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《中华人民共和国公务员法》第12条规定了公务员的忠诚义务。公务员忠诚义务兼具伦理道德和法律的双重属性,是一种制度性的忠诚,约束公务员的一切与职务相关的行为。公务员违反忠诚于宪法和法律的义务,应予以追究道义、行政和法律上的责任。  相似文献   

夫妻忠诚协议:价值认知与效力判断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夫妻忠诚协议是亲属法中的前沿问题。不仅学界对其性质界定莫衷一是,就连司法界对其效力判断也南辕北辙。为衡平“夫妻忠诚协议”当事人的利益,矫正认识误区,统一司法实践中的效力判断标准,有必要对夫妻忠诚协议进行价值认知、性质界定,它将有助于夫妻忠诚协议纠纷的顺畅审理,促进婚姻的和谐及社会的稳定。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):359-376

This study examines some of the ways in which correctional officers construct, communicate, and defend a shared account of inmate identity in a maximum-security prison. Through sensemaking activities embodied in informal conversational routines, correctional officers produce a working understanding of the prisoner that is a central element in the reproduction of social control in the prison. The data suggest that challenges to the dominant assumptions embodied in key sensemaking categories may be met by a variety of defensive strategies. These strategies are embedded in the informal conversational routines of the group. Through the selective use of official records, by reframing tolerance as a social control strategy, and through participation in acts of ritual insubordination, correctional officers maintain a working understanding of the inmate that is demeaning, derogatory, and ultimately stereotypical. This research contributes to our understanding of occupational culture in the justice system, and to a fuller appreciation of sensemaking processes in formal organizations.  相似文献   

"榜样的力量是无穷的"、"向某某学习"是我们道德教育中惯常采用的教育方式.但榜样的确立、思想的宣传和教育影响的施加,并不总是能使受教育者产生教育者所期望的教育效果.人是既有"灵明"也有"堕落"的"双面性"和"居间性"的.榜样教育的确立及其理想教育效果的取得,既要确立真实的形象动之以情,更需要认识的奠定晓之以理和制度的约束导之以行,坚持正面引导和负面防堵相结合,并以制度平台的搭建为道德教育实施的要务,把对人的教育管理纳入法治的轨道.  相似文献   

The killings of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and others have instigated widespread debate concerning the ethics and politics of police behavior toward young black men in America. In this article, I show how Josiah Royce’s philosophy of loyalty provides a useful theoretical framework for diagnosing and working to overcome strained relations between police and black citizens in the United States. I begin by establishing the relevance of Royce’s thought to the realm of police ethics. Then, I argue that Royce’s notion of loyalty to loyalty is a useful and powerful lens through which we can examine the practice of police discretion, particularly as it comes to bear on racial profiling and use of force. I conclude by offering what I regard as Roycean recommendations aimed at ameliorating the fractured relationship between police and blacks in America today.  相似文献   

In this article, it is demonstrated that a dichotomy exists between wider societal movements to develop communication between individuals and among institutions and management practices within a young offenders institution. The principle aim of the article is to illustrate how young offenders are being systematically denied the opportunity to socially interact with others at an appropriate level. The significance of social exchange for these prisoners and how they achieve this is highlighted. The article concludes by suggesting some recommendations in relation to communication within young offenders institutions.  相似文献   

李燕 《现代法学》2008,30(1):121-128
集中管理模式之下的公司董事具有相当大的权力,股东与董事之间难免会产生代理成本,为此法律规定了董事对公司和股东负有信托义务。信托义务主要包括注意义务和忠实义务。我国现行《公司法》对董事忠实义务的规定不够完善,建议我国《公司法》扩大董事忠实义务责任主体的范围,规定举证责任分配,归入权的具体行使主体、行使方式、行使期限等。  相似文献   

