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纵向限制一直是反垄断法规制的难点,这是因为此类行为多有促进品牌间竞争和抑制品牌内竞争的双重效应,如何取舍殊为不易。美国反托拉斯法对地域限制等纵向限制行为的百年规制历史表明:借助普通法合同自由与社会公益的二元分析框架来界定特许权限范围存在知识上的缺陷,只有同时引入经济分析等其他分析工具才可能对特许权的恰当配置作出更为理性的判断,过于膨胀的权利话语无益于复杂经济问题的解决。  相似文献   

张姗姗 《河北法学》2011,29(10):81-88
中国古代契约主体资格的限制主要体现在对官员及其家人,以及对同居卑幼契约主体资格的限制等两方面。这种限制与吏治文化、家族一体观念等传统文化密不可分。同时,对契约主体资格的限制在一定程度上保障了中国古代契约自由与平等的实现。  相似文献   

Under new pressures for cost containment, hospitals are increasingly asserting interests that conflict with those of physicians. Professor Havighurst argues that legal rules under which practitioners have challenged denials of hospital admitting privileges should be clarified in order that hospitals can more effectively carry out their new cost-containment and other responsibilities. He invokes antitrust law's "essential-facilities" doctrine to protect those abused by their competitors on a hospital staff, but he contends that, if a hospital participates in decisionmaking as an independent actor--even though it acts in concert with its physicians--, antitrust courts should lower the level of scrutiny to a point at which most challenges can be dismissed summarily. He analogizes restraints imposed by hospitals on competition between health professionals to vertical restraints of other kinds, and draws conclusions critical of doctrine traditionally applicable to the latter.  相似文献   

“您”主语祈使句的标记性表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"您"作为祈使句主语系统中最高层次的标记项呈现出丰富的种种语法表现:对祈使句肯定式的制约主要表现为祈请事象常具有听者[ 受惠]特征;对强调式的制约主要表现在对强调标记的选择与对意志语气强度的限制两个方面;对否定式的制约主要表现为祈请事象常带[ 受损]性以及对否定标记的选择等方面."您"的标记性表现主要与其自身的表敬性及言语行为的礼貌原则有关系.  相似文献   

A World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute panel has decided theWTO’s first antitrust case. It resolved the matter infavour of the United States’ claim that Mexico had anticompetitivelyfacilitated exploitative prices and a cartel that raised theprice of terminating cross-border telephone calls in Mexicoand thereby harmed trade and competition. The case is Mexico– Measures Affecting Telecommunications Services (April2004) (‘the Mexican telecom case’). This essay arguesthat if the WTO’s antitrust clause was in fact triggered(which is a point of contention), Mexico’s conduct violatedits obligations. Furthermore, it argues that the GATS antitrustobligation in the telecommunications sector should be acknowledgedas occupying an important place at the intersection of trade,competition and industrial policies. Antitrust law is the otherside of the coin of liberal trade law. Antitrust law opens marketsby prohibiting private and other commercial restraints, whiletrade law opens markets by prohibiting public restraints. BeforeMexican telecom, no legal discipline was regarded as copiousor flexible enough to address combined public and private restraints.In particular, nations were allowed free rein to privilege nationalchampions that harmed competition in and out of their country,imposing costs on outsiders as well as on their own people.A positive reading of the antitrust clause helps to fill thegap.  相似文献   

刘引玲 《现代法学》2006,28(4):89-94
婚姻权利是现代法的内容之一。婚姻权利是权利人依法享有的以结婚权、配偶权和离婚权为内容的,发生人身效力和财产效力的民事权利,是配偶身份利益的法律保障,是婚姻家庭制度的核心内容。婚姻权利的行使对于权利个体及社会都须有必要的限度。具体表现为其一,为保护权利相对人的限度;其二,为保护公共利益的限度。只有对婚姻权利的限度有深刻的理解与认识,才可能实现法律设立的价值与目的,并充分发挥其社会功效。  相似文献   

