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<正>Highly Respected Mr. President Zhou Tienong, In name of Civil Association the House of Poland and the Club of Polish-Chinese Co-operation, I convey the best greetings on the  相似文献   

At the invitation of Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU), a 5-member delegation of Civil Association "Polish House" headed by Mr. Jerzy Siwiec, the First Deputy Chairman of the association visited China from June 20 to 28. In Beijing, both sides co-sponsoredthe seminar themed "Twenty Years of Transition in Central and Eastern Europe and Poland", exchanging in-depth views on the historical background, experiences and lessons of the transition in Central and Eastern Europe and Poland. Mr. Li Jinjun,  相似文献   

<正>On 12 August,the International Civil Society Solidarity Conference on Global Development Initiative is held in Beijing under the theme of working together to build a global development community and deliver on the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.I am very pleased and honoured to congratulate President Xi Jinping and the organisers for the success of this Conference.  相似文献   

<正>Honorable Ms.Yan Junqi President of CAFIU Beijing Respected Madame President!Please accept the best regards in the name of the Civil Association theHouse of Poland,on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Asia.We share the common joy in virtue of the victory over thefascism and the nationalism.Our countries,Poland and  相似文献   

正I am very pleased to attend the 11th Executive Council Meeting of CAFIU,and would like to express my hearty congratulations to President Yan Junqi,the new leadership and the newly-elected Executive Council.I also want to express my sincere thanks for choosing me to be the Honorary President of CAFIU!  相似文献   

H.E.Mr.Zhou Tienong President of CAFIU Beijing Dear Mr.President,Referring to the discussion held with Mr.Zhu Dacheng,your Deputy President in Beijing recently,let me send you my greetings as deputy speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly.It is an honor and privilege for me to wish the 2nd Plenary Session of the CAFIU’s 10th Executive Council-if not in person but through this letter-a fruitful activity.  相似文献   

Chinese Association for International Understanding:On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU), I would like to express my warm congratulations, and extend my cordial greetings to the comrades who have long  相似文献   

尊敬的蒋光化名誉会长:在您的亲切关怀下,在鞍山市委的大力支持下,今天,中国拉丁美洲学会的会员代表在鞍山国际饭店欢聚一堂,热烈讨论拉美国家在推动社会发展进程中积累的经验教训。我们感到不安的是,为了参加这一次会议,您推迟了去美国探亲的时间。根据拉美学会章程的有关要求  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) and Delhi Study Group of India, a delegation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) headed by  相似文献   

2003—2008年是黄家定担任马华公会总会长时期。作为总会长,黄家定提出在维持族群和谐的基础上,进一步提升华裔在马来西亚地位的目标。为此,马华公会施行了教育、经济、党内改革、新村工作等领域的一系列新政,但施政效果不如人意,以致2008年大选失利。虽然远离政治,缺乏对华裔新社会运动的回应性是黄家定政纲的致命缺陷,但马华公会失政最本质的缘由还是在于马来西亚以巫统一党独大为核心的种族霸权制度。  相似文献   

苏俄国内战争期间大批苏俄犹太人移居异国他乡,这不仅是由于反犹浪潮的肆虐,而且还有犹太复国主义运动兴起等诸多因素的影响。苏俄犹太人的迁移加快了犹太人流散世界各地的进程,加快了哈尔滨等新兴犹太聚居区的兴起,同时也成为第三次“阿利亚”运动的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

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