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Book notices     

Book notices     
David Bakhurst, Consciousness and Revolution in Soviet Philosophy From the Bolsheviks to Evald Ilyenkov. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, xi + 292 pp., £27.50 h/b, £9.95 p/b.

Murray Yanowitch, Controversies in Soviet Social Thought. New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1991, ix + 155 pp., $35.00 h/b, $13.95 p/b.

M. C. Kaser and E. A. G. Robinson, eds, Early Steps in Comparing East‐West Economies. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1992, xiv + 105 pp., £35.00.

Bogdan Szajkowski, ed., New Political Parties of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Harlow: Longman Current Affairs, 1991, xxi + 404 pp., £55.00 h/b.

Ulrich‐Joachim Schulz‐Torge, ed., Who Was Who in the Soviet Union. London: K. G. Saur, 1992, li + 412 pp., £200.00 h/b.  相似文献   

Book notices     
Raymond L. Gartboff, Reflections on the Cuban Missile Crisis. Washington DC: Brookings, 1987, 159 pp., ; 15.25 h/b., ;7.25 p/b.

Vladimir Mezhenkov and Éva Skelly, eds., Perestroika in Action. Soviet Scene 1988. London and Wellingborough: Collets, 1988, 453 pp., ;5.95 p/b.

P. I. Stuckha, Selected Writings on Soviet Law and Marxism. Armonk, NY: Sharpe, 1988, 265 pp., $60.00 h/b.

George Ginsburgs, The Soviet Union and International Cooperation in Legal Matters. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1988, 192 pp., $69.00, ;39.50 h/b.

Olga Peters Hasty and Susanne Fusso, eds., America Through Russian Eyes 1874–1926. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1988, 226 pp., $30.00, ;22.50 h/b.

Brenton M. Barr and Kathleen E. Braden, The Disappearing Russian Forest. A Dilemma in Soviet Resource Management. London: Hutchinson, 1988, 252 pp., ;30.00 h/b.  相似文献   

Book notices     
Peter Galasi and Gyorgy Sziraczki, eds. Labour Market and Second Economy in Hungary. Frankfurt, New York: Campus Verlag, 1985, 339 pp., DM 58,‐

L. Csaba, Three Studies on the CMEA, ’Trends in the World Economy No. 52’, Hungarian Scientific Council for World Economy, Budapest, 1985, 99 pp. No price.

Ivan Loncarevic, Agrarmarktgestaltung in Jugoslawien (Giessener Abhandlungen zur Agrar‐ und Wirtschaftsforschung des Europäischen Ostens, Band 135) Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1985, 104 pp. DM 24,‐

Hans Rogger, Jewish Policies and Right‐Wing Politics in Imperial Russia. London: Macmillan/St. Antony's, 1986, vii + 289 pp., £29.50 h/b.

Mary Seton‐Watson, Scenes from Sovíet Life. Soviet Life through Official Literature. London: Ariel Books, 1986, 159 pp., £2.95.

W. R. Corson and R. T. Crowley, The New KGB: Engine of Soviet Power. Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 1986, 560 pp., £25.00 h/b, £9.95 p/b.

Russkaya revolyutsiya glazami Petrogradskogo chinovnika. Dnevnik 1917–1918 gg., edited by Jens Petter Nielsen and Boris Weil. Oslo: Universitet i Oslo Slavisk‐Baltisk Institutt Meddelelser No. 48, 1986, 60 pp., unpriced.

Murray Yanowitch, ed., The Social Structure of the USSR. Recent Soviet Studies. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, xi + 275 pp., $40.00 h/b.

A. Avtorkhanov, Ot Andropova k Gorbachevu. Paris: YMCA Press, 1986, 350 pp., unpriced.

Angela E. Stent, ed., Economic Relations with the Soviet Union. American and West German Perspectives. Boulder, Col.: Westview Press, 1985, xviii + 182 pp., £22.50 p/b.

