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刘建民 《桂海论丛》2013,(1):124-128
居家养老模式是家庭养老和机构养老的有效整合,是未来我国养老事业重点建设的目标之一。中国目前居家养老服务多为政府购买服务、民间组织提供服务或社区承办服务等模式。广西民族地区农村人口老龄化速度快、经济欠发达、家庭结构失衡、养老设施匮乏,居家养老模式应成为养老方式的首选。建设广西农村居家养老模式应重点完善农村基本医疗照顾,加强农村传统邻里互助关系,保护和传承少数民族文化习俗。  相似文献   

同案不同判、同罪不同罚、轻罪重判、重罪轻判等量刑失衡现象是我国刑事司法领域的顽症,严重损害了司法公正,要解决量刑失衡问题,必须规范裁量权,统一法律适用标准。量刑基准对于完善量刑制度,实现量刑均衡,维护公平正义具有十分重要的意义。本文仅就量刑基准的意义、概念、特征、确定原则与方法等问题略抒已见。  相似文献   

论定罪剩余的犯罪构成事实转化为量刑情节   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
定罪情节和量刑情节在刑事审判工作中具有重要地位,严格区分定罪情节和量刑情节的界限正确认识罪责刑三者之间的关系,是正确定罪和公正量刑的重要保障。定罪情节与法定刑密切相关,而量刑情节与宣告刑紧密相联,二者泾渭分明,然而在量刑研究和司法实践中,却往往将定罪情节与量刑情节混为一谈,这种眉毛胡子一把抓的“估堆”式量刑模式,违反了“同一事实情况禁止重复评价”这一国际通行的原则直接造成了处罚的畸轻畸重,从而严重影响量刑的公正性。如何正确区分定罪情节与量刑情节,特别是揭示定罪剩余的犯罪构成事实转化为量刑情节的客观性和规律性,是建立相对完备的量刑情节体系的关键所在本文力图通过对这一问题的深入探讨,进一步推进中国量刑制度的公正性和透明化。  相似文献   

Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year. It has the same significance for the Chinese people as Christmas has for people in the West. Spring Festival traditionally calls for a thorough house cleaning before pasting up Spring couplets, images of Gate-Gods, New Year Paintings and papercuts. Sacrifices are also offered to various gods and ancestors,and everyone dresses in their best clothes to see in the new year. All this is done in the hope of good fortune for the coming year.But would you prefer to experience Spring Festival with a difference? The following four destinations offer something for everyone.  相似文献   

The concept named "a community with a shared future for mankind" has important implications for the theory and practice of human rights. From the perspective of specific human rights, the idea of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind implies recognizing the right to peace of mankind, advocates the mode of economic cooperation and development, and acts as a guide for building an eco-friendly world, rejecting hegemony, and promoting cultural diversity. Therefore, a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind plays an important supporting role in establishing the legitimacy of specific rights. Meanwhile, in view of the scarcity of human resources, it is impossible for all kinds of rights to be protected to the same degree. Human rights need to be systematically constructed in theory and practice, and also require the formation of a well-functioning platform for their protection. As a guideline, the notion of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind is conducive to the establishment of such a system.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of needs assessment procedures in the development of effective primary prevention strategies for children and youth. A number of techniques which may be employed in the assessment of need for such services are presented and their strengths and limitations for such application are discussed. Particular problems for needs assessment planning and implementation stemming from differences in the goals and objectives of preventive, as opposed to more traditional mental health services for children, are elaborated and possible strategies for their resolution suggested.  相似文献   

伴随世界政治文明的进步和发展,各国循由不同的实践路径走向公平正义,取得了许多成功的实践经验,也不乏失败的教训。这些经验和教训,对于我国积极和有效应对当前及今后一段时间内凸显的弱势群体社会公平问题,全面实现"十二五"规划提出的今后五年"顺应各族人民过上更好生活新期待"、"保障和改善民生"、"坚定不移走共同富裕道路,使发展成果惠及全体人民"等战略构想,无疑具有重要的实践借鉴和启迪意义。  相似文献   

The new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing has posed new requirements for the development of human rights theory in China. Innovation is the impetus and vitality for the development of human rights theory and is required for the study of human rights in terms of its content, method, and form. Coordination is the social basis for the development of human rights theory in contemporary China and human rights theory can be scientific and persuasive through coordination of the interests of all parties concerned. Green is the natural basis for the development of human rights theory in contemporary China and human rights theory can have rich connotations and far-reaching impact through ecological protection and environmental control. Openness is the international vision for the development of human rights theory in contemporary China and the international influence of human rights theory in contemporary China can be increased constantly through international exchange and dialogue on human rights theory. Sharing is the value pursuit for the development of human rights theory in contemporary China and human rights should be jointly constructed and shared by the entire people in an all-round way.  相似文献   

Child well-being is a required goal for public child welfare. Despite this requirement, there continues to be no systematic inclusion of child well-being indicators in administrative data, particularly for children remaining in the home. This brief commentary provides a rationale and suggested steps for moving toward inclusion of well-being indicators as a part of standard electronic record-keeping. Suggested operationalized elements for inclusion in electronic records are offered as well as suggestions for linkage across systems to begin to capture elements of the outcome of well-being automatically. Limitations and barriers are discussed as well as present policy changes that may provide support for this endeavor.  相似文献   

结合辽宁省公安厅的实践经验,从教师教育研究的角度分析公安院校教师“随岗训练”模式,提出这项训练开创了公安院校教师教育的有效模式,探索了公安院校教师专业成长的必要条件,为建设新型公安院校教师教官队伍提供了策略参考.  相似文献   

