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许雯雯 《学理论》2014,(8):45-46
《觉醒》是美国著名女作家凯特·肖邦的代表作品,该作品讲述了一个坚强勇敢女生通过对美国维多利亚社会传统道德的反叛而进行的自我发现和在性及精神上的觉醒。该作品自其发表就引发了强烈批评,直到20世纪50年代该作品才被重新评估为真正的经典作品。  相似文献   

数字时代所呈现的数字化、智能化、网络化等特质深深地改变和重构了思想政治教育叙事的创作和传播模式。智能故事、场景故事、体验故事等新叙事模式强化了叙事感染力与吸引力。数字时代,思想政治教育叙事创新面临技术叙事的交互风险导致的情感真空、现代性的审美取向引发的审美抵制、数字平台形成的资本力量隐藏的价值风险等挑战。基于此,思想政治教育叙事应从情感、审美、价值观三方面重构思想政治教育叙事的结构框架:从技术反噬回归技术反哺,推动数字技术为情感叙事赋能;构建用户需求的叙事取向,驱推用户同一性的创意叙事;破除数据资本的权力宰制,唤醒教育对象的主体意识,从而构建适应数字时代的思想政治教育叙事新模式。  相似文献   

紫式部在继承了物语虚构的传统的同时,注重写实,真实再现人物的内心情感;利用历史叙事手法,适当加入史实,增加了作品的真实性;以和歌抒情,使原本单调的物语叙事手法变得丰满起来。  相似文献   

狄更斯作为维多利亚时期英国"工业小说"创作者的代表,其作品历来受到评论家的极大关注.与其他作品相比较,<荒凉山庄>在我国处于相对冷落的地位.重新审视作品中众多人物间的人际关系,可以揭示出狄更斯既批判了中产阶级以钱财为主导的价值观,又塑造了伊斯特和乔治这样的正面人物,作为对卡莱尔所批评的"现金哲学"的有力呼应.以此证明<荒凉山庄>是狄更斯回应"进步"话语的又一部巨著.  相似文献   

曹立勤 《学理论》2009,(27):250-251
余华的早期作品,作为中国文坛先锋作品的代表.其血腥、冷漠、消解现实的主题受到了广泛深入的研究.而其叙事结构由于典型的凌乱、片段、消解整体的特征看似混乱较少人关注.本文欲从余华的时空迷宫叙事入手.探索他浑然融入时空迷宫的迷宫事件所展示的更接近个人精神的真实。  相似文献   

邢燕 《学理论》2013,(11):174-175
自20世纪80年代以来,萧红的作品重新发掘以后,学界开始对她的作品进行了深入的研究。从萧红主要作品的散文化倾向谈起,介绍她小说中的一种叙事策略。介绍了总体反讽、语言反讽和结构反讽等策略在其散文化小说中的运用,为人们认识萧红的作品提供新的视角。  相似文献   

王忠田 《学理论》2014,(5):148-149
世系是私修谱牒最为核心部分,其叙事文本类型与一般叙事性历史作品咸有不同,通过历史叙事分析,可将私修谱牒世系的文本类型划分为:有序连续陈述式文本、有序间断陈述式文本、无序连续陈述式文本、无序间断旁陈述式文本。且可通过叙事结构、叙事时间与叙事视角进一步分析私修谱牒世系中的叙事观念。  相似文献   

单宝凤 《学理论》2010,(10):158-159
中国的《水浒传》和英国的《侠盗罗宾汉》两部作品都是描写绿林英雄从被迫起义到接受招安直至最后灭亡的小说,这两部作品在很多方面有一定的相似性;但由于地域、民族以及文化的不同,决定了这两部作品的思想意识和创作方面等方面的不同。为了另辟蹊径,本文从叙事时序方面谈一下这两部作品的异同。  相似文献   

张芬  王晓荣 《理论导刊》2016,(8):117-120
西方近代历史"元叙事"是关于世界历史最早的合法性、垄断性叙事类型,以其对人类整体上的进步观念的笃信和空间二元性特征而深刻影响着西方甚至人类的自我认知以及对未来的期望。这种隐含着"西方中心主义"的叙事,从20世纪60年代以来遭到史学界的一致批判,但其关于历史进步的观念却被继承下来。中国的世界史编撰从一开始就突破了西方历史"元叙事"的模式并面临着重新改写的时代任务。  相似文献   

凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德是20世纪初在英美文坛才华出众且享誉盛誉的一位女作家。英国作家的身份赋予了她英国文学的优良传统,如字斟句酌,语言细腻准确、故事节奏紧凑等。同时作为20世纪初的女作家,她的短篇小说显示出独特的风格。在题材、语言形式、尤其是叙事方式上都大胆创新。凯瑟琳?曼斯菲尔德一贯以其在叙事方式上的创新为评论界所称道。《已故上校的女儿们》作为曼斯菲尔德短篇小说的经典之作,是其文风已经基本形成之后创作的作品。尤其是从叙事风格来看,已经可以称得上曼斯菲尔德叙事策略的代表之作。本文选择《已故上校的女儿们》作为分析文本,通过从叙事视角和叙事语言两个方面对其进行分析来揭示凯瑟琳?曼斯菲尔德精湛的叙事策略,以此呈现曼斯菲尔德的现代小说叙事风格。  相似文献   

The Solomon Islands became independent in 1978. Influenced by developments in neighbouring Papua New Guinea, a plan for provincial government has been introduced in order ostensibly to achieve more effective decentralization than operated through local government councils. This article describes the successive attempts at establishing local government councils and discusses the present plan for provincial government in the context of experience with local councils. The plan is seen as an attempt at returning power to the people and avoiding the development of a centralized authority serving the interests of those associated with Central government.  相似文献   

《Strategic Comments》2019,25(1):iv-vi
Sudanese protests that began late last year over rising bread prices have transformed into nationwide demonstrations calling for President Omar al-Bashir's resignation. His party and regime increasingly consider Bashir a liability. Yet Bashir's moulding of the security apparatus to serve his interests would complicate any attempt to replace him. While Bashir's departure now appears likely, its mechanism remains obscure.  相似文献   

金融在一国经济中的命脉作用决定了金融安全是一个国家经济安全的核心 ;对金融安全区及其实现条件的探讨 ,有利于规避内在原因所导致的金融风险 ;一些重要措施的采取 ,可以保证更好地实现金融安全。  相似文献   

What role does government play in the provision of public goods? Economists have used the lighthouse as an empirical example to illustrate the extent to which the private provision of public goods is possible. This inquiry, however, has neglected the private provision of lightships. We investigate the private operation of the world’s first modern lightship, established in 1731 on the banks of the Thames estuary going in and out of London. First, we show that the Nore lightship was able to operate profitably and without government enforcement in the collection of payments for lighting services. Second, we show how private efforts to build lightships were crowded out by Trinity House, the public authority responsible for establishing and maintaining lighthouses in England and Wales. By including lightships into the broader lighthouse market, we argue that the provision of lighting services exemplifies not a market failure, but a government failure.  相似文献   

A focus on 'modern' industrialized societies obscures both the great antiquity of the state and the powerful selective pressures that have led to the dominance of interstate competition, especially warfare. In pursuit of power, elites encouraged population growth and intensified the exploitation of the natural resource base, with progressively more severe ecological impacts. Modern technology has vastly amplified the problem. Though it makes possible sophisticated environmental management, that has been neglected for the demands of the military—industrial system. These ill-effects are reinforced by ignorance of ecology and inadequacy of traditional political thought. A major adaptive challenge faces modern states: to use their knowledge and resources for more humane, environmentally sensitive management and perhaps achieve a novel kind of steady state, or to renew emphasis on short-term competitive considerations.  相似文献   

The value-added tax (VAT) requires considerable sophistication on the part of both the taxpayers and the tax authorities in order to function effectively; not all countries meet this criteria. After Niger implemented the VAT in 1986, instead of realizing an increase in tax revenue it witnessed a decline, creating a major budget crisis. This article discusses why the VAT was an inappropriate choice for Niger, analyzes the reasons for the decline in tax revenue, and proposes alternative policies consistent with the administrative capacity of the Niger government and the existing socioeconomic environment.  相似文献   

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