Philip Pomper, ed., Trotsky's Notebooks, 1933–1935. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986, vii + 175 pp., US $25.00 h/b.

Charles Hobday, ed., Communist and Marxist Parties of the World. A Keesing's Reference Publication. London: Longman, 1986, 550 pp., £48.00 h/b.

Bernhard Dilger et al., eds., Vergleichende Bildungsforschung. DDR, Osteuropa und interkulturelle Perspektiven. Berlin, Verlag Arno Spitz, 1986, 548 pp., DM 68 h/b.

Oskar Anweiler, ed., Staatliche Steuerung und Eigendynamik im Bildungs‐ und Erziehungswesen osteuropäischer Staaten und der DDR. Berlin, Verlag Arno Spitz, 1986, 293 pp., DM 38 p/b.  相似文献   

Book notices     
W. Brus, P. Kende, Z. Mlynar, ’Normalization’ Processes in Soviet‐Dominated Central Europe: Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Research Project, ‘Crisis in Soviet‐Type Systems’, Directed by Zdenek Mlynar and a Scientific Council, Study No. 1, 1982. 48 pp.

The Soviet Union 1980–81: Domestic Policy, The Economy, Foreign Policy, Vol. 6. New York and London: Holmes & Meier, 1983. xii + 347 pp.

Howard Machin (ed.) National Communism in Western Europe: A Third Way for Socialism? London and New York: Methuen, 1983. viii + 232 pp. £4.95 (paperback).

Zdenek Mlynar, Relative Stabilization of the Soviet Systems in the 1970s, Research Project, ‘Crises in Soviet‐Type Systems’, Study No. 2, 1983, 40 pp.

Michael Clarke (ed.), Corruption: Consequences and Control, London: Frances Pinter, 1983. xix + 290 pp. £17.50.

Daniel N. Nelson (ed.), Communism and the Politics of Inequalities, Lexington, Mass, and Toronto: Lexington Books (distributed by Gower Publishing outside the American continent), 1983. ix + 290 pp. £22.50.

Christopher T. Saunders (ed.), Regional Integration East and West, London: Macmillan in association with the Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies, 1983. ix + 272 pp. £25.00.

Aurel Braun, Small‐State Security in the Balkans, London: Macmillan, 1983. xi + 334 pp. £25.00.  相似文献   

Book notices     
Roy Medvedev, Let History Judge. The Origins and Consequences of Stalinism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989, xxi + 903 pp., £25.00 h/b.

Francesca Gori, ed., Il XX Congresso del Pcus. Milan: Franco Angeli, 1988, 358 pp., 35,000 Lire.

Basile Kerblay, ed., L'évolution des modèles familiaux dans les pays de l'Est européen et en URSS. Paris: Institut d'études slaves, 1988, 226 pp., unpriced.

Zhak Rossi (Jacques Rossi), Spravochnik po Gulagu. London: Overseas Publications Interchange, 1987, 546 pp., £13.50.

Ronald J. Hill, The Soviet Union: Politics, Economics and Society. London: Pinter, 1989, xxii + 256 pp., £25.00 h/b, £9.95 p/b.

M. M. Boguslavsky & P. S. Smirnov, The Reorganization of Soviet Foreign Trade. Legal Aspects. Armonk, NY: Sharpe, 1989, xiii + 210 pp., $75 h/b.

S. R. Ashton, In Search of Detente. The Politics of East‐West Relations since 1945. London: Macmillan, 1989, xii + 254 pp., £25.00 h/b, £7.95 p/b.

Robert C. Tucker, Political Culture and Leadership in Soviet Russia. From Lenin to Gorbachev. Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 1987, x + 214 pp., £29.95.

Marshall S. Shatz, Jan Wac?aw Machajski. A Radical Critic of the Russian Intelligentsia and Socialism. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, xvi + 251 pp., $29.95.

Issac J. Tarasulo, ed., Gorbachev and Glasnost: Viewpoints from the Soviet Press. Wilmington, DE: SR Books, 1989, xxvi + 363 pp., $35.00 h/b, $12.95 p/b.

