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This study utilizes a national sample of 3, 776 high-school students to test two theoretical models of school avoidance behavior. More specifically, this study examines the relationships between student avoidance and both school disorder (or, incivilities) and previous victimization experiences. Further, the study also examines whether the presumed effects of incivilities and victimization on avoidance operate indirectly, through student fear. Negative Binomial regression analyses showed that perceived disorder in the form of presence of gangs and previous bullying victimization are key sources of student fear. In turn, student fear is positively correlated with two distinct types of avoidance behavior. Interestingly, controlling for student fear does not dissolve the significant, positive effects of perceived gang presence and bullying victimization.  相似文献   

This paper examines school liability for school violence-related student injury in South Korea and the US. The study found that the US courts considered only violence-related behaviors of the perpetrator when judging whether violence can be foreseen; thus drug abuse or verbal abuse by the perpetrator were not considered as a part of his/her violent history. On the other hand, the Korean courts considered perpetrators’ nonviolent behavior, such as low academic achievement or negative attitudes toward academic work, as indicators of violent history. Regarding the extent of school liability, while in Korea, schools were not held responsible for injuries to non-school-related persons caused by their students’ violent acts in public, in the US, the court required schools to take legal responsibility for such cases happening during field trips. These findings help to reconsider school liability for school violence and generate suggestions for more reasonable and universal legal standards.  相似文献   

法医尸体解剖在解决民事、刑事案件中所涉及的死亡原因、死亡方式等问题中发挥重要作用,法医作为尸体检验工作的承担者,其在尸检过程中自身常面临多种危害因素,本文对法医实践中常见的职业性危害因素以及其可能危害机制进行总结分析,以期提高法医的自我保护意识并引起相关部门的重视.  相似文献   


Policymakers, school officials and the law enforcement community have expanded legal tools and other strategies to address bullying in recent years. This has resulted in a larger and more challenging role for law enforcement officers working in school settings. The present study seeks to understand the ways in which local law enforcement officers interpret this new role and their efforts to prevent and respond to bullying. We draw upon Routine Activities Theory as a lens to view officer perceptions of promoting guardianship and reducing target suitability of young people most at-risk for bullying victimization. Data collected from qualitative interviews of law enforcement officers working with local schools, suggest that officers see a role for law enforcement in promoting guardianship around this health and safety concern, but recognize the limitations of using arrest authority. They emphasize promoting trust and building relationship in efforts to support potential and current bullying victims.  相似文献   

朱明霞 《证据科学》2003,10(1):47-49
目的探讨老年人犯罪与精神障碍的相关因素 ; 方法对北京市安康医院十年间司法鉴定中有关老年人犯罪的39件案例进行总结分析; 结果老年人犯罪年龄集中在60~69岁之间,男性多于女性,以文化程度和社会层次偏低的人群为主,诸多复杂的社会心理因素对老年人犯罪起着重要的影响.在本组杀人案件中,尤为突出的是受嫉妒妄想支配的犯罪动机.鉴定诊断与国外报道不符; 结论加强对老年人的监护更为重要.  相似文献   

目的 探讨老年人犯罪与精神障碍的相关因素 ; 方法 对北京市安康医院十年间司法鉴定中有关老年人犯罪的 39件案例进行总结分析 ; 结果 老年人犯罪年龄集中在 6 0~ 6 9岁之间 ,男性多于女性 ,以文化程度和社会层次偏低的人群为主 ,诸多复杂的社会心理因素对老年人犯罪起着重要的影响。在本组杀人案件中 ,尤为突出的是受嫉妒妄想支配的犯罪动机。鉴定诊断与国外报道不符 ;  结论 加强对老年人的监护更为重要  相似文献   

颅脑损伤所致精神障碍的相关因素研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨颅脑损伤所致精神障碍的相关因素。方法以成都市公安交通管理局事故处理大队提供的因道路交通事故造成颅脑损伤的255名存活者为研究对象,在颅脑损伤治疗终结后进行智商测验、记忆商测验、SCID -I评估、PDQC和SCICP评估、脑电地形图检查,并完成人口学资料的收集。依据CCMD-3诊断标准中有关器质性精神障碍的分类进行精神障碍的诊断。结果 255例颅脑损伤患者中,罹患各类精神障碍者共185例,发生率为 72.5%。与颅脑损伤所致精神障碍相关的因素有:患者的文化程度低、脑挫裂伤、脑损伤程度重、左额叶和左颞叶损伤、多脑叶联合损伤及BEAM异常程度重。结论颅脑损伤所致精神障碍的发生率较高;患者的文化程度、颅脑损伤的性质、程度、部位及多脑叶联合损伤等因素对精神障碍的发生具有一定影响。  相似文献   

The paper provides data about alterations of antigen ABO system in pathological states. These changes result from emergence and following action of the enzyme neuromidase to form latent determinant T.  相似文献   

The effect of integrated treatment on the use of coercive measures in first-episode schizophrenia-spectrum disorder in Denmark is not known. A total of 328 patients were randomly assigned to integrated treatment (167 patients) or standard treatment (161 patients). Integrated treatment consisted of assertive community treatment, psycho-educational multi-family groups, and social skills training. Data on coercion were extracted from the register from the National Board of Health, and data on continuity from medical records. Even though the level of continuity seemed higher in integrated treatment, this did not reduce the use of coercive measures compared to the use in standard treatment.  相似文献   

