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Case processing tends to be examined with data analysis or evaluation designs. Both limit our understanding of how case processing as a whole operates and how its parts relate to each other. This article suggests queue simulation modeling as a method for dealing with these issues. We report here the initial development and analysis of a queuing model of arraignment to trial assignment. Conceptualizing on the basis of court functions and empirical findings, rather than institutional structures, we conceive a five-stage pretrial process. Using case-level, rather than system-level data, we construct a single-server, multiphase queuing model and use the model to simulate the behavior of a pretrial case processing system. Simulations show the strong impact of the final phase (trial assignment) on the entire system and that most of this impact is delay rather than service. The system is then analyzed using a factorial design that systematically alters model parameters thought to be important determinants of performance. Simulations are run for each possibility in the design, and analysis of variance is used to examine results. Analysis confirms prior results concerning final phase impact and points specifically to the import of phase capacity and exit rate. The utility of modeling is considered by suggesting some policy implications of the results for judicial staffing and behavior.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of an analysis of judicial disparity in the sentencing of persons represented by legal-aid lawyers. Because the socioeconomic characteristics of legal-aid clients are fairly uniform, the analysis of such cases made it possible to explore the influence of case facts, system factors, and the judicial disparity of the sentences given in relatively similar situations. The analysis finds that case facts and offender characteristics, particularly prior record, are good predictors of sentence type and excellent predictors of sentence length. While there was some indication of judicial inconsistency in sentence-type decisions, that is, unexplained variation from case to case, there was little indication of strong individual judicial bias across the cases used in the analysis.  相似文献   

Retrospective analysis of autopsy findings in 60 infants who had been found unexpectedly dead in their cribs or beds in South Australia from 1994 to 1998 was undertaken to determine the diagnostic usefulness of individual stages in the postmortem investigation. Positive findings occurred in 2 of 43 scene examinations (3%), 2 of 60 external examinations (3%), 2 of 11 radiologic examinations (18%), 8 of 60 internal examinations (13%), 7 of 60 histologic examinations (12%), and 3 of 58 microbiologic examinations (5%). No positive findings were detected on toxicologic screening. Not every case underwent each diagnostic step. This gave alternative diagnoses to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in 15 cases (25%). This study demonstrates an increase in the percentage of cases of unexpected infant death due to causes other than SIDS; it also shows the diagnostic yield of individual stages in the postmortem evaluation of such cases. Negative findings were important in giving validity to the diagnosis in the 45 cases that were ultimately designated as SIDS.  相似文献   

Although a substantial number of researchers have studied charge reductions taking place within the context of guilty plea negotiations, few have focused on estimating the determinants of charge reductions taking place at the initial screening decision. The prosecutor's decision to reduce original felony charges to a misdemeanor has serious social, legal, and economic consequences for the suspect. This paper presents a model of the variables affecting the likelihood of such a reduction in burglary and robbery offenses. Drawing from Littrell's principled charging perspective and earlier research on labeling, the analysis involves estimating logistic regression equations specifying both main and interaction effects of the suspect's gender and race and variables related to suspect character, case seriousness, and legal seriousness. Partial support is found for Littrell's perspective.  相似文献   

Much of the existing literature on courts and sentencing has focused on judicial decision-making. Prior research on prosecutorial decision-making is more limited, with even less attention paid to the prosecution of domestic violence cases. The research that has been conducted has produced inconsistent results regarding the effects of legal and extralegal variables. The current study focuses on the effects of extralegal suspect characteristics on the decision to dismiss domestic violence cases in a large Midwestern county from June 2009 to December 2009. The findings demonstrate that gender and race have a strong influence on prosecutors’ decisions to dismiss charges in domestic violence cases. Contrary to the focal concerns perspective, however, the results indicate that males and Black and Hispanic offenders are more likely to have their cases dismissed. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

A naked man died under peculiar circumstances and the postmortem examination revealed unexpected lesions in the cervical spine. Investigations of the cervical spine (computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and histological examination) showed that a piece of bone was torn of the anterior part of vertebra C6 and that there was fresh bleeding in the surrounding tissue. The cause of death remained unclear but was most likely cardiac arrhythmia initiated by beta-2 agonist inhalation due to an acute asthmatic attack. Data from biomechanical investigation using finite element analysis supported the conclusion that the cervical spine injury was secondary to impact during falling as a consequence of the cardiac arrhythmia.  相似文献   


A wide-ranging body of research on the immigration-crime relationship has shown that immigration does not increase community crime levels. However, most prior studies have focused on traditional immigrant destinations or border cities. This study addresses several gaps in this line of research by exploring immigration effects on neighborhood levels of Violent and Property Index crimes for the 2008 to 2014 period in Cincinnati, Ohio – a Midwestern, mid-sized, nontraditional immigrant destination. Overall, our findings are consistent with previous research and indicate that controlling for other factors, the percent foreign-born has largely neutral effects on census tract-level crime rates in Cincinnati. Moreover, our findings show no signs of indirect effects of immigration on crime through neighborhood disadvantage.  相似文献   

Using data collected by the Richmond, Virginia Police Department, this article applies conflict theory to police traffic stop practices. In particular, it explores whether police traffic stop, search, and arrest practices differ according to racial or socioeconomic factors among neighborhoods. Three principal findings emanate from this research. First, the total number of stops by Richmond police was determined solely by the crime rate of the neighborhood. Second, the percentage of stops that resulted in a search was determined by the percentage of Black population. Third, when examining the percentage of stops that ended in an arrest/summons, the analyses suggest that both the percentage of Black population and the area crime rate served to decrease the percentage of police stops that ended in an arrest/summons. Implications for conflict theory and police decision-making are addressed.  相似文献   

