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本文从伪满中央银行的产生、性质、职能角度研究伪满洲国的中央银行制度。伪满中央银行是在日本操纵下继承四行号业务基础上设立的,所谓"圆活金融、稳定币值、统治金融"不过是日本扩大对伪满洲国侵略与掠夺的手段与工具,其本质是实现日本的利益最大化。基于上述原因,伪满中央银行作为发币行和政府的银行之职能畸形膨胀,却无法承担集中存款准备、充当最后贷款人以及组织商业银行清算等"银行的银行"职能。  相似文献   

自1999年以来,欧洲中央银行和美联储频繁运用利率政策杠杆调控经济,他们的利率政策实践大体上经历了两个阶段:一是1999-2000年的逐步加息阶段。二是2001年以来的减息阶段,欧洲中央银行和美联储的货币政策目标不同,决策所面临的经济环境背景也不同。因此,尽管他们的利率政策走向大体上一致,但利率政策操作中体现的特点却不同,政策效果也不同。  相似文献   

  The so-called `Taiwan question' remains to be one of the most serious security issues in international politics. Although economic integration and cultural–scientific exchange between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland are intensifying, a future military conflict between the two sides can't be ruled out. The main obstacle for cross-Strait détente is the problem of Taiwanese sovereignty. This article argues that bilateral negotiations can't be brought back on track if they are not based on a conceptual framework that tackles Taiwanese sovereignty instead of avoiding it. By discussing some paradigmatic proposals made in recent years, it is held that the European experience of voluntary integration might serve as a suitable blueprint for a peaceful solution of the `Taiwan question'. The article pleads for a new EU Taiwan policy that is based on the promotion of integration between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. This policy should be actively pursued in all relevant international fora, especially in the context of ASEM and the EU-China summits.  相似文献   

浅论中东欧国家政治体制的欧盟化问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中东欧国家在上世纪80年代末发生剧变后,开始了其体制转轨。经过10多年的发展,在政治体制方面出现了与欧盟原有成员国的模式接近并趋同的过程,即欧盟化的过程。这种趋同既有中东欧国家自身的原因,又有欧盟的驱动和压力,欧盟对于中东欧国家的欧盟化过程提供了帮助和支持。当然,中东欧国家与欧盟原有成员国的模式相比仍有较大的差距。中东欧国家既面临本身机制转轨的压力,又面临加入欧盟的压力。这种双重压力在它们入盟后仍将继续存在,并影响其政治体制运行的质量和在欧盟中的地位。  相似文献   

This article uses ITERATE data on international terrorism 1968–2004 to test Rapoport's wave-like behavior of modern terrorism. While the interpretation encompasses a much longer period of time than can be tested empirically with readily available data, it is possible to examine the past 3–4 decades of terrorist activity for traces of the coming and going of old and new groups. The article codes the type of group (anarchists, nationalists, leftists/Marxists, and religious fundamentalists) and then examines the type of tactics employed, deaths, and targets across time. The results confirm the presence of heterogeneous, wave-like behavior that conforms to the Rapoport interpretation as new and old groups/tactics/issues cycle in and out of activity.  相似文献   

At the invitation of CAFIU, a 15-member delegation composed of representatives from Civil Association Polish House, Amicus Europe (Friends of Europe) Foundation of Poland, World Bridge Foundation of Hungary, Czech-China  相似文献   

This article introduces the most comprehensive dataset on de jure central bank independence (CBI), including yearly data from 182 countries between 1970 and 2012. The dataset identifies statutory reforms affecting CBI, their direction, and the attributes necessary to build the Cukierman, Webb and Neyapty index. Previous datasets focused on developed countries, and included non-representative samples of developing countries. This dataset’s substantially broader coverage has important implications. First, it challenges the conventional wisdom about central bank reforms in the world, revealing CBI increases and restrictions in decades and regions previously considered barely affected by reforms. Second, the inclusion of almost 100 countries usually overlooked in previous studies suggests that the sample selection may have substantially affected results. Simple analyses show that the associations between CBI and inflation, unemployment or growth are very sensitive to sample selection. Finally, the dataset identifies numerous CBI decreases (restrictions), whereas previous datasets mostly look at CBI increases. These data’s coverage not only allows researchers to test competing explanations of the determinants and effects of CBI in a global sample, but it also provides a useful instrument for cross-national studies in diverse fields, such as liberalization, diffusion, political institutions, democratization, or responses to financial crises.  相似文献   

2004年3月29日,爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、罗马尼亚、保加利亚等7个中东欧国家在华盛顿递交加入北约的法律文本,正式成为北约东扩计划出台后的第二批新成员。波兰、匈牙  相似文献   

Editor:At the invitation of CAFIU,a 14-member delegation formed by the representatives of the Civic Association Polish House,the Polish Friends of Europe Foundation,the Serbian Institute of International Politics and  相似文献   

Delegation involves both costs and benefits. That is to say that delegation is problematic as the principal and agent may have conflicting interests in any act of delegation. Related to this puzzle, I focus on the issue of democratic deficit in the European Central Bank (ECB) as a consequence of power delegation by the European Union (EU) member states in the euro area. Critics claim that the ECB suffers from a democratic deficit as the Bank is seen immune from the people of the euro area, although it profoundly affects their everyday life. The fact that the ECB is a supranational non-majoritarian institution and distances itself from national political arenas further intensifies the issue. Hence, this article aims to evaluate the alleged democratic deficit of the ECB.
Nazli AzizEmail:

