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论国际金融衍生交易的法律监管   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董石 《中国司法》2004,(6):76-78
在目前的国际金融市场上,既能规避风险又能导致风险的金融衍生工具,本身是一把“双刃剑”。尽管没有一种金融业务像衍生工具那样自出生就招致如此多的麻烦,但仍阻挡不了全球金融业对它的向往。因为衍生交易创造了空前繁荣和膨胀的金融市场,并且在很大程度上改变了传统银行体系的经营范畴和交易规则。目前,对一些大型银行来说,衍生交易业务规模大有取代传统存贷业务规模之势,而成为商业银行、投资银行和信托投资公司的主导业务。但是,面对着国际  相似文献   

The near-total collapse in numbers of solicitors providing legal advice and assistance to publicly-funded clients attempting to settle private family law issues through mediation since the legal aid reforms implemented in 2013 raises important questions about how, if at all, clients in mediation can receive legal information and advice other than from lawyers in financial cases following divorce. This article explores, in a preliminary way, this aspect of mediation practice, drawing on small-scale qualitative data from a study conducted shortly prior to the legal aid reforms concerning the settlement of such cases. It explores how mediators then approached their (permissible) function of providing clients with legal information and how they dealt with cases where they felt that the proposed outcome was particularly unfair to one party or unlikely to be endorsed by a court, and asks how mediation practice – and legal practice – may come under pressure to change in this brave new world.  相似文献   

关于国际医疗援助中相关法律问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虽然和平与发展已成为世界的主流,但日益加剧的地区冲突和突发自然灾害引发的严重平民伤亡未能完全幸免,立足于人道主义的国际医疗援助亦方兴未艾。然而,由于各国在政治、经济、文化传统以及民族特性等方面均存在着多样性和差异性,加之援助国与受援国间存在不可避免的利益目标的冲突,国际医疗援助在如此特殊条件下开展工作,势必会遇到一系列的法律冲突。分析国际医疗援助的现状和组织机构,探讨国际医疗援助中应遵循的法律原则和当前国际医疗援助面临的法律障碍和解决对策,具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

Evolving technologies have created many exciting opportunities to increase the availability of legal information, and to facilitate the organization and publication of this information. With the globalization of almost all legal issues, increased access to primary and secondary resources in electronic format across jurisdictional lines has been a welcomed development by academics, lawyers, international business entities, and others. However, the myriad of legal systems and approaches to maintaining legislative and judicial records has led to a host of challenges in regard to coherent and efficient management of legal information. Focusing on development of legal information systems in China and the United States, this paper will open with a summary of the exciting current and emerging technological advances in legal research methodologies and in the electronic publication of cases, statutes, regulations and other critical resources. The paper will then analyze corresponding challenges, including authenticity, accuracy, currency and consistency. The analysis will include discussion of the varying quality of legal information resources proliferating in the Internet, as well as the host of issues surrounding electronic publishing of legal information by government entities and commercial enterprises. The paper will conclude with a prospective analysis of the manner in which emerging technologies can enhance knowledge management of legal information and strengthen legal systems in both common law and civil law jurisdictions.  相似文献   

医疗卫生信息化已纳入"十三五"国家网络安全和信息化建设重点,将实现重点突破[1].在医院投入大量人力、物力、财力进行医院软、硬件建设的同时,信息人员的法律风险成了管理者的课题.通过司法案例梳理医院信息人员面临的法律风险,以期在医院信息管理方面提出相应的管理建议.  相似文献   

论金融全球化趋势下的中国金融法律问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
贺小勇 《法学论坛》2000,15(4):42-50
进入21世纪后,金融业的发展趋于全球化,其主要特征是金融国际化、金融自由化、金融交易规则统一化、金融政策协调国际化、金融市场一体化、金融资本虚拟化、金融信息全球化等等.金融全球化的同时,发展中国家的金融风险与日俱增,亚洲金融危机的一个重要成因就是金融全球化与不健全的金融监管体制、未成熟的金融自由化相结合所致.随着金融全球化的加强,当代金融危机呈现出隐敝性、突发性、攻击立体化、国际传导性等新特点.因此,中国参与金融全球化必须构筑与之相适应的金融监管法律体系.当前,尤其要加强金融市场准入、金融机构的市场退出、债转股与外债管理、信息披露及金融决策透明度、打击金融网络犯罪方面的法律完善.  相似文献   

作为中国经济发展的核心,中国银行业如何抓住机遇、应对挑战,将成为中国经济提升的关键,而金融信息化和信息网络化是中国银行业顺利转型、迅速与世界金融体系接轨的必经之路。信息和网络技术的推广应用给人们带来方便的同时,利用信息网络技术犯罪也在迅速增长。  相似文献   

Tensions and occasional overt defiance of international courts suggest that compliance with international regimes is not a self-evident choice for domestic judges. I develop a formal theory of domestic judicial defiance in which domestic and supranational judges vie for jurisprudential authority in a non-hierarchical setting. The model emphasises the role of domestic non-compliance costs and power asymmetries in determining the conduct of domestic and international judges. I argue that the EU represents a special case of a particularly effective international regime. Weak domestic courts have little to gain from an escalated conflict with the European court of Justice. But even domestic judicial superpowers like the German Federal Constitutional Court have strong incentives to seek mutual accommodation with European judges. The analysis also yields new insights into concepts, such as “judicial dialogue” and “constitutional pluralism” that have featured prominently in the legal literature, and suggests new hypotheses for empirical research.  相似文献   