The use in forensic medicine of methods pertaining to molecular biology has made it possible to identify human remains through the analysis of polymorphic profiles of human DNA. Voluntary, accidental, or natural postmortem degradation, as well as environmental conditions, influences the preservation state of the corpse, making it sometimes difficult to obtain biologic material suitable for genetic analysis (e.g., hair, soft and/or hard tissue). According to their anatomic/morphologic characteristics, dental formations are particularly resistant to external insults and are thus suitable for this kind of research. The purpose of this work, conducted on nonselected dental findings (presenting intrinsic characteristics similar to those usually found in forensic cases) that were homogeneous with regard to environmental factors, was to determine an operative protocol that will enable combination of the maximum availability of genomic DNA with the preservation of the morphologic characteristics of the tooth for classic anthropologic evaluations.  相似文献   

Extant research on school disorder has largely ignored modern immigrant groups, or has lumped these groups in an “other” category. This was often done for pragmatic reasons, but it likely masked any unique experiences these groups had with regard to school disorder. The current study examined Latino and Asian immigrant students’ experiences with school disorder using data from the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study. Findings indicated that Latino and Asian immigrant students report marked differences in school disorder. Current results revealed, in particular, that Asian immigrants report significantly higher levels of school disorder even though they outperform Latino students academically. Assimilation variables, however, have little to do with such perceptions. Implications from these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The study of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in maltreated youth has received increased attention, though extensive comparisons to maltreated youth without PTSD and administrations of anxiety-based structured diagnostic interviews remain needed. We examined maltreated youth with or without PTSD using structured diagnostic interviews and standardized child self-report measures. We hypothesized that maltreated youth with PTSD, compared to their peers without PTSD, would experience significantly greater duration of abuse, diagnostic comorbidity, PTSD symptomatology, dysfunctional family environment, and avoidant coping styles. Results indicated that the group with PTSD did indeed experience significantly greater duration of abuse, diagnostic comorbidity, and PTSD symptomatology, though less so dysfunctional family environment or avoidant coping styles. The presence of a mood or anxiety disorder was highly predictive of PTSD in this sample. Results are discussed within the context of evolving etiological and maintenance models of PTSD in maltreated youth.  相似文献   

Posttraumatic stress disorder has long been linked to violent behavior. However, the exact nature of that association remains poorly characterized due to the limitations of knowledge in the area of phenomenology, contextual factors, the biology, and the nature of the aggression involved in the disorder. A clear understanding of the genesis of violence in posttraumatic stress disorder can be helpful to those involved in assessing psychiatric-legal issues relevant to the disorder and in its therapeutic management. In this article, we review the potential psychological links between posttraumatic stress disorder secondary to combat exposure and violent behavior and suggest a tentative classification of the main psychological causes of violence in that syndrome.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Plus Five review with a particular focus on the health of women. During the Cairo ICPD conference in 1994, 184 UN member states gathered to discuss the broad issue of and interrelationships between population, sustained economic growth and sustainable development, and advances in the health, education, economic status and women empowerment. The consensus reached at this meeting was expressed as a 20-year Program of Action. In 1999, over 170 government delegations and about 200 nongovernmental organizations met again to discuss progress and obstacles, and to decide on steps for further implementation of this International Program of Action, which was referred to as ICPD Plus Five. This meeting showed significant changes in health policies and programs in a number of countries.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of an introductory criminal justice course on the attitudes of students toward the police, questionnaires were given in the first week of the semester to 425 students enrolled in Introduction to Criminal Justice courses and to 301 students enrolled in Introduction to Sociology courses. The survey was then readministered in the final week of the semester. The data reveal that while significant initial differences existed in orientation among the various student groupings, there was no significant change in attitudes between the pretest and posttest measurements.  相似文献   

This study uses an ecological systems theory to understand bullying behavior. Emphasis is given to overcome limitations found in the literature, such as very little empirical research on functions of parental involvement and the impacts of school climate on bullying as an outcome variable. Two functions of parental involvement investigated are (a) bridging the negative experiences within the family with bullying behaviors at schools, and (b) influencing school climate. Bullying behaviors were measured by a modified Korean version of Olweus' bully/victim questionnaire (reliability range: .78-.84) from 1,238 randomly selected Korean middle school students in 2007. Findings from structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses showed that (a) individual traits are one of the most important influence on bullying, (b) negative experiences in the family do not have direct influence on bullying behaviors at school, (c) parental involvement influences school climate, and (d) positive school climate was negatively related to bullying behaviors.  相似文献   

Little is known about risk factors for violence among individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study uses data from Swedish longitudinal registers for all 422 individuals hospitalized with autistic disorder or Asperger syndrome during 1988-2000 and compares those committing violent or sexual offenses with those who did not. Thirty-one individuals with ASD (7%) were convicted of violent nonsexual crimes and two of sexual offenses. Violent individuals with ASD are more often male and diagnosed with Asperger syndrome rather than autistic disorder. Furthermore, comorbid psychotic and substance use disorders are associated with violent offending. We conclude that violent offending in ASD is related to similar co-occurring psychopathology as previously found among violent individuals without ASD. Although this study does not answer whether ASDs are associated with increased risk of violent offending compared with the general population, careful risk assessment and management may be indicated for some individuals with Asperger syndrome.  相似文献   

Student peer aggression has become an issue of considerable concern in schools and their surrounding communities. While a considerable volume of research and writing now exists on how this problem might be best managed, little has been written concerning the place of law in the management process. Nonetheless, in view of the long term effects of student peer aggression on both aggressors and aggressed, it behoves school administrators and teachers to have a sound awareness of the many issues associated with this form of behaviour. In particular it is advisable for staff to have a sound appreciation of the potential legal repercussions that can be the result of a failure to exercise an appropriate level of the duty of care owed to students in relation to peer aggression. This article examines recent research into student peer aggression in Australia and elsewhere. Reasons advanced to explain this form of behaviour are discussed, the characteristics of aggressors and aggressed examined, and consequences of student peer aggression explored. The legal remedies available are identified and discussed and measures needed to manage the problem are suggested.  相似文献   

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