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罚金刑作为一种刑罚方法,目的是惩治犯罪和预防犯罪,通过对罪犯产生威慑效应,以达到减少犯罪的目的。而刑罚威慑效应的产生需要投入一定的刑罚资源,用于侦查、拘捕、审判以及定罪判刑后的执行,这些费用便构成了刑罚成本。笔者将刑罚成本分为三个部分,一是刑罚确定成本,也即在刑罚确定以前,为确定刑罚而在侦查、拘捕、诉讼、审判阶段所支出的费用;二是刑罚执行成本,  相似文献   

市场经济是以效益为中心的经济体制,它决定市场经济刑罚观必然包含效益观。效益应当成为衡量市场经济刑罚体系是否符合社会发展规律的主要价值标准。刑罚效益作为一种非生产性效益,是指立法者应用最经济的刑罚成本最有效地达到刑罚目的,使社会因犯罪遭受损失最小化,因而刑罚效益仍然是成本──收益的分析。从成本──收益角度分析,效益的含义是从一给定的成本投入量获得最大的产出,即以最小的成本资源消耗取得同样效果,或以同样的资源消耗取得最大效果。从刑罚体系的构造及刑罚执行等一系列过程考察刑罚效益,刑罚实质都是以成本资源…  相似文献   

自18世纪意大利刑法学家贝卡利亚提出废除死刑的主张以来,国内外学者就开始了死刑废止的争论。当前国际上废除死刑已经成为了一种潮流。从系统论出发,为了能使我国刑罚体系的功能达到最优,从而使得我国的法治文明向前推进,废除死刑是完善我国刑罚体系的必然选择。  相似文献   

刑罚效益成本资源有效配置论   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
一刑罚效益的成本资源的含义所谓刑罚效益的成本资源,是指国家借以实现刑罚的预防、惩治犯罪的效益而可能支出的费用。从国家或社会角度来说,国家要获得一定的刑罚效益,则必须支付一定的刑罚成本。换个角度说,这些刑罚成本就是国家可以凭此获取刑罚效益的成本资源。刑...  相似文献   

一、何谓“监管与矫正资源” 如果我们确认刑罚执行是个有目的或者目标的社会行动,在我们确定刑罚执行的目的或者目标后,准备进一步考察刑罚执行的效果或者效益,从成本效益分析的角度说,监管机构为实现刑罚执行的目的而加以利用的所有人力、物力与财力都可以被理解为监管与矫正资源。据此,监管与矫正资源应当包括:  相似文献   

姜忠 《法学论坛》2008,23(2):126-130
刑罚效益是指刑罚的设置及其运行给社会生活所带来的预防、惩罚和改造犯罪的直接效果以及由此进一步地对国家的政治、经济、文化等方面所产生的间接效果与国家为设置、实施和执行刑罚所投入的资源成本之间的比值.其基本要求是以最小的刑罚成本取得最大的刑罚效益.刑罚效益的实现是一个过程,刑罚创制要强调刑罚的有限性和严厉性;刑罚裁量应注意刑罚的公正性与节俭性;刑罚执行则应坚持一体化原则和扩大非监禁刑的适用.  相似文献   

国宇晶 《法制与社会》2011,(15):33+39-33,39
环境资源是人类生存的依托,是社会进步的保障。日益严重的资源破坏、环境恶化,使人们认识到刑罚保护环境资源的必要性,对环境犯罪行为予以全面认识、健全的法律体系、有力的刑罚保障,对护人们的生存和发展基础必不可少。  相似文献   

王刚 《法学论坛》2012,(1):116-121
我国刑罚理论研究中存在四个误区:混淆了刑法目的与刑罚目的;对刑罚目的的含义理解错误;把一般预防当作刑罚目的;把报应当作刑罚目的。通过对这四个误区的厘清,可以得出以下结论:刑法目的与刑罚目的是两个不同的概念;刑罚目的,是指国家通过适用和执行刑罚所期望达到的目标;一般预防是刑法目的,不是刑罚目的;报应是刑罚的本质,不是刑罚目的;刑罚的目的是特殊预防。  相似文献   