The article examines the way that courts and legislatures in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada and Australia have answered questions regarding the legal status of a fetus. These questions have arisen in a variety of legal situations: the article deals with succession, criminal, child protection and negligence law. The conclusion offered is that a fetus has a value and an existence that the law should recognise. This does not mean, however, that in all circumstances the law should protect the interests of the fetus. Law-makers will respond differently to claims made on behalf of a fetus, depending on the context. The fetus does not have a uniform value or character in the eyes of the law. The law makes choices as to the situations in which it will take account of actual or threatened antenatal harm.  相似文献   

温树斌 《法学论坛》2000,15(2):100-104
本文以国际条约、国内立法、仲裁实践和学者们的著述为基础,从当事人意思自治原则、仲裁地国法的适用、当事人行为能力的法律适用和裁决执行地法等四个方面论述了国际商事仲裁协议法律适用的有关规则,以便为正确判定仲裁协议的有效性提供指导意见.  相似文献   

李本 《法学论坛》2012,(5):94-98
随着《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》(ECFA)的签署,其对海峡两岸区域金融合作的法律支撑效应尽显。从法律定位角度分析,ECFA不仅涵盖两岸货物贸易、服务贸易(含金融服务),还涉及投资内容,完全符合世界贸易组织(WTO)认可的"深度PTA"特征。从金融合作的实质内容来看,ECFA在金融方面的全面渗透,广泛合作的态势对金融监管提出了严峻的挑战,要求两岸在监管方面也必须配套广泛性和协同性。截止目前,ECFA框架尚未达成解决解决争端的救济模式,但考虑以政治性、法律程序性混合机制公允、灵活解决争端应成为题中应有之义。  相似文献   

消费信息不对称的法律规制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
消费信息不对称的本质是消费者与生产经营者的利益、个体利益与社会整体利益之间的对立、冲突。解决消费者与生产经营者的利益矛盾需要民法从权利的创设和合同制度的建立健全等方面做出努力。同时 ,解决个体利益与社会整体利益的对立和冲突需要经济法中的市场规制法有所作为。  相似文献   

With over 36 million people now living with the virus and over 21 million people dying of AIDS in the last two decades, HIV/AIDS is a global health and security problem. These shocking figures eclipse the human toll of many wars, and reveal in themselves that human rights are not being respected, protected, or fulfilled, either through negligent omissions or violations. A human rights approach to the epidemic was advocated early by advocates such as Jonathan Mann, who recognized that infections thrived in conditions of inequality. This approach was crystallized in the International Guidelines on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights that were developed at the Second International Consultation in 1996 convened by UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Guidelines cover three main areas: improving governmental responses in terms of multisectoral responsibility and accountability; widespread law reform and legal support services; and supporting increased private sector and community participation in effective responses to the epidemic. This article focuses on the half of the twelve Guidelines that concern rights that are justiciable and amenable to law reform. It highlights the responsibilities of States Parties to human rights treaties, as they bear the principal burden of the obligations to implement.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of dynamic legal tradition on financial development. In line with the theory of “dynamic legal tradition” proposed by Beck et al. (Law, politics, and finance. World Bank, Washington, DC, 2001), political variables are employed in the analysis to assess whether these variables could affect the legal environment and hence financial development in countries with different adaptability. The empirical results from the panel data of 60 counties for the period 1980–2006, show that political power could change the legal environment, especially in common law countries, which in turn could affect the development of financial systems. The result demonstrates that political factors that promote shareholder rights greatly influence the development of financial system followed by political factors that promote investor protection.  相似文献   

由出租人与备用承租人签署备用租约在船舶融资租赁中十分普遍,但业界对其法律性质和风险缺乏明确和统一的认识。备用租约一般采用船舶融资租赁或光船租赁合同的形式,但其法律性质是光租合同、融资租赁合同抑或为保证则应根据备用承租人在备用租约下承担的义务和责任的具体内容确定,不能一概而论。  相似文献   

论人类基因及基因信息的法律地位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周琼 《科技与法律》2006,(3):113-117
明确人类基因及基因信息的法律地位是对其进行法律规制的前提。基因属于物质的范畴,而基因信息是一种信息,二者是构成世界的两种不同的元素,因此,在法律上需要对二者区别对待。基因在没有与特定的人体分离的时候,是身体权的客体;而当其与人体分离之后,则可以成为财产权的客体。基因信息可以分为整个人类共同所有的不具有差异性的基因信息、某一人类族群所共同拥有的基因信息和标志着个人特征的基因信息三类;前二者分别属于人类共同继承的财产和国家财产;第三类则既可以成为财产权的客体,又可以成为人格权中的隐私权的客体。  相似文献   

Economic Change and Restructuring - We investigate the determinants of financial performance of UK insurance companies based on their financial strength ratings. We use data from the A.M. Best...  相似文献   

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