The key issue of this paper is that Professor Jackson's attempt to shednew light on the notion of literal meaning is both stimulating andunconvincing. On the one hand he is perfectly right when he tries todraw attention to the shortcomings which affect most of the longstandingtheories about legal interpretation. In fact, his essay is based on thefooting that interpretation is under-determined by semantic rules andconventions. From such a point of view, as both rule-scepticism and thesemantic conception are old fashioned and unsound, we need acomprehensive theory of textual structures. On the other hand, however,Professor Jackson concedes too much to rule-scepticism with hisnarrative approach. Furthermore, his too sharp opposition between themodern Western model of law, mainly a written law where so-called``literal meaning' is of the greatest importance (at least on anideological ground), and the model of early Biblical law, where themeaning stems from the social context, does not hold completely. It iseasy to find legal systems, for instance the later rabbinic law, whichneither of Jackson's two models can explain, since the reality of law isfar more complex than we believe.  相似文献   

任何社会中,对因个人争端而引起的冲突存在着不同的解决途径。诉讼仅是由避免发展到暴力等诸多可能性的一种选择。解决争端的多样性以及任一文化中存在的多种社会制约力的选择,使得人们把自己的理想、对自身的透视以及各种关系的特质与他人联系起来。它们表明,人们是希望避免冲突、抑或鼓励冲突,是克制抑或友好解决。在解决争端的过程中,最基本的社会价值得以最终体现。——杰罗德·思·奥尔巴克,《没有法律的公正?》(纽约:牛津大学出版社,1983),第3—4页一、引言任一社会为解决争端而建立的各项制度,其性质、结构和运作都是对该社会的文化、哲学、世界观以及社会模式和经济政治组织的一种反映。众所周知,在中国传统社会中,人们对普通的民事纠纷采取的解决途径更多的是调解而非诉讼,调解的原理及实践深受儒家思想的影响,调解制度迎合、满足了传统社会的各种需要。而这种社会则以小农经济、社会裙带结构、松散的中央集权统治模式以及强调社会稳定而非经  相似文献   

调解、诉讼与公正——对现代自由社会和儒家传统的反思   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
陈弘毅 《现代法学》2001,23(3):3-14
调解作为一种解决纷争的做法和制度 ,是我国传统法律文化尤其是儒家法律文化的重要部分。在现代法治社会中 ,调解否已经过时 ?本文首先介绍中国的调解传统的哲学基础、理论和实践 ,然后从现代自由主义和法治理想的角度 ,对传统的调解提出批判。本文进而指出 ,调解在当代的中国以至西方仍有顽强的生命力 ,西方学者对调解作为“解决纠纷的另类选择”之一提出了多种理论依据 ,其中不少与儒家传统的睿见不谋而合。本文的结论是 ,经过“创造性转化”后的调解理论与实践能对现代文明作出贡献 ,由此可见 ,传统文化遗产在现代仍是十分宝贵和有用的资源。  相似文献   

The relationship between the sovereign debt of developing countriesand the protection of social rights in those countries has receiveda lot of attention from an economic, political and moral perspective,but relatively little has been written about the legal sideof this relationship. This article addresses the underlyingissues from three different angles. First of all, it analyseswhat is and could be the role of international social rightsobligations in the context of debt repayment policies and decisions,and how conflicts between social rights protection and contractualrepayment obligations can and should be resolved under internationallaw. A second issue is what the protection of social rightsin national constitutions might add to the discussion, particularlywith regard to the justiciability of social rights. Thirdly,it will be examined whether and how social rights can be usedas a defence in proceedings for debt repayment.  相似文献   

Purpose. In this commentary, I will take a closer look at Youngs and Canter's (2011) paper on narrative roles in offending and examine the ideas underpinning their study and its methodology. Methods. I briefly overview some important theoretical ideas within the area of narrative research and highlight a number of unresolved and crucial issues. I then summarize the Youngs and Canter paper, concentrating on explicating its findings and identifying the major assumptions underpinning the study. Finally, I critically examine the paper in light of narrative research and theory. Result. There are three classes of problems evident in the paper, which map onto issues evident within the broader field of narrative theory and research. These problems are definitional vagueness, lack of clarity concerning the nature of the self and its relationship to narrative roles, and methodological problems involving reliability and validity. Conclusion. The Youngs and Canter paper makes an important contribution to the application of narrative theory to the forensic and correctional areas although there are some areas of weakness.  相似文献   

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