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煤层气的开采和利用已经产业化,为保护环境、解决煤炭安全生产和改善我国能源结构起到了重要作用。但体制上的问题导致煤层气的开采至今依然掌握在少数非煤企业手中,致使煤层气的开采效率不高,对后续煤炭的继续开采也带来诸多问题。为了更好地开采煤层气和煤炭,应该在立法层面上将煤层气的采矿权配置到具备资质的煤炭企业手中,实现煤层气和煤炭的一体化开采。  相似文献   

打开五四文学画卷,人们会惊异地发现,作家笔下的社会生活画面是多么丰富:从水葬活人到婚配死人,从用人血馒头治病到以驱鬼来接生,几乎囊括了旧中国所有古老野蛮的陈规陋习和地方风俗,以及一切黑暗落后的社会现象。这些风俗画的作用和价值并不限于增强作品的生活实感、丰富作品的色彩,而首先体现为一种认识生活反映生活的方式和角度。对  相似文献   

关于地方政府依法行政若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以国务院《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》颁布为标志,我国政府机关依法行政进入了新的历史发展时期。但是,在对地方政府依法行政若干重要问题的认识上,仍值得进一步深入思考。而通过深入思考,对这些地方政府依法行政中带有普遍性和倾向性的问题进行认真梳理和评析,能够使我们更加全面、准确地认识地方政府依法行政的发展规律,更加自觉地、理性地推进地方政府依法行政。  相似文献   

问:我是台湾人,我的未婚妻是厦门人。按照台湾人的风俗,我们在正式结婚前先订了婚,且签订了“婚约”。订婚后,我送给妻子一些金银首饰,还给了她5万元人民币用于操办婚礼。后来,因为女方的原因,我们并没有办理结婚手续。我能要回这些财物吗?  相似文献   

2014年《环境保护法》规定的地方政府环境质量责任是对我国《宪法》加给政权机关的环境保护职责的立法表达。因为《宪法》早已确定了保护环境的国家使命、基本国策,遵循宪法规定,我国其他一些单行环境法也有关于政权机关环境质量责任的规定。2014年《环境保护法》和其他法律规定的政府环境质量责任是"积极责任"或"建设性责任",而非不利法律后果。地方政府环境质量责任的另一面就是保护环境的权力。宪法、法律在加给地方国家机关维护或提高环境质量责任的同时,也赋予它们保护环境的"建设性权力"。地方政府环境质量责任的责任主体实际上是地方各级国家政权机关。对于政府环境质量责任的履行来说,更急需做的不是设计出对政府"问责"的方案,而是加强推进地方政权机关履行保护环境"积极责任"的制度建设,包括建立经济社会发展与环境保护规划制度、环境质量目标主义指导下的总行为控制制度和以改善流域等空间环境单元环境质量为管理目标的区际环保合作制度。  相似文献   

李滢 《检察风云》2013,(21):74-75
在刚刚过去的9月,上学、入园、入托让很多父母和孩子都经历了一场分离之痛。其实,我们一生中的分离时刻还远不止这些:每一次毕业离开学校、住校离开温暖的家、跳槽离开熟悉的同事、搬家离开习惯了的地方、疾病或意外让我们失去亲人等等。分离本能地会让我们感受到丧失和痛苦。但是,正如硬币有两面,如果我们能换一个视角,就会发现分离对我们来说有着非同—般的积极意义:它带给我们力量、勇气,看到新的希望,有更多进步,变得更自由、能更好地成为我们自己!  相似文献   

解振华:向西方“发飙” 前不久的南非德班气候大会最终以和气收场,但会议过程却剑拔弩张。中国代表团团长解振华在会议最后一刻发火抨击发达国家不断“搅局”,他情绪激动地说:“我们是发展中国家,我们要发展,我们要消除贫困,我们要保护环境,该做的我们都做了,我们已经做了,你们还没有做到,你有什么资格在这里讲这些道理给我?”  相似文献   

具我国长期以来的发展,特别是改革开放以来,我们的政府已经意识到对于环境保护的重要性,正在逐步采取一系列的措施来加强对环境保护方面的工作,已经颁布了各种各样的环境保护法律、法规,环境保护的工作正在走入全面、法制、科学的轨道。尤其是采取刑事手段来保护环境,国家通过加强环境立法、司法等刑事政策大力保护环境。但这些政策还存在一些问题,需要进行完善。  相似文献   

日前,百余幅浸透着百年奥运历史氤氲与文化情愫的宣传海报在辽宁博物馆展出.这些奥运宣传画、海报,完美地记录下奥运会的发展,也为我们提了一份关于体育和艺术、政治和地方、商业和文化的视觉文本.……  相似文献   

如何有效地处理中央与地方之间的关系,是许多国家面临的重大宪政课题,也是自古以来长期困扰我国的一个问题。化解这种难题需要我们借鉴国外的有益经验,探索多样化的解决方案。美国在联邦制实践中形成了司法调节联邦与各州之间关系的功能,这尤其值得我们注意。美国联邦司法在历史上形成了众多判例,以这些判例为线索可以发现:联邦司法调节功能是通过"弹簧"机制的运作来实现的。这种机制维护了美国政治的稳定、国家的统一和地方的自治与繁荣。  相似文献   

