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Book notes∗     
Financing the United Nations System, The Brookings Institution, 291 Washington, D.C., 1964, pp. 306, $ 6.75.

I controlli sul potere, Vallecchi, Florence, 1967, pp. 163, Lit. 1.500.

La Nato, problemi e prospettive, Giuffrè, Milan, 1967, pp. 304, Lit. 3.000.

Latin American Trade Patterns, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1965, pp. 324, $ 6.00.

Sciences Humaines et Intégration Europeenne, A. W. Synthoff, Leiden, 1961, pp. 423, n.p.g.

Bechhoeffer, Bernhard G., Postwar Negotiations for Arms Control, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1961, pp. 598, $ 1.50.

Brown Robert T., Transport and the Economic Integration of South America, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1966, pp. 278, $ 6.00.

Brugmans Henri, L'idée europeenne 1918–1966, De Tempel, Tem‐pelhof, 1966, pp. 316, n.p.g.

Buerstedde Sigismund, Der Ministerrat im konstitutionellen System der Europädischen Gemeinschaften, De Tempel, Bruges, 1964, pp. 232, n.p.g.

Camps Miriam, European Unification in the Sixties, from the Veto to the Crisis, McGraw‐Hill Book Company, New York, p. 273, n.p.g.

Ch'afen Jerome, Mao Tse‐tung e la rivoluzione cinese, Sansoni, Florence, 1966, pp. 477, Lit. 2.000.

Cognard Pierre, Le déft scientifique et technologique américain, Centre de recherches Européennes, Lausanne,’ 1967, pp. 42, n.p.g.

Comunità Europea del Carbone e dell'Acciaio ‐ Alta Autorità, 15a Re‐lazione generate sulla attività della Comunità (1° febbraio 1966–31 gennaio 1967), Luxembourg, 1967, pp. 441, Lt. 1.870.

Fortuna Franco, Commercio internazionale, lineamenti tecnico‐eco‐nomici, Giuffrè Editore, Milan, 1967, pp. 423, Lit. 4.000.

Frankel Charles, The Neglected Aspect of Foreign Affairs, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1965, pp. 147, $ 5.00.

Heilbrunn Otto, Conventional Warfare in the Nuclear Age, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, 1965, pp. 143, 21s.

Heraud Guy, Popoli e lingue d'Europa, Ferro Edizioni, Milan, 1966,. pp. 409, Lit. 4.200.

Horowitz Irving Louis, Il giuoco della guerra, Feltrinelli, Milan, 1967, pp. 401, Lit. 4.000.

Johnson Harry G., Economic Policies Toward Less Developed Countries, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. 1967, pp. 248, $ 6.75.

Lefever Ernest W., Crisis in the Congo: A U.N. Force in Action, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1965, pp. 200, n.p.g.

Marcuse Herbert, L'uomo a una dimensione, l'ideologia della so‐ 295 cietà industriale avanzata, Einaudi, Turin, 1967, pp. 266, Lit. 1.000.

Partito Repubblicano Italiano, L'Italia e la non proliferazione delle armi nucleari 1965–1967 (libro bianco), 1967 .

Pennisi Giuseppe, L'associazione Cee‐Sama: un esame critico, Qua‐derni d'Africa n. 6, Casa editrice Pietro Cairoli, Como, 1967, pp. 92, Lit. 800.

Robock Stefan H., Brazil's Developing Northeast: A Study of Regional Planning and Foreign Aid, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1963, pp. 201, $ 2.00.

Russell Ruth B., United Nations Experience with Military Forces: Political and Legal Aspects, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1964, pp. 162, $ 1.00.

Sapin Burton M., The Making of United States Foreign Policy, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1966, pp. 380, $ 7.50.

Schmid Karl, Aspetti psicologici dell'unificazione europea, Edizioni Ferro, Milan, 1966, pp. 230, Lit. 2.800.