Robert D. Freeman, ed., Soviet Jewry in the 1980s: the Politics of Anti‐Semitism and Emigration and the Dynamics of Resettlement. Durham, WC, and London: Duke University Press, 1989, xix + 260 pp., $39.50.

Sigrid McLaughlin, ed., The Image of Women in Contemporary Soviet FictionSelected Short Stories from the USSR. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1989, xiii + 247 pp., £35.00 h/b, £14.99 p/b.

Chanie Rosenberg, Women and perestroika: Present, Past and Future for Women in Russia. London: Bookmarks Publications, 1989, 128 pp., £3.95 p/b.  相似文献   

Book notices     
Tamas Szemler (ed.), Relations Between Germany and East Central Europe Until 2000: Prospects and Policy Options. Trends in World Economy No. 75, Budapest, Institute for World Economics, 1994, 114 pp., no price.

Hüsnü Kizilyalli, Economics of Transition: A New Methodology for Transforming a Socialist Economy to Market‐Led Economy, A Review of Market Reforms of the Countries in Transition & Prospects, and a Critique of the Current Macroeconomic Theories. Istanbul: Bo?aziçi University Printhouse, 1994, xxvii + 741 pp.

Tito Favaretto, Il traffico oltremare di Austria, Ungheria e Cecoslovacchia e il transito attraverso i principali porti europei tra la fine degli anni ‘80 e l'inizio degli anni ‘90. Trieste: IDSEE, 1994, 280 pp. L.45 000.  相似文献   

Book notices     
Barbara Blaszczyk & Marek Dabrowski, The Privatisation Process in Poland 1989–1992: Expectations, Results and Remaining Dilemmas. London: CRCE, 1993, 92 pp., £7.50.

Kari Liuhto, Creating New Managerial Concept to Replace Management Sovieticus. Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, 1993, 83 pp., no price.

Urpo Kivikari & Kari Liuhto (eds), Transition Economies of the East. Letters from the Front. Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, 1993, 129 pp., FIM 240.

Donald Filtzer, The Khrushchev Era: De‐Stalinisation and the Limits of Reform in the USSR, 1953–1964. London: Macmillan, 1993, xi + 92 pp.  相似文献   

Book notices     
Edmund Herzig, Iran and the Former Soviet South. London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1995, 60 pp., No price.

Yuri Buranov, Lenin's Will Falsified and Forbidden. From the Secret Archives of the Former Soviet Union. New York: Prometheus Books, 1994, 241 pp., £28.00.

Julia Alexandrow with Tommy French, Flight from Novaa Salow. Autobiography of a Ukrainian Who Escaped Starvation in the 1930s Under the Russians and Then Suffered Nazi Enslavement. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland, 1995, xiii + 202 pp., £29.25.

Gregory L. Freeze & S. V. Mironenko (eds), State Archive of the Russian Federation. A Research Guide. Volume 1. Collections of the State Archive of the Russian Federation on the History of Russia in the 19th and Early‐20th Centuries. Moscow: Blagovest, 1994, xviii + 394 pp., No price.

V. A. Kozlov & S. V. Mironenko (eds), State Archive of the Russian Federation. Archive of Contemporary Russian History. Volume 1. The ‘Special Files’ for I. V. Stalin. Moscow: Blagovest, 1994, 353 pp. No price. Volume 2. The ‘Special Files’ for V. M. Molotov. Moscow: Blagovest, 1994, 219 pp., No price.

J. Arch Getty & V. P. Kozlov (eds), Russian Center for Preservation and Study of Documents of Contemporary History. A Research Guide. Moscow: Blagovest, 1993, xxx + 220 pp., No price.  相似文献   

Book notices     
B. Persson (ed.), Surviving Failures: Patterns and Cases of Project Mismanagement. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1979. 257 pp. Sw.kr. 125.