The article analyzes the attributions of the causes of poverty and wealth in Russia and Estonia in 1991 and 1996 and their determinants. Among the latter are the perceived actual justice of the society, the perceived size of the middle class, and the personal position in the system of inequalities. Despite the economic hardships and a rise in inequalities in both countries, individualistic explanations of wealth and poverty have increased over the 5 years between the surveys. At the same time respondents in both countries demonstrated a growing awareness of the importance of starting positions and connections to achieve wealth. The perceived middle class has a significant effect on attributions of poverty but not on wealth. Russians in Estonia have a particular bias against wealth, whereas non-Russians in Russia are more likely to justify wealth on the basis of individual merit. Explanations of poverty and wealth in Estonia are more rooted in the factors of socialization (age, education, and gender), whereas in Russia they are more rooted in the changes in the family financial circumstances between 1991 and 1996. There was a general increase in support for government intervention in distribution in both countries.  相似文献   

重庆高校离退休教职工合法权益保障中存在许多问题:如养老金低下,共享社会发展成果方面的某种不公平、不公正和不合理;实行医保后,看病难、费用高和负担重,离退休教职工的某些宪法、法律上权利受到侵犯等。上述问题的产生有各种原因:如对养老金制度的性质、原则和特点缺乏深入研究和足够认识;对共享社会发展成果缺乏应有的机制保障;对医改实行“以药养医”的错误方式;对《老年人权益保障法》的认识不足,贯彻实施不力等。针对上述情况,我们必须采取相应对策和措施予以解决。  相似文献   

抵押权物上代位理论基础因学者们分析问题的角度和重点不同有三种通说,即物权说、价值权说、公平说.物权说简单地将抵押权物上代位归结于法律为保护抵押权所作出的特别规定,从而其功能受到较大的局限;价值权说与公平说,均通过揭示抵押权的本质特性--价值权性,而说明抵押物的变形物或替代物,克服了物权说的上述缺陷.抵押权物上代位无论解读为抵押权的延长,还是新成立的质权,均不是问题的实质所在.当抵押物的变形物是可以特定化的物的情况下,抵押权代位于该物上;当抵押物的变形物是保险金、赔偿金、补偿金等无法特定化物的情况下,抵押权代位于其请求权之上.而现实判例能否拓展抵押权代位物的范围是本文探讨之重点,也是司法实务亟待实现的路径.  相似文献   

Gm- 1-, 2-, and Inv 1-factors can be demonstrated in semen and saliva. For the examination of traces it is necessary to verify the suitable dilutions for the different charges of antisera and to test the eluates of the samples if they have a sufficient concentration. We observed some incorrect negative results in seminal and saliva stains which were apparently caused by insufficient material. The demonstration was independent of the secretor type. Haptoglobin could not be determined in semen and saliva.  相似文献   

There is considerable speculation that prison plays a role in radicalization. Many individuals involved in acts of political extremism have spent time in prison, adding credibility to such claims. Despite these assertions, there is little empirical evidence regarding the prison-radicalization link because access to prisons is challenging and there are few valid scales of extremism. Studies that do examine a potential link have small sample sizes or select on extremist case studies. The current study draws on interviews conducted with 802 male prison inmates in Texas the week before their release to the community. Inmates were administered the Activism and Radicalism Intention Scale, one of the few validated scales in the extremism literature. A series of structural equation models revealed several important findings. First, we found that the psychometric properties of the modified two factor model of activism and radicalism intentions were largely acceptable among prison inmates, including subgroupings of Latino, white, black, and gang and non-gang-involved inmates. Second, our findings revealed that there was more activism than radicalism intentions among prison inmates, although levels of both were comparable to non-institutional populations. Activism and radicalism intentions were positively related, although this correlation was weaker than in prior studies. Activism should not be substituted for radicalism. Third, our exploratory analysis of concurrent validity identified few multivariate correlates. Group identification—namely, racial and religious groups—was related to both scales, but in opposite directions. Age was negatively, while street-to-prison gang importation was positively, related to radicalism intention. We outline the implications of these findings for research, policy, and practice on activism, radicalization, and prison.  相似文献   

文章通过对相关国家刑事诉讼警检关系的分别介绍,比较各国刑事诉讼中警检关系的可取之处,检视我国现行刑事诉讼关系的现状和利弊,结合我国民主法制建设,以科学发展观为指导,提出对完善我国刑事诉讼警检关系的建议和设想.  相似文献   

霍丹 《行政与法》2020,(5):10-17
本文分析了我国高校在政府采购各环节中存在的风险点及高校政府采购的目标模式,并在此基础上提出完善政府采购制度、规范政府采购行为、健全采购监管机制、加强采购队伍建设、强化采购责任追究五个方面的风险管控措施,以期为我国高校政府采购提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The quali-quantitative determination of two barbiturates, thiopental and its metabolite pentobarbital, in head and pubic hair samples of a woman who had been sexually assaulted during hospitalisation, is reported. Hair was analysed by means of solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography-multiple mass spectrometry (GC-MS-MS), in chemical ionisation conditions. Thiopental and pentobarbital were found in three proximal head hair segments (sample 1A: 0.30 and 0.40 ng/mg; sample 1B: 0.20 and 0.20 ng/mg; sample 3: 0.15 and 0.20 ng/mg) and pubic hair sample. Two distal head hair segments were negative for both barbiturates. Despite the lack of collection and toxicological analysis of blood or urine samples within the hospital setting, analytical findings from hair revealed the use of the anaesthetic agent thiopental to sedate the victim quickly and deeply and commit sexual assault.  相似文献   

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