The World Almanac 1967, Newspaper Enterprise Association, Inc., New York, 1966, pp. 912, $ 1.65.

Ulam Adam B., Lenin e il suo tempo, Vallecchi, Florence, 1967, pp. 1020, 2 volumi, Lit. 2.000.

Westwood Andrew F., Foreign Aid in a Foreign Policy Framework, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1966, pp. 106, $ 1.95.

Van Gestel M.‐B. editor, Walter Hallstein, Bibliographie seiner Veröffentlichungen, J. Reekmans and Zonen, Louvain, 1965, pp. 49, n.p.g.  相似文献   

Books notes∗     
AA. VV., Cycle de conferences sur le développement economique, 371 OCDE, Paris, 1961, pp. 138, F. 25.

AA. VV., Droit communautaire et droit national, Community law and national law, De Tempel, Tempelhof, Bruges, 1965, pp. 400, n.p.g.

AA. VV., Fiscal Harmonization in Common Markets, Columbia University Press, New York, 1962, 2 voll., pp. 1.092.

Andreis Mario, L'Africa e la Comunità Economica Europea, Einaudi, Torino, 1967, pp. 374, Lit. 3.000.

AA. VV., La Germania antinazista (R.D.T.), La Nuova Italia, Roma, 1967, pp. 250, Lit. 3.000.

Angiolini Alfredo, Socialismo e socialisti in Italia, Editori riuniti, Roma, 1966, pp. 416, ed. fuori comm.

Baade H. C. Fritz, Exportations et recettes invisibles en Turquie, OCDE, Paris, 1961, pp. 134, n.p.g.

Calogero La Malfa Luisa, Ceccarini Ennio (A cura di), Contra la proliferazione Internationale, Edizioni della Voce, Roma, 1967, 373 pp. 297, Lit. 1.500.

Banca D'italia, Assemblea generale ordinaria dei partecipanti, anno 1966, Roma, 1967, 2 voll., pp. 543, n.p.g.

Del Bo Dino, Verso un nuovo assolutismo?, Vallecchi editore, Firenze, 1967, pp. 149, Lit. 1.800.

Department of Information of South Africa (Published by the), Ethiopia and Liberia Versus South Africa, Pretoria, 1966, pp. 306, n.p.g.

Di Fabio Marcello, L'acquisto immobiliare dello straniero, Edizioni Porziuncola, Assisi, 1967, pp. 253, n.p.g.

Dinerstein S. Herbert, Soviet Policy in Latin America, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, n.p.g.

Hayek Friedrich A., L'abuso della ragione, Vallecchi, Firenze, 1967, pp. 255, Lit. 1.000.

Hayward Max. (Translated and edited by) On Trial, The Soviet State versus “Abram Tertz” and “'Nikolai Arzhak”, Harper &; Row, New York, 1966, pp. 176, $ 4.95.

Inter‐American Development Bank, Proceedings. Seventh Meeting of the Board of Governors, Mexico, D.F., 1966, pp. 198, n.p.g. 375

Ionescu Ghita, L'avenir politique de l'Europe orientate, Futuribles Sedeis, Paris, 1967, pp. 372, F. 25.

Kindleberger Charles P., Lo sviluppo economico, Etas/Compass, Milano, 1967, pp. 519, Lit. 8.000.

Kolkowicz Roman, Soviet Party‐Military Relations: Contained Conflict, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, pp. 48, n.p.g.

Kolkowicz Roman, The Red “Hawkes” on the Rationality of Nuclear War, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, pp. 64, n.p.g.

Kolkowicz Roman, The Soviet Military and the Communist Party, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1967, pp. 349, $ 9.

Koppe Karlheinz, Das grüne E setzt sich durch, 20 Jahre Europa Union Deutschland 1946–1966, Europa Union Verlag, Köln, 1967, pp. 182, n.p.g.

Kuby Heinz, Défi a l'Europe, Éditions du Seuil, Collections esprit “Frontière ouverte”, Paris, 1967, pp. 346, n.p.g.

