力提高民警的科学文化素质。  相似文献   

聂晓英 《政法学刊》2007,24(4):115-118
我国正处于社会转轨时期,警民关系由于社会的转型也出现了一系列问题。从警察文化视角研究警民关系,有利于调整警察的价值观与增强群众的认同感,有利于警察体制的建设和执行,有利于警察形象的建设,有利于解决制度不能解决的问题。并从先进警察文化的内化与警察文化的创新两方面谈了警察文化视角解决警民关系的途径。先进警察文化的内化是营造良好的环境和宣传教育,并通过实践外化警察文化从而增强内化;警察文化的创新是要转变执法思想,加强文化强警的认识,通过制度化来稳固已有先进文化成果。  相似文献   

梅建明 《政法学刊》2001,18(2):78-80
警察是一种角色,也是一种制度。建设社会主义市场经济要求我们严格规范这种角色,并认真思考警察制度的建设。为适应这一新的现实要求,创立警察社会学就十分必要。警察社会学应有特定的研究对象、研究内容,其学科地位和价值意义是不容忽视的。  相似文献   

This article points to a frequent feature in debates about the control of the police. Aside from cultural and political characteristics in the last decades, policing has changed and at present it is going through a stage of rapid change. The author defines the historical roots of police in democracies. He places the police within the framework of the sovereign state, the administration, the judiciary and the citizens. The state's control of police powers is described in its interdependency with new demands on the part of citizens regarding micro (domestic sphere/neighbourhood/community) and macro (urban sphere/state/European) levels. On a European scale, the article provides an oversight over the existing network consisting of internal, administrative, parliamentarian, judiciary, and civil (non-government/social movements) control agencies and mechanisms. In its conclusions the concept of ethical standards is introduced as a means of effective high-quality police management.  相似文献   

唐瑞民  李江 《政法学刊》2004,21(2):107-108
警务技能是人民警察所必须掌握和具备的基本技能。在警务技能课中,不可避免的会经常发生运动损伤,这不仅严重的 影响学员警务技能水平的提高,同时也影响着他们其它学科的学习。因此必须找出学生在警务技能课中发生损伤的原因和规律,并针 对性的提出必要的预防措施,强化学生的自我保护意识,使运动损伤减少到最低限度。  相似文献   

徐霞 《政法学刊》2008,25(2):117-119
公安教学创新是公安院校加强内涵建设,提高公安教育教学质量,培养能够充分适应公安工作实际要求的、具有创新意识和能力的各类公安专门人才的不容回避的任务。公安教学创新包括公安教学思想创新、公安专业课程创新、公安专用教材创新、公安教学方法创新、公安教学活动创新等五方面。它要求公安院校教师和教育教学管理人员改革公安教学思想,创造出新的公安教学观点、理念,更好的适应新时期公安工作的需要。  相似文献   

张洪波 《政法学刊》2005,22(3):112-114
“口语”既是公安高校学生的专业课,又是第一线公安民警的业务课。为了使这门新开设的课程在短时间内获取最大限度的教学收益,用着眼整体、设置情境、实现互动、听说评相结合等教学方法,并结合公安实践,做大量的听说训练,可收到良好效果。  相似文献   

蔡天星  周玲 《政法学刊》2006,23(5):121-123
公安歌曲是以人民警察的工作、生活、心理等领域为题材内容的歌曲。公安歌曲起源于新中国成立之际的公安边防歌曲,在新时期大众文化的影响下发展为影视公安歌曲,20世纪80年代中后期以来公安系统春节晚会和文艺汇演促成了公安歌曲高潮的到来。  相似文献   

Sexual misconduct among on-duty police officers has received little scholarly attention. Existing research that has attempted to provide police officers' views on this matter has been dominated by the male perspective. The present study focuses on female officers' perspectives and provides insight into the nature and extent of such behavior. The findings show that female officers report that police sexual misconduct is common. Differences in perceptions about such behavior between female and male officers are identified. Theoretical explanations for police sexual misconduct are explored. Policy implications of how police sexual misconduct might be better controlled are discussed.  相似文献   

Independent appointed members to police authorities were introduced as part of the reforms brought about by the Police and Magistrates' Courts Act 1994. This radical change to the make-up of police authorities was defended by government ministers as a necessary reform in order to broaden the expertise and experience available in such bodies. Critics, by contrast, saw the change as a move to further centralise control, and as a means of reducing local democratic input, over policing. Using data from a national telephone survey of police authority clerks, and case studies of three police force areas, this article examines the role of `independent' appointed members to local police authorities. We argue that the early signs are that the new members are becoming well integrated into police authorities, although such bodies have been significantly depoliticised as a result of this and other changes. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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