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2002年卢拉当政后,继续奉行卡多佐执政时期确立的宏观经济政策和稳健的财政政策,强化财政纪律,实施浮动汇率制和通货膨胀目标制,主张利率政策应该“去政治化”,价格稳定应该在制度上得到保障,中央银行应该拥有相应的独立性。此外,他还力图加快财政改革的步伐。但在各个利益集团把持的国会中,卢拉政府的上述主张并没有获得支持。因此,卢拉当政时期巴西的财政管理体制与卡多佐当政时期相比没有发生重大的变化。卢拉在其第二任总统就职演说中表示,今后4年政府的工作重点之一是在财政和货币政策领域加快改革。但这一目标能否实现尚不得而知。  相似文献   

90年代以来,罗马尼亚经济在向市场转轨过程中,原有的社会保障体系受到很大冲击,政府不得不动用大量人力物力来加以解决,1992年,政府开始社会保障制度的改革,先后通过了《社会救济法》、《儿童补助法》等一系列法律和法规,每年还制定《国家社会保障预算法》,对社会保障的收入和支出逐项作出明确规定,罗社会保障制度改革的主要原则是:保护人的权利和尊严、维护社会公正、取消任何形式的歧视、逐步打破社会保障由国家统一负担的局面。  相似文献   

拉美国家社会政策调整评析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
20世纪90年代中期以来,拉美国家对社会政策进行了大规模调整。加大社会开支的再分配功能、重构社会保障制度、为贫困和弱势人群提供必要的社会保护和改革管理机制是社会政策调整的4个基本方面。但是,建立完善而有效的社会政策体系和社会保障制度是一项长期任务。拉美国家当前的调整与改革还存在许多有待解决的问题,养老保障制度改革能否取得成功尚有待实践检验,各项改革措施之间的配套性和互补性有待加强,在建立可行且有效的社会安全网方面拉美国家也面临诸多困难。拉美国家的贫困化、社会分配不公等社会问题是由多种因素促成的,已具有长期化和定型化的特点。拉美国家要解决贫困问题,走出经济增长缓慢与贫困和社会贫富分化长期并存的困境,实现经济社会的协调发展,必须建立完善而有效的社会保障制度和社会政策体系。在这个过程中,政府的决策和管理能力具有至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

1991年以来,劳动制度改革一直被认为是促进印度制造业发展的关键。当前印度劳动制度改革的内容主要涉及四部法律。在改革的目标上,一派观点认为重点和方向是放松管制,赋予企业更具弹性的雇佣权;另一派认为重点应该是通过扩大全面的社会保障体系来降低工人应对雇佣灵活性的风险。印度劳动法改革的困难首先是因为劳动力市场的分化导致政府、工人和学术界在改革的方向和重点上存在明显的认识差异,难以取得政策共识。从国际经验的比较来看,如果不同时进行扩大就业机会、改善就业质量的经济改革,印度劳动力市场改革的效果会受限。短期内,印度劳动力制度改革难以有重大进展,但其联邦制结构使得这项改革能在地方开展试验。  相似文献   

波兰在向市场经济体制转轨的过程中,经济出现大幅度衰退,导致贫困居民和失业人数不断增长,社会福利支出日益膨胀,国家财力难以承受,原来在计划经济年代形成的社会保障体系成为阻碍经济发展的桎梏。因此,波政府从1990年起对原有社会保障制度进行改革,强调“改革和完善社会保障制度是市场经济发展和运行的前提和基础”,是“社会发展和稳定经济及体制转轨的重要条件”。现将波近几年有关社会保障制度改革的情况及存在问题介绍如下: 一、医疗制度改革  相似文献   

1991年以来,随着向市场经济的转型,俄罗斯对其住房制度也进行了重大改革。 (一)大力推动住房私有化。 在前苏联计划经济体制时期,俄一直实行福利性住房制度。公民住房的建设使用与维修保养,都由政府作为向公民提供的社会保障和福利包揽下来。苏联解体后,俄罗斯陆续通过或颁布的关于住房制度改革的法律、法令、政府决议和条例达50余项,内容涉及住房制度的各个方面,但最基本目标就是要  相似文献   