刑罚有效性是指以最经济的方法、最小的刑罚代价,去达到刑罚目的。从刑罚理论和刑罚制度的演变来看,刑罚有效性原则是伴随着刑罚教育主义的产生而确立的。它彻底否定刑罚报复主义和惩罚主义,反对机械地执行罪刑相适应原则,强调必须以教育、改造的目的来统率刑种的设立、刑罚的适用和执行,尽力为犯罪人回归社会寻找最佳捷径。刑罚有效性作为一项原则并未在我国刑法理论中明确地提出,但作为一种思想和研究课题,却越来越受到刑法理论界  相似文献   

刑罚的目的和功能,就其本身而言实指统治阶级通过制定、适用和执行刑罚。以期所要达到的社会效用。刑罚的功能可谓有四:(一)刑罚对于犯罪人,罪较轻者,限制或剥夺其一定权利,使其身体和心理遭受一定的痛苦和刺激,以改造其恶性,促使其在伦理态度上的赎罪感。从而达到教育罪  相似文献   


Does the 'penal eye' of our society most easily catch sight of those with scant resources and lower-class backgrounds? In a national representative sample of Norwegian adolescents, we investigated the selection process to the penal system. Of the adolescents studied, 2.8% had received a penal sanction during the last year, 3.7% of the boys and 1.9% of the girls. The sanctions varied in seriousness, from a ticket fine to a prison sentence. These adolescents had much higher crime participation than other adolescents. In particular, substance-related offences were of importance. They had a high frequency of alcohol intoxication, and they often had a previous history of police contacts. No links were found to parental social class, but there was an association with parental history of unemployment. Furthermore, numerous other parental risk factors were found, such as marital breakup, low level of care, lack of monitoring and frequent alcohol intoxication. However, these factors were also associated with the development of crime. Were such extra-legal factors predictors of penal sanctions, when crime, alcohol intoxication and a previous history of police contacts were controlled for? Poor parental monitoring was the only (marginally) significant predictor. On the other hand, criminal behaviour had a highly significant effect, as early as at the lowest level of participation, and this effect increased steeply at higher levels. Alcohol had an effect, but only when the adolescents reported a rather high number of intoxication episodes. Thus, a problematic family background and small resources obviously play a role in the development of crime, but are less important as direct factors of being caught by the police and punished by the penal system. However, the subjects in our sample were still in their midteens and it might well be that development in late adolescence and young adulthood takes a different course.  相似文献   

Michael Smith 《Law & policy》1998,20(4):491-526
The decisional rules embedded in presumptive guideline grids have achieved some of their drafters' objectives, but fall short of a ``rule of law' for sentencing – a paramount goal of the sentencing reforms Marvin Frankel set in motion twenty-five years ago. The rule of law requires a reasoning process that moves from penal purpose to penal measure, by fair inference from relevant facts. Two-dimensional grid guideline schemes gain simplicity by reducing relevant facts to two – current offense and prior record. Even when judges are permitted to consider other facts, the presumptive guideline methodology obscures differences in the penal purposes sentencers ought to have in mind for cases falling into the same cell of a grid. In contrast, the rule of law requires fact-finding in the individual case, to reveal such differences and to test the plausibility of available penal measures. This elevates the relevance of offender characteristics and circumstances, including some that are held ordinarily irrelevant in the federal scheme and are of uncertain relevance in many state schemes. While this is most obvious when use of noncustodial penal measures is subjected to the rule of law, it is no less important when imprisonment is used. Disparate impacts should be avoided by more sophisticated deployment of correctional authority and resources, not by constriction of the rule of law governing the sentencing decision itself.  相似文献   

DAVID GARLAND 《犯罪学》2013,51(3):475-517
The sociology of punishment has developed a rich understanding of the social and historical forces that have transformed American penality during the last 40 years. But whereas these social forces are not unique to the United States, their penal impact there has been disproportionately large, relative to comparable nations. To address this issue, I suggest that future research should attend more closely to the structure and operation of the penal state. I begin by distinguishing penality (the penal field) from the penal state (the governing institutions that direct and control the penal field). I then present a preliminary conceptualization of “the penal state” and discuss the relationship between the penal state and the American state more generally.  相似文献   

根据刑法规定,通过贪污罪的犯罪结果与处刑数量之间的线性关系,把定量分析方法应用于贪污罪的处刑实践,并依此建立了贪污罪的量刑基准体系,以准确确定被告人应当承担刑事责任的数量,以减少司法实践中法官个体之间对贪污罪行为处刑的差异。  相似文献   