What are the consequences of discretion when government shares the responsibility for regulatory compliance with the industry subject to regulation? Do differing underlying goals affect implementation? This article examines the implementation of Canada's Motor Vehicle Safety Act for fiscal years 1974–75 to 1981–82. Since the law creates opportunities for the exercise of discretion and those responsible for implementation (government versus industry) do not share the same underlying goals, one can expect that who implements the act will be of considerable importance. The data suggest that when incentives for compliance differ, discretion creates the opportunity for substantially different outcomes. Notable differences exist in the characteristics of recalls that manufacturers initiated and those that Transport Canada influenced.  相似文献   

Prolonged pretrial incarceration is a key issue facing the criminal justice systems of many developing countries. Detainees stay in jail for years while undergoing trial but are still unconvicted. However, little is known about the consequences of this troubling phenomenon. Informed by relevant prison and criminological theories, this paper analyses jail official data and qualitative interviews from detainees in a local jurisdiction in the Philippines to understand the magnitude and consequences of prolonged pretrial incarceration. Results suggest the emergence of a legally cynical view of the criminal justice system shared by the detainees. These sentiments likely serve as bases for popular opinions that justify use of violence and vigilante justice on offender populations. Implications on judicial and penal reforms in the Philippines are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine racial and ethnic disparity in police use of physical force. Data from the Phoenix, Arizona Use-of-Force Project was used to assess disparity between White, Black, and Hispanic citizens. Racial and ethnic disparity in police use of physical force was found only for male citizens not in custody. The findings suggest that assessments of racial and ethnic disparity need to be situationally orientated in the theoretical meaning that race and ethnicity play in modern American society. Simple overall tests of disparity may not be adequate to understand and address the complex effects of race and ethnicity in the criminal justice system; thus, these disparities may lead to situations that further exacerbate already strained minority-majority relations in America.  相似文献   

代阳  代长江  彭天贵 《证据科学》2006,13(4):298-300
单纯性的肺叶裂伤如果救治及时,其预后均比较理想,一般不会危及生命。本例受伤后即在某县级人民医院住院治疗,但最终于伤后13天死亡。现将该案例报告如下。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):189-207
This study examines the effect of the victim's race on the probability that an accused murderer is charged with a capital crime and sentenced to death in Kentucky. Our results show that blacks accused of killing whites had a higher than average probability of being charged with a capital crime (by the prosecutor) and sentenced to die (by the jury) than did other homicide offenders. This finding remains after we take into account the effects of differences in the heinousness of the murder, prior criminal record, the personal relationship between the victim and the offender, and the probability that the accused will not stand trial for a capital offense.  相似文献   

单纯性的肺叶裂伤如果救治及时,其预后均比较理想,一般不会危及生命。本例受伤后即在某县级人民医院住院治疗,但最终于伤后13天死亡。现将该案例报告如下。案例2005年11月29日晚8时许,张某(男,21岁)在某歌厅被人刺伤全身多处,其中左肩胛下角处的刺伤进入胸腔,刺破左肺下叶形成两条3cm左右的裂创。入院后即行剖胸探查、肺裂伤修补及清创缝合术,术后第2天出现肺不张症状,第3天出现肺部感染症状,采取多种措施抗感染及促进肺复张,效果均不理想。术后第8天X线检查发现,左下肺创伤性湿肺,左侧液气胸包裹形成。突发应激性溃疡出血,经抢救后有所好…  相似文献   

Various surfaces or substrates are often encountered in the examination of questioned writing; however, no writing is more interesting than that found on the human body nor more challenging when the writing in question is linked to a death investigation. The body of an 18-year-old male was brought to the State Crime Laboratory, Little Rock, Arkansas, with a gunshot wound to the head and several messages written on his arms and chest. This paper will discuss the examination of evidence used to determine the manner of death through a cooperative effort between the Medical Examiner's Section and the Questioned Document Section of the Crime Laboratory.  相似文献   

Infections are considered to be an important cause of unexpected death in children. It has also been assumed that respiratory viruses are involved in the genesis of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The Spanish National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences act as the forensic reference centre for Spain. We analyse the experience of this centre in the virological study of 64 cases of sudden children death where viral serology, virological cultures, herpesviruses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and electron microscopy were performed. According to pathological findings, death could only be attributed to an adenovirus infection in one amygdalitis with upper airways stenosis and asphyxia. Human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6) was detected by PCR in one case with pathological findings characteristic of SIDS. Recent infection by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) were also detected. Meanwhile, 85.9% of the cases yielded negative viral results. Twenty-eight infants were finally categorised as SIDS. Pathological findings of infection were detected in 12 patients despite the negativity of viral analyses. Although viral infection is an uncommon cause of sudden children death, a complete microbiological investigation will help to solve the puzzle of SIDS. Definitive guidelines for microbiological analyses need to be updated whilst new pathogens are discovered or new techniques are implemented in order to clarify unsolved cases.  相似文献   

This paper calls attention to a proposed index of risk of death due to robbery, made possible by the FBI's partial disaggregation of its murder statistics. Some of the shortcomings of the index are described, and some possible extensions are mentioned.  相似文献   

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