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Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), affective computing, and big‐data techniques are improving the ways that humans negotiate and learn to negotiate. These technologies, long deployed in industry and academic research, are now being adopted for educational use. We describe several systems that help human negotiators evaluate and learn from role‐play simulations as well as applications that help human instructors teach negotiators at the individual, team, and organizational levels. AI can enable the personalization of negotiation instruction, taking into consideration factors such as culture and bias. These tools will enable improvements not only in the teaching of negotiation, but also in teaching humans how to program and collaborate with technology‐based negotiation systems, including avatars and computer‐controlled negotiation agents. These advances will provide theoretical and practical insights, require serious consideration of ethical issues, and revolutionize the way we practice and teach negotiation.  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen significant advances in research on the relationship between nationalist ideology and organized violence. New scholarship has paid much closer attention to the microdynamics of violence, the strikingly uneven distribution of violence, the relationship between master cleavages and intimate local and personal struggles, and to process, history, and contingency. Nationalist ideology is understood to be bound up intimately with institutions and with everyday relationships at the local level. We introduce the contributions to this special issue, outlining the way in which they highlight the power of ideas, narratives, and microlevel solidarity in mobilization for violence and how they address the crucial importance of territoriality in linking ideas and action.  相似文献   

In this short essay, we introduce readers to a special issue of Terrorism and Political Violence on criminological approaches to the study of terrorism. In addition to summarizing the eight articles in the issue, we outline some general points about the relationship between criminological thinking and our understanding of terrorism. Our goal is to place the special issue's contributions in context and highlight under-explored issues that future research could address.  相似文献   

英国是一个有着悠久情报历史的国家,其16世纪中期第一个情报机构正式成立至今已有400多年,可称西方情报机构的鼻祖。随着大英帝国国力的衰弱,其情报安全机构也开始走下坡路,但不可否认的是,英国情报安全机构在欧洲国家中仍是最出色的。  相似文献   

李东 《国际资料信息》2003,(4):20-22,29
苏联解体后,俄罗斯联邦作为其继承者,也接管了原苏联克格勃的各项事务,但由于初期军警政官员频繁更迭,情报安全工作方针飘忽不定,其工作一度陷入松散状态。从1992年开始,俄情报安全机构着手整编,人员趋于相对稳定,工作也逐步走上正轨。时至今日,俄已基本形成了俄安全会议管理指导下的情报安全工作体系,成为世界上最大的情报、安全机构之一。  相似文献   

法国情报工作已有800年的发展史,曾创造过辉煌,也经历过挫折,特别是冷战后的第一次海湾战争期间,法情报机构折戟沉沙、无所作为。此后,历届政府对情报机构进行大刀阔斧的调整和改革,使其重新焕发青春与活力,成为世界首屈一指的情报机构之一。  相似文献   

以色列国虽然很小,其情报安全系统却“五脏俱全”,而且工作开展得有声有色。由于这支“精干”队伍在以、阿战争和拓展以色列生存空间方面建立过巨大功勋,因此被视为与美国、俄罗斯和英国情报部门齐名的世界“情报四强”。以色列的情报安全部门主要由情报与特殊使命局、军事情报局、国内安全总局、外交部情报研究司、科学联络局、警察情报局(SB特别勤务局)等部门组成。  相似文献   

国家安全学的创建为人工智能安全研究提供了整合与成长的契机。人工智能技术并非基于安全目的而诞生,却因其核心功能可以与既有安全体系内的诸多环节建立深度链接,从而获得了内在的安全属性。人工智能与国家安全学存在深度耦合关系,国家安全学研究框架能够为人工智能安全议题网络的建构提供基础条件。人工智能本身蕴含的“双重时空意义”与国家安全学框架内特点各异的安全领域形成复杂互动,能够在学科框架中建立以“中心—外围”结构为基本特征的人工智能安全研究议题网络。国家安全研究的六个领域同时兼容人工智能的双重身份:在研究视角更加宏观的政治安全、经济安全和军事安全领域,人工智能将以系统性要素的身份创建广泛的新议题,并成为网络的中心节点;在安全内涵相对具体的网络安全、核安全与国土安全领域,人工智能则成为重要的赋能主体,塑造了网络的半中心区域。其余十个国家安全领域与人工智能的链接相对松散,人工智能分别以博弈客体、功能性要素和技术性要素的身份发挥次要作用,从而构成议题网络的外围区域。议题网络的创建有助于人工智能安全研究迈入学科化的发展轨道。  相似文献   