Kux Ernst, Dall'ongaro Giuseppe, Crisi nel Sud‐est asiatico, Ugo Bozzi Editore, Roma, 1967, pp. 273, Lit. 3.000.

La Palombara Joseph, Clientela e parentela, Studio sui gruppi d'in‐teresse in Italia, Edizioni di Comunità, Milano, 1967, pp. 391, Lit. 3.500.

Mannucci Cesare, La società di massa, Saggi di cultura contemporanei, Edizioni di Comunità, Milano, 1967, pp. 240, Lit. 2.000.

Mark Max, Beyond Sovereignty, Public Affairs Press, Washington, 1965, pp. 159, n.p.g.

Mcdougall Duncan M., Dernburg Thomas E., Macroeconomia, Etas/Compass, Milano, 1967, pp. 447, n.p.g.

Mendershausen Horst, Atlantica, Europa, Germania, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, pp. 63, n.p.g.

Menges Constantine C., Military Aspects of International Relations in the Developing Areas, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 378 1966, pp. 89, n.p.g.

Nichols R. T., The Common Market and European Unification, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1965, pp. 106, n.p.g.

Nobaaecourt Jacques, Une Histoire politique de l'armée. De Pétain à Pétain, 1919–1942, Éditions du Seuil, Paris, 1967, pp. 328, n.p.g.

Ocde, Les moyens financiers mis à disposition de pays moins développés, 1956–1963, Paris, 1964, pp. 139, F. 10.

Ohlin Goran, Réévaluation des politiques d'aide à l'étranger, OCDE, Paris, 1966, p. 112, n.p.g.

Pike Douglas, Viet Cong. The Organization and Techniques of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam, The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1966, pp. 474, $ 8.95.

Pirker Theo (Herausgegeben von), Die Moskauer Schauprozesse, 1936–1938, Deutscherr Taschenbuch Verkg, München, 1963, pp. 278, DM. 2,50.

Pirker Theo (Herausgegeben von), Utopie und Mythos der Weltre‐volution Zur Geschichte der Komintern, 1920–1940, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, München, 1964, pp. 296, n.p.g.

Planchais Jean, Une histoire politique de l'armée. De De Gaulle a De Gaulle, 1940–1967, Éditions du Seuil, Paris, 1967, pp. 376, n.p.g.

Prandi Alfonso, Religiosità e cultura nel ‘700 italiano, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1966, pp. 435, Lit. 5.000.

Rasch Harold, Die Bundesrepubtik und Osteuropa, Pahl‐Rugenstein Verlag, Köln, 1965, pp. 150, n.p.g.

Robinson Thomas W., A National Interest Analysis of Sino‐Soviet Relations, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, pp. 40, n.p.g.

Salisbury Harrison E., L'orbita della Cina, Bompiani, Milano, 1967, pp. 216, Lit. 1.500.

Schurmann, Scott, Zelnik?, La politica dell'escalation nel Vietnam, Il Saggiatore, Milano, 1967, pp. 159, Lit. 1.400.

Speier Hans, Germany, The Continuing Challenge, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, pp. 36, n.p.g.

Trager N. Frank, Why Viet Nam, Praeger, New York, 1966, pp. 216, $ 4,95.

Ufficio Stampa Delle Acli (a cura dell'), Lo scandalo delle Acli. I commenti della stampa al X Congresso Nazionale, Roma, 1967, pp. 214, n.p.g.

United Nations, The United Nations and Disarmament, 1945–1965, New York, pp. 232, n.p.g.

Weinstein Ellen K., The Soviets Try, Try Again. The Soviet Economy and the “New Reforms”, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, pp. 11, n.p.g.

Wolfe Thomas W., The Evolving Nature of the Warsaw Pact, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1965, pp. 28, n.p.g.

Wolfe Thomas W., Soviet Military Power and European Security, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, pp. 42, n.p.g.