Endre Antal, Die Beteiligung der RGW‐Länder am Welthandel: unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihres Agraraussenhandels. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1979. 240 pp.

Marquis de Custine, Journey For Our Time. Edited and translated by Phyllis Pen Kohler, introduction by Walter Bedell Smith. London and Portland: George Prior Publishers, 1980. 240 pp. £5.95.

Robert Auty and Dimitri Obolensky (eds.), An Introduction to Russian Art and Architecture (Companion to Russian Studies 3). London: CUP, 1980. 194 pp. £13.50.

Roger P. Labrie (ed.), SALT Hand Book: Key Documents and Issues 1972–1979. Washington: AE1, 1979. 736 pp. $10.75.

Marie Lavigne, Les économies socialistes soviétique et européennes. Paris: Armand Colin, 1979. 437 pp.

André Liebich (ed.), The Future of Socialism in Europe?. Montreal: Interuniversity Centre for European Studies, 1979. 328 pp.  相似文献   

Book notices     
Barbara A. Anderson, Internal Migration during Modernization In Late Nineteenth‐Century Russia, Princeton UP., 1980. xxv + 222 pp. £10.10.

Alain Besançon, The Intellectual Origins of Leninism. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1981. 329 pp. £12.00.

Julian Lider, Military Force: An Analysis of Marxist‐Leninist Concepts. Farnborough: Gower Publishing Co., 1981. xiii + 345 pp. £15.00.

Werner Beitel and Jürgen Nötzold, Deutsch‐sowjetische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen in der Zeit der Weimarer Republik: Eine Bilanz im Hinblick auf gegenwärtige Probleme. Series Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik. Baden‐Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1979. 273 pp. DM29.00.  相似文献   

Book notices     
Gert Meyer, Sozialstruktur sowjetischer Industriearbeiter Ende der zwanziger Jahre. Marburg: Verlag Arbeiterbewegung und Gesellschaftswissenschaft GmbH, 1981, 193 pp. DM 28.

Wolfgang Teckenberg, Die soziale Struktur der sowjetischen Arbeilerklasse im internationalen Vergleich. Munich: Oldenbourg, 1977, 228 pp. DM 48.

Manfred Melzer, Anlagevermo'gen, Produktion und Beschaftigung der Industrie irn Gebiet der DDR von 1936 bis 1978, sowie Schatzung des kiinftigen Angebotspotentials. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1980, 250 pp. No price.

Steven Rosefielde (ed.), World Communism at the Crossroads. The Hague, Boston and London: Martinus Nijhoff, 1980, xi + 334 pp. £19.95.

Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe and Prospects for the 1980s. NATO Colloquium, Brussels, 1980; Oxford Pergammon, 1981, xiv + 320 pp. £35.00.

V. P. Shotski, Agro‐industrial Complexes and types of Agriculture in Eastern Siberia. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1979, 130 pp.

Robert R. King, A History of the Romanian Communist Party. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1980, xvi + 190 pp. $8.95.

Bennet Korvig, Communism in Hungary. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1979, xviii + 525 pp. $10.95.

Giuseppe Schiavone, The Institutions of Comecon. London: Macmillan, 1981, vii + 260 pp. £20.00.

Paul S. Sharp (ed.), The East European and Soviet Data Handbook. Political, Social and Developmental Indicators, 1945–1975. New York: Columbia U.P., 1981. xv + 482 pp. $52.00.  相似文献   

Book notices     
Daniel J. Nelson, Wartime Origins of the Berlin Dilemma. Alabama: The University of Alabama Press, 1978, 219 pp.

John H. Backer, The Decision to Divide Germany. American Foreign Policy in Transition. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1978. 212 pp.

Eberhard Schneider, The GDR. The History, Politics, Economy and Society of East Germany. London: C. Hurst & Co., 1978. xii + 121 pp. £6.50.

