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正End of the Travel RushPassengers head to boarding platforms at the Yinchuan Railway Station in northwest China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on February 24.That day marked the end of the 40-day Spring Festival travel rush,which saw 3.32 billion trips.  相似文献   

正Fiscal Reform China will endeavor to build a comprehensive,transparent and efficient fiscal and tax system by strengthening reforms in the coming years,the central leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC)said on June 30.  相似文献   

正Bridge Opens Cars run on the newly opened Yangtze River Bridge in Maanshan,Anhui Province on December 31,2013.Upon the completion of the bridge,the travel time between BridgeOpens Hefei,capital of Anhui,and Shanghai will be shortened by an hour and the travel time between Hefei and Hangzhou,capital of Zhejiang Province,will be shortened by half an hour.  相似文献   

冯梦成 《中国发展》2010,10(4):58-62
经过四轮行政审批制度改革,浦东新区改革在审批事项的清理和审批方式的变革等方面取得了显著成效,但在行政体制、审批机制、审批效能和政府职能转变等方面仍存在一些困难和问题。为此,要以推进浦东综合配套改革试点为契机,进一步深化行政审批制度改革,努力建设公共服务型政府。  相似文献   

正Slowed Production China’s value-added industrial output expanded 6.9 percent year on year in August,down from the 9-percent growth in July,the latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS)showed on September 13.On a monthly basis,the industrial output in August expanded by a fractional 0.2 percent from July.In the first eight months,total value-added industrial output grew 8.5 percent from the same period last year.  相似文献   

正It’s time for the developing world to take action to defend its own marketIn the past month or two,an array of antitrust investigations against foreign companies by Chinese authorities has attracted extensive attention worldwide.While some international business lobbyists have made complaints and spun these  相似文献   

随着经济体制改革和行政管理体制改革的深化,我国行政审批制度改革取得一定成效.但在发展中也暴露出问题.行政审批制度改革的深入,应从加快行政审批法制建设步伐,依法清理行政审批项目,创建行政审批新体制,加强对行政审批行为监督等方面着手,不断推动行政审批的制度化和法律化.  相似文献   

正Far from signifying overreliance on imported resources,China’s new energy deal with Russia could empower the country internationally and strengthen it internally After 20 long years of negotiations and 15frustrated attempts,China and Russia finally inked a natural gas deal on May  相似文献   

基于流程再造的研究视角,本文对F市外经贸系统中的行政审批事项、内部运营、跨部门与跨层级审批等状况进行了实证考察,指出当前地方政府行政审批制度改革中存在越减越肥与审批拖沓、简政放权中的统筹不足、重审批中的轻监管等问题。文章提出应从提升行政服务中心的窗口办理效能、搭建行政审批网络一体化平台、建立审改公众参与制度、建立审改绩效考评制度等四个方面来推进行政审批制度改革。  相似文献   

正Central authorities release regulations to further reform the public-funded provision of cars for officials By Yin PuminThe issues associated with government vehicles,including the huge costs involved in their purchase and maintenance on top of their misuse as private vehicles,have long been criticized by the public in China.According to the National Bureau of Statistics,of the Central Government's 2013  相似文献   

正Efforts are being made at both the central and locallevel to prevent the misuse of taxpayer money For years,government expenditure on vehicles,receptions and overseas trips for officials—also known as the"three public-funded consumption categories"—has been a topic of contention among the Chinese public due to the large sums of money coupled  相似文献   

正THE Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC)adopted the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reform,which charts the country’s future development.Hong Kong,global hub of commerce and trade with the largest offshore RMB liquidity  相似文献   

正China's steel sector vows to face up to the problems created by rapid expansion China's steel blast furnaces are hot,too hot,operating at an overcapacity that will be exacerbated amid the economic slowdown.The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) recently approved a mega steel project in Zhanjiang,Guangdong  相似文献   

同为转型期的大国,邻国俄罗斯行政改革的经验与教训尤其值得我们关注。在经历了多年的尝试与探索之后,其酝酿已久的行政改革纲要终于在2003年得以系统实施,并于2005年进行调整与补充。这种自上而下的改革必须保证权力中心的一致及社会的支持和参与。改革纲要的制定既不可忽视又不可照搬他国经验。  相似文献   

正LAST month I was invited out for a Korean barbecue by a 23-year-old Chinese friend of mine,Huang Xuesong.I gladly accepted the invitation and we had dinner together.After a good meal,it was time to pay the bill.As I rummaged in my bag for my purse,my friend stopped me:"No,it’s okay.I’ve already paid over the Internet,"he said.I won-  相似文献   

正THE time-honored Beijing Tongrentang brand has achieved its longstanding goal to go global.The leading Chinese pharmaceutical company has opened 95 stores in 17 countries and regions out of the mainland,as well as a research and development center in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

正58 Number of approval items that the State Council canceled or delegated to lowerlevel governments to streamline administration on November 24 $2.3 blnvalue of agreements signed between businesses from Singapore and east China’s Zhejiang Province at the 10th SingaporeZhejiang Economic and Trade Council meeting held in Singapore on November 24 4% Decrease in business revenues in China’s telecom sector in October  相似文献   

大连市第九次党代会提出建设"服务型"政府的目标,这其中就包含着政府审批制度的改革.由于这一制度是计划经济条件下政府管理社会经济的基本手段和方式,与市场经济要求很不适应,虽经几次改革,但仍未到位,且时有回溯.因此,深化我市行政审批制度改革,是加快政府职能转变,实现建设"服务型"政府的重要举措.  相似文献   

正The 15th Russia International Show of Construction Equipment and Technologies(CTT)was held in Moscow from June 3 to 7.Liuzhou OvM Machinery Co.Ltd.attended the exhibition with its prestressed products."At the moment,infrastructure construction such as housing,elec-tric power and railway is continuing to expand in Russia,and given that the country’s import of machinery  相似文献   

正The Central Asian nation faces a critical transition in 2014 as NATO forces prepare to pull out With the impending large-scale withdrawal of NATO forces led by the United States in 2014,Afghanistan will usher in a vital turning point for its transition.The U.S.-Afghanistan Bilateral Security Agreement,the upcoming Afghan general election as well as the national reconciliation of Afghanistan will have a heavy influence on the country’s future  相似文献   

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