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We have shown that there is a difference between individuals in their tendency to deposit DNA on an item when it is touched. While a good DNA shedder may leave behind a full DNA profile immediately after hand washing, poor DNA shedders may only do so when their hands have not been washed for a period of 6h. We have also demonstrated that transfer of DNA from one individual (A) to another (B) and subsequently to an object is possible under specific laboratory conditions using the AMPFISTR SGM Plus multiplex at both 28 and 34 PCR cycles. This is a form of secondary transfer. If a 30 min or 1h delay was introduced before contact of individual B with the object then at 34 cycles a mixture of profiles from both individuals was recovered. We have also determined that the quantity and quality of DNA profiles recovered is dependent upon the particular individuals involved in the transfer process. The findings reported here are preliminary and further investigations are underway in order to further add to understanding of the issues of DNA transfer and persistence.  相似文献   

目的探讨综合应用常染色体STR与Y-STR、X-STR、mtDNA高变区Ⅰ序列检测四类遗传标记,提高两男性混合精液样品的个人识别率。方法使用商品化试剂盒检测混合精液样品的常染色体与X、Y染色体STR,应用单链构象多态性(single strand conformation polymorphism,SSCP)法分离两男性混合精液样品的线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)高变区Ⅰ序列,并进行序列分析。结果混合精液样品比例超过1:10(高组分所占比例继续增加而低组分所占比例继续减少)时可以确定高拷贝者的全部四类遗传标记系统的分型。比例接近时,通过与嫌疑人检测结果的比较可获得排除或基本认定的意见。结论四类遗传标记系统的联合检测有助于提高两男性混合精液样品的个人识别率。  相似文献   

The transfer of DNA from hands to objects by holding or touching has been examined in the past. The main purpose of this study was to examine the variation in the amount of DNA transferred from hands to glass, fabric and wood. The study involved 300 volunteers (100 for glass, 100 for fabric and 100 for wood) 50% of which were male and 50% female. The volunteers held the material for 60 s. The DNA was recovered from the objects using a minitape lift, quantified using the Quantifiler kit assay, extracted using a ‘Qiagen® QIAamp DNA mini kit’ and amplified using the AmpFlSTR® SGM Plus™ Amplification Kit at 28 cycles. The results show that using ANOVA there was a significant difference (F = 8.2, p < 0.05) between the three object types in the amount of DNA recovered. In terms of DNA transfer and recovery, wood gave the best yield, followed by fabric and then glass. The likelihood of success of obtaining a profile indicative of the holder was approximately 9% for glass samples, 23% for fabric and 36% for wood. There was no significant difference between the amount of DNA transferred by male or female volunteers. In this study good shedder status, as defined by obtaining useful profiles of 6 or more alleles, is estimated at approximately 22% of the population. The phenomenon of secondary transfer was observed when mixed DNA profiles were obtained but the incidence was low at approximately 10% of the total number of samples. DNA profiles corresponding to more than one person were found on objects which had been touched by only one volunteer. Although secondary transfer is possible the profiles obtained from touched objects are more likely to be as a result of primary transfer rather than a secondary source.  相似文献   

“Touch DNA” is a form of trace DNA that is presumed to be deposited when an individual touches something and leaves behind DNA-containing skin cells, sweat, or other fluids. While touch DNA is often the result of direct contact (i.e., primary transfer), it can also be indirectly transferred between surfaces or individuals (e.g., secondary or tertiary transfer). Even experts cannot distinguish between different types of transfer and do not fully understand which variables affect direct versus indirect transfer or how often each type of transfer occurs. In this study, we utilize an innovative protocol that combines a paired male and female transfer DNA experimental design with an Amelogenin qPCR assay to generate data on primary, secondary, and tertiary DNA transfer. We report frequencies of indirect DNA transfer and also investigate the potential effects of participant age, self-identified ethnicity, and skin conditions on DNA transfer. Out of 22 experimental trials, we detected primary transfer (male + female) in 71% of trials, secondary DNA transfer in 50% of trials, and tertiary DNA transfer in 27% of trials. No significant associations were found between primary DNA transfer and age, self-identified ancestry, or skin conditions, however, all individuals with sloughing skin conditions demonstrated primary DNA transfer and we suggest this variable be explored in larger samples. These results contribute to a better understanding of the conditions under which secondary and tertiary DNA transfer occurs and can be used to propose realistic DNA transfer scenarios in court cases.  相似文献   