Nita G. M. Watts (ed.), Economic Relations between East and West (Proceedings of a Conference held by the International Economic Association at Dresden). London: Macmillan, 1978. x + 246 pp. £15.00.

P. A. Tikhmenev, A History of the Russian‐American Company, translated and edited by Richard A. Pierce and Alton S. Donnelly. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1978. xiv + 522 pp. £24.50.

Martin Gilbert, Soviet History Atlas. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. 69 pp. £6.75 (cloth), £3.95 (paper).

Zoltan Toth, Prisoner of the Soviet Union. Old Woking: Gresham Books, 1978. xiv + 202 pp. £5.50.

Terence Armstrong, George Rogers, Graham Rowjey, The Circumpolar North. London: Methuen, 1978. xix + 303 pp. £13.00 (hard cover), £5.95 (paperback).

Peter Lorenz, Multinationale Unternehmen sozialistischer Länder. Berlin: Ost‐Europa Institut an der Freien Universität Berlin, 1978. Rechtswissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen, vol. 8. 188 pp.

Jürgen Brockmann, Die Differenzierung der sowjetischen Sozialstruktur, Berlin: Ost‐Europa Institut an der Freien Universität Berlin, 1978. Philosophische und soziologische Veröffentlichungen, vol. 14. 178 pp.

Vladislav Bajaja, Organisation und Führung landwirtschaftlicher Grossunternehmen in der DDR. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1978. 216 pp.

Chin O. Chung, P'yongyang between Peking and Moscow: North Korea's Involvement in the Sino‐Soviet Dispute, 1958–75. Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1978. x + 230 pp. £10.50.

Terence Garvey, Bones of Contention: An Enquiry into East‐West Relations. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978. viii +203 pp. £6.50.

Mervyn Matthews (in collaboration with T. Anthony Jones), Soviet Sociology. 1964–75. New York and London: Praeger, 1978. xiii + 269 pp.

Marc Rakovski, Towards an East European Marxism. London: Allison & Busby, London, 1978. 140 pp. £6.50.

The Soviet Union 1976–77: Domestic Politics, Economics, Foreign Policy. Ed. by the Bundesinstitut für ostwissenschaftliche und internationale Studien, Cologne. Vol. IV. New York and London: Holmes and Meier Publishers, Inc., 1979. x + 272 pp.

Soviet Oil Gas and Energy Data Book. Stavanger: Noroil Publishing, for Petro Studies Co. Ltd. (Sweden), 1978. 239 pp. £65.00. $125.00.

M. O. Norby, Soviet‐Aerospace Handbook. Washington, D.C.: US Government Printing Office, 1978. 223 pp. Paper covers.

L. Kochan (ed.), The Jews in Soviet Russia since 1917. Third edition. London: OUP, for Institute of Jewish Affairs, 1978. 431 pp. £2.95 (paperback).

S. Frederick Starr, Melnikov: Solo Architect in a Mass Society. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 1978. xxvii + 277 pp. £16.80.

Nicolas Zernov, The Russians and their Church. Third edition. London: SPCK, 1978. 192 pp. £2.50 (paperback).

E. G. Bowen, John Hughes (Yuzovka) 1814–1899. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1978. 82 pp. £1.00.  相似文献   

Book notices     
Andrei D. Sakharov, My Country and the World. Translated by Guy V. Daniels. London: Collins & Harvill Press, 1975. xvi+109 pp. £2.25 (paperback).

Milovan Djilas, Parts of a Lifetime. Edited by Michael and Deborah Milenkovitch. New York and London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975. xii+442 pp. $15.00.

John B. Dunlop, Richard Haugh and Alexis Klimoff (eds.), Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: Critical Essays and Documentary Materials. Second edition (enlarged). New York: Collier Books, and London: Collier‐Macmillan, 1975. 666 pp. £3.50 (paperback).

Georgie Anne Geyer, The Young Russians. Homewood, Ill.: ETC Publications, 1975. xii+299 pp. $10.50.

