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Howard L. Kaye 《Society》2003,40(2):48-52

为了提高医学科普的创作水平,推动卫生保健知识的普及再上新台阶,应该增强医学科瞢的新闻性,因为,具有新闻性的医学科普更有吸引力,更受读者的欢迎.  相似文献   

村民自治是我国农村基层民主政治改革的重要内容,其改革的成效与影响,对于促进基层民主政治体系建设必将产生积极而深远的意义。但在实际运行过程中,由于制度缺陷和社会、历史以及具体实际情况等各方面的原因,村民自治的基本内容不同程度上缺失甚至异化,民主精神没有得到真正的体现,村民自治的效果与预期目标相背离,出现所谓"空洞化"现象。明确村民的自治主体地位,强化村民自治的自主性,建设村民民主协商管理决策体系,是克服"空洞化"现象,发展村民自治的必由之路。  相似文献   

In Thinking About Crime James Q. Wilson brings a new dimension to crime policy research by explicating the failure of criminologists to adequately consider the philosophical perspectives on man and society which underlie alternate policy options. As a result, they rarely appreciate the inherent limits on government efforts to deal with crime. Wilson's consideration of these limitations, together with a critique of causal analysis in criminological thinking, lead him to propose an alternate conceptual framework, policy analysis. Our inspection of Wilson's own thinking reveals, however, that policy analysis is no less problematic and shortsighted than causal analysis, a result we attribute to serious flaws in his critique of criminological thinking and to the incorporation of his own biases about human nature into his conceptual framework. We seek in the concluding section to remove this bias and to demonstrate how policy analysis may be expanded into a more flexible, multi-dimensional framework, one which accounts for different assumptions about human nature and different policy goals.  相似文献   

Abstract. The article argues that party member activity differs in terms of the degree, type and quality of organizational involvement, a fact often ignored in comparative studies of party membership as well as in arguments about the democratic potential of political parties. The article first presents different perspectives adopted in the literature on party membership. Distinctions are made on the one hand between research treating membership as an independent or as a dependent variable, and on the other between research focusing on different levels of analysis - the country, the organization and the individual. To develop some empirical implications of these points, a survey of Norwegian party members is discussed in the second part. The emphasis here lies on the members'level of party activity and how to explain it. The conclusion is that whether or not the low level of member activity found in Norwegian parties is seen as a problem depends on which normative model of democracy is taken as a point of reference.  相似文献   

Clearly the globalization of finance has provided opportunities for OFCs to emerge. From a sociological perspective it is argued, however, that closer analysis demands respect for their diversity and even idiosyncrasy. Analytical concepts are offered to situate this diversity and to develop a more reflexive understanding of the processes through which the system of OFCs continues to develop. We arrive at a distinctive approach for theorizing OFCs under conditions of globalization.  相似文献   


Social Justice, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1996:

Andre E. Guilerme: The Age of Water: the Urban Environ‐ment in the North of France, A.D. 300–1800. College Station: Texas A &; M University Press, 1988.  相似文献   

荀子的性恶论思想在先秦诸子百家关于人性的论断中是独树一帜的,这也是后人对荀子诟病最多的地方,到底荀子是怎样论说人性从而断定人性本恶的呢?本文主要就是试图还原荀子性恶论思想的真实含义并反思其积极的意义.  相似文献   

Voters who believe that the nation's economy has been worsening are more inclined to vote against the incumbent president than are those who believe it has not been getting worse. This relationship could be present because voters condition their support for the incumbents upon their perceptions of the economy, or, alternatively, because they condition their perceptions of the economy upon their underlying, partisan-based support of the incumbents.  相似文献   

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