Wolfe Thomas W., The Soviet Union and Arms Control, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, pp. 40, n.p.g.

Van B. Cleveland Harold, The Atlantic Idea and Its European Rivals, McGraw‐Hill, New York, 1966, pp. 170, n.p.g.  相似文献   



“Language as a model! To rethink everything through once again in terms of linguistics! What is surprising, it would seem, is only that no one ever thought of doing so before ... (Jameson 1972, p. viii)

“The deeper justification for the use of the linguistic model or metaphor ... lies in the concrete character of the social life of the so‐called advanced countries today, which offer the spectacle of a world from which nature as such has been eliminated, a world saturated with messages and information, whose intricate commodity network may be seen as the very prototype of a system of signs. There is therefore a profound consonance between linguistics as a method and that systematized and disembodied nightmare which is our culture today.” (Jameson 1972, p. ix)  相似文献   


This paper draws on the guerrilla warfare literature so as to synthesize and to describe the dynamics of the initial stages of a guerrilla war against an established government. It combines two classical economic models, the Solow growth model and the Ricardian model of economic rents, with two classic studies of guerrilla warfare by T. E. Lawrence and by Mao Tse‐tung. The transitional stages of the guerrilla warfare are modeled as conflict over control of the real line. Four different Ricardian distribution functions describe the country: the resources the guerrillas can extract from territory under their control; the porosity of the country, indicating the guerrilla's ability to obtain weapons; the government's ability to tax; and the mobility the guerrillas. Depending on initial conditions, the course of the guerrilla war could take one of several paths. One is a direct movement to a stable equilibrium independent of the initial conditions. Another is a situation in which for the guerrillas to make a successful transition to the second stage via the dynamics of the process they have to reach a certain critical level of capability. Finally, the third path involves cyclical motion, with alternating positions of the guerrillas and the government in the evolution of the war. This model, while simple, appears to be consistent with the historical pattern of guerrilla wars, a key parameter in the model being porosity.  相似文献   

If contemporary terrorism is assumed to be increasing in lethality, and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) weapons theoretically are assumed to provide interested groups with the ability to achieve a higher kill ratio per incident, why have terrorist organizations, specifically those seeking to produce large amounts of casualties, continued to predominantly employ conventional weapon systems instead of chemical and biological ones? Not negating the possibility of such occurrences, I found that missions and groups specifically seeking to produce large amounts of casualties will prefer employing conventional weapons systems, while others predominantly focusing on inciting fear, panic and general disruption – regardless of the amount of resultant casualties, may be more tempted to use unconventional weapons.  相似文献   

State leaders must often address domestic and foreign-policy concerns simultane-ously, though doing so can be complicated and risky. One way in which leaders can seek to satisfy domestic demands and pursue foreign policy goals simultaneously is by implementing policies that complement one another; i.e., the implementation of one policy influences the ease with which the other policy can be implemented. For instance, one manner in which leaders can placate domestic audiences is via distributive policies such as social insurance payments that provide economic security to individuals. By providing economic security guarantees, leaders may gain greater discretion over other policy areas, including foreign policy. However, while the social insurance effort may satisfy an audience and enable a leader to take foreign- policy action, especially high payment levels may indicate that a leader must devote an inordinate portion of his budget to domestic concerns, making foreign policy more difficult to implement. Thus, guarantees of economic security might provide leaders with greater foreign policy latitude until domestic expenditures reach sufficient levels that foreign-affairs budgets are reduced. We employ zero-inflated event count models to estimate the relationship between social-insurance levels and the number of Militarized Interstate Disputes in which states engage. Our analyses include 69 states between 1975 and 1990. Our models support the hypothesis that lower levels of social insurance lead to greater numbers of disputes, but that, after a certain level of insurance effort is passed, dispute involvement declines. Our findings suggest a differential effect of social insurance on a leader's ability to act in the foreign policy arena and support the notion that leaders may employ the welfare state to enhance their foreign-policy capabilities, though they appear to meet with conditional and limited success.  相似文献   