目前在世界各国缉毒侦查工作中广泛使用的各种主动且秘密型的侦查方式主要包括:诱惑侦查、控制下交付、卧底侦查、监控侦查、特情侦查这五种具体的侦查方式和与其密不可分的搭梯子策略和金融调查策略这两项具体的侦查策略。  相似文献   

比较法视野下的盘查措施   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高峰 《现代法学》2006,28(3):137-144
盘查属于行政强制措施,并同时适用于刑事侦查领域。世界各国均对盘查设立了实体要件和程序要件,并针对不同种类的盘查措施给予不同的限制。我国的盘查措施的种类单一,立法未能设立启动盘查措施所需的要件,未能区分盘查措施与刑事强制措施的界限,此外,出租屋成为盘查的重点场所,相关的司法救济制度阙如,这些都是我国盘查措施适用中突出的问题。建立科学的盘查措施体系,严格确定盘查措施的界限,逐步取消对出租屋的盘查制度,完善司法救济制度是解决问题的根本途径。  相似文献   

This final rule amends Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical regulations to update the patients' rights regulation by bringing its provisions regarding medication, restraints, and seclusion into conformity with current law and practice. The changes are primarily intended to clarify that it is permissible for VA patients to receive medication prescribed by any appropriate health care professional authorized to prescribe medication, and that it is permissible for any authorized licensed health care professional to order the use of restraints and seclusion when necessary. The rule also makes nonsubstantive changes in the patients' rights regulation for purposes of clarification.  相似文献   

The growth of mass media has complicated the relatioship between the courts and the media. Free press and fair trial rights are kept in balance by the use of judicial restraints and remedies such asvoir dire, change of venue, and gag orders. This balance has shifted back and forth during the past two decades. Current case law and legal codes are inconsistent and provide insufficient guidance to judges in their use of restraints and remedies. Nor is there a body of empirical research on the impact of news coverage and juror behavior capable of informing the courts at this time. In this paper, we review and critically assess the empirical social science literature as it pertains to the legal issues involving free press and fair trial. We argue that carefully conducted empirical research could provide important information to the courts. We suggest research directions and methodological caveats to increase legal relevance and scientific validity.  相似文献   

国际条约与构建国际和谐社会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际和谐社会是人类普遍追求的理想社会,国际条约对构建国际和谐社会具有基础和保障作用。首先,国际条约协调国家之间的利益关系,避免冲突,为实现和平国际环境奠定基础;其次,国际条约平衡国家的权利和义务,既规范又约束国家行为,达到共赢,形成共同繁荣局面;再次,国际条约在促进人类与自然和谐、可持续发展方面提供依据与保证;最后提出,采取合理措施进一步加强国际条约的约束范围和效力。  相似文献   

Suicides staged as homicides are rarely encountered by crime scene investigators. The case of one such staged homicide is presented in which the victim used restraints during a hanging. No other cases of suicidal hangings staged as homicides could be found in the forensic literature. Similar cases should be reported so additional data can be gained from these deaths to help reveal indicators of suicide rather than homicide.  相似文献   

论中国和平发展与国际法的交互影响和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾令良 《中国法学》2006,(4):110-119
和谐世界是中国和平发展重要的外部社会基础,而国际法是构建和谐世界不可或缺的法律基础和保障。在国家间相互依存和经济全球化的“地球村”里,一方面,国际法为中国和平发展创造和平与安全的外部环境、建构公正和公平的国际竞争秩序和提供国际合作的法律保证;另一方面,中国和平发展的对内和对外发展战略势必要受到国际法越来越多的约束。与此同时,中国和平发展必然对国际法的和平与发展主题以及人权、法治和民主等普遍核心价值做出重要的贡献。  相似文献   

我国目前的农村集体财产处于由行政权力与村社干部权力交织而成的权力网络之中,集体所有权变成残缺的、异化的所有权。在我国未来的民法典中,集体所有权应当是蕴涵了主体独立、平等、意志自由等私法价值理念的真正意义上的财产所有权,行政权力对集体财产不必要的束缚应逐步解除;为了防止所有权的异化,应当赋予集体所有权一定的程序性内涵,为其设置一套有效的运作程序;此外,应设置相关规则防止集体所有权压制农民作为个体对集体财产所享有的权利———用益物权。  相似文献   

