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20世纪50—80年代日本学者的《楚辞》研究比之上半世纪,表现出明显的进步,他们已不满足于沿着中国乾嘉传统前进,希望能够走出一条有着日本学者自我特色的研究之路。在方法上,更重视地下文物的发现,用之以与典籍文献对照,还十分注意从民俗学的角度出发来进行研究,可谓三重论证。在观点上,日本学者从哲学、社会学、宗教学、人类学等角度出发,力求阐发个人的见解。还有些日本学者作出了具有整体性的论述,体现出一种宏观性的眼光与建立体系的雄心。  相似文献   

In this paper, we attempt to clarify some of the confusion that surrounds the measurement of racially polarized voting. This clarification is necessary because the determination of whether or not racially polarized voting exists is often a critical component of the evidence presented in Voting Rights Act (Section 2) litigation. We first show that the correlation coefficient should never be used to measure voting polarization by relating the statistic to the individual behavior that it is supposed to be describing. We then compare the estimates of polarized voting that are provided by other commonly used measures with individual behavior in order to show that the Voting Rights disputes of the 1990s will require different and more carefully specified measures than are currently in use.  相似文献   

文学的本土化研究是一个重要且意义深远的课题。但在以往的研究中,文学本土化问题经常被文学的现代化问题遮蔽。1980年代以来城市书写的本土化研究,是进行文学本土化研究的有益尝试。借助地域属性、传统诗性文化等方面对文学中的城市展开的本土化想象,可以突破长期以来现代性指导下的城市文学研究的困境,发掘中国城市在文学中呈像的丰富性与复杂性,拓展当代城市文学研究。  相似文献   

Labour Law and Industrial Relations: Building on Kahn-Freund. Edited by Wedderburn, Lewis and Clark Kahn-Freund's Labour and the Law. 3rd edition by Davies and Freedland. Labour Law: Text and Materials. 2nd edition. By Davies and Freedland.  相似文献   

The paper uses annual data from a panel of 334 Polish industrial enterprises over the period 1983–1988 to test empirically a simple neoclassical approach to the socialist labor market. First, an enterprise production function is estimated. The paper finds that for most enterprises, the resulting estimated marginal product of labor exceeds the wage paid by the enterprise by a considerable margin, suggesting general excess demand for labor. The paper then looks at how the difference between the MPL and the wage is related to the rate of change of employment, and finds that firms where the MPL is higher than the wage — firms which in a neoclassical model would have a large excess demand for labor — do not shed labor any more slowly than other firms.  相似文献   

As with much else in Britain, the 1980s marked a watershed in the politics of crime control. This article traces the role of criminological research, developed and articulated by governmental social scientists, in the evolution of penal policy around the (then) innovative idea of engaging the community in the prevention of crime. Its central theme is that although the raison d'être for crime prevention policy and practice, then as now, can be found in a concern about the deficiencies of the statutory police in addressing crime, shifting the locus of social control towards the institutions of civil society was, and remains, a contested project.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of white-collar crime in the savings and loan crisis. Noting economists' assertions that crime was only a minor ingredient in the crisis, we compare the explanatory power of this “minimal fraud” model to that of its “material fraud” alternative. Bringing together evidence from every major study of thrifts in the 1980s, we argue that only the material fraud hypothesis can make sense of these data. This study demonstrates the utility of deductive reasoning in distinguishing between white-collar crime and ordinary business transactions, thereby potentially contributing to prosecutorial efforts, and helping resolve long-standing methodological dilemmas confronting white-collar criminologists.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):661-681

Despite considerable interest among criminologists, the literature on terrorism has been largely atheoretical and nonempirical. This paper provides the results of a national study of federal criminal cases that arose from the FBI's Counterterrorism Program during the 1980s. The strategies of federal prosecutors are discussed in relation to Turk's notions of “explicit politicality” and “exceptional vagueness.” Evidence shows that in keeping with historical studies of American political crime, prosecutorial efforts to depict terrorists as common criminals have been the most frequently used and most successful strategy. Prosecutors' efforts to explicitly politicize the terrorists' crimes have been largely unsuccessful and are rarely employed.  相似文献   

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