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国务院任命监察部两名副部长新华网10月29日电,国务院任命黄晓薇、于春生为监察部副部长。黄晓薇曾任中央纪委第七纪检监察室主任,于春生曾任北京市朝阳区人民检察院副检察长、北京市人民检察院反贪污贿赂局局长、中共北京市纪委副书记、中央纪委第四纪检监察室主任。据中国共产党新闻网报道,时任中央纪委七室副主任的黄晓  相似文献   

汪永清:克服党建工作与业务工作两张皮中国共产党新闻网11月22日电,近日,中共中央批准汪永清担任中央机构编制委员会委员、办公室主任,免去王东明的该项职务。新华网消息,王东明担任四川省委委员、常委、书记,刘奇葆兼任中央宣传部部长,不再兼任四川省委书记、常委、委员职务。汪永清为吉林大学法学院法学理论专业毕业,研究生学历,法学博士学位。他从1987年毕业起一直在国务院法制局工作,最  相似文献   

胡亮 《当代世界》2015,(8):20-22
<正>应马耳他、英国、冰岛政府邀请,中共中央政治局委员、北京市委书记郭金龙率中共代表团于2015年6月16日至25日对上述三国进行了友好访问。中共中央对外联络部副部长徐绿平,中共北京市委常委、市纪委书记叶青纯,中共北京市委常委、政法委书记杨晓超等随访。郭金龙同三国政要交流治国理政经验,积极推动双边关系和党际交流,有力促进地方务实合作,在增进中国同三国相互了解和友谊的同时,充分展现了当代  相似文献   

我认为他应该会去。——中国驻美大使周文重出席华府演讲时说,他相信海协会会长陈云林10月底、11月初访问台湾的计划没有改变。耕地绝对不能流转进城。——国务院发展研究中心农村部副部长徐小青表示,土地流转不意味着占农民地变得名正言顺。  相似文献   

朱小丹:当选省长,开始大考在1月17日举行的广东省十一届人大五次会议第三次全体会议上,朱小丹当选广东省省长。朱小丹出生于1953年1月,是浙江温州人,曾任团广州市委书记和从化县委书记,1991年担任过广州市委副秘书长,此后到  相似文献   

解学智:给省部级领导干部讲解小微企业重要性中国共产党新闻网北京5月10日电,记者从国家税务总局领导专栏上获悉,日前,解学智任国家税务总局副局长、党组副书记。解学智是经济学博士,曾经担任过东北财经大学税务系主任、校长助理。1996年,他进入财政部任职,2007年4月  相似文献   

孔栋:请辞国航董事长2011年12月28日,63岁的中国国际航空股份有限公司董事长孔栋因退休向国航提出辞呈。据悉,孔栋的辞呈将于公司股东大会选举新任董事后生效,而国航也已提名2011年10月空降中国航空集团任总经理一职的王昌顺为董事会候选人。孔栋毕业于江西工业大学电机制造专业,高级经济师。曾任首都国际机场党委副书记、航站区扩建指挥部总指挥,2008年3月起任国航董事长。在其掌舵国航的3年中,国航经历了从历史性巨亏到盈利全球第一的绝地反击,初具一家国际大型网络航空公司的雏形,2010年更是以实现利润总额150.3亿元成为全球市值和利润第一的航空公司。  相似文献   

The geopolitics of development is in a state of uncertainty and transition that the Busan High Level Forum both mirrored and contributed to. Busan established a new discourse of international development cooperation in which the old donor-recipient relationship is replaced by an equator-less landscape of a multi-stakeholder global partnership. But by analysing the Busan preparations and conference through textual analysis and participant observation we found it to be a fractured landscape of variable imagined geographies, suggesting that the question of who is ‘North’ and who is ‘South’ will continue to shape global negotiations on the future of development cooperation.  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会以来的历次重要会议,为发展社会主义理论有过一系列的建树,推动了改革开放的逐步深入。当前一些理论和思想障碍仍然存在,需要我们正本清源,根据邓小平关于社会主义的本质论述和中国改革开放的新实践,摆脱传统思想的束缚,不断推进社会主义理论创新和制度创新。  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that Austria has one of the most nationalized party systems in Western Europe. Using local election data from over 2300 municipalities between 1985 and 2009, we show that nationalisation of the party system varies considerably across regions. We demonstrate that variation in the organisational strength of regional party branches accounts for this finding, even when controlling for municipality size and the time dimension.  相似文献   

就总的特征而言,欧盟政治是两级政治,欧盟的方方面面都打下了这一特征的烙印,政党自然也不例外.欧盟的政党体系是由两个层次构成的,一个是民族国家层次,另一个是欧盟层次,即超国家层次.从政党的架构来看,欧盟层次的政党已经与民族国家政党相类似,但是,就政党的地位与功能而言,欧盟层次的政党却难以发挥类似政党在民族国家中的那种核心作用.我们可以把欧盟各成员国的政治称之为政党政治,但却不能把这一称谓加之于欧盟政治.本文的主要目的是在比较欧盟两级政党架构和功能的基础上,探寻限制欧盟层面政党作用的各种因素,并对其未来的走势进行分析.  相似文献   

This article seeks to discuss who the policy entrepreneurs are and who participates in the policy-making process of public management reforms at the local level. In order to answer the research questions, a multi-unit and multi-case research study was carried out in three municipal governments: Barcelona, Boston and Turin. The subjects of the study were 15 innovations in management implemented between 1992 and 2007. The first conclusion is that politicians predominantly take the entrepreneurial role in introducing innovations in public management, regardless of the technicality of the innovation. As far as political participation is concerned, public management reforms are still dealt with as in-house matters, even when public managers want to be recognised as promoting the positive values of political participation.  相似文献   

In the public economics literature expenditure needs, allocative efficiency and spatial dependence of local governments costs have been widely analysed separately implying bias estimations of the expenditure needs at local level. An original procedure that simultaneously takes into account the standard level of services, the allocative efficiency and the spatial proximity among Municipalities, has been proposed. The estimation strategy has been applied on a very detailed database of more than 4,000 Italian Municipalities for the year 2013.  相似文献   


In a community sample of 159 Mexican Americans from low socioeconomic stratum, the immigrants (N = 84) showed a slightly lower depression level, though statistically nonsignificant, when compared with the native born (N = 75). The immigrants showed signs of resilience as they were significantly more likely to be employed, had higher income, and experienced less stress but comparable social support. For both groups, higher stress and passive coping significantly predicted higher depression level. Total social support, active coping, and younger age also significantly ameliorated depression for the native born. Among the various types of stress and social support, only family-related sources were significant in predicting depression, indicating the impact of familism on Mexican Americans.  相似文献   

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