中欧"天鹅绒"革命的全球化视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
15年前苏联与东欧发生了制度性的变革,苦心经营得犹如铁板一块的社会主义阵营顷刻间土崩瓦解。与以往社会变革中突显出来的激烈社会对抗相比较,这次要平静缓和得多。于是西方人形容它为“天鹅绒般的革命”,因为缺少了“一个阶级推翻另一个阶级时产生的大规模动乱和流血”。但苏联和整个东欧的崩溃所带来的历史震撼持续地吸引着人们对其发生的原因进行着思考。本文试图以常规建构主义为理论视角,揭示波兰、捷克斯洛伐克和匈牙利之变的深层根源是全球化引发的国际体系层次上的文化变迁,与这3个中欧国家单位层次上的文化特征之间发生了互动,最终导致了其国家身份的重新建构。  相似文献   

1993年,欧盟哥本哈根首脑会议作出历史性决定:承诺当10个申请入盟的中东欧国家政治和经济条件成熟时,吸收它们为欧盟成员。1997年欧盟卢森堡会议决定开始同波兰、匈牙利、捷克、爱沙尼亚、斯洛文尼亚进行入盟谈判,中东欧国家入盟进程正式启动。科索沃战争结束后,欧盟决定加快东扩步伐,并于同年12月在赫尔辛基首脑会议上将谈  相似文献   

Faced with the dual challenge of depletion of fossil fuels and climate change, three Northeast Asian countries—China, Japan and Korea—introduced green energy initiatives in recent years. Even though the portion of renewable energy in the energy mix has been limited, a rapid shift to green initiatives has given a strong boost to renewable energy resources. Cooperation with respect to green energy in Northeast Asia (NEA) may eventually overcome the geopolitical constraints and zero-sum nature of the fossil fuel supply in the region. However, this cooperation also faces a number of obstacles to be overcome. Energy cooperation in NEA is still in an embryonic stage, and the level of institutionalisation is low. Green energy cooperation is not free from neo-mercantilist competition either, as the current green initiatives entail elements of strong industrial policy. European experience may shed light on the burgeoning green energy cooperation in NEA, in terms of methods and scope. The EU is currently adopting the most advanced policies on renewable energy and climate change. A series of green energy initiatives has provided a concrete platform for further green energy cooperation that could be pursued at the Union level. On the other hand, the history of European energy cooperation indicates that a long stage of market integration, institutional development and policy coordination are prerequisite. Northeast Asian green energy cooperation should be based on a continued momentum of green initiatives at the domestic level as well as the advancement of sub-regional institutional build-up. Regional multilateral institutions, such as Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Association of Southeast Asian Nations Plus Three and ASEAN Regional Forum, as well as diverse international organisations and Track II institutions can provide a useful venue for Northeast Asian countries to share information and adopt a common position towards green energy cooperation.  相似文献   

本文着重介绍中东欧剧变以后该地区罗姆(吉卜赛)人问题的新情况,并就问题产生的根源及历史背景作了阐述与分析。文章从罗姆民族的名称、种族、语言、历史、分布、政治和经济地位的现状等不同角度对罗姆人的基本情况作了简要论述,还对一些问题提出看法,如“罗姆人”、“吉卜赛人”和“茨冈人”等名称辨析;罗姆人的分布情况和该民族人口统计数字的准确性;罗姆人在中东欧剧变后面临的严重困难及其产生原因;罗姆人与其居住地区原住民族的文化差异和历史遗留问题等。文章最后指出,中东欧国家政府、社会各界以及罗姆人自身为改变该民族的困难处境,作出了很大的努力,但由于问题十分复杂,罗姆人状况的改善将是一个漫长的过程。  相似文献   

中东欧国家与俄罗斯在文化归属、历史经历、经济基础和转轨模式方面存在明显的异质性.在某种意义上讲,正是历史文化和经济基础的不同造就了苏东剧变后中东欧国家与俄罗斯的不同发展道路,影响着它们的未来.  相似文献   

中东欧国家经济增长模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中东欧国家在政治、经济全盘西化的基础上实行以欧盟为依托,主要依靠外资实现经济增长的发展模式.这种模式对促进它们经济增长是有成效的.但金融危机凸现了其弊端及对中东欧国家的潜在风险.  相似文献   

With the admission of eight Central/East European countries in May 1, 2004 in sight, realization of the objective of EU's first phase eastern extension will signify a major step toward the concept of "a Europe kept far away from war" through promoting regional integration.  相似文献   

中国俄罗斯东欧中亚学会自1982年成立以来(当时称中国苏联东欧学会),对推动我国对这一地区的研究发挥了重要作用。今天,来自全国各地140位学者和专家云集在这里,举行第六届全国理事会,这标志我国的俄罗斯、东欧和中亚研究事业又有了新的长足发展。在此,请允许我代表中国社会科学院对中央和国务院各有关部委,对各位同志和朋友们多年来对学会工作的大力支持表示衷心的感谢!对中国俄罗斯东欧中亚学会第六届全国理事会的召开,表示热烈的祝贺!俄罗斯、东欧和中亚,无论对世界,还是对我国来说,都是非常重要的地区。这就决定了我国的俄罗斯、东欧和…  相似文献   

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