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Information is a core input of governance that is often disrupted by the processes associated with globalization. To mitigate potential governance failures, states turn to information sharing – the exchange of sensitive data between governments. Such exchanges, however, come with considerable risks. Building on work in International Relations and organizational sociology stressing the importance of institutional similarity, we argue that states commit to information sharing based on their beliefs as to the reliability and predictability of potential partners – an assessment that involves a relative evaluation of domestic institutions. We test our argument on institutional similarity with a new dataset of mutual legal assistance treaties (MLATs) – a critical example of information-sharing agreements. The empirical analysis finds substantial support for our argument: states with similar legal institutions are much more likely to sign MLATs. The article contributes to a range of research concerned with the politics of globalization, especially as it relates to enforcement cooperation, the role of domestic institutions, and information flows.  相似文献   

This paper uses findings from a survey of 19 government-funded international volunteer cooperation organisations (IVCOs) to discuss whether past and future patterns of government funding provide support for assertions of neoliberal adjustments. Findings indicate greater competition between providers, increased accountability for aid effectiveness, more private sector involvement, and an emphasis on domestic priorities with a focus on the skill-development of young volunteers. It provides examples of these changes and discusses the implications of changing patterns of government funding for international volunteering as an approach to development aid.

Effets des ajustements néolibéraux sur les organismes de coopération internationale bénévole financés par des gouvernements

Cet article se sert des résultats d'une enquête menée parmi 19 organismes de coopération internationale bénévole (OCIB) financés par des gouvernements pour discuter de la question de savoir si les schémas passés et futurs de financement gouvernemental viennent prouver les ajustements néolibéraux. Les résultats indiquent une concurrence accrue entre fournisseurs, une redevabilité accrue pour ce qui est de l'efficacité de l'aide, une participation plus importante du secteur privé, et un accent sur les priorités nationales, avec pour axe central le développement des compétences des jeunes bénévoles. Il donne des exemples de ces changements et traite des implications de l’évolution des schémas de financement gouvernemental pour le bénévolat international comme approche de l'aide au développement.

Efectos de los ajustes neoliberales en organizaciones internacionales de cooperación voluntaria financiadas por gobiernos

El presente artículo se apoya en una encuesta aplicada a 19 organizaciones internacionales de cooperación voluntaria (oicv) financiadas por gobiernos, realizada con el fin de polemizar respecto a si los actuales y los pasados patrones de financiamiento gubernamental sustentan las afirmaciones de [que se produjeron] ajustes neoliberales. Las conclusiones demuestran la existencia de mayor competencia entre proveedores, así como mayor rendición de cuentas en torno a la eficacia de la ayuda, más participación del sector privado y un énfasis en las prioridades nacionales, centrado en el desarrollo de habilidades en los jóvenes voluntarios. El artículo proporciona ejemplos de estos cambios y examina las implicaciones que los cambiantes patrones de financiamiento gubernamental tienen para el voluntariado internacional como enfoque para la ayuda de desarrollo.

Efeitos de ajustes neoliberais em Organizações Internacionais de Cooperação de Voluntários financiadas pelo governo

Este artigo utiliza resultados de uma pesquisa de 19 Organizações Internacionais de Cooperação de Voluntários (IVCOs) financiada pelo governo para discutir se padrões passados e futuros de financiamento governamental oferecem apoio para reivindicações de ajustes neoliberais. Os resultados indicam uma maior competição entre provedores, maior prestação de contas para a efetividade da ajuda, mais envolvimento do setor privado e ênfase nas prioridades domésticas com enfoque no desenvolvimento de habilidades de jovens voluntários. O artigo oferece exemplos destas mudanças e discute as implicações de padrões variáveis de financiamento governamental para o voluntariado internacional como abordagem para a ajuda ao desenvolvimento.  相似文献   

The Review of International Organizations - In this paper we address how external factors shape government decisions to break or uphold contracts, specifically focusing on how economic shocks and...  相似文献   

The nature of a global arena dominated by one great power remains a critical subject for understanding international relations. Brooks and Wohlforth's recent book makes an important contribution by arguing that unipolarity poses few constraints to the hegemon and that the United States today should pursue a policy of primacy. The puzzle is that the United States has mostly resisted a primacy policy since becoming the sole superpower, and when it has done so, has often been less successful than the promise of its power advantage. Explaining this puzzle requires building on ‘the no constraint’ approach to develop a positive theory based on hegemonic purpose, a reformulated notion of constraints, and how purpose and constraints interact to shape outcomes. This reformulation suggests that any American strategy that looks like ‘primacy’ is unlikely to succeed.  相似文献   

综观布什、克里的内外政策主张,既有"大异",也有"小同",其政策差距多被美国政策分析家们形容为"宽一英里,深一英寸"。在施政理念上,布什的保守主义色彩浓厚,不仅推崇自由和机会,坚持共和党袒护大财团和富人的传统,且更强调家庭观和宗教观;克里则秉承民主党自由主义理念,侧重维护中下层利益,强调平等和公正。现将他们的政策立场  相似文献   