The international studies literature often refers to the “level of analysis problem.” This paper points out that what has often passed for a single problem actually consists of at least three separate issues: the use of aggregate data to make ecological inferences in statistical analyses; the definition of primitive units in international relations theory; and the identification of the effects of systems on their individual constituent units. The paper goes on to show that some of the problems that have been discussed under the “level of analysis” rubric can be better understood if each of these different issues is considered separately.  相似文献   

This article focuses on British intelligence in China, Japan, and Korea from the end of the Second World War to the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950. It seeks to ascertain whether the collection of secret intelligence and its subsequent interpretation provided an accurate picture of Soviet and local communist intentions in East Asia. Since the war against Japan began, the region was largely an American responsibility and remained so after 1945 when they occupied Japan, Korea below the 38th parallel, and sent forces to China. Much of the intelligence effort for East Asia also devolved upon the Americans. Yet, the British retained an intelligence interest there not least because of their extensive commercial assets in China and the region's proximity to Britain's imperial position in Southeast Asia. That interest gathered pace after growing Communist threats inside China and Korea. However, the available intelligence resources for the Far East as a whole were scarce, making it difficult to piece together a clear picture of fast moving events in East Asia.  相似文献   

While calling for the de‐paradigming of political science and an end to blind confidence in science and reason, post‐modernists announce not the absence of paradigm, not an era of intellectual chaos, tolerance, and pluralism, but rather the advent of an entirely new paradigm dramatically at odds with all those paradigmatic fragments which, today, identify political science. The philosophical, epistemological and methodological elements of a post‐modem perspective are presented here as they were originally formulated in the humanities and it is argued that a mutually reinforcing, coherent, and integrated bundle of propositions emerges. The resulting totality when applied to political science constitutes an inescapable logic where assumptions follow, one from the other, and the unity of the whole is difficult to challenge without moving outside the entire framework.

If this novel approach constitutes a new paradigm rather than an end to all paradigms, as is argued here, then important consequences for the future follow. On the other hand, permanent confrontation and enduring conflict are likely to result if post‐modernist political scientists hold to a purity of conviction and decline all compromise with established modes of political inquiry. On the other hand, a willingness to compromise and seek accommodation could jeopardize the internal intellectual logic and rigour of post‐modern political science, opening it up to justifiable criticism.  相似文献   

This study challenges the conventional wisdom that the Internet is a reliable source of operational knowledge for terrorists, allowing them to train for terrorist attacks without access to real-world training camps and practical experience. The article distinguishes between abstract technical knowledge (what the Greeks called techne) and practical, experiential knowledge (mētis), investigating how each helps terrorists prepare for attacks. This distinction offers insight into how terrorists acquire the practical know-how they need to perform their activities as opposed to abstract know-what contained in bomb-making manuals. It also underscores the Internet's limitations as a source of operational knowledge for terrorists. While the Internet allows militants to share substantial techne, along with religious and ideological information, it is not particularly useful for disseminating the experiential and situational knowledge terrorists use to engage in acts of political violence. One likely reason why Al Qaeda and other Islamist terrorists have not made better use of the Internet's training potential to date is that its value as a source of operational knowledge of terrorism is limited.  相似文献   

Interpersonal communication is widely viewed as both a source of conflict in many social relationships and a cure-all for resolving such conflict. Some theorists assert that we simply do not interact, or talk, enough in modern society; others point out that our communication styles seem increasingly argumentative, exclude important potential contributors, or are strategically facile but shallow. The author discusses the various forms of dysfunctional talk in which people engage, then reviews four recent books, all of which focus (at least in part) on how we might talk (and negotiate) with one another more constructively: Bargaining for Advantage, by G. Richard Shell; Winning 'Em Over, by Jay C. Conger; Difficult Conversations, by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton and Sheila Heen; and The Magic of Dialogue by Daniel Yankelovich.  相似文献   

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