Michael Bourdeaux, Patriarch and Prophets: Persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church Today. London and Oxford: Mowbrays, 1975. 360 pp. £2.50 (paperback).

Rita Di Leo, Operai e Fabbrica in Unione Sovietica nelle lettere alla “Pravda” e al “Trud”. Bari: De Donato editore S.p.A., 1973. 314 pp. L.2800.

Stefano Caretti, La Rivoluzione russa e il socialismo italiano (1917–1921). Pisa: Nistri Lischi Editori, 1974. 331 pp. L.4000.

Jonathan Steele (comp. and ed.), Eastern Europe since Stalin. Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1974. 215 pp. £4.50.

Francois Fejtö, A History of the People's Democracies: Eastern Europe Since Stalin. Translated from the French by Daniel Weissbort. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1974. 565 pp. 95P (paperback).

J. K. Sowden, The German Question 1945–1973: Continuity in Change. London: Bradford UP in association with Crosby Lockwood Staples, 1975. xiv+404 pp. £12.00.

Eugen Steiner, The Slovak Dilemma. London: CUP, 1973. ix+229 pp. £4.40 $13.95.

Hansjakob Stehle, Die Ostpolitik des Vatikans 1917–1975. München and Zürich: R. Piper, 1975. 487 pp. DM 39.50.

Jacob Hen‐Tov, Communism and Zionism in Palestine: The Comintern and the Political Unrest in the 1920's. Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman Publishing Company, 1974. viii+184 pp.

Ilpyong J. Kim, Communist Politics in North Korea. (Praeger Special Studies in International Politics and Government.) New York: Praeger Publishers, and London: Martin Robertson, 1975. xiv+ 121 pp. £7.45.  相似文献   

Book notices     
John W. Parker, Kremlin in Transition, 2 vols. Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1991, Volume 1, xv+352 pp., Volume 2, xvi+475 pp., £40.00 each volume.

Fal Dunnay, Military Doctrine: Change in the East? Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990, ii+85 pp., £7.95 p/b.

Selected papers of the fourth world congress for Soviet and East European studies, Harrogate, UK, July 1990  相似文献   

Book notices     
T. H. Rigby, The Changing Soviet System. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1990, vii+256 pp., £35.00 h/b.

Andrei Melville & Gail W. Lapidus, eds, The Glasnost Papers. Voices on Reform from Moscow. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1991, vii+359 pp., £11.50 p/b.

Joseph G. Whelan, The Moscow Summit, 1988. Reagan and Gorbachev in Negotiation. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990, xvii+141 pp., £17.95 p/b.

T. Anthony Jones, ed., Research on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. A Research Annual, Volume 1: 1990. Greenwich, CT; JAI Press, 1991, xii/249 pp., £44.50 h/b.

Ben‐Cion Pinchuk, Shtetl Jews under Soviet Rule: Eastern Poland on the Eve of the Holocaust. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990, vii+186 pp. £30.00.  相似文献   

Book notices     
Zbigniew M. Fallenbuchl (ed.), Economic Development in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, Volume 2, Sectoral Analysis. New York: Praeger, 1976. xvii+409 pp. $27.50. £16.80.

Helmut Leipold (ed.), Sozialistische Marktwirtschaften. Konzeptionen und Lenkungs‐probleme. (Beck'sche Schwarze Reihe, Band 124.) München: C. H. Beck, 1975. 201 pp. DM 16.80.

Robert W. Dean, West German Trade with the East: The Political Dimension. (Praeger Special Studies in International Politics and Government.) New York: Praeger, 1974. xvi+ 269 pp. $17.50.

Richard Löwenthal (ed.), Die Sowjetunion als Weltmacht. (Commissioned by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde.) Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1976. 144 pp. DM 28.00.

Boris Meissner (ed.), Moshau‐Bonn. Die Beziehungen zwischen der Sowjetunion und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1955–1973. Dokumentation. (Series: Dokumente zur Aussenpolitik, Vol. III, Parts I and II.) Köln: Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1975. 1694 pp.