名义账户制:波兰社会保障改革的有益尝试   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在全球社会保障制度的改革中,名义账户制的诞生是一个制度创新。欧亚一些国家从1995年开始先后引入这个制度,到2004年已有7个国家实行了这个制度,其中波兰很有特色。名义账户制度诞生已经10年了,波兰名义账户制度的运行也有6~7年。总结波兰改革的经验教训,对深入分析名义账户制度的利弊具有发人深省的意义。可以说,波兰改革是成功的,它为转型国家进行社会保障制度改革积累了经验教训,成为一个绝好的案例。甚至可以说,波兰社会保障的成功改革又一次吸引了世界众多经济学家的关注,引起了世界银行和各国政府的极大兴趣。同时,如同二十几年前那样,波兰再一次为中国带来了一缕新鲜空气,又一次成为中国改革的一个参照系。  相似文献   

9世纪末20世纪初是西欧各国社会保障制度形成阶段,其共同特征是政府开始充当一定的角色,社会保障开始走上国家化、社会化道路。二战后是西欧社会保障制度全面建立与发展阶段,各国完成了有关社会保障制度的立法,设立了现行社会保障制度所包含的主要保险项目和管理机构,政府的作用越来越大甚至占据主导地位,并且从单纯依靠立法间接干预,发展为直接建立统一的机构,强制性推行社会保障制度并实行全面的监督与行政管理,政府财政成为社会保障资金的主要来源。50年代至70年代初期是西欧各国社会保障制度充分发展、进而达到鼎盛的时期。这一时期,西欧各国出现了近20年经济迅速增长的“黄金时期”。在经济繁荣、国家税收不断增加的形势下,各国政府盲目扩大社会保险范围,提高保险津贴标准,增加福利项目,放宽公民享受社会保障的条件,结果导致社会保障费用的大幅度持续增长,从而使这一制度在70年代中期以后因经济危机而遇到严重困难,各国不得不对社会保障制度进行调整和改革,最主要的做法是从管理体制上“开刀”,从“国家化”向“私有化”转变  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来巴西社会保障制度改革探析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
历史上,巴西的社会保障制度一直采取公共管理的现收现付社会保险计划,其面临的财政亏空和分配不公问题非常突出.20世纪80年代以来,一股社保私有化改革浪潮席卷拉美,但巴西并未卷入其中,而是对社保体系进行"参量式"的改革调整.本文试图分析90年代以来卡多佐政府和卢拉政府的社保改革过程,并对改革成效作出评价.  相似文献   

论东北振兴过程中的政府职能   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
振兴东北老工业基地的实质是一个再工业化的过程。这一过程既面临着世界其他老工业基地不曾遇到的困难,也面临着其他老工业基地不曾有过的历史性机遇。振兴东北老工业基地既需要政府的积极推动作用,也需要转变和规范政府职能,特别需要注意的部分是地方政府在实施振兴东北老工业基地的过程中,强化计划经济时期政府职能的倾向。目前,需要尽快地编制国家振兴东北老工业基地的总体规划,并在此基础上制定和实施加快国有企业改革、促进民营经济的发展、统筹扩大就业与完善社会保障体系、全面提高开放水平等具体政策措施。  相似文献   

坪内逍遥《小说神髓》要展现的是一个庞大的帝国文化图景,其主要意图应置入近代日本社会“他者意识一民族主义一近代国民国家”这一思想观念流程中才能够被理解。它不仅呈现出作者根深蒂固的民族主义立场,而且反映出日本文化界在明治维新后积极谋求文化自立、自强与扩张的文化帝国主义图谋。  相似文献   

Sceptics of globalization attribute the proliferation of light weapons to economic openness. Increasing globalization apparently weakens public authority, leading to social disarray, anomic violence, and general conditions that make handgun ownership and use more likely. Pro-globalists might argue contrarily that trade openness can raise the premium on peace as violence is bad for business. Moreover, greater interdependence allows the diffusion of anti-proliferation norms and facilitates cooperative behavior among trading partners for stemming the demand for and proliferation of small arms. Using a unique dataset on small arms imports, we find that greater openness to trade and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) lowers small arms imports per capita. A policy measure of economic freedom is associated with higher small arms imports, but this association seems to be explained entirely by the association between economic freedom and strong bureaucracies. States that are de facto more open to the global trading system are less likely to be inundated with these weapons, but richer, better-governed countries import more small arms. Global policy should pay closer attention to the seepage of these weapons from the relatively wealthy, who manufacture and buy them in larger quantities, to the poor, among whom the ‘problems’ associated with small arms are often manifested. Curbing those factors that encourage globalization, however, would be counterproductive to reducing the trade in small arms and light weapons.  相似文献   