邓敏贞 《现代法学》2012,34(3):71-78
公用事业公私合作合同是国家规范公用事业公私合作活动的重要法律工具,具有经济法的属性,应接受公法与私法的双重规制。就公法规制来说,政府应保留一定的公权力,并承担相应的义务,同时,私人部门也应承担一定的公法义务,其部分私权利要接受公法的限制。就私法规制来看,主要体现在基于契约精神对政府公权力进行限制,并要求政府承担相应的合作风险,以及在违反合同义务的时候,承担相应的民事法律责任。  相似文献   

After the Second World War Germany experienced a severe shortage of cigarettes and, as a consequence, most of the evils we know from drug prohibitions: black markets, crime and corruption, and desperate addicts. Based on the analysis of newspapers from 1945 to 1949 and on interviews with witnesses, the paper describes this crisis as a peculiar form of prohibition, with economic forces playing the role of legal restraints. In a concluding discussion it shows that policy makers—as far as tobacco is concerned—have learned the lesson from history, shied away from prohibition and turned to attempts at demand reduction, substance control and restrictions of opportunities to use. The success of this policy might well be relevant for drug policy in general.  相似文献   

One might think that the history of governmental development has answered this question. Elements of the doctrine of division of powers may be found even in Aristotle. This doctrine was supported by Marsilius of Padua, John Locke and others, but it was Montesquieu who stated it most clearly. In his opinion, the best form of state structure could be held to be one that assured its citizens political freedom under conditions of the division of powers into legislative, executive, and judicial. The function of this division, under the conditions of antagonistic relationships among classes, was to provide "restraints" against the misuse of power by any social group or individual.  相似文献   

张群 《北方法学》2011,5(5):125-130
作为明清基本外贸制度,朝贡一直颇受非议,海禁更被视为因小失大的饮鸩之举。考其实际,海禁并非明清外贸立法的全部,即使在海禁期间也是禁而不止,其消极作用并不如想象中的巨大。而朝贡贸易也并非铁板一块。与宋元时期相比,明清外贸立法的多数内容都属于一个主权国家实施外贸管理的正常范围。故有其正当性,未可厚非。明清海商之所以未能出现哥伦布,根本原因在于封建统治者对海外贸易的放任自流(甚至是驱羊攻虎)和财富掠夺政策。这也是造成近代中国闭关锁国的根本原因。  相似文献   

Most studies that consider the factors influencing the decision to leave an abusive relationship rely on retrospective, self-report data. In addition to the biased samples that are frequently obtained in such investigations, the methodological shortcomings of survey research limit its explanatory power, particularly when applied to such sensitive topics as family violence. This report introduces an alternative method for studying the decision to leave an abusive relationship. Forty-five men and 68 women were studied using an experimental computer game of an abuse-like relationship. The tendency to leave this relationship was measured under four differing conditions of severity and frequency of abuse. A logit analysis revealed that the frequency of abuse was more consequential to women's decisions to leave, while severity of abuse was more salient for men. In addition, the hypothesized model, including frequency of abuse, severity of abuse, and locus of control, fits well for women but not for men. The implications of these findings, as well as the validity and future application of experimental games, are discussed.  相似文献   

经济全球化与反垄断立法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
许明月  侯茜 《现代法学》2004,26(5):109-116
随着经济全球化的发展,基于国内因素的考虑而制定的反垄断法不可避免地遇到了各种问题,美国和欧盟等都开始对传统反垄断法进行调整。经济全球化也促进了反垄断国际规范的发展。中国在经济全球化的背景下应该及时制定反垄断法或反限制竞争法;并且在制度安排上应注意:坚持垄断中性的认识,充分体现合理规则,中国反垄断法应以规制限制竞争行为为中心,充分考虑国际市场因素,合理安排责任制度,有克制地赋予域外效力。  相似文献   

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