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The Conference on China-US Relations: Past, Present &Future, co-hosted by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Texas A&M University and George Bush Presidential Library, was held at Texas A&M University from November 5 to Novem  相似文献   

T he first high-level Forum of the World Mega Cities Development cosponsored by the Boao Forum for Asia and the Nantong Municipal Peo-ple’s Government was held in Nantong from Sep-tember 26 to 27,2004.High-ranking representa-tives from 43 cities in 25 countries and 15 cities inthe Yangtze River Delta and cities in other parts of China gathered together in Nantong to discussmajor issues that they were confronted and con-cerned about in the course of urbanization so asto promote exchange…  相似文献   

The 12th Edgar Snow Symposium was held in Kansas City,Missouri State of the United States from October 18 to 19,2006.The China Society for People's Friendship Studies sent a delegation headed by its Vice President Mei Ping to attend it.Tong Zhiguang,former president of the Export-Import Bank of China and former vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation(now the Ministry of Commerce),Fan Jinshi,director of the Dunhuang Research Institute,and Jiang Chengyu,professor of biology and biochemistry at the Research Institute of Basic Medical Science under the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,were specially invited by the American side to attend the symposium.  相似文献   

On the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the birth of American Brigadier General Evans F.Carlson,an old friend of the Chinese people,at the invitation of Furman University in Greenville,S.C.,University of South Carolina,Columbia,and family members of Evans Carlson,a delegation of the Chinese Society for People's Friendship Studies went to the U.S.to attend the commemorative activities and visited the above two universities from October 23 to 24,2006.  相似文献   

At noon on September 25,1995, the auditorium of theCPAFFC was brightly illumi-nated and filled with a warm at-mosphere. A reception was be-  相似文献   

The third meeting of the China-Spain Forumwith the theme of “strengthening coopera-tion in an all-round and mutually-beneficial way”was held in Shanghai from March 21 to 22, 2006.In line with the development of new situation andthe need of strengthening China-Spain coopera-tion, the Legal Committee and the Committee ofRegions and Cities were set up at the meeting, andon the basis of the second meeting of the Forumin Barcelona, the Second Sino-Spanish Entrepre-neurs’ Summit of the Chi…  相似文献   

The CPAFFC and the Hong Kong Eric Hotung TrustFund jointly held a Forum on theDevelopment of East Timor in theFriendship Museum of theCPAFFC on January 27,2000.CPAFFC President Qi Huaiyuanand Mr. Eric Hotung, renownedinternational social activist, spoke  相似文献   

Tokyo in April, spring wasin the air with cherry flowersblossoming everywhere. At theinvitation of the Japan-ChinaCultural Exchange Association(JCCEA), Lin Lin, poet, vicepresident of the China-JapanFriendship Association (CJFA)and honorary president of theChina Institute of Japanese Lit-erature, went to Japan on April8 to receive the Yasushi InoueCultural Exchange Award  相似文献   

China‘s young tycoons and wealthy individuals are developing a lust for luxury goods.Virtually all the world‘s established brands have set up outlets in China, where their eyecatching products are causing a commotion. Industry analysts say that emerging markets are vital to luxury goods manufacturers‘ growth,  相似文献   

The Second Meeting of the China-Japan-Korea(RO K) Cultural Exchange Forum was held in Beijing on December 19,2006.Chinese representatives Liu Deyou,Wang Yunze and Jing Dunquan,Japanese representative and president of the Japan-China Friendship Association Ikuo Hirayama,and ROK representative and professor of Hanyang University Kim Yong-woon,among others,attended the meeting.  相似文献   

DURING World War Ⅱ, aU.S. air force commanded byMajor General C.L. Chennaultwas stationed in Chongqing,China. Its high-flying and long-range planes were the most ad-vanced in the world. Carrying outits anti-Japanese missions, it oftenbombed Japan and fought theJapanese army in cooperationwith the Chinese expeditionaryforce in Burma, making an ex-traordinary contribution to theanti-fascist war. Its outstandingcrew of well-trained airmen ex-erted painstaking efforts for themissions.  相似文献   

ChinaThroughtheEyesofaU.S.BusinessmanDAVEBRUELSexplainswhatledtohisdecisiontobringhistalentstoChinaafterhisretirementasaWeste...  相似文献   

In the vocabularies used by the Chinese today, "Bethune" is the ultimate synonym for the noble figure. It came from the period of anti-Japanese war when a Canadian physician Norman Bethune came to the frontiers of heavy gun fire to treat the great many Chinese wounded soldiers and eventually died in the anti-fascist battlefield himself due to exhaustion and surgical contraction. "What kind of spirit is this",  相似文献   

At the invitation of the U.S.- China Peoples FriendshipAssociation (USCPFA), aCPAFFC delegation led by ils vicepresident Li Xiaolin visited theU.S. from Oct. 9 to 19. It at-tended the 13th Seminar on U.S.-China Relations and the 18thUSCPFA National Convention inWashington D.C. and called onDr. Henry Kissinger in NewYork. Attending Activities Organized by USCPFA The USCPFA. founded in1974, is one of the largest and  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Sister Cities International of the United States(SCI), a Chinese delegation organized by theCPAFFC and composed of rep-resentatives from eight provincesand regions including Jiangxi,Hunan, Sichuan, Tibet, etc. at-tended the 44th annual confer-ence of the SCI in Denver, Colo-rado from June 28 to July 1,2000. An eleven-member art  相似文献   

正The astonishing transformation of China—its economic prowess, its rapid urbanization without slum cities, its scientific and technological prowess, the education of its vast population, its modern infrastructure which is the envy of much of the world, and its continually evolving pattern of governance that has enabled all these developments—has of course all occurred under the leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC).  相似文献   

Felix P. Camacho, governor of Guam of the United States,and his party of 12 visited Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong from September 25 to October 1, 2003 at the invitation of the CPAFFC. During their stay in China, Governor Camacho called on Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing,  相似文献   

The year 2020 was a turning point in many ways. A pandemic tested our capacity for international cooperation. Our impact on the changing environment became more urgent.  相似文献   

Mr Chairman, I would like to start by congratulating you, on behalf of the Chinese Government, on your assumption of the Chair of the inaugural session of the Human Rights Council. I have every confidence that under your able leadership this session will be successful. Mr Chairman, The inauguration of the Human Rights Council opens a new chapter in the cause  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Alliance in Memory ofVictims of the Nanjing Massacre in New Yorkand sent by the CPAFFC, a 45-member Philhar-monic Male Chorus Troupe of the Chinese Musi-cians Association with Zhou Jiechang as its head,  相似文献   

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