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This article formulates a simple model of parent–child interest conflicts. Based on a simple model of a household economy with a production or wage income function, a labor maintenance cost function, and an externally given wage rate, it discusses potential conflicts over the appropriation of the product of family members' labor in terms of the trilogy of exit, voice, and loyalty. The model is then explored by using household lists that provide detailed information on the economic activity of individuals. Many young proto-industrial workers used the threat of exiting their parents' household to keep much of their earnings through the Rast custom (boarding allowance). The threat of leaving operated well among the middle and lower classes of proto-industrial society, but it is unclear whether it also worked for the daughters of farmers who apparently left home much earlier than their brothers. The discourse of contemporaries about the Rast custom are considered and interpreted as a counterstrategy against the exit threat in which the elders fostered a sense of loyalty among the young.  相似文献   

姚剑 《法律科学》2011,(5):96-101
尽管法律文本对刑事诉讼案件公开已有初步的规定,但是因为其尚不完善,导致司法运行中产生了诸多问题。其严重后果是影响了法官的独立决断和对嫌疑人的权利保护。要改变当前法官在审判中的尴尬境地,应当构建比较健全的刑事案件公开机制,保障公众权利与司法裁判之间的合理界限。  相似文献   

The paper examines the benefits the sovereign member states of the EU expect to derive by granting the European Court of Justice the power to review the collective policy making decisions of the EU legislative bodies. Using the methodology of constitutional political economy it investigates the one-country one-judge rule of judicial appointments in the ECJ, the restrictions imposed on litigants to access the ECJ and the limits on the jurisdiction of the ECJ to review EU legislation. It also analyses how the presence of judicial review affects the size of the policy measures taken by the policy makers.  相似文献   

白俊华 《政法学刊》2003,20(2):21-23
法院应当在社会关系中具有独立性和中立性,这是体现司法公正的前提和条件。对照联合国关于法院为司法公正的应当具有独立性的通常标准,可以查找出我国法院在体制方面存在一些不足,我国法院体制在实现司法公正方面应当进行改革。  相似文献   

当前,反腐工作形势严峻,借鉴明朝的反腐经验,我们应建立健全反腐监督制度,特别是要加强纪检监察、检察等机关的专门监督,强化群众监督、舆论监督、网络监督等各种形式的社会监督,编织强大的反腐监督网,实现对权力的监督,让权力在阳光下运行。  相似文献   

This article explores the primary determinants of internal judicial independence in three Latin American countries. Considering the relative absence of research focused on this dimension of judicial life, this article is innovative in demonstrating how it is affected by two variables: the quality of judges' training and respect for their judicial careers as criteria for promotions or transfers. While these variables explain why some countries enjoy greater internal judicial independence than others, this article also shows – contrary to popular wisdom – that judicial activism does not have a strong influence on internal judicial independence. Conducting a comparison of the courts in Chile, Peru, and Ecuador using surveys and semi-structured interviews, this study also shows that judges' autonomy from politicians does not necessarily follow the same path as the lower-court judges' independence from their hierarchical superiors.  相似文献   

无固定期限劳动合同引发了任何规则建构都必须依循其内在制度逻辑这一普适性的法理学命题。基于法律经济学的分析视角,无论是《劳动合同法》还是配套的《实施条例》,无固定期限劳动合同皆无法保护员工的职业稳定权,反而损害了同样值得珍视的就业权,引发了一系列影响就业数量、就业质量的利益再分配效应。缘于人力资本在监督、计量上的技术难度,企业无法就员工是否"不能胜任工作"等常规合同解除条件给出满足可观察、可检验要件的客观证据,无法满足司法治理机制的"外部视角"对于证据可观察、可检验的刚性约束,《劳动合同法》赋予企业的合同解除抗辩权不具有司法操作意义。在劳动力结构性过剩的背景下,以提升劳动者职业技能、降低其可替代性来提高企业解除劳资契约关系的退出成本,应当是更有助于激励企业保持稳定的劳资契约关系、节省执法成本的可行进路。  相似文献   

蔡能 《犯罪研究》2009,(5):52-57
今天,数字摄影已在世界范围内普及和流行。数字摄影的出现,标志着人类的影像记录史进入了一个新的时代,它使得摄影看上去变得更加方便和高效率了,这是人类新技术革命的必然结果。数字摄影极大地颠覆了使用胶片记录和再现影像的传统摄影,它在带给人们方便和陕乐的同时,也面临着巨大的挑战,那就是不断出现的假照片事件,使得数字摄影遭受到前所未有的信任危机,照片的真实性问题越来越受到人们的关注。虽然目前所见的假照片案例大多集中在新闻媒体,但笔者以为,不排斥有发生在司法摄影领域的可能性,因此,有必要引起注意并呆职有效措施,以防患于未然。为此,笔者从技术防范和制度建设两个层面提出一些构想和建议,以供有关方面参考,目的是为规范司法摄影工作,防止假照片的出现。  相似文献   

Under Dutch divorce law, children in theory have ample opportunity to make their voices heard: the petition for divorce must state how the children have been involved in preparing a parenting plan; all children aged 12 or 16 (depending on the context) or older have the right to be heard by the judge, and the judge may additionally hear younger children; the court may appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the interests of the child; and the child has the right to seek informal access to the court (by letter or telephone, for example) which may lead to an ex officio decision that changes the arrangements agreed by the parents in a divorce settlement or an earlier judicial decision. In practice, however, there is no guarantee that children's voices will actually be heard in divorce proceedings. Notably in the case of separation after an informal relationship (other than marriage or registered partnership) the opportunities given to children to be heard are often a dead letter.  相似文献   

我国跨国追缴职务犯罪所得相关制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国现行《刑法》和《刑事诉讼法》虽然对追缴犯罪所得做出相关的规定,但尚未形成较为系统的追缴犯罪所得制度,与《联合国反腐败公约》确立的腐败犯罪资产追缴与返还机制以及英美法系国家专门的犯罪所得立法还有较大差距,不利于在平等互惠的基础上开展追缴职务犯罪所得国际司法合作。应当结合《联合国反腐败公约》中追缴腐败犯罪所得机制,借鉴英美法系国家较为成熟的专门立法,建立和完善中国追缴职务犯罪所得制度,从而为全面开展境外追赃提供法律支撑。  相似文献   

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