What were the consequences of penal transportation to the New World for eighteenth‐century British criminal justice? Transportation has been described by scholars as either a replacement of the death penalty responsible for its decline, or a penal innovation responsible for punishing a multitude of people more severely than they would have been punished before. Using data from the Old Bailey Sessions Papers and the Parliamentary Papers, this study examines sentencing and execution trends in eighteenth‐century London. It takes advantage of the natural experiment provided by the passage of the 1718 Transportation Act that made transportation available as a penal sentence, thus enabling one to assess the “effect” of transportation on penal trends. This study finds that the primary consequence of the adoption of transportation was to make the criminal justice net more dense by subjecting people to a more intense punishment. While it was also associated with a small decline in capital sentences for some types of offenders, the adoption of transportation was also associated with an increase in the rate at which condemned inmates were executed. The study closes with a discussion of the conditions that may lead to law's unintended consequences, including the mesh‐thinning consequences observed here.  相似文献   

Past research indicates that front-line criminal justice workers are the critical players in determining whether innovations in penal policy are realized. Recent attempts to understand the diversity in the application of the penal harm movement have, however, sidestepped the primary audience of these policies, the population of convicted offenders. This article uses data from two prisons to examine the effects of correctional officers on women prisoners' adjustment to prison life. Using regression models and interview data, we find that correctional officer behavior has a profound impact on women's ability to adjust to prison, and this effect is largely independent of the prisoners' characteristics and the institutions in which they are housed. On a theoretical level, the findings speak to recent calls to examine the background and foreground of penal culture. On a practical level, they highlight the need to understand the environments from which women are emerging, not just the communities into which they are released.  相似文献   

While sociologists of punishment have been interested in the notion of Nordic penal exceptionalism, rapid changes are taking place in the penal policies of one of the members of the Nordic zone. Norway’s penal state is growing increasingly punitive, and penal exceptionalism appears to be on the wane, evidenced by a growing incarceration rate, increasingly punitive sentiments in the population, moral panics over street crime, raised sentencing levels, the forcible detention and extradition of asylum seekers, punitive drug policies, and the creation of segregated correctional facilities for stigmatized foreign offenders. Penal transformation should be understood as the outcome of symbolic contestation between politicians eager to present themselves as “tough on crime,” increasing differentiation of the social structure that has led to the declining fortunes of rehabilitationism, and a nascent neoliberalization of the welfare state. As a consequence, Europe’s penal landscape may be growing more homogeneous.  相似文献   

The development of the penal bond with endorsed conditional defeasance presents a problem because the earliest monetary penalties in English contracts took the form of straight-forward penalty clauses. It is hard to see how the convoluted penal bond developed from such penalty clauses. This article traces the development of the penal bond from debt recognizances defeasible by the performance of conditions stated in a separate document. The logic of the defeasible recognizance was carried over to other arrangements including the penal bond with endorsed conditional defeasance.  相似文献   

The well‐known gap between law on the books and law in action often casts doubt on the significance of changes to law on the books. For example, the rise and fall of penal technologies have long been considered significant indicators of penal change in socio‐historical analyses of punishment. Recent research, however, has challenged the significance of apparently large‐scale penal change of this kind. This article clarifies the significance of penal technologies' rise and fall by offering an alternative account of formal penal change, introducing the analytical concept of “legal templates,” structural models of legal activity (e.g., punishment) available for authorization and replication across multiple jurisdictions. Analyzing punishment's templates explains how new penal technologies can be important harbingers of change, even when they fail to revolutionize penal practice and are not caused by a widespread ideological shift. This article locates the significance of punishment's legal templates in their constitutive power—their ability, over the long term, to shape cognitive‐cultural expectations about what punishment is or should be. This power appears only when the template is widely adopted by a plurality of jurisdictions, thereby becoming institutionalized. Ultimately, these institutionalized templates define the scope of future punishment.  相似文献   

王占洲 《时代法学》2009,7(6):90-93,99
缓刑是附条件不执行原判刑罚的一种刑罚制度,就其自身的制度设计而言已经比较完善。但其存在于刑罚制度的综合体系中,不可避免地要与其他刑罚制度发生关系,其中也出现了一些衔接不畅的情况。如缓刑考验期内如何适用减刑和自首、被宣告缓刑的犯罪分子同时剥夺政治权利的刑期计算问题等等。研究和解决这些问题有助于刑罚制度的整体完善。  相似文献   

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