穆巴拉克政权应对国内恐怖主义之策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自上世纪70年代起,埃及深受恐怖主义之害。穆巴拉克政权采取标本兼治的方针:区别对待穆斯林兄弟会和极端势力;动员社会舆论,批驳极端思想;致力于消除贫困和社会不公;杜绝隐患,弘扬宗教对社会的积极作用。1997年起国内安全局势转危为安,处于相对平静时期。这两年发生的几起孤立的、以团伙作案的爆炸事件说明:国内的极端思想尚未肃清。这种恐怖活动很有可能演变为有组织、有纲领的恐怖主义,但在可以预见的将来,不大可能发展成上世纪最后1/4世纪那样规模大、频率高、打击面广的恐怖主义。  相似文献   

从伊朗内外政策看"哈塔米主义"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋真 《西亚非洲》2005,(3):54-60
哈塔米上台后,以公民社会和文明间对话为代表的对内对外政策,集中体现了当代伊朗社会思潮的发展走向。其中,以政治民主化、文化现代化、社会组织和结构合理化为主要内容的“公民社会”的提出,是当代伊朗人首次以理性的态度对待国内治理问题。“文明间对话”则以伊斯兰精神为基础,以全球性眼光审视国际新秩序,它是伊朗在全球化时代维护民族利益、开拓生存空间的新尝试。因受国内外诸多因素影响,“哈塔米主义”尚处在形成中。伊朗伊斯兰共和国要实现从“伊斯兰”向“共和”的重心转移仍有很长的路要走,渐进仍是改革的主基调。  相似文献   

俄罗斯新时期内外政策走势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
普京当选总统 ,将继承叶利钦开创的“民主与改革事业”及其相应的经济政治体制与外交构想框架 ,但鉴于难题成堆 ,势必要以务实的精神调整政策。其基本思路是 :以国家利益为核心 ,以强国富民为使命 ,以民族精神为动力 ,以强有力政权为依托 ,实现经济发展的前提 ,以团结全社会为手段 ,以历史教训为借镜 ,以选择适合本国国情道路为方向 ,以创造良好外部环境为条件 ,实现重振大国地位为目标。俄将艰难地突破重重阻力 ,逐渐进入一个由乱而治的新转折时期。  相似文献   

总统选举后的伊朗内外政策走向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
6月24日,在伊朗第九届总统选举第二轮投票中,保守派候选人马哈茂德·艾哈迈迪·内贾德以近62%的绝对优势票击败前总统拉夫桑贾尼,意外获胜。内贾德上台虽不会终结伊朗的改革和根本动摇伊现行外交路线,但将不可避免地对其内外政策产生一系列重要影响。在一定意义上,内贾德的胜选标志着以哈塔米为首的改革派的失败与保守派势力的全面回归。继2003年市政选举和2004年议会选举相继获胜后,保守派又控制了总统一职。至此,保守派势力已控制了伊行政、立法、司法和军警等所有主要国家权力机器。内贾德的上台也意味着,一段时期以来伊内部激烈的政治派…  相似文献   

进退失据:检视李明博的内外政策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
自李明博政府执政以来,韩国国内外政策起初设定的目标几乎全面落空.由于牛肉风波及接蹱而至的全球金融风暴,韩国经济大有陷入第二次金融危机之虞,不仅所谓的"747计划"很可能成为空中楼阁,而且李明博政府目前根本无力在国内达成应对危机所必需的政治共识.对外政策方面,韩美同盟修复与扩展的议程众多却无实质性举措,美国对朝政策的急剧变化更使韩国手足无措;韩中双边关系虽有提升之名却无突破之实,南北关系在朝方的步步紧逼之下更是走到了全面断绝的边缘.深陷内外危机,却处处应对失策,李明博政府的执政能力正经受严峻的考验.  相似文献   

2006年美国国会中期选举,民主党全面获胜。这反映了美国民众对共和党的不满。未来两年,布什政府单边主义政策将进一步收敛,在伊拉克、伊核、朝核等问题上的政策可能有所调整。民主党掌控国会,将影响美对华政策,但对中美关系的总体影响有限。  相似文献   

Why is it called the "Medvedev-Putin Tandem"? Russia's constitution stipulates that president is the head of state who shall be responsible for defining and supervising the implementation of the political,economic,diplomatic,and security guidelines and policies,while prime minister is the head of government who shall be  相似文献   

布什向国会发表的年度“国情咨文”,折射出布什政府面临的内忧外患。内政方面。咨文试图从党派政治中寻求平衡以获得支持,但共和、民主两党都对之缺乏热情;外交上试图通过实施新措施、新政策尽早从伊拉克脱身,但成功的希望渺茫。咨文反映出布什未来两年难有重大作为。  相似文献   

奥巴马执政100天来,面对“一场危机”和“两场战争”空前严峻的挑战,在内政和外交领域锐意创新、稳妥应对,开局总体顺利并取得了一定的成效。以现实主义与和解精神为鲜明特征的“奥巴马主义”也初露端倪,受到国际社会的欢迎。未来,奥巴马执政之路仍将任重而道远。奥巴马能否在执政初期进一步夯实执政基础,带领美国尽快走出经济危机,摆脱内外交困的局面,将是对奥巴马本人及其团队的重大考验。  相似文献   

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