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A sad news from Puerto Rico:Howard S. Hyman, a dearfriend of the Chinese people andan American serviceman in war-time China, passed away therelast February at the age of 75.A picture of Mao Zedongwith three American Gls taken inChina's wartime capitalChongqing in 1945 is now a his-torical "relic" on display in boththe Red Crag Village Museum inChongqing and the Museum of theChinese Revolution in Beijing.  相似文献   

KRO came to study in China as a senior high school exchange student when he was 17. He lived in a Beijing hutong, learnt to drink Chinese .spirits and became fluent in the city's distinctive dialect. This handsome half American, half Norwegian guy also gained a Chinese name: Zhuang Xiaolong. After finishing college, Kro returned to Beijing in February 2006 and opened Kro's Nest pizza restaurant near the west gate of Peking University.  相似文献   

<正>Trump needs to see that automation,not China,is the main reason for the loss of U.S.jobs A decade ago,Sara Bongiorni published a book titled A Year Without"Made in China":One Family's True Life Adventure in the Global Economy.It chronicled her American family's experiment with a yearlong"boycott"of Chinese products.The book describes their daily inconveniences and problems—she could not even fi nd a non-Chinesemade candle for her husband's birthday.  相似文献   

From October 27 to November 7, 2006, around the end of autumn and early winter when dry leaves were rustling in the chilly wind in Beijing on the west shore of the Pacific Ocean, it was sum- mer in the northern African countries: Morocco, Tunisia and Alge…  相似文献   

Ⅱ When Eunice arrived at Liu miao Village,the villagers vacated the best courtyard in the village for her and equipped her house with household electric appliances and furniture including refrigerator,colour television,telephone,computer,and sofa.  相似文献   

Applause broke out from theaudience in the BeijingHaidian Theatre on the evening ofJune 2 when songs were still lin-gering in the air. The joint per-formance of Chinese and foreignsongs by the Yale Glee Club fromthe United States and the StudentChorus of the Qinghua Universitywon the warmest acclaim of theover 1,000 people in the theatre.The Yale Glee Club came toBeijing on a performace tour at the  相似文献   

True to the name, this quadrennial gala for China's ethnic minority people is indeed "national." TheNational Traditional Games Minorities is organized by of Ethnic the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the ministerial body of the central govern- ment in charge of affairs concerning China's 55 ethnic minority groups.  相似文献   

From February 25 to March 1, on the occasion of the Lantern Festival in the Year of Horse, the French Buddhism cultural delegation consisting of 6 persons led by Mr. Paul, a member of the French Parliament, Director of the French Religious Bureau, President of the French International Buddhism Academy, paid a five-day investigative visit to Jincheng City. It is reported that the Chinese government is going to hold "Year of China" in France in 2003 and the French government will have "Ann(?)e de la France en Chine" in 2004, for the purpose of cultural  相似文献   

True friendship has no national boundaries. This is a conclusion that I have drawn from my own personal experiences over the past 80 years of my life.Far back in 1944 when the Second World War was still going on, I happened to meet a group of American GIs of the US 14th Air  相似文献   

THE rise of the Port of Tianjin to China's world-class nexus is more than a case of being in the right place at the right time.True that the largest man-made harbor facility in China enjoys its geographic/ economic advantage of sitting simultane- ously on the eastern end of the Eurasian Continental Bridge and at the intersection of the Beijing-Tianjin City Belt and the Bohai Rim Economic Circle. But its determined managerial and technological advances have really been its "human capital" edge.  相似文献   

WANG YANBING 《人权》2007,6(1):40-40
A large scale human rights exhibition was held inside the Museum of Culture Palace of the Nationalities in downtown Beijing, Novem-ber 17-26. 2006 mainly showcasing the country's efforts and progress it has made and is making in human rights protection and promotion in China since the founda-tion of new China in 1949.  相似文献   

Aplateau railway, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, will run across the "roof of the world" with an average elevation of more than 4,000 meters. The railway, the highest in altitude in the world, will terminate in Lhasa, capital of Tibet Autonomous Region. This steel artery is likened to a "golden bridge" on the great plateau. For the Tibetan people, the "golden bridge" leads to Beijing and to a better life.  相似文献   

Like other contemporary developments, e.g., the World in Dubai or the Pearl in Qatar, the architecture of PIMM is based on a single unifying concept, explained Katz. "Panama in the native  相似文献   

On September 4, repre-sentatives of members ofthe American Air Force inChina during WWII who cameback to China to attend the ac-tivities in commemoration of thesixtieth anniversary of the vic-tory of the Chinese People'sWar of Resistance AgainstJapanese Aggression and theWorld Anti-Fascist War, partici-pated in the launching of thebook American Airmen in Chinaduring WWII at the auditoriumof the CPAFFC. The book,jointly compiled by the ChinesePeople's Association for Friend-ship w…  相似文献   

BAATAR DORJE, 13, was born of the Ewenki ethnic-ity in the central Hulun Buir grasslands of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. True to the Ewenki horse-riding tradition, Dorje has been riding bareback since age five, and helping to break horses since he was eight. Ewenki folk songs that have been sung for generations are an aspect of his daily life.  相似文献   

With the advent of the era of economic globalization, the United States has intensified its human rights cultural expansion as the base of its human rights diplomacy. Some people in the United States are trumpeting about "human rights dialogue" to engage in "transnational civil society" movement to sell "universalism." This new development in the US human rights culture merits full attention. This paper tries to make an initial analysis of this development for discussion with experts and scholars.  相似文献   

On March 14, 2004, a proposed amendment to the Constitution was adopted by the Second Session of the Tenth National People's Congress (NPC), which stipulates clearly that "the state respects and safeguards human fights." This is the first time that the concept of "human rights" has been included in the Constitution—a major event in the development of China's democratic constitutionalism and political civilization, and an important milestone in human rights progress in China.  相似文献   

It's a subject that gets not only animal rights activists hot under the collar, but also the vast majority of caring people concerned about cruelty to animals. At a press conference in early 2006, the world's attention was once again drawn to the fate of Asiatic black bears (or moon bears) in China, so long tortured in the cruel practice of bile extraction. Only this time  相似文献   

Setting up the China-Africa Development Fund (CAD Fund), the aim of which is to support Chinese enterprises’ investment in Africa and exploration of the African market, was among the eight measures to advance practical China-Africa cooperation that President Hu Jintao raised in November 2006 at the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).  相似文献   

A "new countryside" is not a new concept. In 1956, the Chinese Government set a goal of restructuring rural areas, hut that was not specified in its work agenda. In early 2006, the Central Government released its first major document of the year, which calls the construction of a "new socialist countryside" the foremost task facing China in the 2006-10 period. Why did the government put the goal on its agenda this year?Chen Xiwen, Deputy Director of the Office of the Central Financial Work Leading Group, said the concept has been put forward for at least the following live reasons.  相似文献   

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