目的研究手部脱落细胞DNA能否通过握手、接触等方式发生一次转移和二次转移。方法寻找6名志愿者,在其洗手之后两两之间进行握手,然后让每一名志愿者接触已清洗的玻璃杯,最后对上述每一个玻璃杯进行DNA提取检测。结果在志愿者接触过的玻璃杯上,能够提取到因接触而发生一次转移和二次转移的基因座;同等条件下,一次转移获得的基因座数比二次转移获得的基因座数多。结论手部脱落细胞DNA能够发生接触转移现象,而且发生二次转移甚至多次转移是非常有可能的,因此在法医工作中,需要高度重视因DNA二次转移甚至多次转移而带来的污染问题。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy among hairs from single individuals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) assay was used to detect mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence heteroplasmy in 160 hairs from each of three individuals. The HV1 and HV2 heteroplasmic positions were then identified by sequencing. In several hairs, the heteroplasmic position was not evident by sequencing and dHPLC separation of the homoduplex/heteroduplex species was carried out with subsequent reamplification and sequencing to identify the site. The overall detection frequency of sequence heteroplasmy in these hairs was 5.8% (28/480) with DGGE and 4.4% (21/280) with sequencing. Sequence heteroplasmy of hair was observed even when the reference blood sample of the individual was homoplasmic. The heteroplasmic positions were not necessarily observed at sites where high rates of substitution have been reported. In two hairs, a complete single base change from the reference blood sample was observed with sequencing, while the heteroplasmic condition at that site in the hair was observed using DGGE. The DGGE results in such samples would serve as an aid in considering the possibility of match significance. In a forensic case, this situation would lead to the possibility of a failure to exclude rather than to be inconclusive.  相似文献   

Multiple DNA transfer has increasingly been brought up in court as potential means for the presence of the defendants DNA at the crime scene or on a piece of evidence. This has prompted several investigations into DNA transfer under very controlled and semi-controlled conditions, however little is published about DNA transfer in “uncontrolled” or real life situations.Here we examined the effects of multiple direct and indirect transfer of DNA within a small group of people and objects: three individuals participating in a social interaction of having a drink (jug of juice) together for 20 min. At the end of the tests all the surfaces of interest were sampled and analyzed.In many instances the last person or the only person to come in contact with the object was the main or the only depositor of the DNA detected on it. The jug was a clear vector for secondary DNA transfer. Interestingly, in many instances the participants acted as vectors for foreign DNA transfer.  相似文献   

The Nature letter by R. van Oorschot and M. Jones (1) addressed two topics: the primary transfer of DNA from person to person or to various objects, and the secondary transfer of DNA through an intermediary. Forensic scientists have described the primary transfer of DNA and other biological evidence for many years. However, the authors also reported detecting secondary transfer of DNA from an object to a person's hands, which could adversely affect DNA typing in the forensic context. The prospect of secondary transfer raises questions of interest to both the legal and forensic communities. Therefore, we sought to evaluate parameters potentially leading to secondary DNA transfer. Our data do not support the conclusion that secondary transfer will compromise DNA typing results under typical forensic conditions.  相似文献   