"两个证据规定"的颁行,推动着我国刑事诉讼制度的进一步完善和发展。《非法证据排除规定》确立了非法证据的排除程序,明确了检察机关的证明责任。检察机关承担非法证据排除的证明责任有着坚实的基础,但为了诉讼的有效进行,应将检察机关对侦查机关的指导、制约和监督提至侦查行为开始时,且二者之间的关系应进行重新定位,这将会给我国现有的检警模式带来不小的冲击和影响。  相似文献   

"恶善报应"是中国各民族民间童话故事中一个"永恒"的主题.本文系统地考察了民间童话故事中"恶善报应"的层次结构,并从哲学、美学、心理学、社会学等方面对其进行了多侧面、多角度的分析评述.  相似文献   

近年来,我国跨境电子商务飞速发展,已经形成了一定的产业集聚和交易规模,电商人才的拼抢空前激烈。在这个大背景下,各大院校纷纷探索跨境电商人才的培养模式和最佳途径。通过对阿里巴巴速卖通——国际淘宝卖家后台的模板设计进行分析,并将速卖通实操课程引入高职院校,将有助于对专业学生跨境电子商务职业能力的深度培养。  相似文献   

对我国刑法的女性主义思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从女性主义的角度看,我国刑法一方面体现了对女性的尊重:设置了一系列的罪名惩罚对女性的犯罪,平等的保护所有的女性,尊重女性生育的选择权等;另一方面在立法者的潜意识里,存在着歧视女性的倾向:女性是弱者,只有女性(包括儿童)才能被拐卖、被收买,只有女性才能被强奸。文章对以上两方面进行了分析,并提出了修改刑法的有关建议。  相似文献   

Dissatisfaction with residential programs and the influence of the normalization principle have led to the development of many community-based programs for mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed and delinquent youths. Unfortunately, these programs have not generally been much more effective than their residential counterparts in preparing their children for worthwile and productive lives in the community. In this paper, six areas are discussed as important for successful community programs and proposed as targets for future prevention, education and treatment efforts. These include the family, sexuality, leisure activities, social and interpersonal skills, specific suggestions for both prevention and remediation efforts are discussed.  相似文献   

美国反恐怖预警机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反恐怖预警机制是参与反恐怖预警工作的职能部门、相关组织和个人就反恐怖预警工作有效运行所形成的相互关系的总称。反恐怖预警机制有内部预警机制和外部预警机制两种类型。反恐怖预警机制包括组织建设、组织运行、组织保障三个结构性方面。"9.11事件"之后美国从组织建设、组织运行等方面大刀阔斧地改革了执法和情报部门,提升了反恐怖情报建设和预警工作的地位。  相似文献   

基于收入差别的农村公共服务需求偏好与满意度研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以收入差别为逻辑起点,对当前我国农村公共服务需求偏好进行研究发现:现阶段我国农村养老、子女教育和医疗保障服务的需求愿望较为强烈,且生活类公共服务需求愿望强于生产类公共服务需求;随着收入的增加,保障型公共服务需求递减,发展型公共服务需求递增;在农村公共服务满意度方面,高收入群体对公共服务的满意度总体上高于低收入群体。这一研究发现蕴涵三方面的公共政策取向:一是当前完善农村公共服务体系的重点是公众需求强烈的子女教育、医疗保障、养老等基本民生领域;二是在对农村公共服务供给结构组合中,优先保证公众生活类公共服务需求,同时尽力满足公众发展型公共服务需求;三是在农村公共服务供给项目选择上,优先保证低收入群体的公共服务需求。  相似文献   

Using a developmental-contextual framework, the present study investigated risk factors for same- and cross-gender sexual harassment victimization in 986 middle school students. Participants completed questionnaires in the fall and spring of the same school year so risk factors could be explored longitudinally. Results revealed that gender differences existed for same- and cross-gender forms of harassment. While girls reported more instances of receiving same- and cross-gender unwanted sexual attention, boys were more likely to report being victims of same-gender gender harassment. Important differences in risk factors also existed. Being bullied in the fall and feeling disconnected from school were risk factors for same-gender victimization but not for cross-gender victimization. Romantic relationship status, which was a significant risk factor for both same- and cross-gender victimization, was qualified by significant gender interactions. Results are explained through a developmental-contextual lens and implications for intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Dongtao Qi 《当代中国》2012,21(78):973-991
Mainstream views in China tend to believe that lower popular support for the DPP shown in the 2008 presidential election indicates parallel declining support for the Taiwan Independence Movement (TIM). However, this study shows that during the DPP administration of 2000–2008, popular support for the DPP and the TIM has become divergent: at the aggregate level, popular support for the DPP has generally declined since 2000, but that for the TIM has actually increased and then remained stable; at the individual level, Taiwanese people's dissatisfaction with the DPP administration significantly reduced their support for the DPP in 2008, but had no independent effect on their nationalist sentiment. Further analysis of the TIM's support base shows that the supposedly pro-status-quo pan-blue camp actually provided an increasing number of Taiwanese nationalists, which stabilized popular Taiwanese nationalism and weakened the DPP's monopoly of it.  相似文献   

根据“联合国妇女十年”的要求,韩国于1983年建立了“韩国妇女发展机构,”附设在政府的健康和福利部之下。第四次世界妇女大会后,韩国顺应建立和加强提高妇女地位国家机制的国际潮流,建立和完善了韩国政府的性别平等部和性别政策国家机制,将社会性别关注纳入政府政策制定和执行的主流,并不断提高国家机制的权威性、执行力、影响力和效力,有效地推动了韩国的性别平等事业和社会的可持续发展。韩国提高妇女地位的机制和推行社会性别主流化的模式,1999年被联合国妇女发展基金(UNIFEM)遴选为执行《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》(CEDAW)最佳的7个方式之一。其经验和做法可为中国加强和完善提高妇女地位的国家机制提供参考。  相似文献   

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