2004年以来,为解决东海争端,中日两国外交部门进行了11轮东海磋商。两国最高领导人发挥了政治智慧,为东海磋商起到了真正的掌舵作用。2008年6月,中国外交部宣布,中日两国就东海问题达成了原则性共识。本文介绍了中日东海磋商的主要成果及其启示,指出首脑外交及日本东海政策转变等因素推动了东海磋商的进展。  相似文献   

何杰 《国际资料信息》2010,(6):20-22,11
普什图人起源于苏莱曼山谷地区,现在主要分布在阿富汗的东部、南部以及巴基斯坦的西北边境省和俾路支省。“普什图尼斯坦”问题(the Pashtoonistan Issue)实质上就是巴基斯坦一侧普什图部落地区的归属问题,从某种程度上说也是阿富汗和巴基斯坦的领土争端问题。  相似文献   

In 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that whichever country becomes the leader in artificial intelligence (AI) “will become the ruler of the world.” Yet Russia lags competitors like China and the United States substantially in AI capabilities. What is Russia's strategy for boosting development of AI technologies, and what role do groups within the Russian elite play in shaping this strategy? Russia's AI development strategy is unique in that it is led not by the government, nor by the private sector, but by state-owned firms. The government's distrust of Russia's largest tech firm, Yandex, has sidelined the company from national AI planning. Meanwhile, Russia's defense conglomerate Rostec publicly appears to focus less on artificial intelligence than on other high-tech priorities. As a result, Russia's AI development has been left to a state-owned bank, Sberbank, which has taken the lead in devising plans for government-backed investment in AI.  相似文献   

Cobb  Sara 《Negotiation Journal》2000,16(4):315-319
Negotiation Journal -  相似文献   

美国《国家情报战略》报告简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今年10月26日,美国国家情报局长内格罗蓬特正式公布了《国家情报战略》报告(以下简称“报告”)。①这是美国历史上第一次对外公开其国家情报战略,也是美国第一次将联邦调查局、国土安全部、各州及地方情报机构加以整合后的一项情报战略。该“报告”还首次将促进民主与反恐、防止大规模杀伤性武器一起列为美国情报机构的三大首要任务之一,显示出美国情报战略思维的历史性转变,具有深远影响。一、《国家情报战略》出台的背景“情报战略”在当前受到了越来越多国家和地区学者的关注,但实际上这一词出现的时间并不算早。在美国,1987年第一份国家…  相似文献   

作为新一轮科技革命和产业变革的核心驱动力量,人工智能技术的发展与应用在为社会提供强大发展动力的同时,也对国家安全治理造成了一系列影响。实际上,人工智能技术与国家安全之间存在一种结构性互动的关系。一方面,人工智能技术能够基于进化赋能的实践应用,从传统安全、非传统安全以及两者间的重叠领域,为国家安全提供更为有效的维护和保障机制;另一方面,人工智能技术的应用也存在着超出预期设想的可能性。因此,人工智能在国家安全治理中的应用就极易在"界域与有效性""效能与可靠性"以及"竞争与稳定性"之间出现矛盾。尤其是在因人工智能技术嵌入所导致的力量失衡以及安全格局的转变下,国家安全就极有可能在国家竞争的稳定性、社会治理的有序性与技术应用的稳定性三方面遭受巨大的冲击。需要指出的是,目前人工智能技术所导致的国家安全风险已经逐步显现,而全面评估人工智能技术对国家安全治理带来的机遇与挑战将是解决这一技术安全悖论的关键所在。为此,中国应在紧抓人工智能技术发展契机的同时,更要加强对这一技术发展潜在风险的研判和预防,从而维护好中国的国家安全与人民利益。  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Samuel B. Bacharach and Edward J. Lawler , Power and Politics in Organizations: The Social Psychology of Conflict, Coalitions, and Bargaining .
Max H. Bazerman and Roy J. Lewicki , eds., Negotiating in Organizations .
Jeffrey Pfeffer , Power in Organizations .  相似文献   

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