A central question is ‘how did DNA get there’? To help answer this, we visually monitored and recorded DNA transfer from one substrate to another. When an individual touches a substrate, traces of their DNA are transferred (primary/direct) which can then subsequently be transferred to a second substrate (secondary/indirect). Currently DNA transfer and how much remains can only be determined by collecting the biological material from the substrate, isolating the DNA and quantifying the amount recovered. However, Diamond™ Dye (DD) enables such DNA transfer events to be visualised by monitoring the movement of cellular material.We examined primary and secondary DNA transfer using aluminium as a primary substrate with cotton, polyester, aluminium and plastic as secondary substrates and four contact types between two substrates (passive, pressure, friction and friction with pressure). Participants pressed their index finger against the aluminium for 15 s and then DD was applied to the area of contact; cellular material was detected via a fluorescence microscope. Contact between that substrate and a second substrate was performed, using one of the four contact types. After this contact between substrates each was viewed microscopically and transfer of cellular material was recorded.Cellular material could be recorded as having transferred from one substrate to another. Substrate and contact type had an effect on the extent DNA transfers. DNA transferred at a high rate with aluminium as a primary substrate and cotton, polyester and aluminium as secondary substrates when pressure with friction was applied. This information expands our understanding of how DNA transfers and which factors affect it, thus assisting greatly with activity level reporting as to how DNA came to be where it was found.  相似文献   

The role of an individual known as a ‘linker’ is examined and the similarities between his role and those of ‘gatekeeper’, ‘opinion leader’, and ‘innovator’ are discussed in detail. Not only are the similarities among these roles pointed out but also the unique characteristics of the ‘linker’ are clarified. A Linker Model for Technology Transfer is presented showing the value of a ‘linker’ to the parent and users organizations. Managerial endeavors to understand and promote technology transfer can be facilitated by the in-depth research presented.  相似文献   

As the sensitivity and discriminative power of DNA technology progressively improves, the ability to utilise trace DNA as evidence in forensic casework similarly increases. Along with increased sensitivity comes the prospect of detecting contaminating DNA, complicating the interpretation of profiles. This study aimed to provide data into the occurrence and level of DNA potentially transferred between high risk vectors (scissors, forceps, gloves) and exhibits during the examination process in both light and heavy contamination/contact scenarios. DNA transfer was observed for all vectors in both transfer situations, with heavy conditions transferring more than light. Profiles with sufficient alleles to identify the origin were observed for each vector in both heavy and light scenarios, excluding forceps, where only a small number of alleles were transferred under light conditions,  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(6):567-572
Forensic DNA profiling is a standard method used in the attempt to identify deceased individuals. In routine investigations, and if available, the preferred sample type is usually blood. However, this requires the invasive re-opening of the body, days or weeks after the autopsy, which is undesirable in resource-constrained mortuary settings. Motivated by the ease of sampling as well as reduced health and safety risks, this study aimed to establish the success rate of generating a full DNA profile on first attempt from buccal swab lysates using a direct PCR approach. Buccal swab samples were collected from 100 unidentified deceased males, and were subjected to direct DNA profiling with use of the Promega PowerPlex® Y23 Kit. At the time of sample collection, these individuals had been stored for between 1 and 887 days. This study shows that full DNA profiles were initially obtained from 73% of samples, which constitutes the first empirical data pertaining to first time success rates of direct PCR from post-mortem buccal lysates. Further investigation of partial and failed DNA profiles using real-time PCR showed that samples did not contain PCR inhibitors, DNA was not degraded, but DNA concentration was particularly low. Repeating DNA profiling with increased lysate input and extra PCR cycles yielded an additional six full DNA profiles, resulting in an overall success rate of 79%. Overall, DNA profile success rate was not associated with the duration of storage (p = 0.387). Lastly, massively parallel sequencing with the ForenSeq™ Signature DNA Prep kit provided more informative profiles for three additional samples. These results indicate that blood should therefore remain the sample of choice in a post-mortem setting, yet buccal lysates hold potential to be optimised further, which may ease the human identification workflow.  相似文献   

Two cases of threatening letters with their accompanying envelopes were received to the Division of Forensic Identification unit of the Israel Police. The envelopes, including the stamps, and the letters were initially examined for latent fingerprints by the DFO reagent, known to cause degradation of DNA. Although no latent fingerprints could be visualized on any of the items, the biology laboratory using organic DNA extraction, was successful in defining genetic profiles from all the items employing six STR loci, even after treatment with DFO. In a controlled experiment, a known donor attached a stamp, by licking, to an envelope. This item was treated with DFO and then profiled using STR loci. The results showed that previous DFO treatment on the control stamp before DNA analysis had no negative effects on obtaining the DNA profile of the known donor using STR loci.  相似文献   