Gary K. Bertsch and Thomas W. Ganschow (eds.), Comparative Communism: The Soviet, Chinese, and Yugoslav Models. San Fransisco: W. H. Freeman, 1976. ix+463 pp. £7.80 or £3.90 (paperback).

Bohdan Harasymiw (ed.), Education and the Mass Media in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. (Praeger Special Studies in International Politics and Government.) New York: Praeger, 1976. xvi+134 pp. £10.10.

Christopher Moody, Solzhenitsyn. ('Modern Writers’ series.) Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1976. Second, revised, edition. (First edition, 1973.) 206 pp. £2.50 cased or £1.15 (paperback).

Vladimir Maximov (ed.), Kontinent I: the Alternative Voice of Russia and Eastern Europe. London: Andre Deutsch, 1976. 180 pp. £3.95.

Roy A. Medvedev and R. Lert (eds.), Dvadtsatyi vek: obshchestvenno‐politicheskii i literaturnyi al'manakh. No. 1. London: T.C.D. (Twentieth Century Digest) Publications, 1976. (Distributed by Orbis Books Ltd., 66 Kenway Road, London, S.W.5.) 237 pp. £3.00

Elisabeth Barker, British Policy in South‐East Europe in the Second World War. (Series: Studies in Russian and East European History.) London: Macmillan Press, 1976. viii+320 pp. £10.00.  相似文献   

Book notices     

Book notices     
Neal Ascherson, The Struggles for Poland. London: Michael Joseph Ltd, 1987, xiv + 242 pp., £14.95.

Jan Top Christensen, USA‐Vesteuropa‐relationerne under forandring: Sovjetiske synspunkter. Sydjysk Universitetsforlag, Esbjerg 1987, 132 pp. Kr. 120.00 p/b.  相似文献   

Book notices     
Ronald Hingley, The Russian Mind. London: The Bodley Head, 1978. 248 pp. £5.50.

Linda L. Lubrano, Soviet Sociology of Science. Columbus, Ohio: American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, 1976. 102 pp. $4.95 ($4.21 to AAASS members).

Alexander Dallin (ed.), The Twenty‐fifth Congress of the CPSU: Assessment and Context. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1977. 127 pp. $5.95 (paperback).

Stephen B. Dunn and Ethel Dunn, Kulturwandel im sowjetischen Dorf. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1977. 200 pp.

Coral Bell, The Diplomacy of Détente. The Kissinger Era. London: Martin Robertson, 1977. viii + 278 pp. £8.50.

N. Penkaitis, Der Finanzausgleich in der Sowjetunion und seine Bedeutung für die Wirtschaftsentwicklung der Unionsrepubliken. Giessener Abhandlungen—Band 89. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1977. 207 pp.

Structure and Change in European Industry. Geneva and New York: Economic Commission for Europe, 1977. xvii+289 pp. $16.00.

Alix Holt (transl. and ed.), Selected Writings of Alexandra Kollontai. London: Allison & Busby, 1977. 336 pp. £7.95 or £2.95 (paperback).

Kontinent 2: the Alternative Voice of Russia and Eastern Europe. London: Coronet Books, 1978. 246 pp. £1.25 (published only in paperback).

Robert R. King, James F. Brown (eds.), Eastern Europe's Uncertain Future. A Selection of Radio Free Europe Research Reports. Praeger Special Studies. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1977, xxii+359 pp.

Richard F. Staar, Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1977. Third edition. 302 pp.

Jenö F. Bango, Besonderheiten der Agrarverfassung im ungarischen Alföld: Eine agrar‐soziologische Analyse. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1977. 72 pp. DM 20.—

Gabriel Francis Horchler, Hungarian Economic Reforms: A Selective, Partially Annotated Bibliography. Hungarian Reference Shelf, No. 3. New Brunswick: The Hungarian Research Center, 1977. 190 pp. $4.95.  相似文献   

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