The Russian economy, though so far in better shape than Europe, is facing the possibility of very slow growth in the near future. Its tendency to volatility was demonstrated in 2008-09, when Russian GDP fell more than that of any other large country. Looking at that experience and at current concerns, it seems that Russia has both demand-side (slow world growth, uncertain future oil prices) and supply-side (falling labour force) problems. The continuing failure to provide secure property rights for business probably compounds these difficulties.  相似文献   

Yang: Hello, everybody ! Recently, the discussion on constructing the security cooperative mechanism of Northeast Asia has been increas- ing both at home and abroad, which has almost t become another hot topic next to the Korean nuclear issue. Why is there such a phe- nomenon? Judging from the perspective of the regional situation, there have appeared two respects of "changing" and "unchanging" factors in the past few years. Should we consider that the "unchanging factors" have led to the br…  相似文献   

Debates about the diffusion of international norms have increasingly focused on norm appropriation, highlighting the agency of local actors. The proliferation of international organizations in the Global South raises the question of whether and how they practice local norm appropriation. This article uses ethnographic methods to investigate the appropriation of development norms in an intergovernmental development organization located in Bangladesh. Established theories like localization and sociological institutionalism would expect local actors to allude to a global norm but not to adhere to it. On the contrary, this study finds that, while development organizations may allude to local development norms and dismiss UN-led initiatives as “Western,” their practices remain in line with global concepts such as the Millennium Development Goals and the Human Development Index. These actors perform to localize, but the rhetoric is not matched by their everyday practices. The local therefore functions as a myth.  相似文献   

The debate on the role of the IMF in low-income countries has recently gained strength in light of the commitment by the international community to support achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. The IMF fulfils an important role as an information provider to low-income aid-recipient countries and their bilateral donors, who consider Fund signals as a useful device in their allocation decisions. The IMF also provides lending to low-income countries through the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF), established in 1999. The PRGF was designed to address earlier criticism claiming that IMF lending programs to low-income countries had privileged stabilisation over poverty-reducing growth through financial arrangements that had shown little ownership by those countries. The PRGF was meant to support a balanced macroeconomic framework in which low-income economies could pursue growth-enhancing measures with relevant poverty-reducing effects, reflecting policy priorities put forward by the countries themselves. Based on the available evidence, PRGF-supported countries have recorded a favourable growth performance vis-à-vis non-PRGF-supported countries, although the extent to which this outcome has translated into poverty reduction has yet to be assessed.  相似文献   

刘雪莲 《东北亚论坛》2000,(1):82-84,92
随着全球化的不断发展和科学技术的日益进步,地缘政治学似乎已经过时了。但是,从地缘政治学的理论立论来看,“人与自然环境”的联系链条作为其立论的依据是始终存在的,地理环境对国家政治行为的影响是客观的事实。在现时代,分析冷战结束以后的国际政治现实以及中国所处的国际环境,也说明了地缘政治研究的重要意义。因此,现时代的地缘政治研究性质抛弃了原有的旧观念,是用适应时代发展的新的观念来考察新的国际政治现实,其意义更为重要。  相似文献   

Yang : Hello, everybody ! Recently, the discussion on constructing the security cooperative mechanism of Northeast Asia has been increasing both at home and abroad, which has almost t become another hot topic next to the Korean nuclear issue. Why is there such a phenomenon? Judging from the perspective of the regional situation, there have appeared two respects of “changing“ and “unchanging“ factors in the past few years. Should we consider that the “unchanging factors“have led to the breakout of the Korean Peninsula nuclear crisis again,and the “changing factors“ have caused new changes in the regional circumstance following the crisis and the ways of resolving the issue; and with the Korean nuclear issue as a turning point, have these “changing“ and “unchanging“ factors led to warming-up of the issue of the regional security mechanism in both positive and negative ways?……  相似文献   

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