目的研究脱落细胞遗留者洗手时间及所接触客体类型对手部脱落细胞转移的影响,同时考察手部脱落细胞DNA是否能够发生二次转移。方法 9名志愿者在洗手后30min、2h、6h分别握持木柄螺丝刀、橡胶柄螺丝刀、胶木插头1min和佩戴粗纱手套15min,对上述物品进行DNA提取检测,同时进行手部脱落细胞的二次转移实验。结果从志愿者接触过的物品中能够获得的STR基因座数量随着接触者洗手后时间的延长而增加;在洗手后30min和2h的触摸实验中,4种客体检出的基因座数量存在统计学差异,从手套中检出的基因座数量多于从木柄和橡胶柄螺丝刀中检出的数量;从脱落细胞遗留状态较差者握持过的螺丝刀中,检出了与该物品没有直接接触的脱落细胞遗留状态较好者部分STR基因座。结论接触者最后一次洗手时间是影响脱落细胞DNA转移的一个重要因素,在接触性DNA的提取检测和结果解释过程中,对有可能发生的二次转移现象应予以高度注意。  相似文献   

This study presents a reliable method that uses high-fidelity long-range PCR and optimized primers to assess polymorphism and to genotype human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). This method was used to analyze polymorphic sites in the human mtDNA control region, including hypervariable regions I, II, and III (HVI, HVII, and HVIII), from 124 unrelated Japanese individuals. In HVI, HVII, and HVIII, 80, 37, and 14 polymorphic sites were identified, respectively, excluding those in the homopolymeric cytosine stretch (C-stretch) regions. The region between HVI and HVII also contained 15 polymorphic sites. On the other hand, C-stretch length heteroplasmy in HVI or HVII was observed in 66 of 124 Japanese individuals (53%), which is much higher than in Caucasian populations. The variants in the C-stretch regions were characterized by counting the number of heteroplasmic peaks split from the single peak in homoplasmic sequences (i.e., 16244G and 16255G in HVI and 285G in HVII). Including the C-stretch length heteroplasmy, the 124 Japanese mtDNA samples were classified into 116 distinct haplotypes. The random match probability and the genetic diversity were estimated to be 0.95% and 0.998581, respectively, indicating that the method presented here has higher discrimination than the conventional method for mtDNA typing using HVI and HVII. [Correction added after publication 30 January 2007: in the preceding sentence random match probability and genetic diversity estimates were corrected from 0.95 and 0.998581%, respectively, to 0.95% and 0.998581, respectively.] The haplogroups and their frequencies observed in this study (i.e., D4; 13.7%, M7a1; 11.3%, D4a; 9.7% and M7b2; 8.9%) were similar to those observed in other studies of Japanese mtDNA polymorphism. The method described here is suitable for forensic applications, as shown by successful analysis of tissues from highly putrefied remains of an infant, which allowed maternal relationship to be determined via mtDNA haplotyping.  相似文献   

中国证券市场国际化趋势及监管对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
舒峰  马思萍 《行政与法》2005,10(2):105-107
随着经济全球化的发展,证券市场日趋国际化,金融风险性也随之加大,加强证券监管成为国际社会的共识。本文首先探讨了证券市场及其监管的国际化趋势,然后分析了中国证券市场的国际化及障碍因素,最后提出了中国证券市场国际化的监管对策。  相似文献   

A new type of organization which is explicitly dedicated to technology transfer has emerged in the United States: Companies which manage inventions produced by universities, independent inventors and other creative groups. This paper shows that these “Invention Management Companies” (IMCs) make important and unique contributions to technology transfer on legal issues (e.g., guarding against patent infringements), marketing (e.g., convincing a company to commercialize au invention) and advocating the invention against the organized opposition of established technologies. Given the contributions of IMCs to an emerging system for encouraging innovation (an “Inventive Society”), the paper recommends broadening the role of IMCs as information providers and linking them to incubators and venture capital companies.  相似文献   

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